Bibliography of Astrology Page 182:
Stangenberg – Stegemann

Stangenberg, Eva ‘Die Spirale der Mondknoten im Horoskop: Sechs Wege zur Mitte’ Astronova Versand, Tübingen, 2004

Stanley, Ena ‘Archetypes of Astrology: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Planets, Signs & Houses’ ACS Publications, an imprint of Starcrafts LLC, 334-A Calef Highway, Epping, NH, 2012. Glossy card covers

Stanton, Thomas, Director, Sidereal School of Astrology; Miyai, Miriam, Associate ‘The Instant Astrologer: Beginner’s Edition – Complete Natal Chart Preparation and Interpretations’ Second Printing – [Presumed Self-Published], Printed in Los Angeles, California, March, 1969[1]. A4-sized unmarked card covers edged with overlain cloth at inner margins; bound by staples through inner margins   (two redundant holes punched in tops of both covers). (Chart blank on page-12 hand-filled in black ink; the one on p. 16 seems to have been filled in in print, or at least prior to the photocopying process that produced this volume).[1 leaf] + [single-sided leaves 1-53] + [single-sided leaves 54-66 of tables]

Stanton, Thomas – see also under Eshelman, James, above.

Star, Angel (pseud.) – see under Quigley, Joan, above

Star, Docteur Ély[2] ‘L’Astrologie, ou l’Art de Voir l’Avenir – Avec figures et tableaux explicatifs[4]‘ E. Dentu, Éditeur, Paris, undated[5]. Three copies. Copy A: Original pictorial paper covers (chipping to top inch and bottom cm of spine, with remainder somewhat rubbed; slight chipping to upper inner corner of rear cover and rfep. Chipping to upper outer corners of leaves comprising pp. 21-4, far from text). Copy B: Original pictorial paper covers (covers detached; chipping to extremities of spine and to front side of middle of spine, with significant further paper splitting to surface of spine; binding completely split between pp. 80-81. Leaves comprising pp. 9-16; 17-24; 25-32; 33-40; 41-8; 49-56; 57-64; 65-72; 73-80; 83-6; 89-96; 97-104; 105-112; 113-120; 121-8; 129-136; 137-144; 145-152; 153-160; 161-8; 169-176; and 185-[192] still joined at top edges; some of the same leaves also joined at outer edges: need separating.) Copy C: Original pictorial paper covers (chipping to extremities of spine; tearing down spine creases; 3 inches’ separation to top of front hinge; 1 cm separation to foot of same; 3 cm separation to foot of rear hinge; occasional slight tearing to top and bottom edges of covers). (2-inch tear to bottom edge of ffep, with further internal tear. Leaves comprising pp. 89-92 and 105-112 carelessly cut at outer edges, with resultant marginal chipping. Horizontal tearing to outer margins of leaves comprising pp. 105-8, crossing into text without loss; two characters of text lost from outer margin of p. 112 as effect of marginal chipping. Long tears to outer edges of leaves comprising pp. 105-8, crossing some text but without loss. Chipping to upper margins of leaves comprising pp. 97-102, without effect to text. Leaves comprising pp. 73-80; 81-8; 121-8; 129-136; 137-144; 145-152; 153-160; 161-8; 169-176; 185-192 still joined at top edges; leaves comprising pp. 73-6; 77-80; 121-4; 125-8; 137-140; 141-4; 153-6; 157-160; 169-172; 173-6; 185-8; 189-192 also joined at outer edges: need separating. Tearing to outer margin of leaf comprising pp. 89-90, without loss.) All three copies: [Front cover with ornate illustration printed in shades of green, black and white] + [2 leaves] + [pp. 5-113] + [2 pages of tables] + [pp. 116-191] + [1] + [rear cover featuring advertisements]

Star, Docteur Ély ‘[Collection A.-L. Guyot 1010:] Astrologie Populaire – L’Art de Tirer Son Horoscope. Les Sciences Divinatoires. L’Astromancie kabbalistique. Les Signatures planétaires. La Théorie des Tempéraments. Le Zodiaque dans l’Humanité.Théorie et Pratique des Horoscopes. Les Paranatellons stellaires. Les Vertus occultes des Gemmes’ A. L. Guyot, Éditeur, 12, rue Paul-Lelong, Paris[6] / 6 et 8, rue Duguay-Trouin, Paris[7], undated.[8] Original elaborately pictorial paper covers printed in black, red, two shades of green, purple, orange and rose (heavy separation to lowest two inches of rear spine hinge, allied to horizontal tear across spine paper; slight chipping and moderate wear to foot of spine; moderate wear to uppermost cm of front hinge; books advertised on rear cover lined through in ruled red ink). (First page of advertisements towards end of volume also has all its book titles lined through with ruled red ink; following page has about half of its lined through alike.) [1 leaf of advertisements] + [2 leaves] + [pp. 7-13] + [pp. 15-27] + [pp. 29-55] + [pp. 57-83] + [pp. 85-111] + [1 page of illustrations] + [pp. 113-5] + [2 pages of tables] + [pp. 118-9] + [pp. 121-169] + [pp. 171-7] + [pp. 179-184] + [1] + [7 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 1 page of advertisements]

