Bibliography of Astrology Page 139:
Oppenheim – Owen

Oppenheim, A. Leo[1] ‘Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilisation’ Second Impression – The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1965[2]. Cloth (moderate wear to extremities of spine hinges and outer corners of boards) in dj (moderate wear to tops of spine hinges; light wear to feet of same; 1 cm tear to foot of front cover; 2 cm tear to foot of rear cover; 1.5 cm tear to top of same; 1 cm separation to foot of rear flap-fold; light chipping to extremities of flap-folds). [5] + [2] + [p. ix] + [2] + 5 + [pp. 7-16] + [illustration] + [1] + [pp. 17-50] + [illustration] + [1] + [pp. 51-76] + [illustration] + [1] + [pp. 77-102] + [illustration] + [1] + [pp. 103-126] + [illustration] + [1] + [pp. 127-148] + [illustration] + [1] + [pp. 149-168] + [illustration] + [1] + [pp. 169-190] + [illustration] + [1] + [pp. 191-216] + [illustration] + [1] + [pp. 217-240] + [illustration] + [1] + [pp. 241-264] + [illustration] + [1] + [pp. 265-290] + [illustration] + [1] + [pp. 291-310] + [illustration] + [1] + [pp. 311-330] + [illustration] + [1] + [pp. 331-433] + [large 12-panel fold-out map held in pocket pasted to rear paste-down, as issued by publisher]

Oppenheim, Prof. Dr. S., in Wien ‘[Aus Natur und Geisteswelt: Sammlung wissenschaftlich-gemeinverständlicher Darstellungen – 444. Bandchen:] Das astronomische Weltbild im Wandel der Zeit – I. Teil: Vom Altertum bis zur Neuzeit’ Dritte Auflage, 10.-14. Tausend – Mit 18 Abbildungen im Text – Verlag und Druck von B. G. Teubner in Leipzig und Berlin, 1920[3]. Original cloth (light wear to tops of spine hinges and lower outer corner of front board). Contents printed in gothic script throughout. [4] + [pp. 5-136]

Oppenheim, Prof. Dr. S., in Wien ‘[Aus Natur und Geisteswelt: Sammlung wissenschaftlich-gemeinverständlicher Darstellungen – 445. Bandchen:] Das Astronomische Weltbild im Wandel der Zeit – II. Teil: Moderne Astronomie’ Zweite Auflage – Mit 9 Figuren im Text und 1 Tafel – Verlag und Druck von B. G. Teubner in Leipzig und Berlin, 1920[4]. Original cloth (light wear to some outer corners of boards). Contents printed in gothic script throughout. [3 pages of advertisements inc. front paste-down] + [4] + [pp. 5-114] + [2 pages of plates] + [pp. 115-130] + [5 pages of advertisements inc. rear paste-down]

Oppenheimer, Wolfgang ‘Die Macht der Sterne: Astrologie und Geschichte’ Universitas Verlag in F. A. Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, München, 1994. Two copies. Cloth in dj. 64 + [8] + [pp. 65-136] + [8] + [pp. 137-208] + [8] + [pp. 209-269] + [1 leaf of advertisements]

Oramaat, Omra ‘”Astro-Logic” Part One: “the degrees” Intergalactic Astro-Logical Order “IAO”, Toronto, Ontario, 1972

Oramaat, Omra; tr. Armstrong, Robin; Morrow, Jennifer; Zippan, Sieghilde; Lawson, Victoria and Mammone, Mary[5] ‘[Intergalactic Astro-Logical Order / L’Order Astro-Logique Intergalactique / Intergalaktische Astro-Logische Ordnung / El Orden Intergalactico Astro-Logica / Ordine Intergalassico Astro-Logico…:] Astro-Logic Part Two: “the Synthesis”[6]‘ IAO Publications, 20 Draper St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5V, 1976. Large-format card covers. [1 leaf] + 3 + [pp. 5-6] + [pp. 9-15] + [pp. 17- 84] + [p. 86] + [p. 88] + [p. 90] + [pp. 92-5] + [pp. 97-109] + [pp. 111-163] + [pp. 165-179] + [pp. 181-204] + [4 pages of illustrations] + [1 leaf]

