Sources on esoteric astrology and karmic astrology in the library:

For the purposes of this booklist, I have taken a broad definition of esoteric astrology, to include not only books that specifically refer to their contents as ‘esoteric astrology’ but also ones that show obviously esoteric leanings in their philosophy and language. I decided to include books on karmic astrology because there is so much overlap, but not books on evolutionary astrology as that is arguably a distinct school of thought in its own right. The books are divided into four time periods. I have not had the chance to study all these books in detail yet, so it is possible that some may be miscategorised here. Comments and corrections welcome.


Late 19th-century sources on esoteric astrology (up to 1900 for multi-volume sets):

[Burgoyne, Thomas][2] ‘The Light of Egypt, or the Science of the Soul and the Stars, in Two Parts’ Religio-Philosophical Publishing House, Chicago, 1889

Burgoyne, Thomas H. (Zanoni) ‘The Light of Egypt, Vol. II’[3] The Astro-Philosophical Publishing Co., Denver, Colorado, 1900

Butler, Hiram E. ‘Solar Biology: a Scientific Method of Delineating Character, Diagnosing Disease; Determining Mental, Physical and Business Qualifications, Conjugal Adaptability, etc., etc., from Date of Birth’ Stated Second Edition[4] – Esoteric Publishing Company, 478 Shawmut Avenue, Boston, [Mass.], 1887

Graves, P. A., Prof. of Astrology ‘Evolution and Reproduction of the Human Race – Man Produced by Stellar Magnetism – Diseases and their Causes Explained – They are Not necesarily Hereditary – How to Prevent Mental and Physical Weakness in Children’ San Francisco, California, 1889

Graves, Professor P. A., Student of Astrology ‘Stellar Dust or the Life Force – An Original Work of Advanced Scientific Ideas on World-Building and Life-Producing. – The Origin of Man by Spontaneous Generation – Evolution Explained Away – The Cause of Growth, Disease and Decay – Zodiacal Construction of the Brain and Body According to the Law of Twelve’ San Francisco, 1899

Ormsby, Frank Earl, A Magian Mystic ‘”The Law and the Prophets”: a Scientific Work on the Relationship between Physical Bodies, Vegetable, Animal Human, and Planetary. Designed for the Instruction and Guidance of Students in the Occult Sciences’ [Self-Published], Chicago, 1894 (+ second edition of 1900)

Vitruvius ‘The Morning Star’[5] The Theosophical Publishing Society, 26 Charing Cross, London, 1898


Early 20th-century sources on esoteric astrology (1900 to 1934):

Adam, Major C. G. M., intr. Leo, Alan ‘Fresh Sidelights on Astrology: an Elementary Treatise on Occultism’ “Modern Astrology” Office, 39, 40, 41, Imperial Buildings, Ludgate, E.C. / The Trade Supplied by L. N. Fowler & Co., 7, Imperial Arcade, E.C., London, 1916

Anrias, David ‘Adepts of the Five Elements: an Occult Survey of Past and Future Problems – With the horoscope of the Theosophical Society and that of various leaders in specific relation to it’ George Routledge & Sons, Ltd., Broadway House: 68-74 Carter Lane, E.C., London, 1933

Astrological Society, The ‘Esoteric or Exoteric? A Symposium [Being Transaction No. 1 of The Astrological Society, 42, Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.]’ Trade Agents: L. N. Fowler & Co., 7, Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E. C., 1912

Bennet, Julius R. ‘The Riddle of the Aquarian Age. Foretelling the Birth of a New Age and showing how the problem of time is solved’ No Publisher Stated (‘Copies may be had from the London Astrological Research Society, and The Rally, 28, Denmark Street, London, W.C.2′), 1925

Carey, Dr. George Washington and Perry, Inez Eudora ‘The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation – Part One by Dr. George Washington Carey: The Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac (Fifteenth and Memorial Edition); Part Two: An Esoteric Analysis and Synthesis of the Zodiacal Signs and their Physico-Chemical Allocations By Inez Eudora Perry (Second Edition)[6]’ Published by The Carey-Perry School of the Chemistry of Life, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, 1932

Carter, C. E. O. ‘The Zodiac and the Soul’ The Theosophical Publishing House Limited, 38 Great Ormond Street, London W.C. 1, First Published 1928

Guthrie, Kenneth Sylvan (M.A., Sewanee, Univ. of the South; Ph.D., Tulane; A.M., Harvard; M.D., Med. Chir. College, Philadelphia) ‘Regeneration – Special Methods for Men and Women[,] with Specific Directions How to Calculate the Times Dangerous to Conservators’ The Theosophical Publishing Company, 244 Lenox Avenue, New York City, U.S. A. / London: Luzac & Co., 56 Great Russell Street, W. C., 1905