Star, Docteur Ély ‘[Collection A.-L. Guyot 1010:] Astrologie Populaire – L’Art de Tirer Son Horoscope. Les Sciences Divinatoires. L’Astromancie kabbalistique. Les Signatures planétaires. La Théorie des Tempéraments. Le Zodiaque dans l’Humanité.Théorie et Pratique des Horoscopes. Les Paranatellons stellaires. Les Vertus occultes des Gemmes’ Collection A. L. Guyot, 20, rue des Petits-Champs, Paris, undated.[9] Original pictorial paper covers printed in black, red and pale green only[10] (later price sticker bearing much higher price adhered over original printed price to front cover). [3 leaves] + pp. 7-13] + [pp. 15-27] + [pp. 29-55] + [pp. 57-83] + [pp. 85-111] + [1 page of illustrations] + [pp. 113-5] + [2 pages of tables] + [pp. 118-9] + [pp. 121-169] + [pp. 171-7] + [pp. 179-184] + [1] +[7 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 1 page of advertisements]

Star, Ély ‘L’Astromancie ou Astrologie Lunaire: Méthode Pratique’ Chacornac Frères, 11, Quai Saint-Michel, Paris, 1938. Original thin card covers. [3] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 7-45] + [2] + [rear cover featuring 1 page of advertisements]

Star, Ély, Professeur de Sciences Occultes ‘[Petite Bibliothèque Universelle:] Cours d’Astrologie’ Librairie des Publications à Cinq Centimes, 34, Rue de la Montagne-Sainte-Geneviève, Paris, undated[11]. Three copies. All copies: Original pictorial paper covers. Copy A: (light chipping to extremities of spine; 1-inch tear down centre of spine paper from top; 1.5 cm separation to foot of rear hinge; a few short tears to edges of covers). Copy B: (front cover lightly chipped at top edge and lower corners; rear cover heavily chipped at all corners; spine mostly perished; browned old tape repair down inner margin of front cover; rear cover detached). Copy C: (Front cover together with title page but both detached from binding. Wear to foot of spine. 1.7 tear to outer edge of leaf comprising pp. 129-130. Leaves comprising pp. 137-140 still joined at bottom edges; need separating.) Copies A and B: [1 leaf] + [pp. 3-160] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy C: [1 leaf] + [pp. 3-160] + [rear cover featuring advertisements]

Star, Ély; intr. Flammarion, Camille et Péladin, Joséphin ‘Les Mystères de l’Horoscope – 9 Figures Astrologiques dans le Texte’ E. Dentu, Éditeur, Palais-Royal, 15-17-19, Galerie d’Orléans, 3, Place Valois, Paris, 1888. Quarter cloth (moderate wear to extremities of spine) with paper-covered boards (heavy wear to outer corners; moderate edgewear). (Blue underlining to p. 93.) [2 leaves] + x + xii + 42 + [p. 45 (1)] + [pp. 44-97] + [pp. 99-373] + [pp. 375-9] + [pp. 381-3]

Star, Ély; intr. Flammarion, Camille et Péladin, Joséphin ‘Les Mystères de l’Horoscope’ 3e Édition – Henri Durville, Imprimeur-Éditeur, 23, Rue Saint Merri, Paris (IVe), undated[12]. Quarter leather (rebound thus) (light scuffing to extremities of spine and of hinges) with paper-covered boards (heavy wear to outer corners; patches of occasionally heavy edgewear). (4 cm tear to bottom margin of leaf comprising pp. 149-150, slightly obtruding into lowest lines of text, without loss.) [Original thin card front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 leaves] + [pp. 5-122] + [2] + [pp. 125-293] + [pp. 295-6] + [original thin card rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]

Starck, Marcia ‘Astrology: Key to Holistic Health’ Third Printing – Seek-It Publications, Birmingham, Michigan, 1987

Starck, Marcia ‘Earth Mother Astrology: Ancient Healing Wisdom’ [2nd Impression] – Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, MN, 1990

Starck, Marcia ’Healing with Astrology’ 2nd Printing – The Crossing Press, Freedom, California, 1998[12a]. Glossy card covers. (Former bookseller’s price sticker to rear cover.)

