500 Oldest printed astrology books (and magazines)[1] in the international astrology library

Last updated: June 28th, 2024

Originally drafted as a Top 100, this shortlist of early printed publications in the library has since been extended to encompass all books and magazine titles (not including almanacs) held in the library that were published and printed up to and including 1905, excluding a few of very tangential relevance that came through as parts of wholesale lots. Footnotes have been cut out for all works outside the Top 100, but can be found in the main A-Z catalogue listing for the equivalent editions.


500. Ellis, Frank ’Elementary Astrology: Twenty-Six Lessons in Astrology, adapted to the Modern State of the Science’ The Ellis Family Promenade, Blackpool, 1905

499. MacDonald, Prof. J., M. D., Ph. D. ‘The Secrets of Astrology Revealed’ 11th Edition. One Hundred Thousand Have Been Sold [sic] – [Self-published], 53, Washington Street, Binghamton, N. Y., copyrighted 1905

498. Leo, Alan (front board attrib.) / The Editor of “Modern Astrology” (inner title attrib.) ‘Complete Dictionary of Astrology’ No publisher or place stated, [1905]

497. Barley, Alfred H. (Sub-Editor of “Modern Astrology”) [and Leo, Alan] ‘The Rationale of Astrology – With an Additional Chapter by Alan Leo on the Education of Children in the Light of Astrology [Astrological Manuals. – Introductory]’ No publisher stated, 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, N. W., London, [1905]

496. Gessmann, G. W. ’Katechismus der Wahrsagekünste, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Punktierkunst – Eine kulturhistorische Studie’ Zweite gänzlich umgearbeitete und ergänzte Auflage, Mit 35 Abbildungen – Verlag von Hofbuchhandlung Karl Siegismund, Berlin, 1905

495. Sepharial, Editor of “Moore’s” and “Old Moore’s” Almanacs ‘Astrology: How to Make and Read Your Own Horoscope’ C. Arthur Pearson, Ltd., Henrietta Street, London, 1905

494. Raphael, the Astrologer of the 19th Century ‘The Guide to Astrology, containing a Complete System of Genethliacal Astrology In One Volume’ W. Foulsham & Co., 4, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, E.C., London, 1905

493. Perrier, Dr. Theophile, Médecin Stagiaire au Val-de-Grâce ‘[Travail du Laboratoire de Médecine légale:] La Médecine Astrologique’ A. Rey & Cie, Imprimeurs-Éditeurs de l’Université, 4, rue Gentil, Lyon, 1905

492. MacGregor, M. M. ‘Astrology: the Influence of the Stars on Character, and on Success in Friendship, Business, and Matrimony’ The Penn Publishing Company, [923 Arch Street,] Philadelphia, 1905

491. Leo, Alan ‘What Is a Horoscope and How is it Cast? A Book for Beginners – [Astrological Manuals No. II.] Being the second edition of “The Horoscope and How to Read It,” revised, largely re-written, and greatly simplified. All Calculations Avoided’ (inner title) / ‘[Astrological Manuals. No. 2.] What is a Horoscope and How Is It Cast?’ (front board) – “Modern Astrology” Office, 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, N. W., London, 1905

490. Leo, Alan, P.S.A.; tr. M., L. ‘L’Astrologie Exotérique et Ésotérique: Compte Rendu de Quatre Conférences Faite en 1899 au Siège de la Société Théosophique de Londres’ Nouvelle Édition Revue et Augmentée – Publications Astrologiques, 9 rue Jouvenet, Paris, 1905

489. Jastrow, Morris, Jr., Dr. phil. (Leipzig), Professor d. semit. Sprachen a. d. Universität von Pennsylvanien (Philadelphia) ‘Die Religion Babyloniens und Assyriens’ Vom Vervasser revidierte und wesentlich erweiterte Übersetzung – Erster Band –  J. Ricker’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Alfred Töpelmann), Giessen, 1905

488. Hara, O. Hashnu ‘Psychiscopy’ Apocalyptic Publishing Company, 15, Tothill Street, London, S.W. / 1773, Broadway, New York, U.S.A., 1905

487. Guthrie, Kenneth Sylvan (M.A., Sewanee, Univ. of the South; Ph.D., Tulane; A.M., Harvard; M.D., Med. Chir. College, Philadelphia) ‘Regeneration – Special Methods for Men and Women[,] with Specific Directions How to Calculate the Times Dangerous to Conservators’ The Theosophical Publishing Company, 244 Lenox Avenue, New York City, U.S. A. / London: Luzac & Co., 56 Great Russell Street, W. C., 1905

486. Grimaldi, the Reverend A. B., M. A. ‘A Catalogue of Zodiacs and Planispheres, Originals and Copies, Ancient and Modern, Extant and Nonextant, from B.C. 1320 to A.D. 1900 – Arranged according to countries and in chronological order’ Gall and Inglis, 25 Paternoster Sq., London, and Edinburgh, 1905

485. Green, H. S.; intr. Leo, Alan ‘Directions and Directing (Astrological Manuals No. V.) A Sequel to “The Horoscope In Detail” ‘ (inner title) / ‘[Astrological Manuals. No. V:] Directions and Directing’ (front board form) – 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, N. W., London, 1905

484. Brandler-Pracht, Karl ‘Mathematisch-instruktives Lehrbuch der Astrologie (Sterndeutung zur Geburtszeit)’ Verlag von Max Altmann, Leipzig, 1905

483. Boissier, Alfred, Dr. Phil. ‘Choix de Textes Relatifs à la Divination Assyro-Babylonienne. – avec 4 Planches’ Henry Kündig, Éditeur, 11, Corraterie, Genève, 1905

482. Shirley, Ralph, ed. ‘The Occult Review’ [magazines, mostly bound] – William Rider and Son Ltd, etc., 1905-1940 [complete to 1933 only]

481. Sepharial ‘The Birthday Book of Destiny. – Compiled from Ancient Hermetic and Rosicrucian Sources, Arranged and Interpreted’ Nichols & Co., 34 Hart Street, W.C., London, [1904]

480. MacDonald, J., M. D. ‘Prof. J. MacDonald’s Practical Delineation or Model Horoscopes’ J. Macdonald, Binghamton, N. Y., [1904]

479. Browning, Robert; tr. Greve, F. P. ‘Paracelsus: Dramatische Dichtung’ Insel-Verlag, Leipzig, 1904

478. Turnbull, Coulson ‘The Divine Language of Celestial Correspondences: A Study in Planetary and Spiritual Vibrations, with an account of the Involution and Evolution of the Soul’ Revised and Enlarged Edition – Published by the Gnostic Publishing Company, Spokane, Wash., preface dated 1904

477. Rocha, Maître Thomas, Étudiant à l’Université de Montpellier; ed. Desverney, Félix ‘De L’Influence Médicale des Astres sur le Corps Humain par Maître Thomas Rocha, Étudiant de Montpellier, 1501: Nouvelle Édition (Fac-similé) avec Introduction, Notes et Notice Biographique par Félix Desvernay’ Imprimerie Delaroche et Cie, 85, Rue de la République, Lyon, 1904. In Desvernay, Félix ‘Les Origines de l’Imprimerie à Montpellier: Description d’une plaquette inconnue, imprimée dans cette ville en 1501; Dernière pérégrination de l’Imprimeur lyonnais Jean Du Pré’ Lyon, 1904

476. Omar, Lela ‘Your Future: the Zodiac’s Guide to Success in Life’ The Penn Publishing Company, Philadelphia, 1904

475. Old, Walter Gorn, M.R.A.S ‘The Shu King or the Chinese Historical Classic Being an Authentic Record of the Religion, Philosophy, Customs and Government of the Chinese from the Earliest Times – Translated from the Ancient Text, with a Commentary, by Walter Gorn Old M.R.A.S. – The Theosophical Publishing Society, London and Benares / John Lane, New York, 1904

474. Muelheim-Foster, Caroline ‘A Trip Thro’ the Zodiac: Modern and Up to date Astrology’ [Self-published], Security Printing Co. of St. Louis, 1904

473. Leo, Bessie ‘Rays of Truth: A Series of Essays and Articles Chiefly Relating to the Religious Aspect of Astrology (Reprinted from Modern Astrology)’ Modern Astrology Office, 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, N.W., 1904

472. Leo, Alan and Green, H. S. ‘[Astrological Manuals No. IV:] The Horoscope in Detail’ 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, N. W., London, 1904

471. Leo, Alan ‘[Astrology for All Series, Vol. III.] How to Judge a Nativity: Part I. – The Practical Judgment of the Horoscope As Revealed By Detailed Consideration of the Twelve Houses[;] Part II. – The Inner Nature of each Planet and Its Special Significance In Each Sign, with Some Hints on the Esoteric Basis of Astrology’ Published at 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, London N. W., 1904

470. Leo, Alan ‘Everybody’s Astrology (Astrological Manuals No. 1)’ Second Edition, Rewritten and Greatly Enlarged – 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead N. W., London, 1904

469. Leo, Alan ‘Astrology for All Part II. Calculations and Ephemeris. (“How to Cast a Horoscope.”) A Concise Exposition of the Method of Casting a Horoscope, With a Detailed Explanation of All Technical Terms Likely to be Met with in Course of Reading; Including Also a Table of Ascendants for All Latitudes from 1º to 60º and a Condensed Ephemeris for the Past Fifty-Five Years, with Simple Instructions for Using the Same in Calculating a Nativity; Together with Tables of Logarithms, etc. Altogether It Forms a Veritable Vade-Mecum, Indispensable As Well for the Advanced Student as for the Beginner. – See Preface. The various chapters are by several contributors to “Modern Astrology,” the whole being supervised and edited by Alan Leo’ Published at 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, London, N.W., 1904

468. Leo, Alan ‘Astrology for All Part I. Individual and Personal Characteristics as Represented by the Sun and Moon (“Astrology Without Calculations.”)’ Second Edition (Revised, partly re-written, and very greatly amplified) – Published at 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, London, N.W., 1904

467. Hazelrigg, John, F.H.S. ‘The Book of Formulas – A Collection of Choice Spagyric Preparations, Predestinated to the Cure of Disease and the Conservation of Health: Including some of the Rarest and Most Valuable Secrets of the Ancient Medical and Hermetic Philosophy’ – Collated and Rendered Intelligible, with Explicatory Annotations – Now for the First Time Given to the World in Lucid Form’ Hermetic Publishing Company of New York, dated 1904

466. De La Ville de Mirmont, H., Professeur à la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université de Bordeaux ’[Bibliothèque des Universités du Midi Fascicule VII:] L’Astrologie Chez les Gallo-Romains’ Feret & Fils, Éditeurs, 15, Cours de l’Intendance, Bordeaux / A. Gratier et Cie, 23, Grand’Rue, Grenoble / Henri Georg, 36-42, Passage de l’Hôtel-Dieu, Lyon, 1904 / Paul Ruat, 54, rue Paradis, Marseille / C. Coulet, 5, Grand’Rue, Montpellier / Édouard Privat, 45, rue des Tourneurs, Toulouse / A. Fontemoing, Librairie des Écoles Françaises d’Athènes et de Rome, 4, rue le Goff, Paris, 1904

465. [Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum:] ‘V: Codicum Romanorum Partem Priorem. Descripserunt Franciscus Cumont et Franciscus Boll’ In Aedibus Henrici Lamertin, 20, Rue du Marché au Bois, Bruxellis, 1904

464a, 464b. Budge, E. A. Wallis, M. A., Litt. D., D. Litt., D. Lit. ‘The Gods of the Egyptians, or Studies in Egyptian Mythology, with 98 Coloured Plates and 131 Illustrations in the Text: Volume I – Volume II’ Methuen & Co., 36 Essex Street, London W. C., 1904 [2 vols.]

463. Alvidas et Al. ‘Science and Key of Life. Planetary Influences. – Astro Physiology: Vol. V’ – Astro Publishing Company, Hodges Building, Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A., 1904

462. Barlet, F.-Ch., ed. ‘La Science Astrale’ [magazines, 1904-1906] – Bibliothèque Chacornac, 11, Quai St. Michel, Paris (Ve), 1904-1906

461. Selva, Henri, ed. ‘Le Déterminisme astral: Recueil de Contributions à l’Étude Scientifique de l’Influence Astrale’ [magazines, January 1904 – May 1905] – L. Bodin, 5 rue Christine, Paris, 1904 – 1905

460. Bailey, E. H., ed. ‘Destiny’ [bound magazines, June 1904 – June 1905] – 1904-1905

459. Ahmad, Sheikh Habeeb ’The Mysteries of Sound and Number’ Nichols & Co., 34 Hart Street, W.C. and 3, Oxford Street , W., London, 1903

458. Wilson, William ‘Shakespeare and Astrology from a Student’s Point of View’ Occult Publishing Co., 204 Dartmouth St., Boston, copyrighted 1903

457. “Sepharial” ‘The New Manual of Astrology in Four Books[,] Treating of the Language of the Heavens[,] the Reading of a Horoscope, the Measure of Time, and of Hindu Astrology. With Set of Tables’ Revised and Enlarged Edition – Nichols & Co., 34 Hart Street, W. C., London, 1903

456. Raphael, Edwin ‘Raphael’s Private Lessons in Genethliacal Astrology. (Revised and Amended.)’ No Publisher Stated, London, 1903

455. Plunket, the Hon. Emmeline M. ‘Ancient Calendars and Constellations. With Illustrations’ John Murray, Albemarle Street, W., London, 1903

454. Phelps, Dr. J. R. ‘Our Astrological Birthday Book: Character Readings’ Goldthwaite Publishing House, Chicago, Ill., 1903

453. Müller, Adolf, S. J. ’Johann Keppler, der Gesetzgeber der neueren Astronomie. – Ein Lebensbild (Ergänzungshefte zu den „Stimmen aus Maria-Laach”, 83)’ Herdersche Verlagshandlung, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1903

452. Leo, Alan ‘How to Judge a Nativity: “Astrology for All” Series’ Published at 7, Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.C. and 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, N. W., 1903, bound, as issued, with ‘Astrology Explained’ (no separate publication details presented)

451. Jeremias, Dr. Alfred, Pfarrer der Lutherkirche zu Leipzig ‘[Der alte Orient: Gemeinverständliche Darstellungen,  1. Jahrgang Heft 3:] Hölle und Paradies bei den Babyloniern’ Zweite verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage mit 10 Abbildungen, 3.-7. Tausend – J. C. Hinrichs’Sche Buchhandlung, Leipzig, 1903

450. Green, H. S. ‘[Astrological Manuals No. III:] Theoretical Astrology’ L. N. Fowler & Co., 7, Imperial Arcade, E.C. / “Modern Astrology” Office, 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, N. W., London, 1903

449. Flambart, Paul, Ancien Élève de l’École Polytechnique ‘Étude Nouvelle Sur l’Hérédité accompagnée d’un Recueil de Nombreux Exemples avec Dessins de l’Auteur’ Bibliothèque Chacornac, 11, Quai Saint-Michel, Paris, 1903

448. [Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum:] ‘VI: Codices Vindobonenses. Descripsit Guilelmus Kroll’ In Aedibus Henrici Lamertin, 20, Rue du Marché au Bois, Bruxellis, 1903

447. [Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum:] ‘IV: Codices Italicos. Praeter Florentinos, Venetos, Mediolanenses, Romanos. Descripserunt Dominicus Bassi, Franciscus Cumont, Aemygdius Martini, Alexander Olivieri’ In Aedibus Henrici Lamertin, 20, Rue du Marché au Bois, Bruxellis, 1903

446. Burgoyne, T. H. ‘The Light of Egypt, or the Science of the Soul and the Stars, in Two Parts’ Fifth Edition – Astro Philosophical Publishing Company, Denver, Colorado, 1903

445. Boll, Franz ‘Sphaera: Neue Griechische Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Sternbilder – mit einem Beitrag von Karl Dyroff[,] Sechs Tafeln und Neunzehn Textabbildungen’ Druck und Verlag von B. G. Teubner, Leipzig, 1903

444. Alvidas et Al.; compiled Hodges, Henry Clay ‘The Pocket Edition of Astrological Terms and Interpretations, Indexed – An abbreviated form of Vol. III of Science and Key of Life – Planetary Influences. Etc.’ Published by The Astro Publishing Company, Hodges Building, Detroit, Mich., 1903

443b. Alvidas et Al. ‘Science and Key of Life. Planetary Influences – Vol. IV’ Astro Publishing Company, Hodges Building, Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A., [c. 1903-4]

443a. Alvidas et Al. ‘Science and Key of Life. Planetary Influences. – Vol. III’ Astro Publishing Company, Hodges Building, Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A., 1903

442. [Bratley, George H., ed.] ‘The Talisman: a Monthly Magazine devoted to Practical Idealism’ [bound magazines, 1903-1904] – Talisman Publishing Co., Harrogate, 1903-1904

441. Simmonite, William Joseph; ed. Story, J. ‘W. J. Simmonite’s Complete Arcana of Astral Philosophy, or the Celestial Philosopher, being Genethliology Simplified, or the Doctrine of Nativities, to which is added the Ruling of the Microcosm’ Foulsham & Co., 4, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, London, [1902, though main title page dated 1890]

440. Selva, H. ‘La Théorie des Déterminations Astrologiques de Morin de Villefranche, Conduisant à une Méthode Rationnelle pour l’Interprétation du Thème astrologique’ Librairie Lucien Bodin, 43, Quai des Grands-Augustins, Paris, [1902]

439. Foli, Professor P. R. S. ’Pearson’s Fortune Teller’ C. Arthur Pearson, Ltd., Henrietta Street, W.C., London, [1902]

438. Channing, Blanche M. ‘Zodiac Stories’ Griffith, Farran, Browne & Co., Limited, 35 Bow Street, Covent Garden, London, [1902]

437. Budge, E. A. Wallis, M.A., Litt.D., D.Lit., Keeper of the Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities in the British Museum ‘[Books on Egypt and Chaldea Vol. II.] Egyptian Magic – With Twenty Illustrations’ Third Impression – Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd., Broadway House, 68-74 Carter Lane, E.C., London, [c. 1902]

436. Webber, C. H. (“Prof. Henry”) ‘Astrology in a Nutshell’ Newtonia, Boston, Mass., 1902

435. Leo, Alan, Editor of “Modern Astrology” ‘The Horoscope and How to Read It’ (inner title) / ‘[Astrological Manuals. No. 2.] The Horoscope and How to Read It’ (front board) – L. N. Fowler & Co., 7 Imperial Arcade, E. C. / “Modern Astrology” Office, 9 Lyncroft Gardens, N. W., London / America: The Occult Publishing Co., Boston, Mass., U.S.A., 1902

434. Flambart, Paul, Ancien Élève de l’École Polytechnique ‘Langage Astral (Traité sommaire d’Astrologie Scientifique) avec un Recueil d’Exemples Célèbres et de nombreux Dessins de l’Auteur’ Bibliothèque Chacornac, 11, Quai Saint-Michel, Paris, 1902

433. Chevky, Hassan, le fils de M. Hassib; tr. S., G. ‘Révélation Astronomique Résolvant Les difficultés de la création – Écrite en turc – Traduite de l’arabe, sur version de A. M. Habbib’ Librairie des Sciences Parapsychologiques, 42, Rue Saint-Jacques, Paris, 1902

432. Chaney, W. H., Prof.; ed. Hall, J. Lawson, Prof., Student of Prof. Chaney, and Graduate of the Chicago School of Psychology ‘The Astrologer’s Vade Mecum: A Work on the mathematics of Astrology in which the higher branches of the art are brought within the comprehension of every earnest student. Old Systems Explained and Simplified, New Methods Introduced. The principles taught are based on the author’s practical experience which has extended over a period of nearly forty years – Part I’ Published by Eureka Publishing Co., Baltimore, Md. 1902

431. Brown, Katherine G. ‘My Stars: Are they Lucky or Unlucky?’ Charles E. Bentley Co., 583 Broadway, New York, 1902

430b. Alvidas et Al. ‘Science and Key of Life. Planetary Influences. – Vol. II’ Astro Publishing Company, Hodges Building, Detroit, Michigan, 1902

430a. Alvidas et Al. ‘Science and Key of Life. Planetary Influences. – Vol. I’ Published by Astro Publishing Company, Hodges Building, Detroit, Michigan, 1902

429. Allen, Frank T. ‘Astrology and Socialism or the New Era: a Review and Forecast’ No Publisher Stated (presumed self-published), Brooklyn, N. Y., 1902

428. Ireton, Rollo [pseud. of Shirley, Ralph], ed. ‘The Horoscope: A Quarterly Review of Astrology and Occult Science’ [bound magazines, October 1902 – July 1904] – W. Foulsham & Co., 4 Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, E.C., London, 1902-1904

427. Voisin, F. L. J., ed. ‘Anubis / Out of the Silence’ [bound magazines, April 1902 – December 1903] – 1902-1903

426. Studnicka, Prof. Dr. F. J., K. K. Hofrath ’Bericht über die Astrologischen Studien des Reformators der Beobachtenden Astronomie Tycho Brahe: Weitere Beiträge zur Bevorstehenden Saecularfeier der Erinnerung an Sein vor 300 Jahren Erfolgtes Ableben’ Verlag der Kön. Böhm. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Prag., 1901

425. White, Fredrick [sic] ’A Guide to Astrology’ Fredrick White, Minneapolis, Minn., [c. 1901]

424. Leo, Alan, P. A. S.; Editor, Modern Astrology ‘Four Lectures on Astrology, Exoteric and Esoteric’ Printed at the “Tatva-Vivechaka” Press, Bombay, [1901]

423. Kirk, Eleanor ‘The Influence of the Zodiac upon Human Life – with Character Readings of Persons Born Upon the Cusp’ Eleanor Kirk, 59 West 89th Street, New York, [c. 1901]

422. Netzhammer, P. Raymund, O. S. B., Professor am erzbischöfl. Seminar in Bukarest ‘Theophrastus Paracelsus: das Wissenswerteste über dessen Leben, Lehre und Schriften – Nach seinen Schriften und den neuesten Paracelsus-Forschungen’ Verlagsanstalt Benziger & Co. A. G., Einsiedeln / Waldshut / Köln a. Rh., 1901

421. Gessmann, Gustav ‘Katechismus der Handlesekunst, das ist eine kurze übersichtliche Zusammentstellung der von den Chiromanten für die Deutung der Handformen sowie der auf der Handfläche befindlichen Zeichen aufgestellten Lehren – Mit 48 Abbildungen’ Dritte gänzlich umgearbeitete und ergänzte Auflage – Verlag der Hofbuchhandlung von Karl Siegismund in Berlin, foreword dated 1901

420. Wilde, George; ed. Trent, A. G. ‘Chaldean Astrology Up To Date. How to Cast the Horoscope and Read the Future in the Stars. With Preface, Valuable Notes and Comments, by A. G. Trent’ E. Marsh-Stiles, 12, St. Stephen’s Mansions, Westminster, London; and the Occult Book Co., Halifax, Yorkshire, 1901

419. Walker, Charlotte Abell ‘Under a Lucky Star: Explaining characteristics, tendencies and possibilities, choice of partners and employees, suggestions on marriage and government of children’ G. W. Dillingham Co., New York, 1901

418. “Sepharial” ‘Prognostic Astronomy – The Scientific Basis of the Predictive Art commonly called Astrology: to which is added a Complete Set of Tables with Emendations and New Rules for the use of Students’ L. N. Fowler, 7, Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.C., London, 1901

417. Raphael, Albert (President of the School of Science) ‘Earthology: Humanity Characterized by the Earth, Sun and Zodiac with Prognostications from the Moon’ Raphael, Publisher, London, England, and New York, U.S.A., 1901

416. Raphael, A. ‘Cheirosophy (The Hand): a Scientific Treatise on Palmistry[,] Illustrated with New Discoveries’ A. Raphael, Publisher, London, England, and New York, U.S.A., 1901

415. Raphael, The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century (ed.) ‘A Description of the Faces and Degrees of the Zodiac, as Given in the Ancient Authors, Being Applicable to Genethliacal and Horary Astrology’ Published by The Author, London, 1901

414. Mayo, Margaret ‘Our Fate & the Zodiac: an Astrological Autograph Book’ Brentano’s, New York, 1901

413. Leo, Alan ‘[Astrological Manuals No. 1:] Everybody’s Astrology’ L. N. Fowler & Co., 7, Imperial Arcade, E. C., London, The Astrological Publishing Society / The Occult Publishing Co., 204, Dartmouth Street, Boston / 81, Khetwadi Main Road, Bombay, India, 1901

412. Leo, Alan ‘[Astrology for All Series:] Casting the Horoscope’ Published at 7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E. C., and 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, London, N.W., 1901

411. Hodges, Henry Clay; rev. / ed. Howard, G. Hamilton, of the Detroit Bar ‘Two Thousand Years in Celestial Life. Introduction to Science and Key of Life; Manifestations of Divine Law. [Received through Psychic Telegraphy.] Autobiography of Clytina; Born in Athens, 147 B. C. Passed to Celestial Life, 131 B. C.’ Published by Astro Publishing Company, Hodges Building, Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A., 1901

410. Foerster, Prof. Wilhelm ‘Himmelskunde und Weissagung’ Dr. John Edelheim, Verlag, Berlin W. 35, 1901

409. Flambart, Paul, Ancien Élève de l’École Polytechnique ‘Influence Astrale (Essai d’Astrologie Expérimentale)’ Imprimerie de la Société des Journaux Spiritualistes Réunis, 32, Rue Rodier, Paris (IXe), 1901

408. De Saint-Germain, Comte C. ‘Practical Astrology: a Simple Method of Casting Horoscopes – The Language of the Stars Easily Comprehended: Unfolding the wonderful wisdom of the Chaldean, Egyptian, Greek and Arabian astrologers, without any of the complicated, discouraging operations required by other methods. With a History of Astronomy and Numerous Illustrations and Portraits, especially designed for this work’ Laird & Lee, Publishers, [1732 Michigan Avenue,] Chicago, 1901