Harte, Ethel Bret ‘Zodiacal Influences from Seed to Flower’ The Theosophical Publishing House Limited, 38 Great Ormond Street, London W. C. 1, 1927

Hazelrigg, John, Fellow Hermetic Society of America, Fellow Astrological Society, Member National Geographic Society ‘Astrosophia: Being Metaphysical Astrology[:] Observations on the Stellar Doctrine, Its Principles, Its Symbolism, Its Speculative Truths, and Its Mundane Applications as Revealed through Discernible Facts and Palpable Correspondences’ Second Edition, Revised – Published by the Author, New York, 1915

Hazelrigg, John ‘Astrosophic Principles: An Enquiry Into the Tenets and the Philosophy of the Stellar Science – With Numerous Arguments, Controversial and Evidentiary, In Support of its Rationality[;] Including the Horoscope of Declaration of Independence Rectified from Historical Data and in Accordance with the Rules of Art’ Hermetic Publishing Company, New York, 1917

Hazelrigg, John, President American Academy of Astrologians ‘Fundamentals of Hermetic Science – Being the Bona Fides of Astrology as Antecedent to its Application and Practice; Its Principia Fully Elucidated and the True Foundation of the Doctrine Rationalized’ Hermetic Publishing Company, New York, 1925

Hazelrigg, John ‘Metaphysical Astrology’ The Philosophic Co., New York, unclearly dated (copyrighted 1900[7])

Hazelrigg, John ‘The Sun Book, or the Philosopher’s Vade Mecum Wherein is Expounded the Mysteries of Cosmic Involution, from the Archetypal to the Manifest; The Sidereal Correspondences; with a Hermetic Dissertation on the Christ Allegory, and the Rationale and Praxis as Concern the Redemptive Processes in Human Regeneration’ Hermetic Publishing Company, New York, 1916

Heindel, Max and Heindel, Augusta Foss ‘The Message of the Stars: An Esoteric Exposition of Medical and Natal Astrology[,] Explaining the Arts of Prediction and Diagnosis of Disease’ Third Edition, Enlarged and Revised – Rosicrucian Fellowship, International Headquarters, Mount Ecclesia, Oceanside, California / L. N. Fowler & Co., 7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, 1918

Hicks, Prof. James L. ‘The Aquarian Age – Astronomy and Astrology – a Scientific Study that Connects Man with the Universe or Planetary Influences Upon the Physical and Mental Nature of Man’ Prof. James L. Hicks, Culver City, Calif. / Wetzel Publishing Company, Los Angeles, Calif. (printers), 1928

Jones, Marc Edmund ‘Key Truths of Occult Philosophy: an Introduction to the Codex Occultus’ – J. F. Rowny Press, Los Angeles, 1925

Leo, Alan ‘[“Astrology for All” Series – Vol. VII.] Esoteric Astrology: A Study in Human Nature’[8] Published at “Modern Astrology” Office, Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C., 1913 / The Trade Supplied by N. Fowler & Co.[9], 7, Imperial Arcade, London, E.C..

Leo, Alan, P. A. S.; Editor, Modern Astrology ‘Four Lectures on Astrology, Exoteric and Esoteric’ Printed at the “Tatva-Vivechaka” Press, Bombay, [1901]

Leo, Alan ‘[Astrology for All Series, Vol. III.] How to Judge a Nativity: Part I. – The Practical Judgment of the Horoscope As Revealed By Detailed Consideration of the Twelve Houses[;] Part II. – The Inner Nature of each Planet and Its Special Significance In Each Sign, with Some Hints on the Esoteric Basis of Astrology’[10] Published at 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, London N. W., 1904

Leo, Alan ‘[Alan Leo’s Esoteric Series. Manual No. 1.] Symbolism and Astrology: An Introduction to Esoteric Astrology’ “Modern Astrology” Office, Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Circus, E. C. / L. N. Fowler & Co., 7, Imperial Arcade, E.C., London, 1914

Leonid ‘The Stars and Your Future: the Symbols of Esoteric Astrology Explained for Everybody. What to do: What to avoid: Careers to Adopt: Matrimonial Guidance and Natal Influences[11]’ Herbert Jenkins Limited, 3 York Street, St. James’s, London S.W.1, 1933

Martin, Eva M.; ill. Bradley, Gertrude M. ’The Secret of a Star’ Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, India / Benares, India / Chicago, U.S.A., 1913

Mertens-Stienon, Marguerite ‘Studies in Symbolism Theogonic & Astronomical: Based on H. P. Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine’ The Theosophical Publishing House, 68 Great Russell Street, W.C. 2, London, 1933

