Astrology Library Inventory Shelf Count by Type of Materials, 23-9-2020

To accommodate the recent integration of the AA Archive into the same building as the astrological library I already managed here in South Wales, UK, I’ve done quite a bit of reshelving of other items in the library to improve the organisation, although it’s still far from perfect.

This is how it now breaks down in terms of shelf count by type of material in each room, presented in descending order of shelf count on a per-room basis for clarity. All items that are part of the AA Archive have been prefixed by the words ‘AA Archive’ on the same line to designate this belonging.

A typical shelf measures 76cm across, though there is some variation in this, e.g. top shelves may be as much as 80cm and the six shelves containing miscellaneous donations from Geoffrey Dean not filed elsewhere are slightly narrower than 75cm each.

Small Front Room:

Modern English-language paperbacks and pamphlets, non-academic: 43¼
Modern English-language books with non-standard bindings, non-academic: 6
American pulp / newsstand-type English-language magazines, overspill: 2
DVDs and CDs
Miscellaneous (mostly small modern) English-language hardbacks, non-academic: 1
Miscellaneous modern English-language books, non-academic: ½

Large Front Room:

German books, magazines and almanacs: 52½
Academic studies; histories; critical editions & modern English translations of old astrological texts; and dictionaries: 32½
20th Century American pulp / newsstand-type and large-format magazines: 18
AA Archive Modern English-language magazines and newsletters: 17
Modern English-language magazines and journals, other: 12¼
Indian books and magazines:
Miscellaneous large books and binders:
Non-astrological German books (mostly antiquarian):
Miscellaneous reprints of older astrological texts: ¾
AA Archive data collections: ¼

Large Rear Room:

French-language books, magazines and almanacs: 41¾
English-language books printed from 1880 to 1960: 27¼
Modern English-language hardbacks, non-academic: 17¼
Magazines and journals printed before 1960, English-language 12½
Modern English-language magazines, other: 12¼
Antiquarian books printed before 1900, English and Latin:
Miscellaneous modern books (mostly donations by Geoffrey Dean): 6
Almanacs, English-language, mostly pre-1960: 4
Academic journals, late 20th century / early 21st century:
Italian books and journals:
Spanish books:
W. J. Tucker (English-language) hardbacks, 1958-1970: 1
Magazines printed before 1960, Dutch: ½
Printed ephemerides for individual years, chiefly Raphael’s: ½
Academic hardbacks, oversized (‘Egyptian Astronomical Texts’):

AA Archive Room:

AA Archive German Books and Magazines: 14
AA Archive French Books and Magazines:
AA Archive Ephemerides, Tables of Houses and Birth Data Books:
AA Archive Pre-1970 English-language magazines:
AA Archive Dutch, Danish and Norwegian Books and Magazines:
AA Archive Italian Books and Magazines: 4
AA Archive Post-1970 issues of American Astrology magazine:
AA Archive Spanish Books and Magazines:
AA Archive Books in all other languages: ¾
AA Archive Oversized Reference Books and experimental materials: ½
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