407. Dalton, J. G. ‘The Sixteen Principal Stars 1824-1948 – Their Positions and Aspects[,] with Instructions for Use in Nativities – Also Ephemeris of Uranus and Neptune 1835-1876 – Added 1901: Neptune 1800-1834’ No publisher stated, Boston, [1901]

406. [Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum:] ‘III: Codices Mediolanenses. Descripserunt Aemygdius Martini et Dominicus Bassi’ – In Aedibus Henrici Lamertin, 20, Rue du Marché au Bois, Bruxellis, 1901

405. Benham, William G. ‘The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading: A Practical Treatise on the Art Commonly Called Palmistry – With 800 Illustrations From Life’ G. P. Putnam’s Sons, The Knickerbocker Press, New York & London, 1901

404. Alphaeus, A. ‘Were You Born Under a Lucky Star? A Complete Exposition of the Science of Astrology – Adapted from the Four Books of Ptolemy, the Astronomer on the Art of Reading the Stars’ Frederick J. Drake & Company, Publishers, Chicago, 1901

403. Barlet, F. Ch., ed. ‘Revue Cosmique’ [bound magazines, Jan. 1901 – Mars. 1902], 1901-2

402. Hazelrigg, John, ed. ‘Hazelrigg’s Astrological Almanac / Herald’ [bound magazines, Aug. 1901 – Sep. 1902], 1901-1902

401. Star, Docteur Ély ‘[Collection A.-L. Guyot 1010:] Astrologie Populaire – L’Art de Tirer Son Horoscope. Les Sciences Divinatoires. L’Astromancie kabbalistique. Les Signatures planétaires. La Théorie des Tempéraments. Le Zodiaque dans l’Humanité.Théorie et Pratique des Horoscopes. Les Paranatellons stellaires. Les Vertus occultes des Gemmes’ A. L. Guyot, Éditeur, 12, rue Paul-Lelong, Paris / 6 et 8, rue Duguay-Trouin, Paris, c. 1900s

400. Selva, H. ‘Traité d’Astrologie Généthliacque’ Chamuel, 1900 [sheets] / Librairie Générale des Sciences Occultes Bibliothèque Chacornac, 11, Quai Saint-Michel, 1902 [cover]

399. [Schmid, Adalbert] ‘Die Sterndeutekunst’ Verlagsdruck E. Bartels, Berlin-Weißensee, Generalstraße 8/10, [c. 1900]

398. Burgoyne, T. H. (Zanoni) ‘The Language of the Stars: a Primary Course of Lessons in Celestial Dynamics‘ Stated Third Edition – The Astro-Philosophical Publishing Co., Denver, Colorado, [c. 1900]

397. Thompson, R. Campbell, B. A. (Cantab.), Assistant in the Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British Museum (ed.) ‘[Luzac’s Semitic Text and Translation Series Vol. VI:] The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum. The Original Texts, Printed in Cuneiform Characters, Edited with Translations, Notes, Vocabulary, Index, and an Introduction. Vol. I. The Cuneiform Texts’ Luzac & Co., 1900, bound, as issued, with ‘[Luzac’s Semitic Text and Translation Series Vol. VII:] The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum. The Original Texts, Printed in Cuneiform Characters, Edited with Translations, Notes, Vocabulary, Index, and an Introduction. Vol. II. English Translations, Vocabulary, etc.’ Luzac & Co., 1900

396. Schmalz, J. B. ’Birthday Readings’ Birthday Readings Co., 256 Broadway, New York City, September 1900

395. Ormsby, Frank Earl, A Magian Magician ‘”The Law and the Prophets”: a Scientific Work on the Relationship between Physical Bodies, Vegetable, Animal, Human, and Planetary. Designed for the Instruction and Guidance of Students in the Occult Sciences’ Second Edition – F. E. Ormsby & Co. Publishers, Chicago, 1900

394. MacDonald, J., M. D. ‘Twelve Lessons in Astrology. Prof. J. MacDonald’s Practical Delineations, or Model Horoscopes’ J. Macdonald, Binghamton, N. Y., 1900

393. Leo, Alan ‘Astrology for All: To Which Is Added a Complete System of Predictive Astrology for Advanced Students’ Published at 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstread, London, N.W., dated 1899 [but published 1900]

392. Hippocrates Junior (pseud.) ‘The Predicted Plague: Value of the Prediction: Planetary and Atmospheric Influences Considered as Cause of Black Death… and Other Plagues…. Comets and Plagues of Two Thousand Years Detailed…. Queen Elizabeth in Richmond: Her Majesty’s Book of Astrology and the Diary of her Astrologer, Dr. Dee. Richmond’s Queen of the May: Joyous Youth at White Lodge; Shepheard’s Kalendar, 1500’ Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & Co., Limited, London, 1900

391. Hazelrigg, John ‘The Rationale of Astrology’ The Metaphysical Publishing Company, 465 Fifth Avenue, New York, 1900

390. Hazelrigg, John ‘Metaphysical Astrology’ The Philosophic Co., New York, 1900

389. [Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum:] ‘II: Codices Venetos. Descripserunt G. Kroll et A. Olivieri. Accedunt Fragmenta Selecta Primum Edita a Francisco Boll, Francisco Cumont, Guilelmo Kroll, Alexandro Olivieri’ – In Aedibus Henrici Lamertin, 20, Rue du Marché au Bois, Bruxellis, 1900

388. Burgoyne, Thomas H. (Zanoni) ‘The Light of Egypt, Vol. II’ The Astro-Philosophical Publishing Co., Denver, Colorado, 1900

387. Brown, Robert, Jun., F.S.A. ‘Researches into the Origin of The Primitive Constellations of the Greeks, Phoenicians and Babylonians Vol. II’ Williams & Norgate, 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London; 20, South Frederick Street, Edinburgh; and 7, Broad Street, Oxford, 1900

386. Butler, Hiram E., ed. ‘The Occult and Biological Journal’ [bound magazines, 1900-1902]

385. Hartmann, Franz, M.D. ‘Die Medizin des Theophrastus Paracelsus von Hohenheim. – Vom wissenschaftlichen Standpunkten betrachtet – Mit Porträt’ Verlag von Wilhelm Friedrich, Leipzig, [1899]

384. White [Frederick] and Hollingsworth [R.] ‘Ephemeris for 1900 and Horary Astrology’ (internal title) / ‘Horary Astrology. – Book of Instructions for The Dial of Ahaz’ (front cover title) – no publication details specified, presumed self-published, [c. 1899]

383. Bethe, Erich ‘Griechische Sternbilder’ No publisher stated, [offprint, 1899]

382. Anonymous (52) ‘Das neu verbesserte große Planeten-Buch, bearbeitet nach den erprobten Angaben der berühmtesten Astronomen und Philosophen von der ältesten bis auf die neueste Zeit. Eine vollständige Anleitung zum Enthüllen der Zukunft, zum Wahrsagen aus dem gestirnten Himmel, – aus allen Theilen des menschlichen Körpers, namentlich aus seinem Gesicht, den Linien der Hand 2c. – Nebst Angabe – wie man sich nach dem Stand der Sterne in allen Jahren, Monaten und Tagen zu verhalten habe, einer Philosophie der alten Weiber, eines Prognostigtons für Männer und Frauen und einer Tabelle über die Bedeutung der Träume nach den 12 himmlichen Zeichen’ Vierte Auflage – Mit vielen Bildern – H. R. Busse, Leipzig, [c. 1899]

381. White, F. R.; Hollingsworth, R. ‘A Treatise on Medical Astrology’ Aetna Pub. Co., Minneapolis, Minn., 1899

380. Vedra, Yarmo (pseud.) ‘Heliocentric Astrology or Essentials of Astronomy and Solar Mentality, with Tables of Ephemeris to 1910. With Sixty-Four Illustrations, Thirty-Five of Which are Original Drawings, by Holmes W. Merton, Author of “Descriptive Mentality”’ David McKay, Publisher, 610 South Washington Square, Philadelphia, 1899

379. Merton, Holmes W. ’Descriptive Mentality from the Head, Face and Hand – Illustrated with over 600 Original Drawings by the Author’ David McKay, Publisher, 604-8 South Washington Square, Philadelphia, 1899

378. Mayo, Margaret ‘Fate Autographs: Birthday Book’ The Jas B. Rodgers Printing Company, Nos. 52 and 54 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, 1899

377. Kniepf, Albert ‘Die Physik der Astrologie. Mit Anhang über Raum und Zeit vom Standpunkte der okkulten Sinnesfähigkeiten. – Mit dem Bilde Martin Zieglers’ Selbstverlag des Verfassers, Hamburg-Borgfelde, 1899

376. Graves, Professor P. A., Student of Astrology ‘Stellar Dust or the Life Force – An Original Work of Advanced Scientific Ideas on World-Building and Life-Producing. – The Origin of Man by Spontaneous Generation – Evolution Explained Away – The Cause of Growth, Disease and Decay – Zodiacal Construction of the Brain and Body According to the Law of Twelve’ San Francisco, 1899

375. Gabriel (1) (James Hingston, A.B., Graduate of Oxford), intr. Hepworth, George H., D. D. ‘Gospel of the Stars or Wonders of Astrology’ Continental Publishing Co., 25, Park Place, New York, 1899

374. Cunningham, Prof. G. W. ‘The ABC of Astrology’ Ransom Printing House, Chicago, 1899

373. Channing, Blanche M. ‘Zodiac Stories’ E. P. Dutton & Company, 31 West Twenty-Third Street, New York, N. Y., 1899

372. Brown, Robert, Jun., F.S.A., M.R.A.S. ‘Researches into the Origin of The Primitive Constellations of the Greeks, Phoenicians and Babylonians Vol. I’ Williams & Norgate, 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London; 20, South Frederick Street, Edinburgh; and 7, Broad Street, Oxford, 1899

371. Bouché-Leclercq, A., Membre de l’Institut; Professeur à la Faculté des Lettres de Paris ‘L’Astrologie Grecque’ Ernest Leroux, Éditeur, 28, Rue Bonaparte, Paris, 1899

370. Boll, Dr. Franz ‘Beiträge zur Ueberlieferungsgeschichte der griechischen Astrologie und Astronomie [Aus den Sitzungsberichten der philos.-philol. und der histor. Classe der k. bayer. Akad. d. Wiss. 1899. Heft I]’ Druck der Akademischen Buchdruckerei von F. Straub, München, 1899

369. Allen, Richard Hinckley ‘Star-Names and their Meanings’ G. E. Stechert, New York / London / Leipzig / Paris, 1899

368. Wood, News E., ed. ‘Star of the Magi’ [bound magazines], 1899-1903

367. Thompson, Catharine, ed. ‘The Sphinx’ [magazines], 1899-1907

366. Hollingsworth, R., ed. ‘The Prophetic Messenger’ [bound magazines], 1899

365. Méric, Mgr Élie, et al., ed. ‘Revue du Monde Invisible’ [bound magazines], 1898-1907

364. Sepharial ‘The Little Book of Magic’ W. Foulsham & Co., 4, Pilgrim Sreet, Ludgate Circus, E. C.,  London [1898]

363. Sepharial ’The Book of the Cards. – A Compendium of Fortune-Telling by Cards. A Complete Manual of Self-Insruction in the Art of Cartomancy’ Foulsham & Co., 4, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Circus, E.C., London, [c. 1898]

362. Pearce, Alfred J. ‘The Science of the Stars’ Second Edition – Glen & Co., 14, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, London E. C., [1898]

361. MacDonald, Prof. J., Scientific Astrologer and Vocapher ‘How to Succeed or The Secrets of Astrology Revealed, How to Foretell Future Events – Complete Instructions In the Science of Astrology. The Good and Evil Influence of the Planets. Signification of Dreams, Moles, Signs and Omens. Mental, Physical And Business Qualifications. Sexual and Conjugal Qualifications From Date of Birth – Fully Illustrated. – It Also Contains Fortunate and Unfortunate Days. How To Avoid Sickness, Accidents and Poverty. And Many Charts, Maps and Calendars’ Stated 4th Edition – 117, Court St., Binghamton, New  York, c. 1898

360. Geßmann, G. W. ‘[Wissenschaftliche Volksbibliothek Nr. 62:] Die Sternenwelt und ihre mythologische Deutung’ Verlag von Siegbert Schnupfeil, Leipzig, [c. 1898]

359. Grotefend, Dr. H. ‘Taschenbuch der Zeitrechnung des Deutschen Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. – Für den praktischen Gebrauch und zu Lehrzwecken ertworfen’ Hahn’sche Buchhandlung, Hannover und Leipzig, 1898

358. Geßmann, G. W. ‘[Occultische Handbücher:] Katechismus der Sympathie-Lehre – Nach den besten Quellen bearbeitet’ Verlag von Karl Siegismund, Berlin, foreword dated Juli 1898

357. Gessmann, G. W. ’Katechismus der Handflächenkunde – Nach den besten alten Quellen zusammengestellt und bearbeitet – Mit 74 Handbildern’ Verlag von Karl Siegismund, Mauerstr. 68, Berlin, 1898

356. Waters, W. G. ‘Jerome Cardan: a Biographical Study’ Lawrence & Bullen, Limited, 16 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London, 1898

355. Vitruvius ‘The Morning Star’ The Theosophical Publishing Society, 26 Charing Cross, London, 1898

354. Reed, Thomas E., M. D. ‘…Cyclic Law… – Its Influence Over Man In Both Health and Disease, – Determining The Sex. – Its Influence Upon Births, Deaths, etc.’ Thomas E. Reed, Middleton, Ohio / Editor Publishing Company, 1898

353. Old, W. Gorn (“Sepharial”) ‘The New Manual of Astrology in Four Books[:] Treating of The Language of the Heavens[;] The Reading of a Horoscope[;] The Measure of Time[;] and of Hindu Astrology. With Set of Tables’ George Redway, London, 1898

352. Lévi, Éliphas ’Le Grand Arcane ou, L’Occultisme Dévoilé’ Chamuel, Éditeur, 5, rue de Savoie, Paris, 1898

351. Hartmann, Franz, M.D. ‘Grundriss der Lehren des Theophrastus Paracelsus von Hohenheim, vom religionswissenschaftlichen Standpunkte betrachtet’ Verlag von Wilhelm Friedrich, Leipzig, 1898

350. F., H., a Fellow of the Universal Brotherhood ‘[The People’s Handbook Series No. 54: April, 1898:] Astrology Made Easy; or, the Influence of the Stars and Planets upon Human Life’ F. M. Lupton, Publisher, 23, 25 and 27 City Hall Place, New York, 1898

349. “Charubel” ‘The Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolised’, to which is added Green, H. S. ‘The Theoretical Value of the Degrees of the Zodiac’ Nichols & Co., 23, Oxford Street, W., London / The Occult Publishing Co., 73, Tremont Street, Room 502, Boston, Mass., 1898

348. [Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum:] ‘Codices Florentinos. Descripsit Alexander Olivieri. Accedunt Fragmenta Selecta Primum Edita ab Francisco Boll, Francisco Cumont, Guilelmo Kroll, Alexandro Olivieri’ – In Aedibus Henrici Lamertin, 20, Rue du Marché au Bois, Bruxellis, 1898

347. Broughton, L. D., M. D. ‘The Elements of Astrology’ Published by the Author, 68 South Washington Square, New York, 1898

346. [Astor, ed.] ‘The Twentieth Century Astrologer’ [magazines], 1898-1899

345. [White, Frederick, ed.] ‘The Adept’ [magazines], 1898-1921

344. Sullivan, J. B. ’Seven Easy Lessons in Astrology’ The Mystic Publishing Co., 231 Fifth Avenue, New York, 1897

343.  Star, Docteur Ély ‘L’Astrologie ou l’Art de Voir l’Avenir – Avec figures et tableaux explicatifs’ E. Dentu, Éditeur, Paris, [1897]

342. Leo, Alan, President of the Astrological Society, and Editor of “Modern Astrology” ‘Practical Astrology – Being a Simple Method of Instruction in the Science of Astrology’ The Occult Publishing Co., 120, Tremont Street, Boston, Mass., USA, [1897]

341. Leo, Alan, President of the Astrological Society, and Editor of “Modern Astrology” ‘Practical Astrology – Being a Simple Method of Instruction in the Science of Astrology’ Second Edition – Revised – Modern Astrology, 1 and 2 Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, London E. C., [1897]

340. Gessmann, G. W. ‘[Occultische Handbücher:] Katechismus der Handschriften-Deutung. – Nach dem neuesten Stande der Forschung und nach eigenen Erfahrung – Mit 200 Handschriften-Facsimiles’ Verlag von Karl Siegismund, Mauerstraße 68, Berlin, 1897

339. Sepharial ‘The Book of the Crystal and the Seer’ Foulsham & Co., 4, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Circus, London E.C., 1897

293b. O’Neill, John ‘The Night of the Gods: an Inquiry into Cosmic and Cosmogonic Mythology and Symbolism’ Volume II – Printed by Harrison & Sons, Saint-Martin’s Lane, and Published by David Nutt, 270 & 271 Strand, London, 1897

338. Mackay, Chas H., Founder of “West Gate Philosophy” ‘Zodiacal Influences. – Brief Delineations of All People, With Suggestions as to Whom You Should Choose for Harmonious Association in Marriage or Business – Also Contains Lists of the Worlds’ [sic] Famous Men and Women with Dates of Birth’ Published by T. J. Gilmore, 88 W. Jackson St., Chicago, Ill., 1897

337. Gabriel (1) (Kingston, James); intr. Hepworth, George H. ‘Gospel of the Stars or Wonders of Astrology’ The Eskdale Press, 1, Madison Avenue, New York, 1897

336. Fomalhaut ‘Manuel d’Astrologie Sphérique et Judiciaire’ Vigot Frères, Éditeurs, 10, Rue Monsieur-le-Prince, Paris, 1897

335. Dimbleby, J. B., Premier Chronologist to the British Chronological and Astronomical Association, London ‘All Past Time: By Astronomical Measurements and the Zodiac’ (title stamped to front board) / ‘All Past Time by Six Astronomical Lines. Authenticated by the British Chronological and Astronomical Association, and the only Complete Record of Time published. Containing a Classification of All Eclipses and Transits from Creation, Continued in Teams to those now seen, Together with the New Use of the Zodiacal Circle, Showing All Past Years of the World, With Tables of the Kings of Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Judah, Israel, Persia, and Roman Emperors of the First Century, on A.M. Years for Comparison’ (inner title page) – Stated Ninth Edition – E. Nister, 28, Paternoster Row, E. C., London: or can be had of The Author, 1, Gordon Road, Wanstead, London, E., 1897

334. Cunningham, Prof. G. W. ‘Your Ruling Planet Discovered by Astrology’ Webster Publishing Company, Chicago, 1897

333. Bennett, Ellen H. ‘Astrology, Science of Knowledge and Reason: A Treatise on the Heavenly Bodies in an Easy and Comprehensive Form’ Published by The Author, 761 Sixth Ave., New York City, 1897

332. Baughan, Rosa ‘The Influence of the Stars: a Book of Old World  Lore – In Three Parts – Part I. Astrology – Part II. Chiromancy – Part III. Physiognomy – To which are added Chapters on the Significance of the Moles of the Body Astrologically Considered – The Mystical Wheel of Pythagoras and the Methods of working it’ Third, Revised and Enlarged, Edition – Illustrated with Ten Plates’ Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London, 1897

331. [Pearce, Alfred J. ed.] ‘Star Lore and Future Events’ [bound magazines], 1897-1903

330. Ormsby, Frank Earl, ed. ‘Planets and People’ [bound magazines] for 1897, 1899 – [1897-9]

329. Sepharial; and Evans, Hugh, eds. ‘Coming Events’ [bound magazines], 1897-1901

328. White, Frederick R. ‘White’s Geo-centric Astrology: a Manual of Geocentric Astrology Especially Prepared for the Beginner, With All Necessary Tables’ [Self-Published], [502 5th Avenue So.,] Minneapolis, Minn., [1896]

327. White, Frederick ‘Helio-Centric Ephemeris for Ninety Years, 1825 to 1916’ Frederick White, Minneapolis, Minn., [1896]

326. Stowe, Lyman E. ‘A Philosopher’s Advice, Or the Seer’s Mystery. A Book of Anecdote and Method of Fortelling the Future’ Published by the Author, 131 133 Catherine St., Detroit, Mich., c. 1896

325. Anonymous (5) ‘The Practical Solar Biology’ No Publisher Stated, c. 1896

324. Stowe, Lyman E. ‘What is Coming is a Wonderful Exposition of the Prophecies and Comparison with Ancient and Modern Historical and Political Events, Together with an Ample, though Concise History of Money from King Solomon’s Time to the Present’ Lyman E. Stowe, Detroit, Michigan, 1896

323. Simmonite, Dr. W. J., M.D., Ph.D., the late; ed. Story, John ‘Horary Astrology. – The Key to Scientific Prediction, Being the Prognostic Astronomer’ New Edition, with Additions / Stated Sixth Edition – W. Foulsham & Co., 4, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, London, E. C. / John Story, 159, Cemetery Road, Sheffield, 1896

322. Raphael ‘Raphael’s Private Instructions in Animal Magnetism’ The Chicago College of Psycho-Therapeutics and National Institute of Science, Masonic Temple, Chicago, 1896

96b. Ptolemy; tr. Ashmand, J. M. ‘Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos; or Quadripartite: being Four Books of the Influence of the Stars. – Newly Translated from the Greek Paraphrase of Proclus. – With a Preface, Explanatory Notes, and an Appendix, containing Extracts from the Almagest of Ptolemy, and the whole of his Centiloquy’ Now Reprinted as a Supplement to “Coming Events,” by Hay Nisbet & Co., 16 St. Enoch Square, Glasgow, 1896

321. [Leo, Alan] ‘A Simple Method of Instruction in the Science of Astrology, Containing the True Nature of the Planets – Part I – Reprinted from Volume I of “Modern Astrology” ‘ Alan Leo, 1 & 2, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, E. C., London / The Occult Publishing Company, Boston, America, 1896

320. Kirk, Eleanor ‘Libra: an Astrological Romance’ Eleanor Kirk, 696 Green Avenue, Brooklyn, 1896

319. Gessmann, G. W. ‘[Occultistische Handbücher:] Katechismus der Sterndeutekunst – das ist der Lehre aus den Gestirnkonstellationen Schlüsse auf irdische Vorgänge zu ziehen – Nach alten und modernen Quellen gemeinverständlicht bearbeitetet – Mit drei Abbildungen – Verlag von Karl Siegismund, Mauerstrasse 68, Berlin, 1896

318. Delisle, M. Léopold, Membre de l’Institut; Administrateur général de la Bibliothèque Nationale ‘Notice sur un Livre d’Astrologie de Jean Duc de Berri’ Librairie Techener (H. Leclerc et P. Cornuau, Srs), 219, rue Saint-Honoré, au coin de la rue d’Alger, Paris, 1896

317. [Burgoyne, Thomas] ‘Celestial Dynamics; a Course of Astro-Metaphysical Study, by the Author of “The Language of the Stars,” and “The Light of Egypt’ The Astro-Philosophical Publishing Co., Denver, Colo., 1896

316. “Zariel” ‘The Horoscope Revised’ and “Sepharial” ‘The Prognostications Based upon the Ruling Sign’ Combined Edition – Printed by the Law and General Printing Co., 1 and 2, Bouverie St., E.C., and Camberwell, London, [1895]

315. Simmonite, William Joseph, A.M., Professor of Mathematics, Astronomy, Astro-Meteorology, and the Classics ‘Medical Botany or Herbal Guide to Health – Explaining the Natural Pathology of Disease, with Hundreds of Herbal Recipes – Thus Making Every Man His Own Physician’ W. Foulsham & Co., 4, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, London, [c. 1895]

314. “Sepharial” ‘Kabalistic Astrology, or Your Fortune in Your Name [: Manual No. I]’ The Astrological Publishing Association, 33, Great James Street, London, W.C. / W. Foulsham & Co., 4, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. / John Story, 159, Cemetery Road, Sheffield / The Occult Publishing Co., Box 2646, Boston, Mass., U.S.A, [1895]

313. Hill, J. H., M. D. ‘Astral Worship’ The Truth Seeker Company, 28 Lafayette Place, New York, [1895]

312. “Merlin” ‘The Wizard – Containing The Only True English Fortune-Teller Whereby All Questions May Be Answered Respecting the Present and the Future. Also A Simple and Easy Method of Telling Anyone’s Life and Disposition by the Signs of the Zodiac etc. etc.’ W. Foulsham & Co., 4, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, London, 1895

311. Herz, Dr. Nobert ‘Keplers Astrologie’ Carl Gerolds Sohn, Wien, 1895

310. Hermippus, Anonymi Christiani; ed. Kroll, Guilelmus and Viereck, Paulus ‘[Bibliotheca Scriptorum et Romanorum Teubneriana:] De Astrologia Dialogus’ In Aedibus B. G. Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1895

309. Haatan, Abel ‘Traité d’Astrologie Judiciaire’ Chamuel, Éditeur, 79, rue de la Faubourg-Poissonnière (Près la rue Lafayette), Paris, 1895

308. Colville, W. J. ‘Our Places in the Universal Zodiac’ Freedom Publishing Company, 1895

307. Cheiro ’Cheiro’s Language of the Hand – A Complete Practical Work on the Sciences of Cheirognomy and Cheiromancy, Containing the System, Rules, and Experience of Cheiro the Palmist’ Special Revised and Enlarged Fifth Edition – The Transatlantic Publishing Company, 63 Fifth Ave., New York / 26 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, London, 1895