Pagan, I. M. ‘From Pioneer to Poet or The Twelve Great Gates[:] An Expansion of The Signs of the Zodiac Analysed’ The Theosophical Publishing Society, 161, New Bond Street, W., London, 1911

Papus ‘Premiers Éléments d’Astrosophie (Introduction à tous les Traités d’Astrologie), avec 26 Figures et Tableaux’ Publications de l’École Hermétique, 15, rue Séguier, Paris, 1910

Parchment, S. R. ‘Astrology Mundane and Spiritual: A text-book giving a brief resumé of cosmogenesis and anthropogenesis; complete instructions for casting, progressing and reading the horoscope, with twenty-six example horoscopes illustrating the diagnosis of disease by means of star chemistry’ Stated First Edition – Distributed by Rosicrucian Anthroposophic League, San Francisco, California, 1933

Penn, Enoch ‘Planetary Influences: Notes on the Science of Solar Biology – Being a series of notes pertaining to Butler’s “Solar Biology,” showing, in part, the action of “The Seven Creative Principles,” operating thru the bodies of the solar system upon the lives of men’ Esoteric Publishing Co., Applegate, California, U.S.A., 1931

Robbins, Helen H. ‘The Activities of Uranus and Neptune’ Theosophical Publishing House, 9 St. Martin’s Street, W. C. 2, London, 1925

Sampson, Rev. Holden Edward ‘The Twelve Houses of the Zodiac in their Relation to the Twelve Organic Structures of the Human Constitution’ The Ek-Klesia Press, Tanners Green, Wythall, Birmingham / William Rider & Son, Limited, 8, Paternoster Row, E.C.4, London, undated [1926 or 1927]

Sampson, Walter H. ‘The Zodiac: a Life Epitome[,] being A Comparison of the Zodiacal Elements with Life-Principles: Cosmic, Anthropologic and Psychologic’ The Blackfriars Press, Ltd., 32 Furnival St., London, E.C.4 and Smith-Dorrien Road, Leicester, foreword dated 1928

Smith, E. M. ‘The Zoidia or the Cherubim in the Bible and the Cherubim in the Sky’ Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster Row, E.C., London, 1906

Thierens, A. E., Ph.D. ‘Elements of Esoteric Astrology – Being a philosophical deduction of astrological principles and a sequence to Natural Philosophy, issued by the same publishers – With Numerous Line Drawings in Text and Coloured Frontispiece’ Rider & Co., Paternoster House, E.C., London, 1931[12]

Thierens, A. E., Ph. D. ‘Natural Philosophy, Being an introduction to Astrology and Occultism along the lines of Modern Scientific Thought’ Rider & Co., Paternoster House, E.C., London, undated[13]

Van Stone, J. Henry ‘The Pathway of the Soul: a Study in Zodiacal Symbology’ “Modern Astrology” Office, Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Circus, E.C., London / The Trade Supplied by L. N. Fowler & Co., 7, Imperial Arcade, London, E.C., 1912

Von Elmensberg, K. W. ‘Astrognostica Rediviva – Esoterisch Kosmo-Psychische Weltkunde – Alte Tempelweisheit in Neuer Fassung – 1. Lieferung’ 1. Auflage – Verlag ‘Ora’, Berlin S.W. 47, 1930

Von Elmensberg, K. W. ‘Astrognostica Rediviva – Esoterisch Kosmo-Psychische Weltkunde – Alte Tempelweisheit in Neuer Fassung – 2. Lieferung’ 1. Auflage – Verlag ‘Ora’, Berlin S.W. 47, 1930

Von Elmensberg, K. W. ‘Astrognostica Rediviva – Esoterisch Kosmo-Psychische Weltkunde – Alte Tempelweisheit in Neuer Fassung – 3. Lieferung’ 1. Auflage – Verlag ‘Ora’, Berlin S.W. 47, 1931


Mid-20th-century sources on esoteric astrology (1935-1969):

Adam, Major C. G. M. ‘Occult Astrology’ Modern Astrology, Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Circus, E.C., [1939]

Ambelain, Robert ‘Traité d’Astrologie Ésotérique’ Editions Adyar, 4, square Rapp, Paris VIIe[14], 1937

Ambelain, Robert ‘Traité d’Astrologie Ésotérique’ [Seconde Édition][15] -Editions Adyar, 4, square Rapp, Paris VIIe, 1952

Ambelain, Robert ‘Traité d’Astrologie Ésotérique – 2e Volume: L’Onomancie’ Éditions Adyar, 4, Square Rapp, Paris-VIIe, 1937

Ambelain, Robert ‘Traité d’Astrologie Ésotérique – Tome III – l’Astrologie Lunaire’ Éditions Niclaus, 34, Rue Saint-Jacques, Paris (Ve), 1942

Bailey, Alice A. ‘Esoteric Astrology: Volume III: A Treatise on the Seven Rays’ Second Edition– Lucis Press Limited, 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2, 1951[16].