Orban, Peter ‘Saturn und die Macht des Schicksals’ 2. Auflage – Kailash / Heinrich Hugendubel Verlag, 2001. Paper-covered boards. 221pp + [2 pages of advertisements]

Orban, Peter, under Mitarbeit von Zinnel-Novakovic, Ingrid ‘Astrologie als Therapie: Auf der Suche nach der Lüge: Ein Selbsterfahrungsbuch’ Heinrich Hugendubel Verlag, München, 1986. Cloth in dj. 239pp

Oresme, Nicole; ed. Caroti, S. ‘Quaestio contra divinatores horoscopios[7]in Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Litteraire du Moyen Age[8], Année 1976[9] – Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 6 Place de la Sorbonne, Ve, Paris, 1977. Card covers (repaired 1 cm tear with  related creasing to outer edge of front cover). (Further archival-tissue-repaired 1 cm tear to outer edge of half-title leaf.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [1 leaf] + [2] + [pp. 7-199] + [pp. 201-335] + [1 page of advertisements] + [imprimatur] + [1 page of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]

Oresme, Nicole – see also under Coopland, G. W., above

Origanus, David, Galcensis Silesii Mathematici, &c. ‘Astrologia Naturalis. Sive Tractatus De Effectibus Astrorum Absolutissimus. In quo Omni Astrologiae, ut Vocant, Iudiciariae Vanitate, Superstitione, ac Impietate Christiano homine indigna penitus euersa, Vera Phsysica Coelestis ex propriis, ac genuinis Fundamentis astruitur. Opus Medicis, Agricolis, Nautis, ac Caeteris Naturalis Actiones recte dirigere cupientibus plane necessarium’ Io Baptistae Senii Genuensis, Massiliae, 1645. Paper-covered thin boards. [1 leaf] +[34] + 86 + [p. 79] + [pp. 88-130] + [p. 133 (1)] + [pp. 132-454]

Orion, Luc ‘[Tout le Monde Astrologue:] L’Astrologie Dévoilée: Connaissance pratique de sa Destinée d’après la Tradition et la Science’ Librairie des Publications Populaires, 16, Rue des Fossés-Saint-Jacques, Paris, undated[10]. Paper covers (tearing to extremities of spine hinges, especially at foot). (Separation at inner paper hinges between pp. 16-17; pp. [32]-[33]; and pp. 48-9. Leaves comprising pp. [33]-40 still joined at top edges; need separating. 2-inch diagonal tear to outer margin of leaf comprising pp. 111-2; 1-inch vertical tear to foot of leaf comprising pp. [243]-4.) [Front cover featuring elaborate coloured art illustration] + [4] + 5 + [pp. 7-29] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 33-45] + [pp. 47-59] + [pp. 61-3] + [double-page table] + [pp. 66-7] + [pp. 69-81] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 85-91] + [pp. 93-103] + [double-page table] + [pp. 106-119] + [pp. 121-133] + [pp. 135-149] + [pp. 151-207] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 211-225] + [pp. 227-241] + [pp. 243-8] + [rear cover featuring 1 page of advertisements]

Orleane, Pia, Ph. D.; Smith, Cullen Baird; Laarkmaa; intr. Johnson, Kenneth ’Pleidian-Earth Energy Astrology: Charting the Spirals of Consciousness’ [First Impression] – Bear & Company, 1 Park Street, Rochester, Vermont, 2018. Outwardly glossy card covers

Ormsby, Frank Earl, A Magian Mystic ‘”The Law and the Prophets”: a Scientific Work on the Relationship between Physical Bodies, Vegetable, Animal Human, and Planetary. Designed for the Instruction and Guidance of Students in the Occult Sciences’ [Self-Published], Chicago, 1894[11]. Cloth (fraying to extremities of spine and outer corners of boards; heavier wear to some outer corners). (Front inner paper hinge split but crudely repaired with clear tape; rear inner paper hinge split but an old clear tape repair has come undone and needs professional replacement; 2-inch vertical tear to inner margin of leaf ending in p. 206 (1); marginal chipping and tearing and further tape repair to ffep.) Printed on slightly glossy paper throughout. [Frontis.] + [2] + [pp. v-xiii] + [1] + [pp. 15-109] + [2 pages of figures] + [pp. 112-3] + [2 pages of figures] + [pp. 116-7] + [2 pages of figures] + [pp. 120-165] + [2 pages of figures and illustrations] + [p. 168] + [2 pages of figures and illustrations] + [p. 171] + [2 pages of figures and illustrations] + [pp. 174-5] + [2 pages of figures and illustrations] + [pp. 178-185] + [2 pages of illustrations] + [p. 188] +[2 pages of figures and illustrations] + [pp. 191-202] + [3 pages of tables] + [p. 206 (1)] + [pp. 205-10]