306. Chadwick, L., 27 Pine Street, Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A. ‘The Cultivator’s Hand Book on Universal or Planetary Law of the Planets, Sun, Moon and Signs. What It Is. How It Operates. How It Affects Nations, The Animal and Vegetable Kingdom, and Especially How It Affects Man’ R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Printers, Chicago, 1895

305. Bullinger, Rev. Ethelbert W., D.D. ‘The Witness of the Stars’ Second Edition – To be obtained of The Author, Bromley, Kent; or through the Tade of Messrs. Eyre and Spottiswoode, Great New Street, London, E.C., 1895

304. Leo, Alan, ed. [and successors] ‘Modern Astrology’ [magazine, mostly bound, some as individual issues], 1895-1941

303b. Wilde, G. and Dodson, J. ‘A Treatise of Natal Astrology. To which is Appended, “The Soul and the Stars.” by A. G. Trent’ The Occult Book Company, 6 Central Street, Halifax, Yorks., 1894

303a. Trent, A. G. ‘The Soul and the Stars (Reprinted from the University Magazine for March, 1880)’ Revised and Extended by the Author – The Occult Book Co., 6, Central Street, Halifax, Yorks., 1894

302. Raphael, the Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century, Author of “The Prophetic Messenger,” &c. &c. (Reprinted by) ‘Raphael’s Pythoness of the East; or, Complete Key to Futurity. Translated from the original Ms. of the celebrated mystical divining book, formerly in the possession of Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Josephine. – This extraordinary work was consulted by Prince Puckler Muskau and others, during his soujourn in England, with the most astonishing success, and is now submitted to the world as the most surprising and infallible Oracle of Destiny extant’ W. Foulsham & Co., 4, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, London, 1894

301a. Ormsby, Frank Earl, A Magian Mystic ‘”The Law and the Prophets”: a Scientific Work on the Relationship between Physical Bodies, Vegetable, Animal Human, and Planetary. Designed for the Instruction and Guidance of Students in the Occult Sciences’ [Self-Published], Chicago, 1894

300. Lévi, Éliphas ‘Le Livre des Splendeurs – contenant le Soleil Judaïque – La Gloire Chrétienne et l’Étoile Flamboyante – avec des Recherches sur les Mystères de la Franc-Maçonnerie, Suivies de la Profession de Foi et les Éléments de Kabbale – Appendice par Papus’ Chamuel, Éditeur, 29, rue de Trévise, Paris, 1894

299. Kirk, Eleanor; assisted by Street, J. C., A.B.N. ‘The Influence of the Zodiac upon Human Life’ The Idea Publishing Company, 52 Potter Building, New York, 1894

298. Hipparchus; ed. Manitius, Carolus ‘[Bibliotheca Scriptorum et Romanorum Teubneriana:] Hipparchi In Arati et Eudoxi Phaenomena Commentariorum Libri Tres – Ad Codicum Fidem Recensuit Germanica Interpretatione et Commentariis Instruxit Carolus Manitius’ In Aedibus B. G. Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1894

297. Boll, Franz, Dr. Phil. ‘Studien über Claudius Ptolemäus – Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Griechischen Philosophie und Astrologie – [Besonderer Abdruck aus dem Einundzwanzigsten Supplementbande der Jahrbücher für Classische Philologie]’ Druck und Verlag von B. G. Teubner, Leipzig, 1894

296. Raphael, The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century (ed.) ‘A Description of the Faces and Degrees of the Zodiac, as Given in the Ancient Authors, Being Applicable to Genethliacal and Horary Astrology’ Published by W. Foulsham and Co., 4 Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, E. C., London, [1893]

295. Richmond, Olney H., Grand Magea and Master of the Inner Temple ‘Religion of the Stars or the Temple Lectures, Delivered before the classes of advancement in the Grand Temple of the Order of the Magi, at Chicago, with Articles and Interviews from Newspapers regarding the Great Work’ Second Edition, Revised and Extended – The Temple Publishing Company, 1910 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, 1893

294. Ragozin, Zénaïde A., Member of the “Société Ethnologique” of Paris; of the “American Oriental Society”; Corresponding Member of the “Athénée Oriental” of Paris ‘[The Story of the Nations:] The Story of Chaldea from the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria (Treated as a General Introduction to the Study of Ancient History)’ Second Edition, Revised – G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York / T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1893

293a. O’Neill, John ‘The Night of the Gods: an Inquiry into Cosmic and Cosmogonic Mythology and Symbolism – Volume I’ Printed by Harrison & Sons, Saint-Martin’s Lane, and Published by Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, 1893

292. Dalton, Joseph G. ‘The Spherical Basis of Astrology, Being a Comprehensive Table of Houses for Latitudes 22º to 56º, with Rational Views and Suggestions, Explanation and Instructions, Correction of Wrong Methods, and Auxiliary Tables’ Arena Publishing Company, Copley Square, Boston, 1893

291. Bullinger, Rev. Ethelbert W., D.D. ‘The Witness of the Stars’ Published by The Author, 7, St. Paul’s Churchyard, E.C., London, 1893

290. Broughton, L. D., M. D. ‘Planetary Influence’ Published by the Author, 66 West Fourth Street, New York, [October] 1893

289. Anonymous (21); tr. Pelanca y Tita, Señor and Baughan, Rosa ‘Solar Horoscopes: Extracted from an Ancient Hebrew Manuscript Found Near Cairo in 1836 at the Time of the Removal of the Obelisk to France’ Printed by Bowden, Hudson & Co., 23, Red Lion Street, Holborn, London, 1893

288. Stead, W. T., ed. ‘Borderland: a Quarterly Review and Index [bound magazines, 4 vols., 1893-1897]

287. Star, Ély, Professeur de Sciences Occultes ‘[Petite Bibliothèque Universelle:] Cours d’Astrologie’ Librairie des Publications à Cinq Centimes, 34, Rue de la Montagne-Sainte-Geneviève, Paris, [1892]

286. Arnold, Hans ’Schulmedizin und Wunderkuren: Eine Kritische Studie über unfach- und unzeitgemäße Vorurteile des großen Publikums (Speziell der Ärzte) gegenüber den Heilkräften des Hypnotismus, Magnetismus und der einschlägigen sogen. „Wunderkuren.”’ Verlag von Max Spohr, Leipzig, 1892

285. Tappertz, Eduardus, Rhenanus ‘De Coniunctionum Usu Apud Manilium Quaestiones Selectae – Commentatio Philologica Quam Consensu et Auctoritate Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis in Alma Litterarum Academia Regia Monasteriensi ad Summos in Philosophia Honores Rite Impetrandos’ Ex Typographia Brunniana, Monasterii Guestfalorum, 1892

284a; 284b. Scott, Sir Walter, Bart. ‘Guy Mannering or The Astrologer in Two Volumes – Vol. I – Vol. II – With Introductory Essay and Notes by Andrew Lang’ Estes and Lauriat Publishers, Boston, 1892 [2 vols.]

283a; 283b. Row, B. Suryanarain, B.A. ’The Astrological Primer’ Printed at the Neutral Press, Bellary, December 1892, bound with Row, B. Suryanarain, B.A. ’The Astrological Self-Instructor’ Second Edition – Printed at the Neutral Press, Bellary, 1893

282. Papus; tr. Morton, A. P. ‘[Absolute Key to Occult Science.] The Tarot of the Bohemians. The Most Ancient Book in the World. For the exclusive use of Initiates’ Chapman and Hall, Ld., London, 1892

281. Anderson, Karl, S.P.R.+, Professor of Chaldean, Arabian, and Egyptian Astrology ‘The Astrology of the Old Testament or the Lost Word Regained’ Karl Anderson Publisher, Boston, 1892

280. [Pearce, Alfred J., ed. ‘The Future: a Monthly Magazine of Predictive Science & Events of the Day’ [bound magazines, 1892-1894] – [various publishers, 1892-1894]

279. [Simmonite, W. J.]; ed. Story, John ‘The Daily Guide, with Simmonite’s Prognostications on Revolutions, or Solar Figures, Showing the Daily Events Likely to Occur Throughout the Natal Year of Any Person’s Horoscope: Also the Aproximate Longitudes of the Planets’ Places from 1889 to 1900, With Additions and Emendations’ New Edition – Foulsham and Co., 4, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, London, 1891

278. Papus, Directeur de l’Initiation; Président du Groupe Indépendant d’Études Ésotériques; Officier d’Académie; intr. Franck, Ad., Membre de l’Institut; Président de la Ligue Nationale Contre L’Athéisme ‘Traité Méthodique de Science Occulte’ Georges Carré, Éditeur, 58, Rue Saint-André-des-Arts, Paris, 1891

277. Mayer, Ernst ‘Handbuch der Astrologie’ R. v. Decker’s Verlag / G. Schenck, Löniglicher Hofbuchhändler, Berlin, 1891

276b. Gabotto, Ferdinando ‘Nuove Ricerche e Documenti Sull’ Astrologia alla Corte Degli Estensi e Degli Sforza’ La Letteratura, Torino, 1891

276a. Gabotto, Ferdinando ‘Bartolomeo Manfredi e l’Astrologia alla Corte di Mantova: Ricerche e Documenti’ La Letteratura, Torino, 1891

275. Leo, Alan and Aphorel, eds. ‘The Astrologer’s Magazine [bound magazines, 1890-1895]

274. Upendracharia (attrib.); tr. Iyer, N. Chidambaram, B.A., F.T.S., Founder of the Tiruvadi Jotistantra Sabha ‘[Aryan Miscellany:] Jinendramala of Upendracharia. An exhaustive work on Prasna or Horary Astrology’ K. R. Press, 289, Thumboo Chetty Street, Madras, 1890

273. Proctor, R. A. ‘Easy Star Lessons’ A New Edition, with Numerous Illustrations – Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, London, 1890

272. Chaney, W. H. ‘Chaney’s Primer of Astrology and American Urania. Old Rules Simplified, New Rules Added, With Improved Nomenclature and Numerous Tables Never Before Published’ Magic Circle Publishing Co., St. Louis, MO. / Trade Supplied by the Occult Pub. Co., Boston Mass, 1890

271. Sepharial, ed. ‘Fate and Fortune’ [bound magazines] – W. Foulsham, 4, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, E.C., London, 1890

270. Raphael, the Astrologer of the 19th Century ‘The Book of Dreams: Being a Concise Interpretation of Dreams’ 2nd Edition – W. Foulsham & Co., 4 Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, London, undated [c. 1886-1895]

269. Gessmann, Gustav ‘Katechismus der Handlesekunst, das ist eine kurze übersichtliche Zusammentstellung der von den Chiromanten aufgestellten Lehren betreffend die Deutung der Handformen sowie der auf der Handfläche befindlichen Zeichen – Mit 19 Tafeln’ Verlag von Karl Siegismund, Spezialbuchhandlung für occultismus, Mauerstrasse 68, Berlin, 1889

268. Ragozin, Zénaïde A., Member of the “Société Ethnologique” of Paris; of the “American Oriental Society”; Corresponding Member of the “Athénée Oriental” of Paris ‘[The Story of the Nations:] The Story of Chaldea from the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria (Treated as a General Introduction to the Study of Ancient History)’ Second Edition, Revised – G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York / T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1889

267. Pearce, Alfred J. ‘The Text-Book of Astrology – Vol. II: Mundane Astrology, Astro-Meteorology, Medical Astrology, Elections, and Horary Astrology. Tables of “Houses” for Chichester, Manchester, Ottawa and Melbourne’ Printed and Published by Cousins and Co., 6, Helmet Court, (338) Strand, London, 1889

266. Némethy, Geyza, Phil. Dr. ’Quaestiones de Firmico Materno Astrologo. – Commentario ex Annalibus gymnasii regii catholici regionis V. Budapestinensis seorsim expressa’ Budapestini, 1889

265. Hartmann, Franz, M. D. ‘Principles of Astrological Geomancy: the Art of Divining by Punctuation According to Cornelius Agrippa and Others. With an Appendix Containing 2,048 Answers to Questions’ Theosophical Publishing Company, Limited, 7 Duke Street, Adelphi, W.C., London (attrib. on title page) / Allen, Scott and Co.,30, Bouverie Street, E.C., London (attrib. on copyright page), 1889

264. Graves, P. A., Prof. of Astrology ‘Evolution and Reproduction of the Human Race – Man Produced by Stellar Magnetism – Diseases and their Causes Explained – They are Not necesarily Hereditary – How to Prevent Mental and Physical Weakness in Children’ San Francisco, California, 1889

263. [Burgoyne, Thomas] ‘The Light of Egypt, or the Science of the Soul and the Stars, in Two Parts’ Religio-Philosophical Publishing House, Chicago, 1889

262. Baughan, Rosa ‘The Influence of the Stars: a Book of Old World  Lore. In Three Parts. Part I. – Astrology. Part II. – Chiromancy. Part III. – Physiognomy. To which are added Chapters on the Significance of the Moles of the Body astrologically considered, the Mystical Wheel of Pythagoras and the Methods of working it. Illustrated with 9 Plates’ George Redway, York Street, Covent Garden, London, 1889

261. Bland, R., ed. ‘Bland’s Astrology, with Supplement” [bound magazines, 1889] – W. Foulsham & Co., 4, Pilgrim Street, London / R. Bland, Bank Street, Hull, 1889

260. Star, Ély; intr. Flammarion, Camille et Péladin, Joséphin ‘Les Mystères de l’Horoscope – 9 Figures Astrologiques dans le Texte’ E. Dentu, Éditeur, Palais-Royal, 15-17-19, Galerie d’Orléans, 3, Place Valois, Paris, 1888

259a, 259b. [Al-Biruni]; tr. / ed. Sachau, Dr. Edward C. ‘Alberuni’s India: an Account of the Religion, Philosophy, Literature, Geography, Chronology, Astronomy, Customs, Laws and Astrology of India about AD 1030 – An English Edition, with Notes and Indices – in two Volumes – Vol. I – Vol. II’ Trübner & Co., Ludgate Hill, London, 1888 [2 vols.]

258. Powley, P., ed. ‘The Astrologer’ [bound magazine], July 1887 – June 1890 – W. Foulsham, 4, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, E. C., London, 1887-1890

257. Sepharial ‘Astrological Judgment upon the Great Solar Eclipse of 1887 – Being a Definite and Lucid Explanation of the Great Social Reformation and European Crisis Presignified in the Celestial World’ E. C. Osborne and Son, 84, New Street, Birmingham, April 1887

256. Raphael, the Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century ‘The Book of Fate: Whereby All Questions May Be Answered Respecting the Present and Future’ W. Foulsham & Co. (Late Catty & Dobson), 4, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, London, 1887

255. Engelbrecht, Dr. August ‘Hephaestion von Theben und sein astrologisches Compendium. Ein Beitrag zur Geschicte der griechischen Astrologie’ Verlag von Carl Konegen, Wien, 1887

254. Butler, Hiram E. ‘Solar Biology: a Scientific Method of Delineating Character, Diagnosing Disease; Determining Mental, Physical and Business Qualifications, Conjugal Adaptability, etc., etc., from Date of Birth’ Stated Second Edition – Esoteric Publishing Company, 478 Shawmut Avenue, Boston, [Mass.], 1887

253. Broughton, L. D., M. D. ‘Introductory Remarks to a Pamphlet Entitled Why I Am An Astrologer, and a Reply to Richard A. Proctor’s article on the “Humbug of Astrology,” Published in the “New York World,” Feb. 6th, 1887, with Criticisms on the “New York World,” Mr. Proctor, and Judge John Jay Gordon, of the Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, PA’ Published by The Author, 66 West Fourth Street, New York, 1887

252. Baughan, Rosa ’Character Indicated by Handwriting: a Practical Treatise in Support of the Assertion that the Handwriting of a Person is an Infallible Guide to his Character, with Illustrations taken from Authographic Letters of Statesmen, Lawyers, Soldiers, Ecclesiastics, Authors, Poets, Musicians, Actors, and Other Persons’ Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged – L. Upcott Gill, 170, Strand, W.C., London, [1885]

251. Weigelius, Valentine; ed. Kingsford, Anna Bonus ‘Astrology Theologized: The Spiritual Hermeneutics of Astrology and Holy Writ Being A Treatise Upon the Influence of the Stars On Man and On the Art of Ruling Them By the Law of Grace: (Reprinted from the Original of 1649) With a Prefatory Essay On the True Method of Interpreting Holy Scripture by Anna Bonus Kingsford’ George Redway, London, 1886

250. Lilly, William, ed.; intr. / ed. Serjeant, Wm. C. Eldon, Fellow of the Theosophical Society ‘The Astrologer’s Guide. Anima Astrologiae; Or, A Guide for Astrologers. Being the One Hundred and Forty-Six Considerations of the Famous Astrologer, Guido Bonatus, Translated from the Latin by Henry Coley, together with the Choicest Aphorisms of the Seven Segments of Jerom Cardan of Milan, Edited by William Lilly (1675). Now First Republished from a Unique Copy of the Original Edition with Notes and a Preface by Wm. C. Eldon Serjeant, Fellow of the Theosophical Society’ George Redway, York Street, Covent Garden, London, 1886

249. Johnson, Margaret, ill. McDermott, Jessie and Hayden, E. P. ‘The Procession of the Zodiac: Twelve Month-Poems by Margaret Johnson; Twelve Month-Drawings by Jessie McDermott’ D. Lothrop and Company, Franklin and Hawley Streets, Boston, USA, 1886

248. Frith, Henry and Heron-Allen, Edward; ill. Noyes, Dora ’Chiromancy: or, the Science of Palmistry, Being A Concise Exposition of the Principles and Practice of the Art of Reading the Hand, by which the Past, the Present, and the Future may be Explained and Foretold’ Fifth Edition – George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, London / 9 Lafayette Place, New York, 1886

247. Collingwood, W. Gershom, M. A., Sometime Scholar of University College, Oxford ‘Astrology in the Apocalypse: An Essay on Biblical Allusions to Chaldean Science’ George Allen, Sunnyside, Orpington, Kent, 1886

246. Barry, Joseph ‘The Almanac Explained’ American Print Job, Baltimore, 1886

245. Harley, Rev. Timothy, F. R. A. S. ‘Moon Lore’ Swan Sonnenschein, Le Bas & Lowrey, Paternoster Square, London, 1885

244. Barreiro de W., Bernado, Director de la Revista de Antiguedades”GaliciaDiplomatica” ‘Brujos y Astrologos de la Inquisicion de Galicia y el Famoso Libro de San Cipriano’ Imprenta de “La Voz de Galicia”, Coruña, 1885

243. Gallenmüller, Joseph, K. Gymnasialprofessor ‘Der Fixsternhimmel jetzt und zu Homers Zeiten. – Mit zwei Sternkarten [Programm zum Jahresberichte über das Kgl. Lyceum und das Kgl. alte Gymnasium zu Regensburg im Studienjahre 1884/85’ Drück von J. & K. Mayr, Stadtamhof, [1885]

242. Regulus, ed. ‘Signs of the Times: a Monthly Almanac and Miscellany of Astro-Meteorology, the Celestial Science of Astrology, and the Arts, Sciences, and Literature Generally’ (bound journal, 2 vols.) 1884-1891

241. Varaha Mihira; tr. Iyer, N. Chidambaram ‘[Aryan Miscellany: Samhita Series:] The Brihat Samhita of Varaha Mihira’ Printed at the South Indian Press, Madura, 1884

240. Karch, Georg, Dechant-Pfarrer in Veitshöchheim ‘Die Symbolik des Sternenhimmels. – Ein kurzgefaßtes Lehrgedicht über die Sternbilder der Alten nach der Weisheit der Chaldäer in den Mysterien des Lichtgenius Mithras, den 7 Planeten gemäß abgestuft’ Druck von F. X. Bucher, Würzburg, 1884

239. Benner, Samuel , An Ohio Farmer ‘Benner’s Prophecies of Future Ups and Downs in Prices. What Years to Make Money on Pig-Iron, Hogs, Corn, and Provisions’ Third Edition – Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati, 1884

238. Raphael, the Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century ‘Raphael’s Horary Astrology; By Which Every Question Relating to the Future May Be Answered’ Published by Catty & Dobson, 4 Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, London, 1883

237. Seiss, Joseph A., D. D. ‘The Gospel in the Stars; or, Primeval Astronomy’ E. Claxton & Company, No. 930 Market Street, Philadelphia, 1882

236. Higgins, W. H., M. B. / ‘The Names of the Stars and Constellations Compiled from the Latin, Greek, and Arabic; with their Derivations and Meanings: Together with the Twenty-Eight Moonstations, of the Zodiac, Known to the Arabs’ (inner title) / ‘Arabic Names of the Stars with their Meanings’ (front board title) – Samuel Clarke, 5, Gallowtree Gate, Leicester / Hamilton, Adams, & Co., London, 1882

235. Brown, Robert, Jun., Esq., F.S.A. ‘On a German Astronomico-Astrological Manuscript, and on the Origin of the Signs of the Zodiac’ (Offprint from) Archaeologia 47, 1882 – no publication details present, [1882]

234. Bouché-Leclercq, A., Professeur à la Faculté des Lettres de Montpellier, Professeur Suppléant à la Faculté des Lettres de Paris ‘Histoire de la Divination dans l’Antiquité Tome Quatrième: Divination Italique (Étrusque – Latine – Romaine); Index Général’ Ernest Leroux, Éditeur, Libraire de la Société Asiatique de l’École des Langues Orientales Vivantes, etc., 28, rue Bonaparte, Paris, 1882

233. Raphael, Edwin ‘Raphael’s Private Instructions in Genethliacal Astrology – Being Adapted for those who are a little advanced in the study of astrology’ No Publisher Stated, London, 1881 [bound 1885]

232. Pearce, Alfred J. ‘The Science of the Stars’ Simpkin, Marshall, And Co., 4, Stationers’ Hall Court, London, 1881

231. Krichenbauer, Anton, k. k. Gymnasial-Director, Besitzer der goldenen Medaille für Kunst und Wissenschaft ‘Theogonie und Astronomie: Ihr Zussammenhang nachgewiesen an den Göttern der Griechen, Aegypter, Babylonier und Arier’ Bei Carl Konegen, Wien, 1881

230. Knabenbauer, Franz Xaver, k. Gymnasialprofessor ‘ “Orakel und Prophetie:” – Eine Apologetische Parallele [Programm der kgl. Studienanstalt Passau zum Schlusse des Schuljahres 1880/81’ F. W. Keppleriche Buchdruckerei, Passau, 1881

229. Kelber, Chr., k. Studienlehrer ‘Programm der kgl. bayer. Studienanstalt zu Erlangen zum Schlusse des Schuljahres 1880/81 – Zu Julius Firmicus Maternus, dem Astrologen’ Druck der Universitäts-Buchdruckerei von E. Th. Jacob, Erlangen, 1881

228. Alfonso X, [el] Rey D. ‘Lapidario: Códice Original’ Imprenta de la Iberia, á cargo de J. Blasco, Calle de Lope de Vega, Núms, 23 y 25, Madrid, 1881

227. Zadkiel ‘The Universal Dream Book’ and Sibly , the Great Astrologer (pseud.) ‘The Popular Fortune Teller’ W. Nicholson & Sons, Limited, 26, Paternoster Square, E. C., London, and Albion Works, Wakefield, undated [c. 1880s-1890s]

226. Sibly, the Great Astrologer (attrib.) ‘The Popular Fortune Teller, Containing Never-Failing Means for Ladies to Obtain Good Husbands, and Husbands Good Wives; Interpretation of Dreams, Foretelling Future Events and Contingencies. Also, the Art of Divination, by the Sciences of Astrology, Physiognomy, Palmistry, Moles, Cards, etc.; The Silent Language, & c.’ W. Nicholson & Sons, 26, Paternoster Square, E.C., London / Albion Works, Wakefield, undated [c. 1880s-1890s]

225. Raphael, The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century (compiled by) ‘The Geocentric Longitudes and Declinations of the Superior Planets, From 1820 to 1879 Inclusive’ The Author, London, 1880

224. Raphael ‘The Art of Talismanic Magic: Being Selections from the Works of Rabbi Solomon, Agrippa, F. Barrett, etc.’ Stated 5th edition, dated 1880

223. Bouché-Leclercq, A., Professeur à la Faculté des Lettres de Montpellier, Professeur Suppléant à la Faculté des Lettres de Paris ‘Histoire de la Divination dans l’Antiquité Tome Troisième: Oracles des Dieux (Suite); Oracles des Héros et des Morts; Oracles Exotiques Hellénisés’ Ernest Leroux, Éditeur, Libraire de la Société Asiatique de l’École des Langues Orientales Vivantes, etc., 28, rue Bonaparte, Paris, 1880

222. Bouché-Leclercq, A., Professeur à la Faculté des Lettres de Montpellier, Professeur Suppléant à la Faculté des Lettres de Paris ‘Histoire de la Divination dans l’Antiquité Tome Deuxième: Les Sacerdoces Divinatoires. Devins, Chresmologues, Sibylles. Oracles des Dieux’ Ernest Leroux, Éditeur, Libraire de la Société Asiatique, de l’École des Langues Orientales Vivantes, etc., 28, rue Bonaparte, Paris, 1880

221. Pearce. Alfred J., ed. ‘Urania’ [bound magazines], January-September 1880 – Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, London, 1880

220.  Knapp, M. L., M.D., and others ‘Astronomical Etiology , or Star Prophecies concerning Coming Disasters on the Earth from 1881 to 1885’ Second Edition – Thomas Wilson, Publisher, 188 Monroe Street, Chicago, c. 1879-1880

219. Raphael, the Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century ‘The Guide to Astrology; Containing a New and Complete System of Directions in Genethliacal Astrology, Free From All Abstruse and Intricate Calculations, Enabling Any Person of Ordinary Education to Foretell the Future Events in their Own Nativity, With Many Examples. Also, An Epitome of Claudius Ptolemy on Genethliacal Astrology, and the Approximate Longitudes and Declinations of the Superior Planets from 1880 to 1920 – Vol. II’ J. E. Catty, 12 Ave Maria Lane, Paternoster Row, London, 1879