Starck, Marcia ‘Medical Astrology: Healing for the 21st Century’ Earth Medicine Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2002

Starsky and Cox [sic] ‘Cosmic Coupling: the Sextrology of Relationships’ Three Rivers Press / Crown Publishing Group, New York, 2009

Starsky, Stella and Cox, Quinn ‘Sextrology: the Astrology of Sex and the Sexes’ [13th Impression] – Collins Lifestyle, HarperCollins Publishers Inc., New York, NY, unclearly dated[13]

Startup, Michael Jonathan ‘The Validity of Astrological Theory as Applied to Personality, with Special Reference to the Angular Separation Between Planets – University of London, Goldsmiths’ College (Great Britain), Ph.D. 1984’ University Microfilms International, unclearly dated[14]. A4 looseleaf sheets[15]

Stathis, Georgia Anna ‘Business Astrology 101: Weaving the Web Between Business and Myth’ Starcycles Publishing, Pleasant Hill, California, 2001

Staudenmann, Mary Jane ’Desire and Design: a Look at Venus and Mars in Action’ Second Edition – No publisher stated, unclearly dated[15a]. Large-format outwardly glossy card covers (scratch across middle part of front cover). Contents embellished with extensive colour illustrations. [4] + [pp. v-vii] + 3 + [pp. 5-15] + [pp. 17-29] + [pp. 31-7] + [pp. 39-43] + [pp. 45-51] + [pp. 53-69] + [pp. 71-91] + [pp. 93-127] + [pp. 129-131] + [pp. 133-9] + [pp. 141-167] + [pp. 169-191] + [pp. 193-203] + [pp. 205-221]  + [pp. 223-249] + [pp. 251-9] + [pp. 261-271] + [pp. 273-8] + [imprimatur]

Stearn, Jess[16] ‘A Time for Astrology’ Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, Inc., New York, 1971. Quarter-cloth with paper-covered boards, in dj (wear to extremities of spine; moderate wear to extremities of flap-folds; light wear to spine hinges and surface of flap-folds; 1.5 cm chip lost from foot of rear cover; 7mm chip lost from upper inner corner of rear cover; 2 cm tear and further shorter tears to top edge of rear cover; 1.5 cm tear to bottom edge of front cover). [5] + [1 leaf] + [p. 9] + [2] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 15-33] + [2 pages of figures] + [pp. 36-137] + [pp. 139-140] + [2 pages of figures] + [pp. 143-179] + [4 pages of figures] + [pp. 184-9] + [2 pages of figures] + [pp. 192-218] + [2 pages of figures] + [pp. 221-5] + [2 pages of figures] + [pp. 228-267] + [pp. 269-280] + [3 pages of figures] + [pp. 284-5] + [pp. 287-297] + [figure] + [pp. 299-335] + [figure] + [pp. 337-8] + [figure] + [pp. 340-1] + [pp. 342-351 of tables] + [pp. 352] + [pp. 353-390 of tables] + [p. 391] + [pp. 392-417 of tables] + [pp. 418-440]

Steele, John M., ed. ‘[Time, Astronomy and Calendars: Texts and Studies[16a], Volume 6:] The Circulation of Astronomical Knowledge in the Ancient World[16b]‘ Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, the Netherlands, 2016. Glossy paper-covered boards. [4] + [pp. v-x] + 575 + [pp. 577-585]

Steffes, Marcel und Pfefferkorn, Otto Martin ‘Mensch und Tierkreis: betrachtet vom astrologisch-astronomischen Tierkreis mit physisch-psychischer Deutung und Begründung’ 1. Auflage – Drei Eichen Verlag Hermann Kissener, 8 München-Pasing, April 1964. Original printed errata page laid in. Original cloth in dj. [1 leaf] + [7] + [p. 11] + [1] + [p. 13] + [1] + [1 leaf] + [2] + [pp. 19-25] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 29-32] + [3 pages of plates] + [pp. 37-41] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 45-59] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 63-9] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 73-7] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 81-4] + [1 leaf] + [2] + [pp. 89-92] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 97-101] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 105-111] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 115-123] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 127-132] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 137-140] + [plate] + [pp. 141-9] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 153-161] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 165-172] + [2] + [pp. 175-182] + [2] + [pp. 185-200] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 205-239] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 243-6] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 251-7] + [2] + [pp. 261-309] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 313-5] + [1] + [2] + [pp. 319-322] + [1] + [pp. 324-6] + [1] + [1 page of advertisements]