Baudot, Mabel; intr. Carter, Charles E. O. ‘The Charmed Circle: the Zodiac’ The Theosophical Publishing House London, Ltd., 68 Great Russell Street, London W.C. 1, 1957

Baumgartner, Hans, ed. ‘[Astrologische Universal-Harmonien: Ein Fernlehrgang der Astrologie, Sonderdruck Nr. 5:] Esoterische Astrologie im Geiste des Wassermann – Eine kritische Betrachtung darüber – – was bischer in theosophischer Meditation (gottesweiser Versenkung) unter dieser “Astrologie für Eingeweihte” verstanden wurde – – – was davon unwissenschaftlich und nur Offenbarungsglaube ist – – – und was davon wert ist, in Nietzsches Sinne Grundlage einer vernunftgemäßen kosmischen Religionsphilosophie des Wassermann-Zeitalters zu werden’ Verlag Baumgartner, (20a) Warpke, (Post Billerbeck / Hann.), [c. 1948][17]

Chatagnier-Hoste, J.-J. ‘L’Émanant et les Transmutations de l’Émané: Métaphysique ésotérique du Cosmos’ Kundig[18], Genève, 1963

Curtiss, Hariette Augusta and Curtiss, F. Homer, B. S., M. D., Founders of The Order of Christian Mystics and The Universal Religious Foundation, Inc. ‘The Message of Aquaria: the Significance and Mission of the Aquarian Age’ Seventh Edition – The Curtiss Philosophic Book Company, Washington, 1947 / London Agents: L. N. Fowler & Co., 2 Ludgate Hill, London E. C. 4.

Davidson, Dr. William M. ‘Occult Science Notes’ Wm. M. Davidson Memorial Library, Suite 1110, 6 East Monroe St., Chicago, Illinois, undated[19]

Davies, Anne and Case, Paul Foster ‘The Esoteric Astrology of Tarot’ Builders of the Adytum, Ltd., 5105 North Figueroa Street,  Los Angeles, California 90042, 1966

Doane, Edward ’Aquarian Age Philosophy’ Foundation of Scientific Spiritual Understanding, Redondo Beach, California, 1969

Hazelrigg, John ‘Astrosophic Tractates – In which are presented certain phases of the stellar doctrine not usually subjected to interrogation or a diligent enquiry; a conscientious effort to unite logic and consistency in support of its claim, and to remove its implicits a degree further beyond the pale of the sciolist and the shallowness of argumentative discussions’ Press of Llewellyn Publications, Ltd., 8921 National Boulevd., Los Angeles, (Palms), California, 1936

Herndon, Howard V. ‘Spiritual Astrology: The Hand of God on the Wall: An Introduction to the Study of Astrology and the Bible through Cosmic Symbolism[20]’ Howard V. Herndon, 1635 Clay Street, San Francisco, 1937

Le Cour, Paul ‘L’ère du Verseau’ 2e Édition revue et complétée, Ornée de quatre planches hors texte – “Atlantis”, 11, rue Guillaume-Bertrand, Paris (XIe), 1942

Kottonau, Aug. Bernhard ‘Astrologische Esoterik’ Buchdruckerei H. Bircher, Sulgen, 1936

Mott, Francis J. ‘The Meaning of the Zodiac – An Ancient Idea Reviewed in the Light of a Universal Pattern’ A. A. Beauchamp, Publisher, 603 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass., 1941

Muir, Ada ‘The Sons of Jacob: a Study in Esoteric Astrology[21]’ Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minn., 1967

Pagan, C. Hilda ‘Star Dust’ The Theosophical Publishing House, 68 Gt. Russell Street, London, W. C. 1, undated[22]

Papus (Dr Gérard Encausse) ‘Traité Élémentaire d’Occultisme et d’Astrologie: Initiation a l’Étude de l’Ésoterisme hermétique’ Éditions Dangles, 38, Rue de Moscou, Paris, 1936

Reid, Vera W. ‘Towards Aquarius’ Rider & Co., 68, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4, undated [c. 1946]

Rolt-Wheeler, Francis (Docteur en Philosophie) ‘Les Manuels du Néophyte (Les premiers degrés conduisant à l’Initiation): Cours par Correspondance: L’Astrologie Transcendantale’ Éditions Adonais, Avenue Cap de Croix, Cimiez, Nice, A.M., undated[23]