218. Raphael, The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century (ed.) ‘A Description of the Faces and Degrees of the Zodiac, as Given in the Ancient Authors, Being Applicable to Genethliacal and Horary Astrology’ The Author, London, 1879

217. Pearce, Alfred J. ‘The Text-Book of Astrology Vol. I. Genethlialogy’ Printed and Published for the Author, by Cousins and Co., 3 York Street, Covent Garden, London, preface dated 1879

216. Bouché-Leclercq, A., Professeur à la Faculté des Lettres de Montpellier, Professeur Suppléant à la Faculté des Lettres de Paris ‘Histoire de la Divination dans l’Antiquité Tome Premier: Introduction; Divination Héllenique (Méthodes)’ Ernest Leroux, Éditeur, Libraire de la Société Asiatique, de l’École des Langues Orientales Vivantes, etc., 28, rue Bonaparte, Paris, 1879

215. Torné-Chavigny, l’abbé H. ’Influence de Nostradamus dans le Gouvernement de la France depuis la publication de ses Prophéties, en 1555, jusqu’à ce jour – Ouvrage dédié et distribué au Sénat en 1878’ L’Auteur, avenue de Clichy, 13, Paris, [1878]

214. Billwiller, Robert ‘[Oeffentliche Vorträge gehalten in der Schweiz, Band V. Heft II:] Ueber Astrologie – Vortrag gehalten am 23. Januar 1877, dem 59. Stiftungstag der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft in St. Gallen’ Schweighauserische Verlagsbuchhandlung (Hugo Richter), Basel, 1878

213. Lenormant, François ‘Chaldean Magic: its Origin and Development. Translated from the French with Considerable Additions by the Author and Notes by the Editor’ Samuel Bagster and Sons, 15, Paternoster Row, London, [1877]

212. Woolley, Milton ‘The Science of the Bible; or, an Analysis of the Hebrew Mythology, Wherein it is Shown that the Holy Scriptures Treat of Natural Phenomena Only’ Printed for the Author by Knight & Leonard, Chicago, 1877

211. Raphael, the Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century ‘The Guide to Astrology; Containing the Complete Rudimental Part of Genethliacal Astrology, By Which Every Person May Calculate Their Own Nativity, And Learn Their Own Natural Character and Proper Destiny, With Rules and Information Never Before Published – Vol. I’ Catty and Co., 12 Ave Maria Lane, Paternoster Row, London, 1877

210. [Maximus] and [Ammon]; ed. Ludwich, Arthurus ‘[Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana:] Maximi et Ammonis Carminum de Actionum Auspiciis Reliquiae. Accedunt Anecdota Astrologica’ In Aedibus B. G. Teubneri, Lipsiaq, 1877

209. Johnson, Anna P. ‘Iconoclasm; or, Astrology of the Bible’ No Publisher Stated, 1877

208. Chaney, W. H. ‘Chaney’s Ephemeris from 1800 to date: These Ephemeris Contain the Daily Longitudes of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and Dragon’s Head, Calculated for Noon at Greenwich, England, and the Longitude of Uranus for Every Sixth Day. The Latitude of the Moon is Given For Every Day, and the Latitudes of the Planets for Every Sixth Day. Revised from Ephemeris by Holdsworth, Raphael, Zadkiel and Simmonite, and over Four Hundred Errors Corrected’ [Self-Published], Salem, Oregon, 1877

207. Tice, John H. ‘Elements of Meteorology Part II: Meteorological Cycles‘ Meteorological Research and Publication Company, Saint Louis, 1875

206. [Duchateau, M.] ’Astrologie Américaine’ – [Société Américaine de France, Paris, 1875]

205. Casael ‘Your Future Foretold; or, the Whole Art of Astrology: Explained in Such a Manner that Any Person that can Read and Write, Can Work Their Own Nativity and Learn Their Temporal Destiny. It is Perfectly Free From All Abstruse calculations Which Are Only Intended to Baffle the Public, and Keep the Secret in the Possession of a Select Few’ J. G. Berger, Newcastle Street, Strand, London / Casael, Post Office, Watford, New Town, Herts., 1875

204. Brunton, Thomas, Ingénieur ‘La Bible et l’Astronomie’ Ch. Maréchal, Imprimeur, 16, Passage des Petites-Écuries, Paris, 1875

203. Severini, Antelmo, ed. / tr. ‘Notizie di Astrologia Giapponese, raccolte da libri originali per opera di Antelmo Severini, Professore Nell’ Istituto di Studi Superiori in Firenze – Extrait de l’Atsume Gusa’ H. Georg, Libraire-Éditeur, Genève / Ernest Leroux, Paris / Trübner and Co., London, 1874

202. Sayce, Rev. A. H. ‘The Astronomy and Astrology of the Babylonians’ in ‘Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, 9, Conduit Street, W. – Vol. III’ Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, Paternoster Row, London, 1874

201. Torné-Chavigny, H. ’Concordance des Prophéties de Nostradamus avec l’Apocalypse, ou l’Apocalyse Interprétée par Nostradamus, faisant suite à l’Histoire Prédite et Jugée par le même auteur – Recherches et Commentaire’ Édition Augmentée – Chez le Commentateur, à Saint-Denis-du-Pin, 1872

200. Iacobi, Hermanus ’De Astrologiae Indicae, ’Horâ’ Appellatae Originibus. Accedunt Laghu-Jâtaki Capita Inedita III-XII. – Dissertatio Philologica quam Summorum in Philosophia Honorum Auctoritate Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis in Universitate Fridericia Guilelmia Rhenana rite obtinendorum caussa una cum Sententiis Controversis Die XXIV. Mensis IVLII A. MDCCCLXXII Hora XI – Formis Caroli Georgi, Bonnae, 1872

199. Dupuis [sic]; tr. Muller, C. C. C. W. ‘The Origin of All Religious Worship. Translated from the French of Dupuis, Member of the Academy of Inscriptions and of the National Institute of France During the First French Republic. Containing Also a Description of the Zodiac of Denderah’ No Publisher Stated, New Orleans, 1872

198. Mensinga, J. A. M. ‘[Sammlung gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher Vorträge, VI. Serie, Heft 140] Ueber alte und neuere Astrologie’ C. G. Lüderitz’sche (?) Verlagsbuchhandlung / Carl Habel, Berlin, 1871

197. Kepleri, Joannis, Astronomi; ed. Frisch, Dr. Ch. ’Opera Omnia. Volumen VIII. Pars II’ Heyder & Zimmer, Francofurti A. M., 1871

196. Christian, Paul, Ancien Bibliothècaire au Ministère de l’Instruction Publique et des Cultes ‘Histoire de la Magie, du Monde Surnaturel et de la Fatalité, à travers les temps et les peuples’ Furne, Jouvet et Cie, Éditeurs, 45 rue Saint-André-des-Arts, Paris, [1870]

195. Kepleri, Joannis, Astronomi; ed. Frisch, Dr. Ch. ’Opera Omnia. Volumen VIII. Pars I’ Heyder & Zimmer, Francofurti A. M., 1870

194. Sibly, the Great Astrologer (attrib.) ‘The Popular Fortune Teller, Containing Never-Failing Means for Ladies to Obtain Good Husbands, and Husbands Good Wives; Interpretation of Dreams, Foretelling Future Events and Contingencies. Also, the Art of Divination, by the Sciences of Astrology, Physiognomy, Palmistry, Moles, Cards, etc. – The Silent Language, & c.’ William Nicholson and Sons, Wakefield / S. D. Ewins & Co., Paternoster Row, London, undated [c. late 1860s]

193. Kepleri, Joannis, Astronomi; ed. Frisch, Dr. Ch. ’Opera Omnia, Volumen VII’ Heyder & Zimmer, Frankofurti A. M., 1868

192b. Gallup, Henry T., Astrologer, tr. / transcribed [Bound compendium of his manuscript translations and transcriptions of excerpts from select astrological texts, Volume Two] – no place or date stated

192a. Gallup, Henry T., Astrologer, tr. / transcribed [Bound compendium of his manuscript translations and transcriptions of excerpts from select astrological texts, Volume One] – Boston, Mass., Nov. 1868

191. Reitlinger, Dr. Edmund, k. k. Professor am Polytechnikum in Wien; under Mitwirkung von Neumann, C. W., und dem herausgeber Gruner, C. ‘Johannes Kepler. Vier Bücher in drei Theilen. – Mit vielen Illustrationen. – Erster Theil’ Im Selbstverlag des Herausgabers. Druck und Commissions-Verlag von Carl Grüninger in Stuttgart (K. Hofbuchdruckerei Zu Guttenberg), 1868, bound with Gruner, C. ‘Kepler’s wahrer Geburtsort. Mit einer Original-Photographie des Modells seines Denkmals’ Im Selbstverlag des Herausgebers. Druck und Commissions-Verlag von Emil Ebner in Stuttgart, [1866]

190. Phillips. Henry, Jr. ‘Medicine and Astrology: a Paper Read Before the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, on Thursday Evening, June 7, 1866’ No Publisher Stated, Philadelphia, 1867

189. Kepleri, Joannis, Astronomi; ed. Frisch, Dr. Ch. ’Opera Omnia, Volumen VI’ Heyder & Zimmer, Frankofurti A. M. Et Erlangae, 1866

188. Drummond, Sir W., the Right Honorable ‘The Oedipus Judaicus’ New Edition Revised – Reeves and Turner, 238, Strand, Next to Temple Bar, London, 1866

187. Lévi, Éliphas ‘[Philosophie Occulte, Seconde Série:] La Science des Esprits – Révelation du Dogme Secret des Kabbalistes – Esprit Occulte des Évangiles – Appréciation des Doctrines et des Phénomènes Spirites’ Germer-Baillière, Libraire-Éditeur, Rue de l’École-de-Médecine, 17, Paris, 1865

186. Friedrich, Dr. Johann, Docent der Theologie an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München ‘Astrologie und Reformation, Oder die Astrologen als Prediger der Reformation und Urheber des Bauernkrieges – Ein Beitrag zur Reformsationsgeschichte’ Math. Rieger’sche Universitäts-Buchhandlung, München, 1864

185. Saxby, S. M., Esq., R.N. ‘Saxby’s Weather System or Lunar Influence on Weather’ Second Edition – Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green, London, 1864

184. Pearce, Alfred J. ‘The Weather Guide-Book: a Concise Exposition of Astronomic-Meteorology’ Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 4, Stationers’ Hall Court, E. C., London, 1864

183. Kepleri, Joannis, Astronomi; ed. Frisch, Dr. Ch. ’Opera Omnia, Volumen V’ Heyder & Zimmer, Frankofurti A. M. Et Erlangae, 1864

182. Cooke, Christopher ‘Curiosities of Occult Literature’ Arthur Hall, Smart, and Allen, 1863 [rebound with manuscript annotations in 1878, 3 copies thus]

181. [Lydus], ed. Wachsmuth, Curtius ‘Ioannis Laurentii Lydi Liber de Ostentis Ex Codicibus Italicis Auctus et Calendaria Graeca Omnia. Accedunt Anecdota Duo de Cometis et de Terrae Motibus’ In Aedibus B. G. Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1863

180. Kepleri, Joannis, Astronomi; ed. Frisch, Dr. Ch. ’Opera Omnia, Volumen IV’ Heyder & Zimmer, Frankofurti A. M. Et Erlangae, 1863

179. Alfonso X de Castilla, el Rey D.; ed. Rico y Sinobas, Don Manuel, Individuo Numerario de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, y Catedrático de la Facultad de Ciencias en la Universidad Central ’Libros del Saber de Astronomia del Rey D. Alfonso X. de Castilla, copilados, anotados y comentados – Tomo I’ – Typografía de Don Eusebio Aguado, Impresor de Cámara de S. M. y de su Real Casa, Madrid, 1863

178. Zadkiel, the Great Astrologer ‘The Universal Dream Book: Or, Dreams and their Interpretation’ W. Nicholson and Sons, Halifax, 1863

177. Zadkiel Tao Sze ‘The Hand-book of Astrology, Containing the Doctrine of Nativities, in a form Free of All Mystery; by which Every Man May Calculate His Own Nativity and learn his own Natural Character and Proper Destiny – Vol. II’ G. Berger, Holywell Street, Strand, London, preface dated 1863

176. [Rolleston, Frances] ‘Mazzaroth; or, the Constellations: First Part’ Rivingtons, Waterloo Place, London, 1862, bound with ‘… Second Part’ (same publication details), bound with ‘… Third Part’ (same), bound with Rolleston, F., the late ‘… Fourth Part’ Rivingtons, Waterloo Place, London / High Street, Oxford / Trinity Street, Cambridge, 1865, bound with Rolleston, F., the late, Keswick ‘Mizraim; or, Astronomy of Egypt’ no publisher stated, no date stated (presumed 1865 or soon after)

175. Zadkiel Tao Sze ‘The Hand-book of Astrology; by which Every Question of the Future, on which the Mind is Anxious, may be Truly Answered – Vol. I’ G. Berger, Holywell Street, Strand, London; and all booksellers, 1861

174b. Lévi, Éliphas ‘Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie’ Deuxième Édition Très Augmentée Avec 24 Figures – Tome Second: Rituel – Germer Baillière, Libraire-Éditeur, 17 rue de l’École-de-Médecine, Paris / Hippolyte Baillière, 219, Regent Street, Londres / Hipp. Baillière brothers, 440, Broadway, New York / C. Bailly-Baillière, 16 Plaza del Principe Alfonso, Madrid, 1861

174a. Lévi, Éliphas ‘Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie’ Deuxième Édition Très Augmentée Avec 24 Figures – Tome Premier: Dogme – Germer Baillière, Libraire-Éditeur, 17 rue de l’École-de-Médecine, Paris / Hippolyte Baillière, 219, Regent Street, Londres / Hipp. Baillière brothers, 440, Broadway, New York / C. Bailly-Baillière, 16 Plaza del Principe Alfonso, Madrid, 1861

173. Lévi, Éliphas ’La Clef des Grands Mystères, suivant Hénoch, Abraham, Hermès Trismégiste, et Salomon’ Germer Baillière, Libraire-Éditeur, rue de l’École-de-Médecine, 17, Paris / Londres / New York / Madrid, 1861

172. Broughton, L. D., ed. ‘Broughton’s Monthly Planet Reader and Astrological Journal’ (bound magazine) – [various credits], 1860-1869

171. Maury, L. F. A. ‘La Magie et l’Astrologie dans l’Antiquité et au Moyen Age’ Didier et Compagnie, Editeurs, 1860

170. Lilly, William; and Zadkiel ‘An Introduction to Astrology: by William Lilly: With Numerous Emendations, Adapted to the Improved State of the Science in the Present Day: A Grammar of Astrology, and Tables for Calculating Nativities. By Zadkiel’ H. G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden, London, 1860

169. Lévi, Éliphas ‘Histoire de la Magie – avec une Exposition Claire et Précise de ses Procédés, de ses Rites et de ses Mystères – Avec 18 planches représentant 90 figures’ Germer Baillière, Libraire-Éditeur, 17, rue de l’École-de-Médecine, Paris, 1860

168. Kepleri, Joannis, Astronomi; ed. Frisch, Dr. Ch. ’Opera Omnia, Volumen III’ Heyder & Zimmer, Frankofurti A. M. Et Erlangae, 1860

167. Kepleri, Joannis, Astronomi; ed. Frisch, Dr. Ch. ’Opera Omnia, Volumen II’ Heyder & Zimmer, Frankofurti A. M. Et Erlangae, 1859

166. Desbarolles, Ad. ’Chiromancie Nouvelle: Les Mystères de la Main Révélés et Expliqués. – Art de Connaitre la Vie, le Caractère, les Aptitudes et la Destinée de Chacun d’après la seule inspection des Mains’ E. Dentu, Libraire-Édieteur, Palais-Royal, 13, Galerie d’Orléans, Paris, 1859

165. Manetho; ed. Koechly, Arminius ‘[Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana – Corpus Poetarum Epicorum Graecorum, consilio et studio, Arminii Koechly editum – Vol. VII. Manethoniana:] Manethonis Apotelesmaticorum Qui Feruntur Libri VI. Relegit Arminius Koechly. – Accedunt Dorothei et Annubionis Fragmenta Astrologica’ In Aedibus B. G. Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1858

164. Kepleri, Joannis, Astronomi; ed. Frisch, Dr. Ch. ’Opera Omnia, Volumen I’ Heyder & Zimmer, Frankofurti A. M. Et Erlangae, 1858

163. Hauff, Ludwig ‘Der Astrolog und Seher zu München und sein Versuch einer Wiederherstellung der Astrologie, nebst Andeutungen über sein Betreiben derselben und seiner Vorhersagungen – Mit sechs astrologischen Tafeln’ Verlag von Johann Ulrich Landherr, Heilbronn und Leipzig, 1858

162. Vaughan Williams, Edward, ed. ‘The Astrologer’s Magazine and Philosophical Miscellany’ (bound compendium volume of highlights from the magazine that ran from 1857-8, as issued) – E. V. Williams, 3, Elizabeth Place, Westminster Road, London, [1858]

161. [De Nerciat, André-Robert Andrea]; tr. Scheible, J. ‘Teleskop des Zoroasters, oder Schlüssel zur Großen wahrsagenden Kabala der Magier – Aus dem Französischen. Mit vielen Abbildungen. Neue Auflage’ Verlag von J. Scheible, Stuttgart, 1857

160. Uhlemann, Dr. Max, Docent der ägyptischer Literatur und Altertumskunde zu Göttingen ‘Grundzüge der Astronomie und Astrologie der Alten besonders der Aegypter’ Verlag von Otto Wigand, Leipzig, 1857

159. “Raphael”, the London Astrologer, ed. ‘The Royal Book of Fate; Queen Elizabeth’s Oracle of Future Events, From an Illumined Manuscript, Found in the Library of the Unfortunate Earl of Essex, Who Was Beheaded in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth: A Work of the greatest Interest, Curious, Marvellous, and Wonderful, Relating to Love, Marriage, Riches, Dreams Foretold, And All Subjects Of Fate, Chance, And Mortal Destiny. Containing 4090 Correct Answers to numerous important Questions of Human Life, without any Calculations; with a large and extraordinary Frontispiece,containing Sixty-four Engravings on Steel’ Fourth Edition, to Which is Added Raphael’s Nativity, by Zadkiel the Seer, Author of the “Grammar of Astrology” – Published by Sherwood and Co., Paternoster Row; James Cornish, 297 High Holborn, London, and may be had of all booksellers, [1856]

158.  Cavalry Officer, A ‘Astrology As It Is, Not As It Has Been Represented. A Compendium, with Concise Rules and Instructions, By Which Any Person May Cast His Nativity, And So Ascertain Whether Astrology Is Or Is Not Entitled to a Fair Consideration. With a Prefatory Address and Introduction. Also a View of the History of Astrology, Showing the Evidences of its Recognition as a Science, From Primeval Ages Up to the Present Time’ H. Baillière, 219, Regent Street, London, and 290, Broadway, New York, 1856

157. Simmonite, W. J., Ph. Dr., A. M., Professor of Natural Philosophy, Medical Botany, and the Astral Philology ‘Prognostications on Revolutions; or, Solar Figures: Showing the Daily Events Likely to Occur Throughout the Natal Year of Any Person’s Horoscope’ Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationers’ Hall Court, London / Israel Holdsworth, Central Market, Leeds, [1854]

156. Roback, Dr. C. W., President of the Astrological College of Sweden, and Founder of the Magi in London, Paris, and St. Petersburg ‘The Mysteries of Astrology and the Wonders of Magic: including a History of the Rise and Progress of Astrology, and the Various Branches of Necromancy; Together with Valuable Directions and Suggestions Relative to the Casting of Nativities, and Predictions by Geomancy, Chiromancy, Physiognomy, &c.; also, Highly Interesting Narratives, Anecdotes, & c., Illustrative of the Marvels of Witchcraft, Spiritual Phenomena, and the Results of Supernatural Influence’ Published by the Author, Boston, 1854

155a, 155b. Morley, Henry ‘Jerome Cardan: the Life of Girolamo Cardano, of Milan, Physician, in Two Volumes’ Vol. I – Vol. II – Chapman and Hall, 193, Picadilly, London, 1854 [2 vols.]

154. Cooke, Christopher ‘A Plea for Urania, Being a Popular Sketch of Celestial Philosophy; with Observations on the Impolicy of the Law Which is Supposed to Prohibit the Practice of Astral Sciences in the Present Age’ Piper, Stephenson, & Spence, 23, Paternoster Row, London, 1854

153. Migne, M. l’Abbé, ed. ’[Encyclopédie Théologique ou Série de Dictionnaires sur chaque branche de la Science Religieuse, offrant en Français la plus Claire, la plus Facile, la plus Commode, la plus Variée et la plus Complètes des Théologies, Tome Quarante-Neuvième:] Dictionnaire des Sciences Occultes… ou Répertoire Universel des Êtres, des Personnages, des Livres, des faits et des Choses qui Tiennent aux Apparitions, aux Divinations, à la Magie, au Commerce de l’Enfer, aux Démons, aux Sorciers, aux Sciences Occultes, aux Grimoires, à la Cabale, aux Esprits Élémentaires, au Grand Oeuvre, aux Prodiges, aux Erreurs, aux Préjugés, au Impostures, aux Arts des Bohémiens, aux Superstitions Diverses, aux Contes Populaires, aux Pronostics, et Généralement à Toutes les Fausses Croyances, Merveilleuses, Surprenantes, Mystérieuses ou Surnaturelles; suivi du Traité Historique des Dieux et des Dépons du Paganisme, par Binet; et de la Réponse à l’Histoire des Oracles de Fontenelle, par Baltus – Tome Second’ S’imprime et se vend chez J.-P. Migne, Éditeur, aux Ateliers Catholiques, rue d’Amoise, au Petit-Montrouge, Barriäre d’Enfer de Paris, 1852

152. Lilly, William; and Zadkiel ‘An Introduction to Astrology; by William Lilly: With Numerous Emendations, Adapted to the Improved State of the Science in the Present Day: A Grammar of Astrology, and Tables for Calculating Nativities. By Zadkiel’ H. G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden, London, 1852

151. Bimpel, Chas. F., Dr. Philos. et Medic. aus Rhodus ‘[Sammlung neuer theosophischer Schriften Nr. 6:] Naturgemäße und spiritellen Verhältnisse des Mondes, mit einem Nachtrage über das magnetische Fluidum und einem Vorworte über den eigentlichen Sinn von St. Matth. XXIV, 30 und den geistigen Frühling. Für Astronomen, Gelehrte und ein wißbegieriges Publicum im Allgemeinen’ F. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagshandlung und Druckerei, Stuttgart, 1852

150c. Simmonite, Dr. W. J. ‘The Prognostic Astronomer; or, Horary Astrology: Containing An Improved Method of Solving the Thousand Inquiries Relative to Futurity’ G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon-Street, London, 1852

150b. Simmonite, Dr. W. J. ‘The Prognostic Astronomer; or, Horary Astrology: Containing an Improved Method of Solving the Thousand Inquiries Relative to Futurity’ Published by Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., London, undated [1851]

150a. Simmonite, Dr. W. J. ‘The Prognostic Astronomer; or, Horary Astrology: Containing an Improved Method of Solving the Thousand Inquiries Relative to Futurity’ Printed and Published by Israel Holdsworth, Central Market, Leeds, 1851

149. Anonymous (31) ‘London Astrologers’ – publisher not stated, undated [c. 1850s]

148. Raphael ‘Raphael’s Witch!!! Or the Oracle of the Future, by the Author of the Prophetic Messenger, with Ten Coloured Designs on Copper, by R. Cruickshank & the Author, and a Piece of Music by Blewitt’ Fifth Edition – William Charlton Wright, Warwick Square, London, 1850

147. Bowron, John S., M. D. ‘Observations on Planetary and Celestial Influences in the Production of Epidemics, and on the Nature and Treatment of Diseases’ John S. Taylor, No. 143 Nassau Street, New York, 1850

146. Kurtz, Johann Heinrich ‘Bibel und Astronomie, nebst mehrern Zugaben verwandten Inhaltes. – Ein Beitrag zur biblischen Kosmologie für Freunde der heiligen Schrift’ Zweite, gänzlich umgearbeitete und vielfach erweiterte Auflage – Justus Albert Wohlgemuth, Berlin, 1849

145. [Cross, W. S.] ‘Reasons for Belief in Judicial Astrology; Comprising Some Advice to Students, and Remarks on the Dangerous Character of Popish Priestcraft: Also, a word or two upon astrological books and directions, in an appendix’ Effingham Wilson, Publisher, Royal Exchange, London, 1849

144. Zadkiel ‘The Grammar of Astrology, Containing All Things Necessary for Calculating a Nativity; To Which Is Now Added Tables of Declination, Right Ascension, Ascensional Difference, and Polar Elevation; Also, Tables of Houses for London and Liverpool’ Third edition Enlarged – James Cornish, Middle Row, Holborn, London, 1849

143. Raphael ‘The Familiar Astrologer: An Easy Guide to Fate, Destiny, and Foreknowledge, as well as to the Secret and Wonderful Propertiesof Nature: With a Variety of the Most Valuable and Insteresting Matter, Not to be Found in Any Work of the Past or Present Time. Illustrated With Numerous Wood Cuts, and Engravings on Steel’ Printed for T. Noble, 79, Fleet Street, London, 1849

142. Simmonite, W. J., A.M., M.B.A., Ph. Mat. ‘The Celestial Philosopher: or, the Complete Arcana of Astral Philosophy, being Genethliology Simplified, or the Doctrine of Nativities – Vol. I’ Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., Stationers’-Hall Court, London, undated [c. 1849, after original of 1847]