Ormsby, Frank Earl, A Magian Magician ‘”The Law and the Prophets”: a Scientific Work on the Relationship between Physical Bodies, Vegetable, Animal, Human, and Planetary. Designed for the Instruction and Guidance of Students in the Occult Sciences’ Second Edition[12] – F. E. Ormsby & Co. Publishers, Chicago, 1900. Cloth (light wear to extremities of spine, outer corners of boards, and part of surface of spine). (Separation down inner paper hinge after initial photograph; heavy separation to rear inner paper hinge, with only part of webbing beneath intact: needs professional repair.) Printed on slightly glossy paper throughout. [Tinted portrait] + [frontis.] + [2] + [pp. v-xi] + [pp. 12-48] + [colour plate] + [pp. 49-105] + [2 pages of figures] + [pp. 108-9] + [2 pages of figures] + [pp. 112-3] + [2 pages of figures] + [pp. 116-7] + [2 pages of figures] + pp. 120-165] + [2 pages of figures and illustrations] + [pp. 168-171] + [2 pages of figures and illustrations] + [pp. 174-5] + [2 pages of figures and illustrations] + [pp. 178-185] + [2 pages of illustrations] + [p. 188] + [1 page of figures] + [photographic plate] + [pp. 191-7] + [photographic plate] + [pp. 199-220] + [colour plate] + [pp. 221-2] + [2 plates] + [pp. 225-268] + [4]

Orpheus – see under Dorotheus, above

Orr, Marjorie ‘The Astrological History of the World’ Vega, London N7, 2002

Orr, Marjorie ‘Lovers’ Guide: an Astrological Key to Relationships’ The Aquarian Press, HarperCollinsPublishers, 1994

Orser, Mary; Brightfield, Rick and Brightfield, Glory ‘Astro Rhythms: the Key to your Daily, Monthly, and Longer-range Emotional and Energy Cycles’ Harper Colophon Books, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, N.Y. 1980

Orser, Mary; Brightfield, Rick and Brightfield, Glory ‘Predicting with Astrology’ Harper Colophon Books, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, N. Y., 1980

Orser, Mary and Brightfield, Rick & Glory ‘What’s My Sign?’ First Perennial Library Edition – Perennial Library / Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, Hagerstown, San Francisco, London, 1978. Small-format card covers (staining to top of front cover; tiny chip lost from foot of rear cover; moderate edgewear)

Orser, Mary and Zarro, Richard A. ‘Changing Your Destiny: Dynamic New Astrological and Visualization Tools to Shape Your Future’ Harper & Row, Publishers, 1989

Osborn, Kevin and Burgess, Dana L., Ph.D. ’The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Classical Mythology’ Second Edition – Alpha Books, 37 Hudson Street, New York, N.Y., a member of Penguin Group (U.S.A.) Ltd., 2004. Medium-format card covers (glued into clear plastic by former library owner; additional library classification sticker adhered around lower part of spine). (Remains of former library label to title page; library stamp to foot of copyright page.) 