Rolt-Wheeler, Francis ‘Summa Astrologicae en trois volumes: Tome Deuxième: Astrologie Esotérique – Progressions – Révolutions Solaires – Méthodes de Rectification’ Les Éditions Astrosophie, Cap-de-Croix, Nice, 1936

Sucher, W. O. ‘Isis Sophia: an Outline of a New Star Wisdom (Part Two)’ W. Sucher, Albrighton Hall, Broad Oak, Shrewsbury, Shrops., 1951

Sucher, W. O. ‘Isis Sophia: an Outline of a New Star Wisdom – Part Three’ W. Sucher, Broad Oak, Shrops. / Landvidi, Larkfield, Kent, 1952

Sucher, W. O. ‘Isis Sophia: an Outline of a New Star Wisdom (Part Four)’ W. Sucher, Albrighton Hall, Broad Oak, Shrewsbury, Shrops., 1952

Sucher, W. O. ‘Man and the Stars – Second Isis Sophia Series, No. 1’ W. Sucher, Shrewsbury / Landvidi, Larkfield, Kent, 1952

Sucher, W. O. ‘Man and the Stars – Second Isis Sophia Series, No. 2’ W. Sucher, Shrewsbury / Landvidi, Larkfield, Kent, 1953

Sucher, W. O. ‘Man and the Stars – Second Isis S ophia Series, No. 3’ W. Sucher, Larkfield, nr, Maidstone, Kent, 1953

Sucher, W. O. ‘Man and the Stars – Second Isis Sophia Series, No. 4’ W. Sucher, Landvidi, Larkfield, nr, Maidstone, Kent, 1955

Vehlow, Johannes ‘Lehrkursus der Wissenschaftlichen Geburts-Astrologie Band VII: Die progressiven Hilfshoroskope[;] Vergleichende u. Esoterische Astrologie und andere Spezialgebiete’ Bernhard Sporn, Verlag, Zeulenroda i Thür, 1936

Volguine, A. ‘L’Ésotérisme de l’Astrologie’ Éditions Dangles, 38, Rue de Moscou, Paris, 1953

Wachsmuth, Dr. Guenther ‘Kosmische Aspekte von Geburt und Tod: Beiträge zur Karma-Forschung’ Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach (Schweiz), 1956[24]

Weiss, S.; ed. Issberner-Handane, Ernst ‘[Astrologische Universal Harmonien[25], Sonderdruck 65:] Karma-Astrologie: Esoterische Studie über die Planeten Saturn u. Neptun’ Baumgartner-Verlag, 3135 Warpke-Billerbeck/Han., 1964

Zain, C. C. ‘VII: Spiritual Astrology’ Church of Light, Los Angeles, California, unclearly dated [lessons first published in 1935, combined into a hardback book]


Late 20th-century sources on esoteric astrology (1970-1999):

Alonso, Kenneth ‘Esoteric Astrology’ Allegro Press, no place stated, undated[26]

Andrieu, Irène ‘Initiation à l’astrologie d’évolution: Traité pratique d’astrologie traditonnelle, spirituelle et karmique’ 23e mille – Éditions Dangles, Paris, 1990

Arroyo, Stephen ‘Astrology, Karma & Transformation: the Inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart’ CRCS Publications, Vancouver, Washington, USA, 1978

Baker, Dr. Douglas ‘The Theory, Interpretation and Practice of Esoteric Astrology Part I’ [Self-Published], Essendon, Herts., 1975

Baker, Dr. Douglas ‘The Theory, Interpretation and Practice of Esoteric Astrology Part II: Rising Signs, Libra to Pisces’ [Self-Published], Essendon, Herts., 1978

Baker, Dr. Douglas ‘The Theory, Interpretation and Practice [of] Esoteric Astrology Part III: Houses X to XII’ This Edition – [Self-Published], Essendon, Herts., 1996

Baker, Dr. Douglas ‘The Theory, Interpretation and Practice [of] Esoteric Astrology Part IV: Rising Signs – Aries to Virgo’ [Self-Published], Essendon, Herts., 1979

Baker, Dr. Douglas ‘The Theory, Interpretation and Practice of Esoteric Astrology Part V: Rising Signs, Libra to Pisces’ [Self-Published], Essendon, Herts., 1982

Baker, Dr. Douglas ‘The Theory, Interpretation and Practice of Esoteric Astrology Part Six: Colloquialisms and Clichés’ Douglas M. Baker, Essendon, 1980

Baker, Dr. Douglas ‘The Theory, Interpretation and Practice of Esoteric Astrology Part Seven:The Soul’s Purpose’ [Self-Published], Essendon, Herts., 1981