141. Oxley, Thomas, Esq. ‘The Gem of the Astral Sciences, or Mathematics of Celestial Philosophy; with Improved Formulae, and all the Rules of Calculations Used Therein; New and Expeditious Tables of Right Ascensions & Declinations of the Planets, and Four Large Copper-Plates, With Ample Instructions, Illustrating the Use and Construction of the Celestial Planispheres; also, an Original Treatise on Performing These Calculations for Australia, New Zealand, Van Dieman’s Land, and All Other Places in the Southern Hemisphere; With Much Useful Information, Not to be Found in Any Other Book Yet Extant’ Published by Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., Paternoster Row, London, 1848

140. Migne, M. l’Abbé, ed. ’[Encyclopédie Théologique ou Série de Dictionnaires sur chaque branche de la Science Religieuse, offrant en Français la plus Claire, la plus Facile, la plus Commode, la plus Variée et la plus Complètes des Théologies, Tome Quarante-Huitième:] Dictionnaire des Sciences Occultes… ou Répertoire Universel des Êtres, des Personnages, des Livres, des faits et des Choses qui Tiennent aux Apparitions, aux Divinations, à la Magie, au Commerce de l’Enfer, aux Démons, aux Sorciers, aux Sciences Occultes, aux Grimoires, à la Cabale, aux Esprits Élémentaires, au Grand Oeuvre, aux Prodiges, aux Erreurs, aux Préjugés, au Impostures, aux Arts des Bohémiens, aux Superstitions Diverses, aux Contes Populaires, aux Pronostics, et Généralement à Toutes les Fausses Croyances, Merveilleuses, Surprenantes, Mystérieuses ou Surnaturelles; suivi du Traité Historique des Dieux et des Dépons du Paganisme, par Binet; et de la Réponse à l’Histoire des Oracles de Fontenelle, par Baltus – Tome Premier’ Chez l’Éditeur, aux Ateliers Catholiques du Petit-Montrouge, Barriäre d’Enfer de Paris, 1848

139. Simmonite, William Joseph, A.M., Professor of Mathematics, Astrology, Astronomy, Meteorology, and the Classics ‘The Astro-Philosopher and Meteorologist’, Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., Stationers’ Hall Court, London, undated [c. 1847]

138. Simmonite, William Joseph, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Astro-Philosophy  ‘[Astro Tables] Mathematical and Astronomical Tables, for the use of Students of Astro Mathematics, for the Practical Astronomers, Astrologers, and Astro-Meteorologists; with an Introduction, Containing an Explanation and Use of the Tables’, Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., Stationers’ Hall Court, London, undated. Bound with ‘1846: W. J. Simmonite’s Astronomical Ephemeris and Astro-Phenomena, with an Aspectarian, Comprising the Latitudes, Longitudes, and Declinations of the Sun, Moon, and Planets. 1846’ (same publication details as the above). Bound with ‘1847: W. J. Simmonite’s Astronomical Ephemeris, Being a Yearly Companion to the Arcana of Prognostic Astronomy: Containing the Longitudes, Latitudes, and Declinations, of the Sun, Moon, and Planets’ Printed by G. Thorpe, Market-Place, Thorne [all c. 1847]

137. Raphael ‘The Fortune-Teller’s Own Book and Master-Key of Futurity’ Fisher & Brother, undated [c. late 1840s]

136. Woeckel, Dr. Lorenz, Professor der Mathematik ‘Programm der Königl. Bayerischen Studienanstalt in Nürnberg für’s Jahr 1845/46 – Die Sonne und ihre Flecken’ Druck der Campeschen Officin, Nürnberg, undated [presumed 1845]

135b. Le Normand, Mlle (attrib.) ‘Grand Jeu de Société. Pratiques Secrètes de Mlle le Normand. – Astrologie Ancienne et Moderne contenant Toutes les Tables necessaries pour dresser toutes sortes de Thèmes, en quel lieu et pour quel âge que ce soit; suivi d’un Traité des Nombres Cabalistiques, par Mme la Comtesse de ***. – Ornée de Figures et accompagnée d’une carte urano-géographique’ – 2me Partie’ Chez L’Éditeur, 46, rue Vivienne, au premier, Paris, 1845

135a. Le Normand, Mlle (attrib.) ‘Grand Jeu de Société. Pratiques Secrètes de Mlle le Normand. – Explication et Application des Cartes Astro-Mytho-Hermétiques avec de nombreux exercices sur les fleurs, les animaux, les couleurs, et la manière de faire les talismans; suivi de la Géomancie et d’un Dictionnaire de Fleurs Emblématiques, par Mme la Comtesse de ***. – Avec gravures et un jeu de 54 cartes coloriées. – 1re Partie’ Chez L’Éditeur, 46, rue Vivienne, au premier, Paris, 1845

134. Zadkiel ‘Zadkiel’s Legacy; Containing a Full and Particular Judgment on the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, on the 26th of January, 1842, Being their Most Important Conjunction Since the Days of King Alfred the Great: Foreshewing the History of the World for 200 Years to come!!! Also, Essays on Hindu Astrology, and the Nativity of H. R. H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales &c, His Character and Future Destiny, &c. &c.’ Sherwood and Co., Paternoster Row, London, 1842

133. Simmonite, W. J., ed. ‘The Scientific and Literary Messenger. Devoted to Astro-Meteorology, Astronomy, Predictory Astronomy, Astrology, Geology, Botany, Chemistry, and Phisical Sciences’ (bound magazine), 1842 – 1843 – Simpkin & Marshall, Stationers’ Hall Court, London

132. Raphael ‘The Fortune-Teller’s Own Book, and Master-Key of Futurity’ (pictorial half-title page) / ‘The Fortune-Teller’s Own Book: a Manual of the Occult Sciences; Embracing Physiognomy. Oneirology. Naeviology. Celestial Palmistry. Astrology. Phrenology. Animal Magnetism. Naeviology. Tailsmans, Charms, Spells and Incantations. Legerdemain’ (main title page) – James Kay, Jun. & Brother, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia / C. H. Kay & Co.,  Pittsburgh, 1841

131. Zadkiel, ed. ‘The Horoscope, Monthly Magazine of Science and Literature’ (January-May, 1841) / ‘The Horoscope, A Weekly Miscellany of Astrology, Astronomy, Phrenology, Meteorology, &c.’ (May 8 – May 29, 1841 [bound magazines]

130. Shemaya, Ebn ‘The Star; Being A Complete System of Theoretical and Practical Astrology. Containing Rules and Astronomical Diagrams, for Finding the Right Ascensions, Ascensional Differences, Declinations, &c. of the Planets and Fixed Stars. The Whole Art of Directions, According to Principles Strictly Mathematical, with an Easy Method of Rectifying Nativities. Rules to Erect a Theme of the Heavens for any Latitude, by Trigonometry and the Celestial Globe. Precepts for Judging Nativities, Whereby Every Important Event In Life May Be Discovered from the Cradle to the Tomb. The whole illustrated by the Nativity of the Author, with Several Other Remarkable Genitures, with Many Hundreds of Directions Calculated in Full’ Published for the Author, By S. Cornish & Co., 126, Newgate Street, London, 1839

129. Duteil, Camille ’Traité du Zodiaque de Dendérah et des Planisphères Horoscopiques de l’Inde, de la Perse,et de l’Égypte, Expliquée par l’Astrologie et les Hiéroglyphes idéographiques sans le secours de la Langue sacrée – Première Partie’ À Paris, chez Aimé André, Libraire, rue Christine, 1 / À Bourdeaux, chez Charles Lawalle, Libraire, Allées de Tourny, 20, 1838

128a, 128b. Éméric-David, T. B. ‘Neptune. Recherches sur ce Dieu, sur son Culte, et sur les Principaux Monuments qui le Représentent, faisant suite au Jupiter et au Vulcain du même auteur’ Imprimé par Autorisation du Roi à l’Imprimerie Royale, Paris, 1839 bound with Éméric-David, T. B. ‘Vulcain. Recherches sur ce Dieu, sur Son Culte, et sur les Principaux Monuments qui le Représentent, faisait suite au Jupiter du Mème Auteur’ Imprimé par Autorisation du Roi à l’Imprimerie Royale, Paris, 1838

127. Hacket, J. T. ‘The Student’s Assistant in Astronomy and Astrology, Containing Observations of the Real and Apparent Motions of the Superior Planets. – The Geocentric Longitude of the Sun and Superior Planets, Calculated for 44 Years to Come. Geocentric Longitude of the Planet Herschel for 100 Years during the 18th Century. The Moon’s Node on the first day of every month, from 1836 to 1880. Heliocentric and Geocentric Longitude of all the Planets’ Ascending and Descending Nodes. Longitude, Latitude, and Magnitude of One Hundred and Forty-Four Fixed Stars, For Past and Future Years. Eclipses of the Sun visible in England. Also a Discourse of the Harmony of Phrenology, Astrology, and Physiognomy’ Bray and King, 55, St. Martin’s Lane, London, and E. Grattan, 51, Paternoster Row, London, 1836

126. Lilly, William; and Zadkiel ‘An Introduction to Astrology; by William Lilly: Being the Whole of that Celebrated Author’s Rules for the Practice of Horary Astrology, Divested of the Superstitions of the Seventeenth Century: To Which are Added, Numerous Emendations, Adapted to the Improved State of the Science in the Present Day. by Zadkiel, Author of the “Grammar of Astrology,” &c.’ Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, Paternoster Row, London, 1835

125. Zuriel (pseud.) ‘A Series of Lectures on the Science of Celestial Philosophy, or the Language of the Stars. Part I. Containing the Fundamental Principles’ Printed for the Author: Published by Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, Paternoster-Row, London, 1835

124. Raphael ‘The Familiar Astrologer; An Easy Guide to Fate, Destiny, & Foreknowledge, as well as to the Secret and Wonderful Properties of Nature: Containing Also A simple, easy, and infallible Guide to the Foreknowledge of the future Fate and Destiny of any individual, by means of the “Reign of the Planets,” the Hour of their Birth, and other Methods not requiring difficult calculations. The curious Art of discovering future Events, by Lots or Points, interspersed with the Horoscopes of Eminent and Remarkable Characters, both living and dead. Secrets relating to Nativities for the learned in Astrological Lore. Strange and Marvellous Tales, Legends, and Traditions, relating to Ghosts, Apparitions, Angels, Spirits, Demons, Witches, Fairies, &c. &c. Ancient Traditions relating to Charms, Spells, Enchantments, and the mysterious properties of Herbs, Stones, and Roots; with Directions for forming Talismans, Amulets, and other wonderful yet powerful Agents in the operations of Nature. Charms relating to All-hallow Eve and Saint John’s Night, and others said to cause Love, Hatred, Good-fortune, & c. Ancient Practice of raising Spirits explained. Charms to discover Theft and punish the Thief. Rare and curious Secrets in Natural Philosophy. Art of Interpreting Dreams and Visions. Marvellous and Wonderful Prophecies. Explanation of Omens, Soothsaying, Ancient Augury, Sibylline Books, and Divination of various kinds &c. &c. &c. With a Variety of the Most Valuable and Interesting Matter, Not to be Found in Any Work of the Past or Present Time’ Printed for John Bennett, Three-Tun Passage, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, London, and sold by all booksellers, 1835

123. Zadkiel, ed. ‘The Horoscope, a Weekly Miscellany of Astrology’ [bound magazine] – Published by Willmer and Smith, Liverpool, 1834

122.  Raphael, Author of the “Prophetic Almanac,” published annually ‘Raphael’s Sanctuary of the Astral Art, or Elysium of Astrology: Being a Book for the Boudoir, Drawing-Room Table, and Evening Parties, Containing a Complete Geomantic Cabinet, Illustrated with Emblematical Pictures of the Twelve Celestial Houses; Also, Spirits of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, &c. &c. &c.’ Published by William Charlton Wright, 4, Paternoster Row, London, preface dated 1834

121. Mackey, S. A. ‘The Original Design of the Ancient Zodiacal and Extra-Zodiacal Constellations, Arranged on the present Globes; which by their attitudes and positions prove the place of the summer Solstice to have been in the middle of the Goat; and the autumnal equinox in the Ram. To which is added an account of the Battle Between Vicramaditya and Salavahana Which arose from a Combination of the Precession and Nutation of the Earth’s Axis. Also, Further Remarks On the long Zodiac of Tantyra; shewing that the unequal division of the Zodiac is a consequence of the Perihelion point in the autumnal Ram’ – Walker, Printer, Back of the Inns, Norwich, 1834

120. Zadkiel the Seer ‘The Grammar of Astrology, Containing All Things Necessary for Calculating a Nativity by Common Arithmetic’ Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, Paternoster Row, London, 1833

119. Oxley, Thomas ‘A Supplement, or Only True Key to the Use and Construction of the Celestial Planispheres, for Working Nativities and Resolving Astronomical Problems by the Scale and Compasses; with the Description of Some Other New and Improved Instruments, Producing the Most Wonderful Exactness and Astonishing Expedition, and for these purposes very far surpassing all other Inventions; also Easy Rules for Finding All the Arcs of Directions in Nativities (on the Celestial Planispheres); and a Variety of Interesting Matters on these Subjects, Hitherto Unknown to the Most Celebrated Artists and Professors; The Whole Rendered Perfectly Easy to the Most Humble Capacity. – Illustrated by Three New and Additional Copperplates; with Several Hundred Additional Lines on the Original Plates’ Scientific Press: London; Printed and Published for the Author, by Davis & Dickson, 1833

118. Mackey, A. [sic] ‘Urania’s Key to the Revelation; or the Analyzation of the Writings of the Jews, As Far As They Are Found to Have Any Connexion with the Science of Astronomy’ – Printed and Published by John Brooks, 421 Oxford Street, London, 1833

117. Kuehner, Carolo, Seminarii Paedagogici, Quod Hildburghusae Floret, Praeceptore, Rev. Min. Candidato, Societatis Lips. Historico-Theologiae Sodali ‘[Astronomiae et Astrologiae in Doctrina Gnosticorum Vestigia. – Particula I:] Bardesanis Gnostici Numina Astralia. Commentatio Historico-Theologica’ Prostat in Libraria Kesselringiana, Hildburghusae, 1833

116a, 116b Éméric-David, T. B. ‘Jupiter. Recherches sur ce Dieu, sur son Culte, et sur les Monumens qui le Représentent. Ouvrage Précédé d’un Essai sur l’Esprit de la Religion Grecque. – Tome I – Tome II’ Imprimé ar Autorisation du Roi à l’Imprimerie Royale, Paris, 1833 [2 vols.]

115a, 115b, 115c, 115d. Mackey, S. A. ‘A Lecture on Astronomy, Adjusted to its Dependent Science Geology; in which is shewn the plain and simple cause of the Vast Abundance of Water in the Southern Hemisphere. Given at 91, Dean Street, Soho, Dec. 20, 1832, in consequence of having seen An Essay On the Astronomical and Physical Causes of Geological Changes, By Sir Richard Phillips, Edited by W. D. Saull, Aldersgate Street, May, 1832’ – London, 1832, bound with Mackey, S. A. ‘Remarks on the Cabinet Cyclopaedia and the Geological Globe, Relative to the Polar Motion’ – No Publisher or Date Stated, bound with Mackey, S. A. ‘A Reply, Intended to be Made to the Various Disputants, on an Essay on Chronology, which was read at The Philosophical Society of Norwich; Containing Astronomical Proofs that the Sun Stood Still and Hasted Not to Go Down for the Space of a Day, and that the Shadows on the Sun-Dials Went Backwards 10 Degrees’ Printed by R. Walker, near the Duke’s Palace, Norwich, bound with Mackey, S. A. ‘The Two Zodiacs of Tentyra, and the Zodiac of Thebes; Explained by S. A. Mackey, of Norwich’ – No Publisher Stated, May 1832

114. Stella, Rupertus [pseud.] ‘The Astrologian’s Guide in Horary Astrology, Being the Full Disclosure of that Science whereby a True Answer may be obtained to every Question relating to Futurity, and by which the Student may also discern Things past and present’ Simpkin and Marshall, London, 1832

113. Raphael ‘Raphael’s Witch!!! Or the Oracle of the Future, by the Author of the Prophetic Messenger, with Ten Coloured Designs on Copper, by R. Cruickshank and the Author, and a Piece of Music by Blewitt’ William Charlton Wright, Paternoster Row, London, 1831

112. Prescot, B. ‘Remarks on the Architecture, Sculpture, and Zodiac of Palmyra; with a Key to the Inscriptions, addressed to the Right Hon. Charles W. W. Wynn, M.P.[,] President of the Royal Asiatic Society, &c. &c. &c.’ C. J. G. & F. Rivington, London; and Evans, Chegwin & Hall, Liverpool, 1830

111. Oxley, Thomas ‘The Celestial Planispheres, or Astronomical Charts. Part I. Shewing by Inspection, or only by drawing a Straight Line, All the most useful Problems in Astronomy, in the most Easy, Pleasing, and Expeditious manner, by means of the Celestial Planispheres. Part II. A New and Comprehensive System of Directional Motion, According to the Principles of Ptolemy and Placidus, Explained in the most Easy and Familiar manner, so as to be perfectly understood by every capacity. Also, A Complete System of Calculating Nativities, by the Celestial Planispheres, From the Equator to Sixty Degrees of Latitude; Whereby the most Laborious and hitherto Intricate Calculations are solved, by Drawing a Straight Line, or only by extending a pair of Compasses, and the Arcs of Direction are obtained with wonderful exactness, and as much can be performed in a few Hours, as formerly required many Days. Illustrated by the Nativity of the Emperor Napoleon. Part III. Containing New and Improved Formulae for Astronomical Calculations, Also, for finding from the True Mundane Position of the Part of Fortune, its True Place in the Zodiac both in Longitude and Latitude, also, the True Method of finding the correct Polar Elevations both of the Planets, and of all the different Houses of the Celestial Figures, etc. and other interesting particulars in Directional Motion, never before Published. Part IV (which is added by particular desire,) containing Choice Astrological Aphorisms from Ptolemy; Also, the Significations of the Different Positions of the Planets, and of Directions from the Celebrated W. Lilly; so that a Purchaser of these “Celestial Planispheres,” will be enabled thereby both to calculate and to give a correct judgment on any Nativity without the help of any other book. To which is added the Author’s New Theory of the Predictive Science, being a most irresistible defence of Astrology. Also, interesting Remarks and Calculations, on the Nativity of King William the Fourth. With Ten Large Copperplates, Most Accurately Engraved‘ Published by Davis and Dickson, 17, St. Martin’s Le Grant, Newgate Street, London; Blackwood, Edinburgh; Robinsons, and Grapel, Liverpool; and may be had of the Booksellers in general, 1830

110. Raphael, Member of the Astronomical Society of London ‘The Royal Book of Dreams. From an Ancient and Curious Manuscript, Which was Buried in the Earth During Several Centuries. Containing One Thousand & Twenty-Four Oracles, Or, Answers to Dreams; By a Curious, Yet Perfectly Facile and Easy Method, Void of All Abstruse or Difficult Calculations; Whereby Any Person of Ordinary Capacity May Discover Those Secrets of Fate, Which the Universal Fiat of All Nations, In Every Age and Clime, Has Acknowledged to be Portended by Dreams and Nocturnal Visions’ Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange, London, 1830

109. [Ptolemy]; tr. Wilson, James ‘The Tetrabiblos; Or, Quadripartite of Ptolemy Being Four Books, Relative to the Starry Influences. – Translated from the Copy of Leo Allatius, with Critical and Explanatory Notes’ Printed and Published by William Hughes, Islington Green; and sold by all other booksellers, London, [1828]

108. Worsdale, John, Astronomer ‘Celestial Philosophy, or Genethliacal Astronomy, Containing the Only True Method of Calculating Nativities, Made Plain and Easy’ Ascella, 119 Dartmouth Rd., London NW2 4ES, [1828]

107. Raphael ‘A Manual of Astrology, or the Book of the Stars, Being the Art of Foretelling Future Events, By the Influence of the Heavenly Bodies, In a manner unattempted by any former Author and divested of the Superstitions of the Dark Ages’ C. S. Arnold, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London, 1828

106. Manilii, M. ‘Astronomicon ex Editione Bentleiana Cum Notis et Interpretatione in Usum Delphini Variis Lectionibus Notis Variorum Recensu Editionum et Codicum et Indice Locupletissimo Accurate Recensitum’ Volumen Primum –  Curante et Imprimente A. J. Valpy, A. M., Londini, 1828. Bound with same title, Volumen Secundum (same publication details).

105. Lenormand, Madame ’The Oracle of Human Destiny: or, the Unerring Foreteller of Further Events, and Accurate Interpreter of Mystical Signs & Influences; through the Medium of Common Cards’ Second Edition – Printed for C. S. Arnold, 21, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London; Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh; and Westley and Tyrrel, Dublin, 1826

104. Mackey, Sampson Arnold ‘Man’s Best Friend; or the Evils of Pious Frauds’ – Printed for the Author by R. Walker, near the Duke’s Palace, Norwich, 1826

103. Members of the Mercurii, the: Raphael, the Metropolitan Astrologer; The Editor of the Prophetic Almanack; and Other Sideral Artists of First-Rate Eminence ‘The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century: Or, the Master Key of Futurity, and Guide to Ancient Mysteries, Being a Complete System of Occult Philosophy. Embellished with Five Beautifully Coloured Plates, and Ninety Illustrative Engravings of Horoscopes, Hieroglyphics, and Talismans’ The Seventh Edition, Supervised and Corrected, with Numerous Additions, by Merlinus Anglicus, Junior, Gent. – Printed for Knight and Lacey, Paternoster Row, London; and Westley and Tyrrell, Dublin, 1825

102. Mackey, Sampson Arnold ‘A New Theory of the Earth, and of Planetary Motion; In Which is Demonstrated that the Sun is Vicegerent of His Own System. Illustrated by 5 Plates’ Printed for the Author, Prince’s Street, by R. Walker, near the Duke’s Palace, Norwich, 1825

101. Spirit of Partridge, The [bound magazine, 1824-5]

100. Straggling Astrologer, The [bound magazine, 1824]

99. Cole, Mr. John, Purser in the Royal Navy ’A Treatise on the Circular Zodiac of Tentyra, in Egypt’ Sold by Longman and Co., London: Haviland, Frakfort-Place; and Arliss, Market-Street, Plymouth, 1824

98. Mackey, Sampson Arnold ‘The Mythological Astronomy of the Ancients Demonstrated, by Restoring to their Fables & Symbols their Original Meanings’ Second Edition – Printed by R. Walker, near the Duke’s Palace, Norwich, 1824 bound with Mackey, Sampson Arnold ‘A Companion to the Mythological Astronomy, & c. Containing a New Theory of the Earth, and of Planetary Motion; In which is Demonstrated that, The Sun is Vicegerent of His Own System. Illustrated by 5 Plates. Also, An Alphabetical Arrangement of Mythological Etymologies[2]‘ Printed for the Author, Prince’s-Street; by R. Walker, Near the Dukes Palace, Norwich, 1824

97. [Lilly, William] ‘William Lilly’s History of his Life and Times, from the Year 1602 to 1681. – Written by Himself, in the Sixty-Sixth Year of his Age, to his Worthy Friend, Elias Ashmole, Esq. – Published from the Original MS. London, 1715’ Reprinted for Charles Baldwyn, Newgate Street, London, 1822

96. Ptolemy; tr. Ashmand, J. M. ‘Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos, or Quadripartite: being Four Books of the Influence of the Stars. Newly Translated from the Greek Paraphrase of Proclus. With a Preface, Explanatory Notes, and an Appendix, containing Extracts from the Almagest of Ptolemy, and the whole of his Centiloquy; together with a short Notice of Mr. Ranger’s Zodiacal Planisphere, and an Explanatory Plate’ Printed and Published by Davis and Dickson, Dealers In Scientific Books, No. 17, St. Martin’s-le-Grand, Newgate Street, London, 1822

95. Kirchenhoffer, H. ‘The Book of Fate, Formerly in the Possession of Napoleon, late Emperor of France; and Now First Rendered into English from a German Translation, of an Ancient Egyptian Manuscript, found in the year 1801, by M. Sonnini in one of the Royal Tombs, near Mount Libycus, in Upper Egypt’ Printed by J. McGowan, Great Windmill Street; Published by Morrison & Watt, Penchurch Street; and C. S. Arnold, 21, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London, 1822

94. Phillips, Sir Richard [attrib.[3]] ‘The Wonders of the Heavens Displayed, In Twenty Lectures: By the Author of the Hundred Wonders of the World. With Numerous Engravings’ Printed for Sir Richard Phillips and Co., Bride-Court, Bridge-Street, London, 1821

93. Wilson, James, Esq., Philomath ‘A Complete Dictionary of Astrology, in which Every Technical and Abstruse Term Belonging to the Science, Is Minutely and Correctly Explained; and the Various Systems and Opinions of the Most Approved Authors, Carefully Collected and Accurately Defined: Comprising The only rational method of calculating Nativities, according to the Placidian System. The whole Art of bringing up Directions, both Primary and Secondary. The Judgment of Revolutions, Progressions, Ingresses, Transits, and Lunations, Embolismic or Quadrate. The Doctrine of Horary Questions complete. Divested of their Extravagance, Contradictions, and Absurdities. The Whole Illustrated and Explained by Familiar Examples and Diagrams’ A New Edition, Revised and Corrected by the Author – Printed by William Hughes, Islington Green, and sold by Sherwood and co. Paternoster Row, and by all other booksellers, London [1820], bound with Wilson, James, Esq., Philomath ‘A New and Complete Set of Astrological Tables, for Finding the Declination, Right Ascension, Ascensional Difference, & Crepusculine Arcs, with a Table of Ascensional Differences Suited to the Polar Elevation of London, 51 º32’ North, for finding the Semiarcs and Oblique Ascension for that Latitude, and a New Table of Houses, for the Same Latitude, Calculated by Oblique Ascension for the Purpose of Erecting Figures, Where the East and West Angles are Corrected Conformably to the Present Ecliptical Difference. The whole adapted to the Ecliptical Obliquity of 23º 28’, and requisite for bringing up Directions, by computing the Oblique Ascension or Descension, Semiarcs, Horary Time, &c. of Any Point in the Heavens’ Printed for William Hughes, Islington Green, and sold by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster-Row, and by all other Booksellers, London, 1820