Osten, Gar ‘The Astrological Chart of the United States, 1776 to 2141’ Stein & Day, Publishers, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y., 1976. Quarter-cloth (light wear to extremities of spine) with paper-covered boards (light wear to lower outer corners) in dj (2 cm tear to lower inner corner of rear cover; moderate wear to top of spine and extremities of flap-folds; light wear along surface of front flap-fold; small chip lost from lower edge of rear cover; light wear to lower edge of rear cover and foot of spine). [7] + [p. 5] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 9-272]

Ostrander, Sheila & Shroeder, Lynn ‘Astrological Birth Control’ Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1972. Cloth (light wear to upper outer corner of front board) in dj (1-inch tear to top edge of front cover, with further slight internal tearing to upper outer corner of same; small chip lost from foot of front cover; 7mm separation to top of front flap-fold; light wear to extremities of spine). [3] + [pp. iv-vii] + [3] + 130 + [illustration] + [pp. 132-169] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 173-187] + [2 pages of tables] + [pp. 190-1] + [2] + [pp. 194-213] + [2 pages of tables] + [pp. 216-224] + [3 pages of figures] + [pp. 226-243]

Ott, Ernst ‘Der Deszendent: Das Tor zur Partnerschaft im Horoskop’ 2. Auflage – Chiron Verlag, Tübingen, 2001

Otting, Dr. Arnold ’Astrologie-Pfiffikus: Verbüffend einfache Anleitung zur Erstellung des Horoskops für Sie selbst und für andere ohne Vorkenntnisse’ Paul Linke, Karlsruhe – Leipzig, undated[12a]. Working volvelle device of thin card construction labelled ’Horoskopaios GoErG Monatsscheibe’[12b] laid in, in duplicate. Also laid in, two copies of a printed diagram on square paper labelled ’Tierkreisscheibe zur Anfertigung der Häuserinteilung’. Original printed plain card covers (1 cm chip lost from upper inner corner of front cover; further light chipping to top edge of same; large chip lost from upper outer corner of rear cover). (1 cm tear to outer edge of title page.) Corrected paragraph of printed text adhered over the top of originally printed one to p. 14, and dates on pp. 18 and 23 overwritten in print with a corrected one, presumed as issued. [2] + [pp. 3-52]

Ouranos ‘Les Directions Horaires: Exposé d’un Nouveau Système de Directions’ Adyar, 4, Square Rapp, Paris, 1948. Card covers (light tearing to top of spine). [2 leaves] + [pp. 7-15] + [pp. 17-21] + [pp. 23-70] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 73-5 of tables] + [1 leaf] + [1] + [12 pages of tables] + [pp. 93-4] + [2 pages of advertisements]

Ovason, David ‘The Book of the Eclipse: the Hidden Influence of Eclipses’ Arrow Books Limited, Random House UK Ltd., London SW1V, 1999

Ovason, David ‘The History of the Horoscope’ Sutton Publishing Limited, Phoenix Mill, Thrupp, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5, 2005. Cloth in dj (light wear to extremities of flap-folds; some staining to rear cover). Contents printed on slightly glossy paper throughout. [1 leaf] + [3] + [illustration] + 186 + [8 pages of plates] + [pp. 187-298]

Ovason, David ‘The Secret Zodiacs of Washington DC: Was the City of Stars Planned by Masons?’ Century Books Limited, Random House UK Ltd., 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V, 1999. Cloth (moderate wear to lower outer corner of front board; light wear to upper outer corners of boards) in dj (light wear to top of spine, bottom edge of front cover, and tops of flap-folds). [4] + [2 leaves] + 246 + [16 pages of colour plates] + [pp. 247-391] + [pp. 393-465] + [pp. 467-496 of illustrations]

Overbeck, Buz ‘Matrix Seminar Series 1: an Introduction to the New Astrology’ American Federation of Astrologers, Inc., 6535 S. Rural Rd., Tempe, AZ, 1981. Large-format card covers. Text in dual columns. [1] + [pp. ii-iii] + [pp. v-vi] + 58

Owen, O. H. W. ‘Key to Primary Progressed Horoscope – including Pre-Natal Epoch, Mundane Position, Arcs of Direction, Horoscopes of Southern Latitudes, etc.’ L. N. Fowler & Co., 7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.C.4, London, undated[13]. Copy A with original L. N. Fowler advertising flyer for “The Wheel of Life” Vols. 1-3 by Maurice Wemyss, and another for W. J. Tucker’s ‘Your Stars of Destiny’ and ‘Science and Astrology’ magazine, laid in. Three copies. Copy A: Cloth (light wear to extremities of spine and lower outer corners of boards) in dj (slight chipping to top of spine, foot of rear hinge, and a small patch towards bottom of rear cover; tearing and slight chipping to extremities of flap-folds; some tearing to upper margins of both covers). Copy B: Cloth (light wear to top of spine, parts of front hinge, and upper outer corners of boards; wear to foot of spine; lower outer corners of boards; and small parts of top edges of boards). Copy C: Cloth (moderate wear to extremities of spine and outer corners of boards).(Light separation between pp. 80-1.) All copies: [1 leaf] + [2] + [p. 5] + [pp. 7-63] + [2 pages of figures] + [pp. 66-175]. Copy C: [Dj with advertisements to both flaps and rear cover]