Stegemann, Viktor ‘[ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ – Studien zur Geschichte des Antiken Weltbildes und der Griechischen Wissenschaft begründet von Franz Boll, Heft IX:] Astrologie und Universalgeschichte: Studien und Interpretationen zu den Dionysiaka des Nonnos von Panopolis – Mit einer Sternkarte’ Verlag und Druck von B. G. Teubner in Leipzig und Berlin, 1930. This copy signed by author to ffep: “Herrn Professor Gündel, … überreicht vom Verfasser. 29.3.30”. Some inked and pencilled scholarly marginal annotations by one of the Gündels, presumably Wilhelm[17], within. Review of the book by Gündel, in its context within two successive leaves of an unidentified journal printed in gothic script (some tears to page-edges), laid in. Also laid in, a typed draft of the same review on two single-sided leaves of purple typescript, with manuscript corrections (some tears along folds). Further laid in, three pages of manuscript notes by Gündel, on the reverse sides of partial pages of other pieces of his corrected draft typing on the theme of “Die Tierkreisbilder”. Original cloth (light wear to foot of spine; heavy separation down rear inner paper hinge, but webbing beneath strong). (Occasional previous owner’s inked underlinings and marginal lines.) [2 leaves] + [pp. v-viii] + 209 + [pp. 210-221 of tables] + [pp. 222-257] + [2-panel fold-out star map on translucent thin paper] + [2-panel fold-out star map on plate paper]

Stegemann, Viktor ‘[Prager Deutsche Studien[18], 52. Heft:] Aus einem mittelalterlichen deutschen astronomisch-astrologischen Lehrbüchlein: Eine Untersuchung über Entstehung, Herkunft und Nachwirkung eines Kapitels über Planetenkinder’ Sudetendeutscher Verlag Franz Kraus, Reichenberg, 1944. Original card covers (light tearing and moderate wear to foot of spine; some staining to covers). [Front cover backed with series details] + [3] + [1 leaf] + [2] + [pp. 9-74] + [bound-in errata slip] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]

Stegemann, Viktor ‘[Monographien des Archiv Orientální: Untersuchungen, Texte und Übersetzungen herausgegeben von J. Rypka, Band XI:] Dorotheos von Sidon und das Sogenannte Introductorium des Sahl Ibn Bišr’ Orientalisches Institut in Prag – Orientální Ústav V Praze, Prag – Praha, 1942. Ink-signed indecipherably to upper margin of front cover, possibly by the author: “Mit herzlichen Grüßen, V. …g, 11.1.43”. Original card covers (detached from book block though solid in themselves; incompletely bound copy, with glue down inner spine but no cords to retain leaves within individual gatherings; appears to have never been bound properly in the first place). (A little red pencilled underlining to p. 13; small purple inked marginal notes to pp. 38; 51; 65; 67; and 88; a little inked underlining to p. 69.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [1] + [2 leaves] + [2] + [pp. 9-88] + [1] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]

Stegemann, Viktor ‘[Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums und des Mittelalters[19], Reihe B: Zusammengefaßte Denkmälergruppen – Heft 1:] Die Fragmente des Dorotheos von Sidon: 1. Lieferung’ Im Selbstverlag von F. Bilabel, Heidelberg, Werderstraße 32, 1939. This copy ink-signed by author to upper margin of front cover: “Mit besten Grüßen, 13.9.39, Ihr V. Stegemann”. Original medium-format card covers (inked title label to spine; further inked note of unclear relevance beneath author’s signature to front cover, in a different hand). (Small purple-inked scholarly marginal note to pp. 5; a little coloured-pencilled and inked underlining and occasional marginal lines to pp. 6; 14; 19-21; 24; 29; 31; 35; 45; 57 and 71.) [Front cover backed with foreword] + 62 + [1 leaf] + [pp. 65-72] + [rear cover featuring imprimatur]