Baker, Dr. Douglas ‘The Theory, Interpretation and Practice of Esoteric Astrology Part Eight:The Soul’s Purpose Volume II’ [Self-Published], Essendon, Herts., 1982

Baker, Dr. Douglas ‘The Theory, Interpretation and Practice of Esoteric Astrology Part Nine: Intercepted Signs, First House Thru Sixth House’ [Self-Published], Essendon, Herts., unclearly dated[27]

Baker, Dr. Douglas ‘The Theory, Interpretation and Practice of Esoteric Astrology Part Ten: Intercepted Signs, Seventh House Thru Twelfth House’ [Self-Published], Essendon, Herts., 1984

Baker, Dr. Douglas ‘The Theory, Interpretation and Practice Esoteric Astrology Part Eleven: a Comprehensive Exploration of the Subject of Neptune Retrograde’ This Impression – [Self-Published], Essendon, Herts., 1997

Bento, William ‘Karma Within Astrology’ No publisher or place stated, undated[28]

Brady, Linda and St. Lifer, Evan ‘Discovering Your Soul Mission: How to Use Karmic Astrology to Create the Life You Want’ Three Rivers Press, Crown Publishers Inc., New York, N.Y., 1998

Bürger, Rahel; ill. Kuhn, Saphira J. ’[Esoterische Astrologie I[29]:] Ein meditatives Astrologiebuch’ 2. Auflage – Rahel-Bürger-Verlag, Celsiusstr. 31, 5300 Bonn 1, undated[30]

Bürger, Rahel ’[Esoterische Astrologie II:] Das Geburtshoroskop ein Bild der Persönlichkeit’ 3. Überarbeitete Auflage – Rahel-Bürger-Verlag, von-Schilling-Str. 55, 50259 Pulheim, September 1993

Bürger, Rahel ’[Esoterische Astrologie III[31]:] Seelenbilder – Schlüssel zur Persönlichkeit’ 2.übe[r]arbeitete[32] Auflage – Rahel-Bürger-Verlag, von-Schilling-Straße 55, 50259 Pulheim, August 1993

D’Armandy, Valérie ‘L’impact Astral: le Karma et l’Interdépendance des Énergies Astrales Envers l’Humain’ Éditions Fernand Lanore, Paris, 1999

Davis, James ‘Astrology Esoteric and Psychological: Thoughts on Sun Sign and Rising Sign Combinations’ Infinity Books, San Diego, California, 1976

Davis, James ‘Meditations on Planets in Signs: a Handbook for Reflection on Personal Patterns and Spiritual Possibilities’ Oasis Books, 2000

De Bizemont, Dorothée Koechlin ‘L’Astrologie Karmique’ Éditions Robert Laffont, Paris, 1983

De Larche, Jean ’L’Astrologie Transcendentale et la Voie du Dharma’ Cairn Pao Éditions, 5 av. Lucien Brunel, Lyas, 1990

De Larche, Jean ’Qu’est-ce que l’Astrologie Transcendentale? Questions – Réponses’ Cairn Éditions, P.A.O. Libre Parcourt, 5 av. Lucien Brunel, Lyas, 1992

De Villefranche, Georges ‘L’Astrologie Ésotérique Retrouvée: la Clé Mystérisuese de nos mondes intérieurs’ Dervy-Livres, Paris Vie, 1974

Donath, Emma Belle ‘Have We Met Before? Karmic Chart Comparisons – a Guide to Past Life Ties’ Fifth Printing – American Federation of Astrologers, Inc., Tempe, AZ, 1991

Evans, Jane A. ‘Twelve Doors to the Soul: Astrology of the Inner Self’ The Theosophical Publishing House, 306 West Geneva Road, Wheaton, Illinois, 1979

Gallo, Angela Louise ‘Esoteric Astrology – Past & Present Lives – Soul and Body Evolutions’ Church of Mind Awareness, 6641 Gloria Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91406, 1980

Garrett, Helen Adams ‘The Karmic Horoscope’ Current Printing – American Federation of Astrologers, Inc., 6535 S. Rural Road, Tempe, AZ, 2003[33]

Garrett, Helen & Jim ‘Karma by Declinations’ Helen & Jim Garrett, Belleville, Illinois, [1982]

George, Ted ‘The Lives You Live as Revealed in the Heavens: a History of Karmic Astrology and Pertinent Delineations’ Stated Second Printing – Arthur Publications, Jacksonville, Florida 32217, July 1977[34]

Grahek, Margaret L. ‘Astrological Insight to Your Karma’ Vantage Press, Inc., 516 West 34th Street, New York, New York, 1979