Owen, O. H. W. ‘The Primary Progressed Horoscope – Giving New Method of House Division and Instructions for Preparation of Horoscopes in Accordance Therewith; Also Tables for Use in These Calculations’ L. N. Fowler & Co., 7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.C.4, London, undated[14]. Two copies. Copy A: Cloth (light wear to extremities of spine and outer corners of boards). Copy B: Cloth (moderate wear to foot of spine; light wear to top of spine and outer corners of boards and to parts of front hinge of spine.) (Separation between pp. 16-7 and pp. 32-3; very slight separation between pp. 80-1; inked marginal notes to p. 17 and 21; longer note in purple ink to foot of p. 21; inked crossings out and marginal note to p. 81; inked marginal note and additional labels to diagram on p. 84; small chip lost from outer edge of leaf comprising pp. 49-50.) Both copies: [1 leaf] + [2] + [p. 5] + [pp. 7-9] + [pp. 11-112]


[1] A native of Vienna, Austria; Professor of Assyriology at the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, since 1954

[2] After the first of 1964

[3] After the first edition of 1906 and second edition of 1912

[4] Dated thus, but this copy has been bound up with later advertising matter from 1929. The 1920 edition of this title would appear from library records to be the first under the present name, the original name of what was originally a separate book having been altered to make a coherent two-volume set. I could not conclusively determine the date or name of the original edition of this volume, but the only obvious candidate in library records is “Problemen der modernen Astronomie”, first published by the same publisher, Teubner, in 1911, although that was a longer book at 156 pages. It might have been condensed slightly in the cause of producing a coherent two-volume set for this edition

[5] The text of all parts of this work except the appendix appears in between six and seven languages. In most cases, the text is brief enough to appear in all six or seven languages on the same pages. Where it is more extensive, it appears on successive pages in the different languages. In all cases, the text is found in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and one Asian script that looks to me like non-joined-up Sanskrit. Most contents (but not all) also appear in Chinese. Two additional translators are credited in the scripts in the suspected Sanskrit and Chinese, neither of which I can read; consequently, I have not been able to identify their names

[6] This book teaches an unorthodox astrological system, including many circular chart diagrams whose appearance is wholly unfamiliar from a western astrological perspective

[7] Comprises pp. 201-310 of the present volume. Caroti states that the present edition was in his thesis supervised by Professor P. (Paola) Zambelli and also discussed in June 1973 by E. (Eugenio) Garin and P. Rossi at the Faculty of Humanities and Philosohy (Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia) in Firenze. He says that the text in his possession cannot be considered definitive and that one scholar regarded it as an incomplete summary. The original text is dated to 1370, when it was reportedly discussed in Paris. Caroti extends credit to a Prof. Filippo di Bendetto for having revised the text available to him.

[8] An academic journal directed (at that time) by Ét. Gilson de l’Académie française; M.-D. Chenu, O. P., Maître en Théologie; and M.-T. d’Alverny, Directeur de Recherche au C.N.R.S..

[9] In all this volume includes two studies and three texts, of widely differing lengths and subject-matter.

[10] OCLC suggests 1906; but a pencilled note to foot of title page claims 1920. It seems possible, though it is unclear and therefore uncertain, that whoever wrote that note had researched the exact printing date of this issue with reference to the publisher and its history

[11] Title page dated 1893 but printing and copyright entry notice on reverse indicate 1894

[12] NB: This edition is substantially altered and reset from the original

[12a] The Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog records 1950

[12b] A figure illustration this device is included on p. 52, suggesting that it was supplied with or for the book

[13] Library records give 1935

[14] Library records give 1932

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