92. Wilson, James, Esq. Philomath ‘A Complete Dictionary of Astrology, in which Every Technical and Abstruse Term Belonging to the Science is Minutely and Correctly Explained, and the Various Systems and Opinions of the Most Approved Authors Carefully Collected and Accurately Defined. Comprising The only rational Method of calculating Nativities, according to the Placidian System; The whole Art of bringing up Directions, both Primary and Secondary. The Judgment of Revolutions, Progressions, Ingresses, Transits, and Lunations Embolismic or Quadrate. The Doctrine of Horary Questions complete. Divested of their Extravagance, Contradictions, and Absurdities. The whole Illustrated and Explained by Familiar Examples and Diagrams’ Printed for William Hughes, Islington Green, and sold by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster-Row, and by All Other Booksellers, London, 1819

91. Townsend, The Rev. G., A. M. of Trinity College, Cambridge ‘The Oedipus Romanus; Or, An Attempt to Prove, From the Principles of Reasoning Adopted by the Rt. Hon. Sir William Drummond, in his Oedipus Judaicus, that the Twelve Caesars are the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac. – Addressed to the Higher and Literary Classes of Society’ Printed by A. J. Valpy, Took’s Court, Chancery Lane, London; sold by J. Hatchard, 190, Piccadilly, 1819

90. De Titus, Didacus Placidus; [tr. Anonymous]; ed. Cooper, John ‘Primum Mobile, with Theses to the Theory, and Canons for Practice; wherein is demonstrated, from Astronomical and Philosophical Principles, the Nature and Extent of Celestial Influx upon the Mental Faculties and Corporeal Affections of Man; containing the Most Rational and Best Approved Modes of Direction, both in Zodiac and Mundo: exemplified in Thirty Remarkable Nativities of the Most Eminent Men in Europe, According to the Principles of the Author, laid down in his “Celestial Philosophy.” – Originally written in Latin, By Didacus Placidus de Titus, Mathematician to His Serene Highness Leopold William, Archduke of Austria. – The whole carefully translated, and corrected from the best Latin editions. Illustrated with Notes and an Appendix, containing several useful Additions to the Work, by John Cooper, Teacher of the Mathematics’ Printed and Published by Davis and Dickson, No. 17, St. Martin’s le Grand, Newgate Street, Cheapside, London, [1814]

89. Sibly, E., M. D., The Late ‘The Medical Mirror; Or, a Treatise on the Impregnation of the Human Female. Showing the Origin of Diseases, and the Principles of Life and Death. With Remarks on the Effects of Sea-Bathing; and General Rules for Preserving Health’ Sixth Edition, Improved – The Proprietor, No. 17, Ave-Maria-Lane, St. Paul’s, London, 1814

88. Beaumont, G., Minister of the Gospel ‘Fixed Stars: Or, an Analyzation and Refutation of Astrology: the Principles of this Science being plainly laid open, and their absurdity and Wickedness clearly demonstrated. To which is added, Many Anecdotes, Shewing the Folly, and also the Mischievous Tendency, of Fortune-Seeking, Fortune-Telling, and Almanack Predictions. Likewise Some Eminent Testimonies, Both in Prose and in Verse Against Astrology, Fortune-Seeking, Fortune-Telling, &c.’ Second Edition, Greatly Enlarged – Printed by C. Berry[4], Norwich, 1814

87. Swift, P. J. ‘Destiny of Europe!!! The Nativity of Napoleone Bonaparte, Emperor of France. The Geniture is investigated agreeably to the true Principles of Astrological Science; and the Time of Birth ascertained beyond the possibility of a doubt, by a faithful elucidation of the Planetary Causes: which have produced the remarkable Events of his past Life. In addition to which, a Correct and Scientific Judgment is given on his future Extraordinary Fate!’ Printed and Published for Whitfield and Swift, No. 1, Arnold Place, Francis Street, Walworth: and Sold by M. Jones, 5, Newgate Street; Varden, Boro’; Thompson, Blackman Street, J. M. Flindall, Labeth Marsh, and most of the Booksellers in the Metropolis’ [1812]

86. Voiron, M.[5] ’Histoire de l’Astronomie, Depuis 1781, Jusqu’à 1811, Pour Servir de Suite à l’Histoire de l’Astronomie de Bailly’ Chez Courcier, Imprimeur-Libraire pour les Mathématiques, quai des Augustins, no 57, à Paris, 1811

85. White, Thomas ‘The Beauties of Occult Science Investigated; Or, the Celestial Intelligencer: In Two Parts. Part the First Containing A Plain, Easy, and Comprehensive Introduction to Astrology, With All the Requisites for Obtaining a Familiar and General Knowledge of the Science; A New Table of Ascensional Differences For Thirty Degrees of Declination to the Poles of the Houses for the British Metropolis; And many other Particulars never before published. Part the Second Containing the Method of Calculating, Directing, and Judging Nativities, both according to the Argolian System and the Doctrine of Ptolemy: The Whole Illustrated by the Nativities of Several Eminent Personages, viz. Lewis XVI (late King of France), Napoleon Bonaparte; And several others never before made public’ Printed for and Published by Anne Davis, 2, Albion Buildings, Aldersgate Street; and J. S. Dickson, 18, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, London, 1811

84. Beaumont, G., Minister of the Gospel ‘Fixed Stars: Or, an Analyzation and Refutation of Astrology: the Principles of this Science being plainly laid open, and their absurdity and Wickedness clearly demonstrated. To which is added, The Testimonies of Many Learned Men Against the Science of Astrology[6]‘ Printed by Edward Baines, and sold by G. Beaumont, Binns, Bothamley, and Holmes, Leeds; Brooke, and Garnet, Huddersfield; Edwards, Halifax; Farrer, Ripon; Todd, York; Canne, Otley; Smith, Sheffield; Thompson, Manchester; Clark, Stockport; and Pratt, Stockton, 1803

83. Barrett, the Rev. John, D. D. ‘An Enquiry into the Origin of the Constellations that Compose the Zodiac, and the Uses They Were Intended to Promote’ Printed by and for R. E. Mercier & Co., No. 31, Anglesea Street, Dublin; and Vernor and Hood, London, 1800

82. Worsdale, John ‘Genethliacal Astrology. Comprehending an Enquiry into, and Defence of the Celestial Science: the Rectification of Nativities, by the Trutine of Hermes; with Proofs of the Verity of Elementary Influx and Sydereal Affection, Exemplified in a Variety of Genitures, Investigated Agreeably to the System of Ptolemy. To which is added, an Appendix, Containing Remarks on the Nativity of a Gentleman Now Living, Shewing the Different Influences of the Planets Between a Natural and a Violent Death. A Judgment on the Figure of Heaven at the Sun’s Ingress into Aries, 1798. With other Curious, Interesting, and Important Speculations’ Second Edition – Printed and sold for the Author by Messrs. Ridge, Newark; Sold also by Messrs. Robinson, Paternoster-Row, London; Drury, Lincoln; Hurst, Grantham; Thornill, Sleaford; and all other Booksellers, 1798

81. [Culpeper, Nicholas]; ed. Sibly, E., M.D. ‘Culpeper’s English Physician; and Complete Herbal. To which are now first added Upwards of One Hundred additional Herbs, With a Display of their Medicinal and Occult Properties, Physically Applied to the Cure of all Disorders incident to Mankind. To which are annexed, Rules for Compounding Medicine according to the True System of Nature: Forming a Complete Family Dispensatory, and Natural System of Physic. Beautified and Enriched with Engravings of upwards of Four Hundred and fifty different Plants, And a Set of Anatomical Figures. Illustrated with Notes and Observations, Critical and Explanatory’ Printed for the Author, and Sold at the British Directory Office, Ave-Maria-Lane; and by Champante and Whitrow, Jewry-Street, Aldgate, London, undated [1798?]

80a, 80b, 80c. Dupuis, Citoyen Francois ‘Origine de Tous les Cultes, ou Religion Universelle’ Tome Premier – Tome Troisième [3 vols.] – L’an III de la République, une et indivisible, chez H. Agasse, rue des Poitevins, no. 13, Paris, (1795)

79. Sibly, E., M. D. F. R. H. S. ‘A Key to Physic, and the Occult Sciences. Opening to Mental View, the System and Order of the Interior and Exterior Heavens; the Analogy betwixt Angels, and Spirits of Men; and the Sympathy between Celestial and Terrestrial Bodies. From whence is Deduced, An obvious Discrimination of Future Events, in the Motions and Positions of the Luminaries, Planets, and Stars; the universal Spirit and Economy of Nature, in the Production of all Things; the Principles of etherial, and atmospherical Influx, in constituting the proper Recipient of Life; the active and passive Tinctures requisite in the Generation of Men and Brutes; and the Foundation and Necessity of that invisible Agitation of Matter, which stimulates and impels every living Creature to the Act of begetting its like; the Properties of Vegetable, Mineral, and Animal Magnetism: the fundamental Causes and Qualities, visible or occult, of all Diseases, both of Mind and Body, and the simple Modes prescribed by Nature for their Prevention and Cure. To which are added, Lunar Tables, calculated from Sidereal Motion; exhibiting upon the most simple, yet unerring Construction, the actual Moment of the Crisis of every Disease, and the consequent Termination thereof, whether for Life or Death. The Whole Forming An interesting Supplement to Culpeper’s Family Physician, and Display of the Occult Sciences; published for the good of all who search after Truth and Wisdom; to preserve to all the Blessings of Health and Life; and to give to all the Knowledge of Primitive Physic, and the Art of Healing’ Printed for the Author, and sold by Champante and Whitrow, Jewry-Street, Aldgate, and at the British Directory-Office, Ave-Maria Lane, London, undated (undated in print, c. 1794-5)

78. Astrologer’s Magazine and Philosophical Miscellany, The[7] (bound magazine, 1793-4)

77. Heydon, C., Astrophilo. (pseud.) ‘Astrology. The Wisdom of Solomon in Miniature, Being a New Doctrine of Nativities, Reduced to Accuracy and Certainty; Or, the Art of Determining Future Events by the Only True Method, the Radical Figure of Birth. A Science, by many years intense Study and Labour, brought to a Degree of Perfection hitherto unknown. The whole containing The Essence, Beauties, and Substance of all Pieces, Ancient and Modern, conjoined; a Variety of new Matter added; the Jargon of obsolete, and the Errors of Modern Authors expunged; and digested in a Manner so plain, familiar, and easy, that a Person of the meanest Capacity, may become Proficient in it. Demonstrating to a Certainty Every Person’s future Rise or Fall in the World, And shewing him whether he is subject to have Riches, Poverty, Honour, Dignities, Sickness, Health, Marriage, Children, Friends, Enemies. No matter whether descended from a Prince or a Beggar. Also, a Curious Collection of Nativities, Never Before Published’ Printed for A. Hamilton, No. 18, near Gray’s-Inn-Gate; Holborn, London, 1792

76c. [Sibly, Manoah] ‘Supplement to Placidus de Titus; Containing the Nativity of that Wonderful Phaenomenon, Oliver Cromwell. Calculated methodically, according to the Placidian Canons, By the Ingenious Mr. John Partridge, M. D. To which is Prefixed, Primum Mobile, or a Complete Set of Astronomical Tables, for the Exact Calculation and Direction of Nativities’ Printed by W. Justins, Blackfriars; and sold by Mr. Bew, Paternoster Row; Mr. Richardson, under the Royal Exchange; Mr. Mathews, in the Strand; Mr. Debrett, Piccadilly; Messrs. M. and J. Sibly, Goswell-street; and Mr. Edmund Sibly, Brick-lane, Spitalfields, London, 1790

76b. [De Titis, Placido], [tr. Anonymous], revised Sibly, Manoah ‘A Collection of Thirty Remarkable Nativities, To Illustrate the Canons, and Prove the True Principles of Elementary Philosophy. Translated from the Latin of Placidus de Titus. To which is prefixed, To facilitate Astronomical Calculations, Tables of Right Ascension, Declination, and Ascensional Difference; Tables of Double Horary Times, Semi-diurnal and Nocturnal Arcs; Sexagenary Tables, and Logistical Logarithms; Tables for equating the Seven Erratics; Table of Fixed Stars, &c. &c. The whole arranged in a concise and regular Method, and exemplified with suitable Matter to elucidate Elementary Agency, and to form an Adept in the Sideral and Sublime Mysteries. Beautified and Embellished with Thirty-Six[8] Elegant Engravings, And the Nativity of that wonderful Phaenomenon, Oliver Cromwell’ Printed by W. Justins, Blackfriars; and sold by Mr. Bew, Pater-noster Row; Mr. Richardson, under the Royal Exchange; Mr. Mathews, in the Strand; Mr. Debrett, Piccadilly; Messrs. M. and J. Sibly, Goswell-Street; and Mr. Edmund Sibly, Brick-lane, Spitalfields, 1789

76a. [De Titis, Placido], [tr. Anonymous], the whole carefully revised by Sibly, Manoah ‘Astronomy and Elementary Philosophy, Translated from the Latin of Placidus de Titus: Wherein is shewn, from Physical and Astronomical Principles, the Nature of Atmospherical Influx, communicated to Earthly Substances by the Motion, Aspects, and Position of the Heavenly Bodies, in forming the whole Anima of Nature, particularly in Man, the Epitome of the Creation! – the World in Miniature! – The whole comprehending, by these efficient Causes and their Effects, the true Doctrine of calculating Nativities, in so plain and simple a Method, as to be perfectly attainable by the meanest Capacity, and in a Manner superior to any yet published in the English Language. To which are added, Introductory Notes and Observations, With a Concise Method of judging Horary Questions, select Aphorisms, and every other Requisite to elucidate Elementary Agency, and to form a complete Body of Astral Knowledge’ Printed by W. Justins, Blackfriars; and sold by Mr. Bew, Pater-noster Row; Mr. Richardson, under the Royal Exchange; Mr. Mathews, in the Strand; Mr. Debrett, Picadilly; Messrs. M. and J. Sibly, Goswell-Street; and Mr. Edmund Sibly, Brick-lane, Spitalfields, London, 1789

75. Sibly, Ebenezer, Astro. Philo. ‘A Complete Illustration of the Celestial Science of Astrology: Or, the Art of Foretelling Future Events and Contingencies, by the Aspects, Positions, and Influences of the heavenly Bodies; Founded on Natural Philosophy, Scripture, Reason, and the Mathematics. In Four Parts – Embellished with Curious Copper-Plates’ Printed for Green & Co., Mo. 176, Near Surry-Street, Strand, London, 1788

74. Bailly, M. ‘’Traité de l’Astronomie Indienne et Orientale, Ouvrage qui peut servir de suite à l’Histoire de l’Astronomie ancienne’ – Chez Debure l’aîné, Libraire de la Bibliothèque du Roi & de l’Académie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres, quai des Augustins, & au mois d’Avril 1787, rue Serpente, hôtel Ferrand, no. 6, à Paris, 1787

73. Heydon, C., jun. Astro-Philo. (pseud.) Assisted by a Person of great Professional Abilities ‘The New Astrology; or, the Art of Predicting and Foretelling Future Events, by the Aspects, Positions, and Influences, of the Heavenly Bodies; Founded on Scripture, Experience, and Reason; The Whole being the Result of many Years’ intense Study and Labour; now first made familiar and easy to any Person of ordinary Talents. In Two Parts. Part I. contains, An easy Introduction to the Whole of this Celestial Science, teaching how to erect a Figure of the Heavens, and to place the Planets and Part of Fortune therein; and directs the Student how to proceed in the Whole of this comprehensive Science. Part II. consists of, The Art of resolving all Sorts of Horary Questions, on any Subject, with Accuracy and Pleasure, and how to give Judgement thereon, viz. Whether the Party enquiring shall have Riches or Poverty, Sickness or Health, Prosperous Voyages or Journeys, Friends or Enemies, Wives or Children, Money lent, or due for Goods sold, &c. &c. Any other Questions of Importance are solved by this Science; with Celestial Figures; and many curious Questions answered’ The Second Edition, with large Additions, Improvements, and an Appendix – Printed for G. Kearsley, No. 46, Fleet-Street; T. Lovewell, Stationer, No. 158, St. John-Street; T. Wagstaffe, Brick-Lane, Spitalfields; and W. Battersby and Son, facing Artillery-Lane, Bishopsgate-Street Without, London, 1786

72. Ptolemy, Claudius; ed. / tr. Whalley, John ’The Quadripartite; or, Four Books Concerning the Influences of the Stars. First written in Greek, By Claudius Ptolemy, And now more faithfully rendered into English, from the best Greek Copies, and Latin Translations, than any hitherto published. To which are added, Variety of Notes and Illustrations, Explaining the most difficult and obscure Passages throughout the Whole. By John Whalley, Professor of Physic and Astrology; and Others’ The Second Edition Revised, Corrected, and Improved – Printed for the Editors: and Sold by M. Sibly, No 35, Goswell-Street, & E. Sibly, No 29, Brick-Lane, 1786

71. Mensforth, Geo., Astro. ‘The Young Student’s Guide in Astrology. Consisting of Choice Aphorisms, Selected from the most celebrated Authors. The Works of the Famous Cadan, Gadbury, Guido Bonatus, Alfregnus, Hermes Trismegistus, Bethem, Marcus Manilius, Lilly, Coley, Dariot, &c. Are particularly considered. Wherein is comprised, all the Useful Tables and Instructions Necessary for every Young Student to be acquainted with; particularly in the Questionary Part. With Many Useful Rules in Nativities’ Printed for the Author, by T. Bensley; and sold by Mr. Nicoll, St. Paul’s Church-yard; Mess. Egertons, No. 32, Charing-cross; and Mr. Christie, No. 54, Picadilly, London, 1785

70a, 70b, 70c. Bailly, M.’ Histoire de l’Astronomie Moderne Depuis la Fondation de l’École d’Alexandrie, Jusqu’à l’Époque de M. D. CC. XXX’ Nouvelle Édition, Tome Premier – Tome Trosième – Chez de Bure, Quai des Augustins, près de la rue Pavée, à Paris, 1785’ (3 vols.)

69. Bailly, M. ‘Histoire de l’Astronomie Ancienne, Depuis Son Origine Jusqu’à l’Établissemenet de l’École d’Alexandrie’ Seconde Édition – Chez de Bure fils aîné, quai des Augustins, près de la rue Pavée, à Paris, 1781

68. Censorini; ed. Lindenbrogii, Henrici ‘Liber de Die Natali cum perpetuo Commentario Henrici Lindenbrogii, Nec Non Notarum Spicilegio Collecto ex Scaligeri, Meursii, Salmasii, Barthii, Aliorumque Scriptis ut et C. Lucilii, Satyrarum quae supersunt Reliquiae Cum notis & animadversionibus Franc. Jan. F. Douzae, Ex recensione Sigeberti Havercampi, Cum indicibus locupletissimis’ Apud S. et J. Luchtmans, Academiae Typographpos, Lugduni Batavorum, 1767

67. [Manilius, Marcus] ‘M. Manilii Astronomicon ex Recensione Richardi Bentleji cum selectis variorum ac propriis Notis Praefationi Subjuncta – Varia de Manilio Judicia et Julii Pontederae Epistola De Manilii Astronomia & Anno caelesti cura et studio M. Eliae Stoeber’ – Sumptibus Amandi König Bibliopolae, Argentorati, 1767

66. De Sauvages, R. D.D. Francisco ‘Dissertatio Medica de Astrorum Influxu in Hominem. Quam, Deo-duce, & auspice Dei-para, tueri conabitur, in Augustissimo Monspeliensi Apollinis sano, Julianus-Augustinus Le Febvre Constantiensis apud Normanos, Artium Liberalium Magister, & jamdudum Medicinae alumnus die decima-quarta Maii 1757’ Apud Augustinum-Franciscum Rochard, Regis & Universitatis Medicinae Typographum unicum, Monspelii, 1757

65a, 65b. Pluche, Noel Antoine ‘Histoire du Ciel’ Chez la Veuve Estienne & Fils, rue S. Jacques, a la Vertu, Paris, 1748. [2 volumes.]

64. [Manilius, Marcus]; ed. [Bentley, Richard] ’M. Manilii Astronomicon ex recensione et cum notis Richardi Bentleii’ Typis Henrici Woodfall, Sumptibus Pauli et Isaaci Vaillant, Londini, 1739

63. [Penseyre, Samuel] ‘A New Guide to Astrology. Or Astrology Brought to Light [Being fitted for all Manner of Horary Questions]’ No publisher or place stated, [1726]

62. Ball, Richard, Student in Astrology and Physick ‘Astrology Improv’d: Or, a Compendium Of the whole Art of that most Noble Science. In Five Parts Wherein I. The many Errors of other Writers upon this Subject are corrected. II. Necessary Rules, Figures and Judgment upon every House, for the better understanding of Horary Questions. III. Astrolo-Physical Judgments upon Diseases, and the best Method of curing them by Herbs; with variety of Receipts Alphabetically digested. IV. True Judgments upon Nativities, and Elections relating to Buying, Selling, Gaming, Racing, Travelling, Love, Marriage, &c. V. A New and most certain Way how to know and judge the Inclination of the Air, and Alteration of the Weather at all Seasons. The like not to be found in any other Author ’ The Second Edition, very much enlarg’d – Printed by G. Parker for A. Bettesworth, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-Noster Row, London, 1723

61. [Lilly, William] ‘Mr. Lilly’s History of his Life and Times: Written by Himself. Published from the Original Manuscript, reposited in the Ashmolean Musaeum at Oxford. To which is subjoined, The True History of King James I. and King Charles I. by Mr. Lilly[9]‘ [Second overall but first combined edition] – Printed for E. Curll, over-against Catherine-street in the Strand; J. Pemberton, in Fleet-street; and W. Taylor, in Pater-noster-Row, London, 1721

60. Gadbury, John ‘Nauticum Astrologicum; or, the Astrological Seaman; Directing Merchants, Mariners, Captains of Ships, Ensurers, &c. How (by God’s Blessing) they may escape divers Dangers which commonly happen in the Ocean. Unto which is added A Diary of the Weather for XXI Years together, Exactly observed in London, With Sundry Observations thereon. Being the Posthumous Work of John Gadbury, late Student in Physick and Astrology’ [Second Edition] – Printed for George Sawbridge, at the Three Golden Flower-de-luces in Little Britain, London, 1710

59. [Eland, William]; ed. Parker, Geo. ‘Eland’s Tutor to Astrology: or, Astrology Made Easie; Being a Plain Introduction to that Art, whereby the meanest Capacity may learn to Erect a Figure, and to give Judgment on any Question or Nativity whatsover’ The Tenth Edition. Corrected from its former Errors, and Enlarged: With several Tables and Examples, shewing thereby how to find out the true Time of a Nativity, and to discover the most remarkable Passages that shall happen from the beginning to the end of a Person’s Life. So compleatly furnished, that all the Operations of a Nativity may be perform’d by this little Compendium only, without the help of other Authors – Printed for G. Conyers at the Ring, J. Sprint at the Bell and T. Ballard, at the Rising-Sun in Little-Brittain, London, 1704

58. Junius, M. Ulricus and Wachtel, Justinus, S.S. Theol. & Phil. Studios. ‘I. N. J. Inclytae Facultatis Philosophicae benigno indultu Errores Astrologorum circa Thema Christi Genethliacum H. L. Q. C. – Ad diem 9. Aprilis M DCC I. – Publico Eruditorum examini subjicient’ Stanno Fleischeriano, Lipsiae, [1701]

57. Partridge, John ‘Defectio Geniturarum: being an Essay toward the Reviving and Proving the True Old Principles of Astrology, Hitherto Neglected, Or, at leastwise, not Observed or Understood. In Four Parts. The First shewing the Ground and Cause of Error. The Second contains an Examination of those Nativities Printed by Morinus. The Third considers those done by Argol. And, The Fourth those Printed by Mr. Gadbury, in his Collection. Wherein Many things relating to this Science are Handled and Discoursed: But the principal End and Design of the Book is to prove the Power and sole Use Of the Hileg, in Cases of Life and Death’ Printed for Benj. Tooke at the Middle-Temple-gate in Fleet Street, London, 1697

56. Manilius; tr. Creech, Thomas ‘The Five Books of M. Manilius, Containing a System of the Ancient Astronomy and Astrology: Together with The Philosophy of the Stoicks. Done into English Verse. With Notes’ Printed for Jacob Tonson, at the Judges Head near the Inner-Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet [sic], London, 1697

55. Partridge, John, Physician to Her Present Majesty, and Student in Astrology ‘Opus Reformatum: Or, a Treatise of Astrology, in which the Common Errors of that Art are Modestly Exposed and Rejected. With an Essay Serving towards the Reviving the True and Ancient Method Laid Down for our Direction by the Great Ptolomy; and More Agreeable to the True Principles of Motion and Nature, than that Commonly Practised and Taught. In Two Parts’ Printed for Awnsham and John Churchill at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, London, 1693