Hadès ‘Astrologie sans calcul par l’Ascendant: Votre Ascendant; Vos dons; Vos forces; Votre destin; Votre Karma’ Éditions Bussière, 34, rue Saint-Jacques, Paris, 1988]Kellogg, Joan ‘The Yod: Its Esoteric Meaning’ Second Printing – American Federation of Astrologers, Inc., Tempe, Arizona, 1992

Hall, Judy ’[Contemporary Astrology[35]:] The Karmic Journey: The Birth Chart, Karma and Reincarnation’ Arkana / Penguin Group, Penguin Books Ltd., 27 Wrights Lane, London W8, 1990

Hoffman, Mary Elizabeth ‘An Introduction to Karmic Galactic Astrology’ Revised – Alma Tara Publishing, Blaine, WA, 1995[36]

Kilgen, Joan ‘Karma and Your Sun Sign: Explore Your Karmic Journey Through Life’ Sunrise Press, Sayville, New York, 1995

Koppejan, Willem; comp. van Woelderen-Koppejan, Helene ‘Esoteric Astrology: A selection of his lectures and teaching’ Real Israel Press, 1995

Luxton, Leonora ‘Astrology: Key to Self Understanding: Your Guide to Esoteric Astrology, Reincarnation and Karma’ Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1978

MacKinnell, Terry ‘Research Notes on Macro-Astrology Part 1 – The Rectification of the Aquarian Age’ Terry MacKinnell, West End, Queensland 4101, Australia, 1994

McEvers, Joan, ed. ‘Web of Relationships: Spiritual, Karmic and Psychological Bonds’ Llewellyn Publications, Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., St. Paul, Minnesota, 1992

Mertz, Bernd A. ‘Die Esoterik in der Astrologie’ Esotera Taschenbücherei / Verlag Hermann Bauer, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1988

Mertz, Bernd A. ‘Liebe – Opfer – Magie: Der Mensch als Geheimnis des Kosmos; Die Praxis der Esoterischen Horoskopdeutung’ Edition   Astrodata, Wettswil, CH, 1993

Norris, A. G. S. ‘Transcendental Astrology’ Rider & Co., Paternoster House, Paternoster Row, London, E.C.4, [1937]

Oken, Alan ‘Soul-Centered Astrology: a Key to Your Expanding Self’ The Crossing Press, Freedom, CA, 1990

Orban, Peter und Zinnel, Ingrid ‘Drehbuch des Lebens: Eine Einführung in die Esoterische Astrologie’ 18.-20. Tausend – Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH, Reinbek bei Hamburg, September 1994[37]

Scholdt, Gunda ‘Praxisbuch der esoterischen Astrologie’ 1. Auflage – Ebertin Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1996

Schulman, Martin ‘The Ascendant: Your Karmic Doorway’ [6th Impression] – Samuel Weiser Inc., York Beach, ME, 2000

Schulman, Martin ’The Astrology of Sexuality’ The Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, 1987[38]

Schulman, Martin ’Celestial Harmony: a Guide to Horoscope Interpretation’ Samuel Weiser, Inc., 740 Broadway, New York, N.Y., 1980

Schulman, Martin ‘Karmic Astrology Volume I: the Moon’s Nodes and Reincarnation’ [23rd Impression] – Samuel Weiser Inc., York Beach, Maine, (2000)

Schulman, Martin ‘Karmic Astrology Volume II: Retrogrades and Reincarnation’ [16th Impression] – Samuel Weiser Inc., York Beach, Maine, (2000)

Schulman, Martin ‘Karmic Astrology Volume III: Joy and the Part of Fortune’ [12th Impression] – Samuel Weiser Inc., York Beach, Maine, (1997)

Schulman, Martin ‘Karmic Astrology Volume IV: the Karma of the Now’ Samuel Weiser, Inc., New York, N.Y., 1979

Schulman, Martin ‘Karmic Relationships’ [10th Impression] – Weiser Books, Red Wheel / Weiser, Boston, MA / York Beach, ME, (2001)

Schulman, Martin ‘Venus: the Gift of Love’ Second Edition – Golden Light Press, New York, 1981

Schult, Arthur ‘Astrosophie als Kosmische Signaturenlehre des Menschenbildes: Umfassende Tieenschau und Lehre der klassischen Astrologie’ 3. Auflage – Turm Verlag, Bietigheim / Württ., 1982. Set of two vols. with identical title pages[39] but successive contents, as issued.