Stegemann, Viktor ‘[Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums und des Mittelalters[20], Reihe B: Zusammengefaßte Denkmälergruppen – Heft 1:] Die Fragmente des Dorotheos von Sidon: 2. Lieferung’ Im Selbstverlag von F. Bilabel, Heidelberg, Werderstraße 32, 1943. This copy apparently ink-initialed by author to upper margin of front cover: “Mit herzl. Grüßen… VS.”. Original medium-format card covers (1-inch separation to top of front hinge; hand-inked title label to spine). (Sparse scholarly purple-inked marginal annotations to pp. 75; 78; 92; and 106.) [Front cover backed with foreword] + [pp. 73-140] + [rear cover featuring imprimatur]

Stegemann, V. ‘[Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums und des Mittelalters[21], Reihe D: Untersuchungen und Mitteilungen – Heft 2: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Astrologie I:] Der Griechische Astrologe Dorotheos von Sidon und der arabische Astrologe Abu ’l-Hasan ’Ali ibn abi ’r-Rigal, genannt Albohazen’ Im Selbstverlag von F. Bilabel, Heidelberg, Werderstraße 32, 1935. This copy ink-signed by author to upper margin of front cover: “Mit besten Grüssen – Ihr V. Stegemann’. Original slightly oversized medium-format paper covers (hand-inked title label to spine; a little minor edge-tearing to front cover; purple-inked note to front cover). Contents printed in gothic script throughout. (Former owner’s occasional coloured pencilled and inked underlining, marginal lines and marginal annotations to pp. 4-7; 14; 38; and 40-1.)  [2] + [pp. 3-21] + [pp. 23-41]

Stegemann, Viktor – see also under Boll, Franz, above


[1] The date of the first is given as October, 1968. The present volume however appears to be a bound monochrome photocopy of the original second printing of the book, unless of course that is the manner in which the second printing itself was produced from the first. James Eshelman notes in his introduction to “The New Instant Astrologer” (1976) (q. v. under Eshelman, above) that Stanton and Miyai’s book had reached a fourth printing in 1973 and that that one was “issued by the University of Texas” in connection with a Community College associated with the university, in which it was used. However, he adds that the book had “never been intended for wide circulation”; and indeed it is my observation that all four original printings are now very scarce on the free market

[2] Pseud. of Eugène Jacob

[4] In the introduction to this work, the author explains it as a response to the strong criticism he received for his earlier work “Les Mystères de l’Horoscope” (q.v.) on account of its popularisation of onomantic astrological methods (as compared with “real astrology”). However, even the present work includes significant geomantic content

[5] B.N.F. gives 1897

[6] Address as given on title page and in internal advertising

[7] Address as given on pictorial front cover and in advertising on rear cover

[8]This copy bears the cover price of 20 centimes and is clearly, from the more elaborate multi-colour cover artwork, the original edition; believed published 1900s. However, the contradictory internal and external publisher’s addresses raise further questions, indicating the possibility of a second issue of the original edition.

[9] This copy bears the higher printed cover price of 30 centimes, which together with the fact of the changed address and simplified cover design would indicate a somewhat later date of publication than the above edition. The contents appear unchanged except for the different advertisements

[10] As well as being simplified in terms of the range of colours used, this edition bears a completely different front cover pictorial design from the original edition listed above

[11] Library records show  1892

[12] Presumed a 1920s or 1930s reprint of the above

[12a] After the original printing of 1997

[13] Dated 2005; but this may relate to an earlier printing

[14] A print-on-demand facsimile-based reprint, issued March 2009, of the original dissertation

[15] I have not yet been able to paginate this because it remains shrink-wrapped within temporary card end-supports awaiting binding

[15a] Copyrighted 2014, but no indication is given as to the age of this edition, which is only declared as the second on the front cover. This edition is a print-on-demand publication, this copy having been issued in 2021

[16] A male author, although Jess is often used as an abbreviation for Jessica too.

[16a] A series of publications collectively edited by Charles Burnett and Sacha Stern, assisted by an editorial board comprising twelve other scholars

[16b] A collection of seventeen studies by different scholars, including Francesca Rochberg, Alexander Jones, and the editor. Seven of the studies are specifically related to astrology; other topics include astronomy, calendars and the transmission of knowledge

[17] Hans Georg was born only in 1912

[18] A series of publications founded in 1905 by August Sauer and Carl v. Kraus, and subsequently edited by Herbert Cysarz and Erich Geirach, but edited at the time of publication of this volume by Ernst Schwarz and Erich Trunz before the named present editors took it over. It is described as the publication series of the Germanistische Schule of the Deutschen Universität in Prague

[19] A series of publications collectively edited at this time by Univ.-Prof. F. Bilabel in Heidelberg, and Univ-Prof. A. Grohmann in Prague

[20] Ibid.

[21] Ibid.

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