54. Bishop, John (attrib.) ‘The Marrow of Astrology. In Two Books. Wherein is contained the Natures of the Sines and Planets, with their several Governing Angels, according to their Respective Hierarchies. And the Method of Directions according to the AEgyptians and Chaldeans, with several other useful Examples. Also a Table of Houses, exactly calculated for the Latitude of London, with Tables of the Mundane Aspects, and all that is requisite for the Rectifying and Directing Nativities; according to the true Intent and Meaning of Ptolomy: Wherein is discovered the Errors of most of our Modern Authors: Unto which is added an Appendix, Adapted to the Use and Illustration thereof, in a Nativity exemplified according to the Doctrine of Mundane Aspects. The like never done in English. Two which is prefix’d a Preface in Commendation of the Author and his Method, by Henry Coley’ Printed for William Fisher, and Richard Mount, at the Postern on Tower-Hill, London, 1689

53. De Bonattis, Antonio Francisco ‘Universa Astrosophia Naturalis – Variis & hucusque nunquam editis experimentis comprobata: & ab argumentis quamplurumis à falsitate in contarium dductis, rationibus, ac auctoritatibus vindicate. – In Tres Divisa Libros. – Maiestati Reipublicae Vetetae, Marco Antonio Iustiniano Serenissimo Principi, Augustissimis Patribus’ Sumptibus Petri Mariae Frambotti Bibliopolae – Facta à Superioribus potestate – Patavii, 1687

52. Goad, [John] ‘Astro-Meteorologica, or Aphorisms and Discourses of the Bodies Coelestial, Their Natures and Influences. Discovered From the Variety of the Alterations of the Air, Temperate, or Intemperate, as to Heat or Cold, Frost, Snow, Hail, Fog, Rain, Wind, Storm, Lightnings, Thunder, Blasting, Hurricane, Tuffon, Whirlwind, Iris, Chasme, Parelij, Comets their Original and Duration, Earthquakes, Vulcano’s, Inundations, Sickness Epidemical, Maculae Solis, and other Secrets of Nature. Collected from the Observation at leisure times, of above Thirty years; by J. Goad.’ Printed by J. Rawlins, for Obadiah Blagrave at the Black Bear in St. Pauls Church-Yard, over against the Little North-door, London, 1686

51. Gadbury, John ‘Cardines Coeli: Or, an Appeal to the Learned and Experienced Observers of Sublunars and their Vicissitudes, whether the Cardinal Signs of Heaven are not most Influential upon Men and Things: Proved by X. Remarkable Genitures, &c., in a Reply to the Learned Author of Cometomantia: Wherein the Character of Gassendus is Defended; And Sundry other Starry Truths are Justified’ No Publisher Stated, London, 1684

50. Wharton, George; ed. Gadbury, John, Student in Physick and Astrology ‘The Works of that Late Most Excellent Philosopher and Astronomer, Sir George Wharton, Bar. – Collected into one Entire Volume[10]’ Printed by H. H. for John Leigh, at Stationers Hall, London, 1683

49. Blagrave, Joseph, of Reading, Gent. Student in Astrology and Physick ‘Blagrave’s Introduction to Astrology in Three Parts[:] The First Containing the Use of an Ephemeris, and how to erect a Figure of Heaven to any time proposed: also the signification of the Houses, Planets, Signs and Aspects, the Explanation of all useful Terms of Art; with Plain and Familiar instructions for the Resolution of all manner of Questions, and Exemplified in every particular thereof, by Figures set, and judged. The Second Treateth of Elections; shewing their Use and Application, as they are constituted on the Twelve Celestial Houses, whereby you are inabled to chuse such times as are proper and conducible to the perfection of any Matter or Business whatsoever. The Third Comprehendeth an Absolute Method for Rectifying and Judging Nativities, the Signification and Portents of Directions, with New and Experienced Rules touching Revolutions and Transits, & c.[11]’ Printed by E. Tyler, and R. Holt, for Obadiah Blagrave, at the Bear in S. Paul’s Church-Yard, London, 1682

48. [Butler, John[12]], B.D., A Protestant Minister of the true Antient Catholick and Apostolick Faith of the Church of England ‘ΆΓΙΑΣΤΡΟΓΊΑ[13]. Or, Astrology A Sacred Science. Shewing, The Excellency and great Benefit thereof, where it is rightly understood, and Religiously observed. As it is handled in the Display of Three Propositions: I. That there is an Astrology in the Heavens. II. That this Astrology, Man (in this state of Corruption) may attain in some measure to understand. III. That this Understanding may be lawfully and fairly compassed by Natural means, without any Diabolical Helps’ London, 1680

47. Blagrave, Joseph ‘Blagrave’s Astrological Practice of Physick. Discovering, The true way to Cure all Kinds of Diseases and Infirmities which are Naturally incident to the Body of Man. Being Performed by such Herbs and Plants which grow within our own Nation, directing the way to Distil and Extract their Virtues and making up of Medicines. Also, A Discovery of some notable Philosophical Secrets worthy our Knowledge, relating to a Discovery of all kinds of Evils, whether Natural, or such which come from Sorcery or Witchcraft, or by being possessed of an evil Spirit; directing how to cast forth the said Evil Spirit out of any one which is Possessed, with sundry Examples thereof’ [Second Edition] – Printed for Obadiah Blagrave at the Bear and Star in St. Paul’s Church-Yard, London, 1680

46. Salmon, William, Professor of Physick ‘Horae Mathematicae, seu Urania. The Soul of Astrology: Containing that Art in all its Parts. In Four Books. Illustrated with the Names, Numbers and Natures of the Faces of the Signs, the Planets, Nodes, Aspects and Houses: the setting of a Figure: Explication of Terms of Art: Refutation of Planetary hours, Deep, Pitted, Lame and Azimene Degrees: The Doctrine of Nativities, shewing all the ways of Rectifying, Directing and giving Judgment thereon, from Regiomontanus, Argol, Kepler, Morinus and others, deduced from a Consideration of the Signs, Aspects, Nodes, Houses, Planets and Fixed Stars, as they are related by Position, Direction, Transit and Revolution: The Radical Solution of all manner of Demands, Radical Elections; the Resolution of all Horary Questions; the Method of Annual Judgments, Monthly Observations, Judgments on Eclipses, Comets, Conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter, Aphelions of the Erraticks, Meteorologick Predictions, And a Demonstration of the Aspects of the Planets; Together with the various ways of finding the Planets and Fixed Stars Rising, Southing and Setting, by new Tables, never before Published. The Via Nova Genetliaca, Or Our New way of Managing Nativities, and finding out all their several Directions, by Inspection only, without Trouble or Calculation, being most consentaneous to Nature, Reason and Truth. The whole Work a new thing, the like never yet extant’ Printed by Tho. Dawks, his Majesties British Printer, at the Blew-Anchor, at the West End of St. Pauls, London, 1679

45. Partridge, J., M. R. Student in Physick and Astrology ‘Mikropanastron: Or an Astrological Vade Mecum Briefly Teaching the whole Art of Astrology, Viz. Questions, Nativities, with all its Parts, and the whole Doctrine of Elections, never so Comprised, nor Compiled before; so that the young Student may learn as much here as in the great Volumes of Guido, Haly, or Origanus’ Printed for William Bromwich, at the Sign of the Three Bibles in Ludgate-Street, London, 1679

44. Middleton, John, Philomath ‘Practical Astrology. In Two Parts. The First Part containeth an easie Introduction to the whole Art of Astrologie, shewing the Number and Nature of the Signes, Planets, and Aspects. Together with several Names and Terms of Astrologie. Also how to erect a Figure of the Heavens, and to place the Planets therein; and how the Student ought to proceed in the whole Art. The Second Part sheweth the Resolution of all manner of Horary Questions which concern the Life of Man, his Estate, Brethren, or short Journeys. If the Querent shall ever have Children. Of Sickness, and how to find the Nature and kinde of the Disease. Also concerning Marriages, Law-suits, Publick Enemies: Of things lost or stoln; with all other necessary Questions whatsoever. Together with several Examples of Coelestial Figures erected for Horary Questions, and Judgements thereupon, whereby any man of an ordinary capacity may soon attain to the whole Art thereof’ Printed by J. C. for Richard Preston, near Grays-Inn-gate in Holburn, 1679

43. Saunders, Richard ‘The Astrological Judgment and Practice of Physick. Deduced from the Position of the Heavens at the Decumbiture of the Sick Person: Wherein the Fundamental Grounds thereof are most clearly displayed and laid open: Shewing by an Universal Method not only the Cause, but the Cure and End of all manner of Diseases incident to humane Bodies. Also divers notable Experiments, of great use to all the Industrious Students in Physick and Astrology. Being the XXX years Practice and Experience of Richard Saunders Student in Astrology and Physick’ Printed for L.C. and are to be sold by Thomas Sawbridge at the three Flower-de-luces in Little Britain, London, 1677

42. Lilly, William, Student in Astrology ‘Anima Astrologiae: Or, A Guide for Astrologers. Being The considerations of the Famous Guido Bonatus Faithfully rendred into English. As also The Choicest Aphorisms of Cardans Seaven Segments, Translated, and methodically digested under their proper Heads. With a New Table of the fixed Stars, rectified for several years to come, and divers other necessary Illustrations. A Work most useful and necessary forall Students, and recommended as such to the Sons of Art’ Printed for B. Harris at the Stationers Arms in Sweethings Rents near the Royal-Exchange, London, 1676

41. Coley, Henry, Student in the Mathematicks, and Astrology ‘Clavis Astrologiae Elimata: or a Key to the whole Art of Astrology New Filed and Polished. In Three Parts. Containing I. An Introduction; By which an Ordinary Capacity may Understand the Grounds thereof, and how to set a Figure upon any Occasion: With the Schemes of the Cusps of the Coelestial Houses in Copper Plates, very useful in Horary Questions, &c. II. Select Aphorismes; with Rules and Examples how to Resolve or Judge all Lawful Questions Astrological, from a Radical Scheme Erected: Also Elections, and other necessary Precepts of Oart. III. The Genethliacal Part; wherein is shewn how to Rectifie and Calculate Nativities, according to Regiomontanus, Argol, and Kepler; with some Varieties in the Doctrine of Directions, Revolutions, and Profections, not before published: Also Tables, and all other Requisites, both for Calculation, and Demonstration. To which are added the Rudolphine Tables, whereby the Places of the Planets may be Calculated for any Time, past, present, or to come[14]’ The Second Edition, much Enlarged and Amended – Printed for Benj. Tooke, and Tho. Sawbridge, and are to be Sold at the Ship in St. Paul’s Church-Yard, and at the three Flower de Luces in Little Britain, London, 1676

40. Vitali, Hieronymo, Capuano Clerico Regulari vulgo Theatino ‘Lexicon Mathematicum Astronomicum Geometricum, Hoc est Rerum omnium ad utramque immo & ad omnem fere Mathesim quomodocumque spectantium, Collectio, & explicatio. Adjecta brevi novorum Theorematum expensione, verborumque exoticorum dilucidatione ut non injuria Disciplinarium omnium Mathematicarum summa, & Promptuarium dici possit’ Ex Officina Ludovic. Billaine, in Palatio Regio, Parisiis, 1668

39. Flisco, Comitis de ‘Decas de Fato, Annisque Fatalibus Tam Hominibus Quam Regnis Mundi’ Typus Kempfferianis, Francofurti, 1665

38. Eland, W., Philomat. ‘A Tutor to Astrologie: OR, ASTROLOGY made easie. Being a plain Introduction to the whole Art of Astrology. Whereby the meanest Apprehension may learn to Erect a Figure; and by the same, to give a determinate judgement upon any Question or Nativity whatsover. Also new Tables of Houses, calculated for the Latitude of 51 degrees 32 minutes. Also Tables of Right and Oblique Ascension, to 6 degrees of Latitude. Whereunto is added, An EPHEMERIS For the Year, 1665, 1666, 1667. With all other necessary Tables, that belong to the Art of Astrology. Also how to erect a Figure the rational way, by the Tables of Triangles, more methodically than hath yet been published. – Digested into this Pocket-volumn, for the conveniency of those that erect Figures abroad’ The fifth Edition – Corrected and Enlarged – printed for Joseph Moxon, and sold at his shop on Ludgate-hill near Fleet-bridge, at the Sign of Atlas, London, undated [c. 1665]

37. De Titis, D. Placido ‘De diebus decretoriis et aegrorum decubitu Ad iuvandam praeclaram Artis Medicae Professionem iuxta Summor. Pontif. & Sacr. Concil. Tridentini indultum, Epitome Astrosophica Physicis maxime rationibus, deinde Galeni, Aristot. & Ptolemaei praeceptis contexta: A D. Placido de Titis Perusino Olivetano In Almo Tycinensi Gymnasio Mathematicar. Professore publice exhibita. Cum LX. Exemplis apud gravissimos Authores inventis’ Tomus Primus – Ex Officiana Ioannis Andreae Magrij in Via Nova, 1660 bound with De Titis, D. Placido ‘De Diebus Decretoriis et Morborum Causa Caelesti Ad iuvandam praeclaram Artis Medicae Professionem iuxta Summor. Pontif. & Sacr. Concil. Tridentini indultum, Epitome Astrosophica Physicis maxime rationibus, deinde Galeni, Aristot. & Ptolemaei praeceptis contexta: A D. Placido de Titis Perusino Olivetano In Almo Ticinensi Gymnasio Mathematicar. Professore publice exhibita. Cum L. Natalium Exemplis partim apud gravissimos Authores Inventis, partim ab eruditorum manu traditis’ Tomus Secundus – Ex Officina Ioannis Ghidini, 1665

36. Cardani, Hieronymi, Mediolanensis Philosophi ac Medici Celeberrimi ‘Operum Tomus Quintus, Quo Continentur Astronomica, Astrologica, Onirocritica. Contentorum Huius Tomi Seriem Index Titulorum exhibet. Editio, ut Caeteris Elegantior Ita Et Accuratior’ Sumptibus Ioannis Antonii Huguetan, & Marci Antonii Ravaud, Lugduni, 1663

35. Gadbury, John ‘Collectio Geniturarum: Or, a Collection of Nativities, in CL Genitures; Viz. Princely, Prelatical, Causidical, Physical, Mercatorial, Mathematical, Of Short Life, Of Twins, & c. With Many Useful Observations on them, Both Historical and Astrological. Being of Practical Concernment unto Philosophers, Physitians, Astronomers, Astrologers, And others that are Friends unto Urania[15]’ Printed by James Cottrel, London, 1662

34. Morini, Joannis Baptistae, apud Gallos e Bellejocensibus Francopolitani, Doctoris Medici, & Parisiis Regii Mathematum Professoris ‘Astrologia Gallica Principiis & Rationibus propriis stabilita, Atque in XXVI. Libros distributa. Non solum Astrologiae Judiciariae Studiosis, sed etiam Philosophis, Medicis, & Theologis omnibus per-necessaria: Quippe multa complectens eximia ad scientias illas spectantia’[16] Ex Typographia Adriani Vlacq, Hagae-Comitis, 1661

33. Lilly, William ‘Christian Astrology Modestly Treated of in three Books. The first containing the use of an Ephemeris, the erecting of a Scheam of Heaven; nature of the twelve Signes of the Zodiack, of the Planets; with a most easie Introduction to the whole Art of Astrology. The second, by a most Methodicall way Instructeth the Student how to Judge or Resolve all manner of Questions contingent unto Man, viz. of Health, Sickness, Riches, Marriage, Preferment, Journies, &c. Severall Questions inferred and Judged. The third, containes an exact Method, whereby to Judge upon Nativities; severall wayes how to rectifie them; How to judge the generall fate of the Native by the twelve Houses of Heaven, according to the naturall influence of the Stars; How his particular and Annuall Accidents, by the Art of Direction, and its exact measure of Time by Profections, Revolutions, Transits. A Nativity Judged by the Method preceding’ The Second Edition Corrected, and Amended – Printed by John Macock, London, 1659

32. Culpeper, Nicholas ‘Semiotica Uranica, or Culpepper’s Judgement of Diseases Much Enlarged; Abraham Avenezra, of Critical Days’ (running title from first main page; publication details missing). Bound (as issued) with Culpeper, Nicholas, Student in Physick, and Astrology ‘Urinalia: or, a Treatise of the Crisis Hapning to the Urine: Through default either of the Reins, Bladder, Yard, Conduits, or Passages, with their Causes, Signs, and Cures’ Printed for Nath. Brook, at the Angel in Cornhil, London, 1658

31. Gadbury, John ‘Genethlialogia, or, the Doctrine of Nativities, Containing the Whole Art of Directions, and Annual Revolutions: Whereby, any man (even of an Ordinary Capacity) may be enabled to discover the most Remarkable and Occult Accidents of his Life, as they shall occur unto him in the whole Course thereof, either for Good or Evil. Also, Tables For Calculating the Planets Places for any time, either Past, Present, or To come. Together with The Doctrine of Horarie Questions; Which (in the absence of a Nativity) is sufficient to inform any one of all manner of Contingencies necessary to be known’ Printed by Ja: Cottrel, for Giles Calvert, at the black Spread-Eagle neer the West-end of Pauls; William Larner, at the Blackmoor neer Fleet-bridge, and Daniel White, at the seven Stars in S. Paul’s Church-yard, 1658

30. [De Titis, Placido] ‘Tabulae Primi Mobilis cum Thesibus ad Theoricen, & Canonibus ad praxim, additis In rerum demonstrationem, & supputationum Exemplum Triginta clarissimorum natalium Thematibus, authore D. Placido de Titis Perusino Olivetano à mathematicis serenissimi Leopoldi Guilielmi Archiducis Austriae &c. Iuxta principia ab eodem Authore in sua Coelesti Philosophia exposita, atque ibidem tum rationibus è natura deductis, tum Physicae, & Mathematicae Principum Assertionibus evidentissimè comprobata[17]‘ Typis Pauli Frambotti Bibliop. Superiorum permißu, Patavii, 1657

29. Allaei, Francisci, Arabis Christiani ‘Astrologiae Nova Methodus’ bound with (as issued) ‘Fatum Universi Observatum’ bound with (as issued) ‘Ad Illustrissimos Viros Amplissimi Senatus Armorici. In Librum de Fato Universi nuper editum’ [Second overall edition], no publisher or place stated, 1654

28. Ramesey, William, Gent., Student in Astrologie, Physick, and the most Heavenly and Sublime Sciences ‘Astrologia Restaurata; or, Astrologie Restored: being an Introduction to the General and Chief part of the Language of the Stars. In Four Books. The First, Proving the Legality of Astrologie, both by Scripture, Reason, and the testimony of the Ancients and learned in former Ages, wherein is cleared to every Rational and Impartial man the Authors Lux Veritatis in Answer to Doctor Homes, to remain unshaken notwithstanding the Doctors unowned Reply. The Second, By a plain Method teaching the Names and Characters of the Planets and Signs, as also the Reasons thereof: and of their Dignities, Terms, Faces, Houses, Exaltations and Triplicities; with the Reasons why the Signs are reckoned from Aries; and in number just twelve; and neither more nor less; with the number of the Sphears; their Order and Motions: being a most necessary Introduction to the whole Art, and very usefull to all wel-willers thereunto for inabling them to give Reasons for any part thereof, &c. The Third, Fully comprehending Instructions and Rules for electing any manner of Work; never before made publique in our Mother Tongue; the which both for the Administration of Physick, Letting of Blood, Husbandry and other necessary Works is both usefull and profitable. The Fourth, By a most easie Introduction teacheth, by Revolutions of the Years of the World, Eclipses, great Conjunctions, Comets and Blazing-stars, how to Judge by the ordinary course and order of Nature, of the general Accidents of Countreys, Kingdoms, Provinces and Cities, Alterations of Kingdoms and Empires, Laws and Customs, Cause of Plenty, Dearth, Wars, Peace, Health, Sickness, Alteration of the Ayr, and (to be short) of all things appertaining to the life of man in a Natural Way; wherein is the infinite Wisdom of God seen manifestly in the Government of the World by the Influence and constant Harmony of the Celestial Planets and Stars; the Innocency, Legality and Purity of the Art demonstrated, and proved by demonstration of the inevitable events of the Heavens, so long as God upholdeth the Order and Course of Nature unperverted; and the Students thereof consequently proved rather Divines then Conjurers or Practisers of what is unlawfull. With a Table of the most material things therein contained[18]’ Published by Authority; printed for Robert White, and are to be sold at the Gun at the West-end of Pauls, London, 1654

27. Argoli, Andrea, d. Marci ‘Ptolemaeus Parvus In Genethliacis junctus Arabibus’ Sumptibus Iosephi, & Petri Vilon, in Via Mercatoria, Lugduni, 1654

26. Ramesey, William, Gent., Student in Astrology and Physick ‘Vox Stellarum. Or, The Voice of the Starres: Being a Short Introduction to the Judgement of Eclipses, and the Annuall Revolutions of the World: Wherein is handled Astrologically, The Ingresse of the Sun into the Tropick and AEquinoctiall signes 1652, Together with the Solar and two Lunar Eclipses in the same yeare, being a probable Judgement of that years affairs in generall; whether plenty or scarcity, wars or peace, health or sicknes may be expected’ Printed for T. H. and Jo. Collins, and are to be sold at his shop in Little Britain, neere the Church, London, 1652

25. Argoli, Andrea ‘De Diebus Criticis et Aegrorum Decubitu Libri Duo. Ab Auctore denuo recogniti, ac altera parte auctiores, paeneque noui’ Apud Paulum Frambottum Bibliopol., Patavii, 1652

24. Culpeper, Nicholas, Gent. Student in Physick and Astrology ‘Semeiotica Uranica. Or an Astrological Judgment of Diseases from the Decumbiture of the Sick; 1. From Aven Ezra by way of Introduction. 2. From Noel Duret by way of Direction. Wherein is layd down, The way and manner of finding out the Cause, Change and End of a Disease; Also whether the Sick be likely to live or dye, and the Time when Recovery or Death is to be Expected; To which is added The Signs of Life or Death by the Body of the Sick Party according to the judgment of Hippocrates’ Printed for Nathaniell Brookes at the golden Angel on Cornhill, near the Exchange, London, 1651

23. De Titis, Placido ‘Physiomathematica, sive coelestis Philosophia Naturalibus Hucusq; desideratis ostensa principiis[19]’ – Mediolani, A Io. Baptista Maltesta R. Cq; Typographo, undated [1650]

22. Salmasii, C;. ‘De Annis Climactericis et Antigua Astrologia Diatribae’ Ex Officina Elzeviriorum, Lugd. Batavor, 1648

21. Lilly, William, Student in Astrology ‘Christian Astrology Modestly Treated of in three Books. The first containing the use of an Ephemeris, the erecting of a Scheam of Heaven; nature of the twelve Signs of the Zodiack, of the Planets; with a most easie Introduction to the whole Art of Astrology. The second, by a most Methodicall way, Instructeth the Student how to Judge or Resolve all manner of Questions contingent unto Man, viz. of Health, Sicknesse, Riches, Marriage, Preferment, Journies, &c. Severall Questions inserted and Judged. The third, containes an exact Method, whereby to Judge upon Nativities; severall wayes how to rectifie them; How to judge the generall fate of the Native by the twelve Houses of Heaven, according to the naturall influence of the Stars; How his particular and Annuall Accidents, by the Art of Direction, and its exact measure of Time by Profections, Revolutions, Transits. A Nativity Judged by the Method preceding’ Printed for Tho. Brudenell for John Partridge and Humph. Blunden, in Black-friers at the Gate going into Carter-lane, and in Corhil, London, 1647

20. Origanus, David, Galcensis Silesii Mathematici, &c. ‘Astrologia Naturalis. Sive Tractatus De Effectibus Astrorum Absolutissimus. In quo Omni Astrologiae, ut Vocant, Iudiciariae Vanitate, Superstitione, ac Impietate Christiano homine indigna penitus euersa, Vera Phsysica Coelestis ex propriis, ac genuinis Fundamentis astruitur. Opus Medicis, Agricolis, Nautis, ac Caeteris Naturalis Actiones recte dirigere cupientibus plane necessarium’ Io Baptistae Senii Genuensis, Massiliae, 1645

19. Campanellae, [Tommaso] ‘Astrologicorum Libri VI. In Quibus Astrologia, omni superstitione Arabum, & Iudaeorum eliminata, physiologice tractatur, Secundum S. Scripturas, & doctrinam S. Thomae, & Alberti, & Summorum Theologorum; Ita ut absque suspicione mala in Ecclesia Dei multa cum utilitate legi possint’ Sumptibus Iacobi, Andreae, & Matthaei Prost, Lugduni, 1629

18. Codronchi, Baptistae ‘De Annis Climactericis: Necnon De Ratione Vitandi Eorum Pericula, Itemque De Modis Vitam Producendi, Baptistae Codronchi Imolensis, Philosophi ac Medici clarissimi Commentarius: Non Medicis solum, sed etiam omnibus & singulis hominibus utilis ac necessarius’ Sumptibus Matthaei Smitz, Coloniae, 1623

17. Pezelii, D. Christophori ‘Praecepta Genethliaca, sive De Prognosticandis Hominum Nativitibus Comentarius eruditissimus, In qo non solum Astrologiae Praecepta & certa istius fundamenta demonstrantur, verum etiam varii casus, historia, eventus & exempla lepidissima proponuntur. Omnibus et Singulis, Cuiuscunque facultatis Studiosis lectu iucundus & scitu necessarius’ Typis Wolfgangi Richteri, impensis Iohan. Theobaldi Shonvvetteri & Cunradi Meulii, consortum, 1607

16. Magini, Io Antonii, Patavini ‘De Astrologica ratione, ac usu dierum Criticorum, seu Decretoriorum; praeterea de cognoscendis & medendis morbis ex corporum coelestium cognitione. Opus duobus Libris distinctum: Quorum primus complectitur Commentarium in Claudij Galeni Librum Tertium de diebus Decretoriis. Alter agit de legitimo Astrologiae in Medicina usu. His additur De annui temporis mensura in Directionibus: & de Directionibus ipsis ex Valentini Naibodae scriptis’ Apud Haeredem Damiani Zenarij, Venetiis, 1607

15. Heydon, Sir Christopher, Knight ‘A Defence of Iudiciall Astrologie, In Answer to a Treatise lately published by M. John Chamber, Whrein all those places of Scripture, Councels, Fathers, Schoolemen, later Divines, Philosophers, Histories, Lawes, Constitutions, and reasons drawne out of Sixtus Empiricus, Pixus, Pererius, Sixtus ab Heminga, and others, against this Arte, are particularly examined: and the lawfulnes thereof, by equivalent proofes warranted’ Printed by John Legat., Printer to the Universitie of Cambridge, And are to be sold in Pauls Churchyard at the sign of the Crowne by Simon Waterson, 1603

14. Dariot, Claude; tr. W., F. (= Withers, Fabian) ‘A Brief and most easie Introduction to the Astrological Iudgement of the Starres. Whereby the diligent Reader with easie laboure may give a certen, true, and determinate Iudgement to any Question demanded, upon the naturall causes thereof. Written by the most famous Phisition Claudius Dariot: and translated by F. W. gent. And lately renued, and in some places augmented and amended by G. C. Gentl. Whereunto is annexed a most necessarie Table for the finding out of the Planetarie and unequall houre, under the Latitude of 52 Gr. 30 Mi. exactly calculated by the sayde F. W.[20] Printed by Thomas Purfoot, London, 1598; bound (as issued) with G. C.[21] ‘A Treatise of Mathematicall Phisicke, or briefe Introduction to Phisicke, by Iudiciall Astronomy. Intreating very exactly and compendiously of the Natures and Qualities of all disaeases incident to humane bodyes by the naturall influence of the Caelestiall motions. Never before handled in this our Native language, written by G. C. gent. Practicioner in Phisicke. Whereunto is added a most ready and perfect Table, of the Planetarie and unequall howers under the Latitude of 51 deg. 43 mi. which is the true meridian of this most famous Citie of London, exactly calculated by the sayde G. C.’ Printed by Thomas Purfoot, London, 1598

13. Ranzovii, Henrici ‘Tractatus Astrologicus. De Genethliacorum Thematum Iudiciis Pro Singulis nati accidentibus. Ex Vetustis et Optimis quibusque auctoribus Industria Henrici Ranzovii Producis Cimbrici collectus’ Secunda Editio multo auctior & emendatior. Cum Indice capitum & rerum – excudebat Wolffgangus Meisnerus, 1594

12. Manili., M.; ed. Scaliger, Iosephus ‘Astronomicon Libri Quinque. Iosephus Scaliger Iul. Caes. F. Recensuit, ac pristino ordini suo restituit. Eiusdem Ios. Scaligeri Commentarius in eosdem libros, & Castigationum explicationes. Lectiones Variae E Ms. Bibliothecae Palatinae, Et Aliis, cum Notis F. Iuni Biturigis[22]’ In Officina Sanctandreana, 1590

11. Ranzovii, Henrici ‘Clarissimae et Pervetustae Nobilitatis Viri, Exempla, Quibus Astrologicae Scientiae Certitudo, doctissimorum cum veterum, tum recentiorum auctoritate astruitur: Imperatorum etiam, Regum, Principum, Illustriumque virorum, qui artem Astrologicam amarunt, ornaru nt, atque excoluerunt, testimonijs comprobatur. Item, De Annis Climactericis, Et Periodis imperiorum, tractatus, cum plurimis alijs, artem Astrologicam illustrantibus quae In Subiecto Epistolae ad lectorem Indice adnotata offendes. Opus certe propter insignium variarumque historiarum enumerationem, tam lectu iucundum, quam scitu necessarium’ Tertia aeditio, prioribus multo locupletior & ornatior – Apud Maternum Cholinum, Coloniae, 1585

10b. Giuntini, Francisco (Iunctino Florentino, Francisco) ‘Speculum Astrologiae, Comprehendens Commentaria in Theoricas Planetarum, et in Sphaerum Ioannis de Sacra Bosco, una cum tabulis de Eclipsibus Georgii Purbachii, & supputationibus motuum Planetarum, secundum decreta Alphonsii Regis Hispaniae: & Nicolai Copernici, cum diversis aliis tractatibus Astrologicis. Autore Francisco Iunctino Florentino S.T.D. ac Eleemosynario ordinario Serenissimi Principis Francisci Valesii, Henrici filij, Francisci Nepotis, ac Christianiss Francorum, ac Poloniae Regis fratris unici, Andegavensis Ducis, &c. Saluo per omnia iudicio sanctae sedis Apostolicae – Tomus Posterior[23]‘ In Officina Q. Phil. Tinghi, Florentini: Apud Simphorianum Beraud, Lugduni, 1581

10a. [Giuntini, Francisco] (Iunctinus, Franciscus) ‘Speculum Astrologiae, Universam Mathematicam Scientiam, in Certas Classes Digestam, Complectens. Auctore Francisco Iunctino Florentino S. T. D. ac Eleemosynario ordinario Serenissimi Principis Francisci Valesii, Christianiss. Francorum, ac Poloniae Regis fratris unici, Andegavensis Ducis, &c. Accesserunt etiam Commentaria absolutissima in duos posteriores Quadripartiti Ptolemaei libros, innumeris observationibus referta, & certissimis aphorismis (quatenus ex siderum positione liceat Christiono more aliquid coniicere) ex probatissimorum Astrologorum scriptis depromptis insignita. Quid in priori & posteriori Tomo contineatur, Elenchus post epistolam ad Lectorem subiunctus, indicabit. Omnia sub censura sanctae Ecclesiae Catholicae Romanae – Tomus Prior[24]‘ In Officina Q. Phil. Tinghi, Florentini: Apud Simphorianum Beraud, Lugduni, 1581

9. Cardani, Hieronymi ‘In Cl. Ptolemaei De Astrorum Iudiciis, Aut (ut Vulgo’ Appelant) Quadripartitae Constructionis Lib. IIII. Commentaria, ab Autore postremum castigata, & locupletata. His accesserunt, Eiusdem Cardani, De Septem Erraticarum Stellarum qualitatibus atque viribus liber posthumus, ante non visus, Geniturarum item XII. ad hanc scientiam recte exercendam observatu utilium, exempla. Item, Cunradi Dasypodii, Mathematici Argent. Scholia et Resolutiones seu Tabulae in Lib. IIII. Apotelesmaticos Cl. Ptolaemaei: Una cum Aphorismis eorundem librorum. Denique brevis explicatio Astronomici Horologii Argentoratensis, ad veri & exacti temporis investigationem extructi[25]’ Ex Officina Henrik Petrina, Basileae, 1578

8. [Gartze, Johannes] ‘Iohannis Garcaei, Astrologiae Methodus, in qua Secundum Doctrinam Ptolemaei, Exactissima Facillimaque Genituras qualescunque iudicandi ratio traditur: ex probatissimorum artificum monumentis, de omni bonorum & malorum genere (de quibus per syderum Apotelesmata sobriè iudicare licet) sive animo, sive corpori, fortunaeúe accidant, deprompta:inque certas classes digesta: Nativitatibus insuper quadringentis circiter, hominum cuiuscunque Ordinis, nostri seculi, illustratur. Nunc primùm in lucem edita, in honorem Illustrissimi Principis, D. Augusti Saxoniae Electoris, &c.[26] – Cum Gratia & Privileg. Caes. Maiest., Basileae, ex Officina Henricpetrina, [1576]

7. Nabod, Valentino ‘Enarratio Elementorum Astrologiae, In Qua Praeter Alcabicii, Qui Arabum doctrinam compendio prodidit, expositionem, atq; cum Ptolemaei principijs collationem, reiectis sortilegijs & absurdis vulgoque receptis opinionibs, de verae artis praeceptorum origine & usu fatis differitur: in celeberrima Coloniensi Academia Studiosis philosophiae proposita’ Apud haeredes Arnoldi Birckmanni, Coloniae, 1560

6. Palingenii, Marcelli, Stellati Poetae doctissimi ‘Zodiacus Vitae, hoc est, de Hominis vita, studio, ac moribus optime instituendis Libri XII. Cum indice locupletissimo’ Apud Ioannem Tornaesium, & Gul. Gazeium, Lugduni, 1559

5. Cardani, Hieronymi, Mediolanensis Medici et Philosophi Praestantissimi ‘In Cl. Ptolemaei Pelusiensis IIII de Astrorum Iudiciis, aut, ut vulgo vocant, Quadripartite Constructionis libros Commentaria, quae non solum Astronomie & Astrologis, sed etiam omnibus philosophiae studiosis plurimum adiumenti adferre poterunt. Nunc recens castigatissime in luce edita. Praeterea, Eiusdem Hier. Cardani Geniturarum XII. & auditu mirabiliae & notatu digna, & ad hanc scientiam recte exercendam observatu utilia, exempla. Atque alia multa, quae interrogationibus & electionibus praeclare feruiunt, vanaque a veris recte secernunt. Ac denique Eclipseos, quam gravissima pestis subsecuta est, exemplum[27]’ Apud Theobaldum Paganum, Lugduni, 1555

4. Bellantii, Lucii; Pirovani, Gabrielis ‘Lucii Bellantii Senensis Mathematici Ac Physici De Astrologica Veritate Liber Quaestionum. Astrologiae Defensio Contra Ioannem Picum Mirandulanum. Gabrielis Pirovani De Astronomiae Veritate Dialogus Absolutissimus’ No Publisher Stated, Basileae, 1554

3. Galeni, Claudii; tr. Andernaco, Ioanne Guinterio ‘De Diebus Decretoriis Libri Tres, Ioanne Guinterio Andernaco interprete: Nuperrime ad exemplar Venetum recogniti & divulgati, cum indice rerum scitu dignarum’ Apud Gulielmum Rouillium, sub Scuto Veneto, Lugduni, 1553

2. [Gaurico, Luca] ‘Lucae Gaurici Geophonensis Episcopi Civitatensis, Tractatus Astrologicus, In quo agitur de praeteritis multorum hominum accidentibus per proprias eorum geni turas ad unguem examinatis. Quorum exemplis consimilibus unusquisque de medio genethliacus vaticinari poterit de futuris, Quippe qui Per varios casus artem experientia fecit, Exemplo monstrante viam. Cum Gratia et Provilegio – Apud Curtium Troianum Navò, Venetiis, 1552

1. [Cardano, Gerolamo] ‘Hieronymi Cardani Medici Mediolanensis, Libelli Quinque. Quorum duo priores, iam denuo sunt emendati, duo sequentes iam primum in lucem editi, & quintus magna parte auctus est. I. De Supplemento Almanach. II. De Restitutione temporum & motuum coelestium. III. De Iudiciis geniturarum. IIII. De Revolutionibus. V. De exemplis centum geniturarum. Additis insuper Tabulis ascensionum rectarum & obliquarum eclipticae & stellarum & radiorum, usque ad latitudinem octo partium. Eiusdem, antea non edita, Aphorismorum Astronomicorum Segmenta VII. Opusculum incomparabile’ Cum Privilegio Caesar. atque Reg. Maiest. ad Sexennium – apud Iohan. Petreium, Norimbergae, 1547


[1] Excludes almanacs, of which some examples held from 1804 onwards

[2] With separate second title page: Mackey, S. A. ‘The Companion to the Mythological Astronomy, &c. Containing Remarks on recent Publications on Mythology, Etymology, and Geology. In which, also, is shown, the Insufficiency of Rotary and Orbicular Motion to Form Atoms Into Globes Without the Assistance of that Unseen Power, which is denominated Attraction. Illustrated by Plates’ – Printed by R. Walker, and Published by the Author Prince’s Street; and in London by his Grand-Daughter, E. Bluring, 32, Granby Place, New Cut, Lambeth, 1824. The author explains the ‘alteration in the new Title Page’ by referring readers to his separate New Theory of the Earth and of Planetary motion in respect of the originally promised contents of the present work. There is no sign of the promised plates in the present work as bound here

[3] COPAC records suggest that the Rev. C. C. Clarke, given as the author of ‘The Hundred Wonders of the World’, was a pseudonym of Sir Richard Phillips, the publisher of the present work. The evidence underpinning this attribution is unknown to me. The present work is on astronomy but includes a lot of fine plates and useful information on the solar system as it was understood in the early 19th century, plus a lecture on the zodiacal constellations with information on related mythology.

[4] A long list of participating booksellers follows

[5] Here credited as Docteur de la Faculté des Sciences, Ancien Professeur de Belles-Lettres, actuellement Professeur de Mathématiques transcendantes au Prytanée Militaire. His first name is not known

[6] An added note reads: ‘Great Part of the above appeared in the LEEDS MERCURY under the signature “Astronomus;” but is now revised and much enlarged’.

[7] Also held, a very rough set (although not separately listed here, because some pages are partly or wholly missing) of the two years of The Conjuror’s Magazine (1791-3) that was the immediate forerunner to The Astrologer’s Magazine and Philosophical Miscellany

[8] NB: for the tables promised by the title, see the separate entry for the separately bound volume ‘Supplement to Placidus de Titus’: they are not included in this one. Note also that only 32 plates (inc. frontis.) are present in this volume, as compared with the 36 promised, but the count of 32 corresponds with other copies advertised

[9] With separate subtitle page to main p. 1 of the second part: ‘Several Observations Upon the Life and Death of Charles Late King of England’. It is possible though unclear that a fuller title page may be missing prior to the prefatory pages to the second part of the volume. The running header is ‘Observations on the Life and Death of King Charles’, and there is notably no mention of King James in either header or subtitle despite the promise in the overall title page for the volume.

[10] With additional title page to p. 209: Wharton, Geo. “An Astrological Judgment upon his Majesties Present March: Begun from Oxford, May 7. 1645” As it was Printed at Oxford, by H. Hall, 1645. With additional title page to p. 223: Wharton, Capt. Geo., Student in Astronomy “Bellum Hybernicale: Or, Ireland’s War Astrologically demonstrated, from the late Coelestial-congress of the two Malevolent Planets, Saturn and Mars, in Taurus, the Ascendant of that Kingdom. Wherein likewise, their future Opposition in the Signs Sagittary and Gemini, (most ominous in London, and many other of the South and West parts of England) is Mathematically handled. The Ignorance, Malice, Mistakes, Errors, Insolencies, and Impertinences, of John Booker, (in his Astrological Observations upon the said Conjunction, in a late Pamphlet of his, styled, A Bloody Irish Almanack, &c.) discovered, corrected, refuted, and retorted: And The Author further vindicated, from his, and Master Lilly’s former frivolous, false, and malicious Aspersions, throughout the whole Discourse” As it was Printed in the Year, 1647. With additional title page to p. 273: Wharton, C. George, Student in Astronomy “Merlini Anglici Errata: Or, The Errors, Mistakes, and Mis-aplications of Mr. Lilly’s New Ephemeris for the Year 1647. Discovered, Refuted, and Corrected” Printed in the Year 1647. With additional title page to p. 415: Wharton, Geo., Collected by “Gesta Britannorum: Or, A Succinct Chronology of the Actions and Exploits, Battails, Sieges, Conflicts, and other Signal and Remarkable Passages, which have happened in these Dominions, From the Year of Christ, 1600. (In which the late King Charles was Born) untill the Year 1667. Being the space of 66 Complete Years” Printed in the Year 1657, London. With additional title page to p. 517: Rothman, Jo., D. in Physick; tr. Wharton, George, Esq. “XEIPOMANTI’A: Or, the Art of Divining By The Lines and Signatures Engraven in the Hand of Man, By the Hand of Nature, Theorically, Practically. Wherein you have the Secret Concordance, and Harmony betwixt It, and Astrology, made Evident in Nineteen Genitures. Together with A Learned Philosophical Discourse of the Soul of the World, and the Universal Spirit thereof” As it was Printed in the Year 1652, London

[11] With separate title-page at p. 185: “Blagrave’s Introduction to Astrology. The Second Part. Shewing The Manner and Use of ELections as they are constituted on the twelve Celestial Houses, with plain and familiar Instructions for chusing of times proper and convenient for the undertaking and performance of any business or matter whatsoever, according to the Author’s many years Practice and Experience” (same publication details but undated). With separate title-page at p. 219: “Blagrave’s Introduction to Astrology. The Third Part. Of Nativities. Shewing By New and Experienced Rules how to rectifie and judge a Nativity: also the natural signification and Portents of Directions; and how the time of any Accident or Alteration may be known, with plain and Familiar Examples thereupon. Also The true way of gaining the Revolutional Figure, and how to give judgment thereupon with the Significations and Use of Transits, and how the particular Accidents of each Day may be found’ (same publication details)

[12] Credited on the title page merely as J. B.

[13] This title is commonly rendered into English characters as ‘Hagiastrologia’

[14] With separate title page at p. 135: Coley, Henry, Philomat. “Clavis Astrologiae Elimata; or A Key To the whole Art of Astrology New Fil’d and Polished. The Second Part. Containing Brief Rules and Examples how to Resolve or Judge all Lawful Questions Astrologically, Contingent unto mankind, from a Radical Scheme of Heaven erected: Together with Elections, and several other useful precepts of Art”. With separate title page to p. 351: Coley, Henry, Philomat. “Clavis Astrologiae Elimata: Or a Key to the whole Art of Astrology New Fil’d and Polished. The Third Part. Containing The Genethliacal Part of Astrology. Exactly Performing, and briefly Comprehending the whole Doctrine of Directions; and Judgment of Nativities. Wherein is shewed (by an exact Method) the manner of their Rectification several wayes: together, with their precize Calculation onely by Proportions in Trigonometry. Also, how to set a Scheme Artificially the Rational way, and whatsoever is Requisite in Directing Significators to their several Promittors; with some varieties therein, not hitherto published; and divers useful Tables Added in this Second Impression. With Annual Revolutions and the manner of their Directions, &c. Together how to Judge the General Fate of the Native: and Consequently point out the most Prosperous or Dangerous times that may probably happen in the whole Course of a Mans Life”. With separate title page after the main 760 pages: [Kepler, Johannes, ed. Morin, Jean-Baptiste] “Tabulae Rudolphinae. Or the Rudolphine Tables, Suputated to the Meridian of Uraniburge, First, By John Kepler, From the Observations of the Tres Noble Ticho Brahe, Afterwards Digested into a most Accurate, and Easie Compendium, By the Famous Johannes Baptista Morinus, Doctor of Physick, and Mathematical Professor to the French King; and Printed for him at Paris, Anno Dom. 1650” Printed in the Year, 1675, London

[15] With added title page to first part: “Collectio Geniturarum: The First Part, In Fifty Illustrious Radixes: Being of eminent Use to the industrious Students In the Genethliacal Part of Astrologie. Together With something touching the Worlds Nativity” (same imprimatur). With added title page to [p. 73]: “Collectio Geniturarum: Or, A Collection of Nativities. The Second Part, In Fifty eminent Genitures; viz. Prelatical, Causidical, Physical: Being of Practical Concernment unto Philosophers, Physitians, & c. and all other Learned and Ingenious Persons” (same imprimatur). With added title page to [p. 157]: “Collectio Geniturarum: The Third Part, In Fifty Select Nativities. Viz. Of Genthemen, Merchants, Mathematicians, Short Life, Twins, & c. Being of Practical Concernment to the Sons of Art” (same imprimatur)

[16] The original single-volume folio edition in Latin containing all 26 ‘books’; of this edition, the above works are but partial modern translations

[17] With added half-title page to upper half of p. 1: ”Tabulae Primi Mobilis cum Thesibus ad Theoricen, & Canonibus ad praxim, additis In rerum demonstrationem, & supputationum Exemplum Triginta clarissimorum natalium Thematibus, authore D. Placido de Titis Perusino Olivetano. – Theses Ex Coelesti Philosophia Authoris desumptae, ex Primo Libro”. With added half-title to upper part of p. 56: “Triginta Mirabilium Exemplorum Themata Ad rerum veritatem, & Canonum supputationem exposita”. With added title page to [p. 141]: “Tabulae primi Mobilis D. Placidi de Titis Perusini”

[18] With additional sub-title page to Book I: “Astrology Fully Vindicated and Defended from all The Aspersions and Calymnies of the Antagonists thereof: As also its Legality and Verity proved, both by the Testimony of the Scriptures, Fathers, Antients, and the confession of Councels: With a clear Vindication of the Authors Lux Veritatis, from the vilifying Reproaches of Dr. Homes and his Second; and that the purity of the Science remaineth still untainted, notwithstanding all their Reply”. With additional title page to Book II: “An Introduction to the Iudgement of the Stars. Wherein the whole Art of Astrology Is plainly Taught, and the Ground-work or Reasons thereof for the benefit of the Students therein delivered, the better to confirm them in every point thereof; as also to satisfie such who shall either enviously or ignorantly traduce or cavil against it” Printed for R. W., London, 1653. With additional title page to Book III: “An Introduction to Elections, Fully comprehending The Rules of the Ancients in Electing a Time for any manner of Work: Never before made publique in our Mother Tongue. But now (by the Blessing of God) for the benefit of all true Lovers of knowledge sent abroad” Printed for R. W., London, 1653. With additional title page to Book IV: “Astrologia Munda or Astrology in its Purity: Being a Short but Compendious Introduction to the Iudging of the Annual or Yearly Revolutions of the World; by which, as also Eclipses, Great Coniunctions, Comets, and Blazing-Stars Are Iudged (by the ordinary Course and Order of Nature) the general accidents of Countries, Kingdoms, Provinces and Cities, alterations of Kingdoms and Empires, Laws and Customs, cause of Plenty, Dearth, Wars, Peace, Health, Sickness, alteration of the Ayr, and (to be short) of all things appertaining to the life of Man in a natural way; wherein the Infinite Wisdom of God is seen manifestly in the Government of the World by the Influence and constant Harmony of the Celestial Planets and Stars; the Innocency, Legality and Purity o the Art demonstrated, and proved by Demonstration of the Inevitable Events of the Heavens, so long as God upholdeth the order and course of Nature unperverted; And the Students thereof consequently proved rather Divines then Conjurers or Practisers of what is unlawful” Printed by R. W., London, 1653.

[19] NB: in past bibliographies, the title has often been misrepresented based on the inner subtitle page headed “Quaestionum Physiomathematicarum Libri Tres”, which appears on the 5th leaf

[20] The main title page continues with a notice of the G. C. treatise to follow: ‘Also hereunto is added a brief Treatise of Mathematicall Phisicke…’ (the remainder takes almost exactly the same form as the separate title page for the G. C. treatise

[21] The identity of this author is not known. He is represented perplexingly as “Buxtorfius, Joannes Ludovicus” in the Arhat Bibliography (in the Association for the Retrieval of Historical Astrological Texts Journal No. 1)

[22] With separate title page to p. 1 of the second part: Scaligeri, Iosephi Iul. Caesaris F. “In Manilii Quinque Libros Astronomicon Commentarius & Castigationes” Heidelbergae, 1590. With separate title page to p. 1 of the third part: “In Manilii Astronomica Variae Lectiones, Cum ex antiquis libris, tum ex MSlonge (?) optimo de bibliotheca Friderici IV Comitis Palatini ad Rhen. &c. comportatae: Cum Notis Fr. Iuni Biturigis”

[23] With additional title page to p. 535: “Francisci Iunctini Florentini, Sacrae Theologiae Doctoris, Commentaria in Sphaeram Ioannis de Scro Bosco accuratissima. Nunc demum ab ipso Authore multis in locis aucta, ac sublatis omnibus erroribus integritati restituta”. With additional title page to. p. 933: “Compendium de Stellarum Fixarum Observationibus. Opus Mathematicae studiosis utilissimum, ab Auctore recognitum, ac loculpletatum. Auctore Fracisco Junctino Florentino, sacrae Theologiae doctore, ac Eleemosynario Serenissimi Principis Francisci Valesij Christianissimi Francorum ac Poloniae regis Fratris unici, Andegavensis, Alenconiorum &c. Ducis”

[24] With separate title page to p. 1009: “Francisci Iunctiini Florentini, Sacrae Theologiae Doctoris, Tractatus Iudicandi revolutiones nativitatum. Opus nunc demum ab ipso authore multis in locis auctum, ac sublatis omnibus erroribus integritati restitutum”

[25] With additional title page to p. 513: “Hieronymi Cardani Mediolanensis Medici Geniturarum Exampla. Praaeterea et Multa, quae ad interrogationes & electiones pertinent superaddita. Et exemplum eclipsis, quam consecuta est gravissima pestis”. With additional title page to p. 717: “Cunradi Dasypodii, Mathematici Ordinarii Academiae Argentoratensis: Scholia in Claudii Ptolemaei Quatuor Libros Apotelesmaticos. Resolutiones etiam apotelesmatum, & Commentariorum Hieronymi Cardani. Aphorismi quoque aliquot eorundem nomici Horologij Argentoratensis, ad veri & exacti temporis investigationem extructi”. With additional title page to p. 761: “Cunradi Dasypodii, In IIII. Libros Cl. Ptolemaei, de Astrorum Iudiciis, sive Apotelesmaticos, Resolutiones”

[26] There follows the title credit to the work on historical calendars with which it was bound, Erasmi Osvaldi Schreckenfuchsii Mathematici Opus Novum, Nobiliss. Gentium, Utpote Romanorum, Alexandrinorum, Graecorum, Aegyptiorum, Persarum, Arabum & Hebraeorum Calendaria, etc.

[27] With additional title page to p. 1 of second part: “Hieronymi Cardani Mediolanensis Medici Geniturarum Exemplar. Praeterea et multa quae ad interrogationes et electiones pertinent superaddita. Et exemplum eclipsis quam consecuta est gravissima pestis” Apud Theobaldum Paganum, Lugduni, 1555

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