Spiller, Jan and McCoy, Karen ‘Spiritual Astrology: Your Personal Path to Self-Fulfillment’ [12th Impression], Fireside Book, Simon & Schuster, New York, N.Y., unclearly dated[40]

Stone, Pauline ‘The Astrology of Karma: How our Past, Present and Future Lives are Revealed by the Birth Chart’ The Aquarian Press, Thorsons Publishing Group, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, 1988

Stone, Pauline ‘Relationships, Astrology and Karma: How to Understand, Transform and Heal Your Relationships Through Astrology’ The Aquarian Press, Thorsons Publishing Group, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, 1991

Strauss, Richard ‘Life Challenge Astrology: Karmic Indicators in the Birthchart’ Samuel Weiser Inc., York Beach, Maine, 1989

Sucher, W. ‘Practical Approaches Towards A New Astrosophy – Originally Published as “Letters 1972 – 1974”[41] ‘ W. Sucher, Meadow Vista, California, undated

Thornton, Penny ‘The Forces of Destiny: Reincarnation, Karma & Astrology’ George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Limited, 91 Clapham High Street, London SW4 7TA, 1990

Townley, John ‘Uranus: Esoteric and Mundane’ Samuel Weiser, Inc., New York, N.Y., 1978

Tyl, Noel ‘The Principles and Practice of Astrology Volume XI: Astrology: Mundane, Astral, Occult’ – Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1975

Villée, François et Lugol, Josée ‘Astrologie des Profondeurs ou des Motivations: Karma et Réincarnation’ Editions Traditionnelles, Paris Ve, 1986

Weiss, J. Claude ‘Karmische Horoskopanalyse: Unbewusste Lebenspläne Erkennen und Verändern Mondknoten-, Saturn- und Plutothemen im Horoskop’ Edition Astrodata, Wettswil, 1994

Weor, Samaël Aun ‘Cours d’Astrologie Ésotérique’ suivi de ‘Les Planètes Metalliques de l’Alchimie’ Les Imprimeurs et Éditeurs Ganesha, unclearly dated[42]


[2] In this first edition, the author’s identity is not revealed. He is represented merely by a swastika symbol on the title page – an early example of the popularity of this symbol in turn-of-the-twentieth-century occult and astrological circles long before it was misappropriated by the Nazi Party in Germany

[3]  NB: This volume is a sequel to the original volume that was described as being ‘in two parts’, this new volume being composed of entirely new material

[4] This is stated on the spine; yet internally there is no evidence of it being so, suggesting that it may be an unaltered second printing or binding from the original sheets

[5] A work looking in detail at the ancient mythology of thirty-six constellations, which are distributed for the purposes of the organisation of the book among the twelve signs of the zodiac, each sign being accorded three constellations to represent its different decans

[6] With separate title-page to p. 45: ‘Part Two: An Esoteric Analysis and Synthesis of the Zodiacal Signs and their Physico-Chemical Allocations Together With Additional Scientific Findings By Inez Eudora Perry’.

[7] But this copyright is credited to the Metaphysical Publishing Co.; it is thus unclear if this printing credited to the Philosophic Co., was in fact the sole first printing, although the advertisements at the rear for other publications by the Metaphysical Publishing Co. would tend to suggest so.

[8] Title to front board is instead ‘Alan Leo’s Astrological Text Books. Esoteric Astrology’. With separate title page to [p. 129]: “Esoteric Astrology – Second Part[:] Explanatory Diagrams and Illustrative Horoscopes”. With separate title page to [p. 239]: “Esoteric Astrology – Third Part[:] The Divisions of the Zodiac”

[9] Presumed to mean L. N. Fowler & co., but misprinted

[10] Internally comprising ‘How to Judge a Nativity Part I (1903) and ‘How to Judge a Nativity Part II’ (1904), bound together with a fresh overall title page and table of contents at the beginning, as issued by publisher. With separate title page to first part: “How to Judge a Nativity: “Astrology For All” Series” Published at 7, Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.C. and 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, N. W., 1903. With separate title page to second part: “How to Judge a Nativity Part II. “Astrology For All” Series” Published at 7, Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.C. and 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, N. W., 1904

[11] A book of readings of the solar degrees, linked to birthdays. Both succinctly expressed symbols and multi-paragraph readings are included for each day of the year. The true identity of the author is not known

[12] The first English edition, revised from the original Dutch edition of 1911, which was notable for being the approximately joint-second of four known books to have predicted not only the discovery of Pluto but also its name, following that of Fomalhaut (1897), contemporaneous with that of Isabelle Pagan (1911), and before that of Sepharial (“The Science of Foreknowledge”, 1918)

[13] COPAC gives 1929

[14] Over the publisher legend on the front cover and spine has been pasted a sticker reading: “Librairie G. & J. Niclaus, 34, Rue Saint-Jacques – Paris (5e)”

[15] So stated in an added note on p. 107 although not at the beginning of the volume. After the original edition of 1937, q. v. immediately above. Despite the lesser nominal page count of this second edition, it is clear that 15 pages have been saved by eliminating most of the blanks and section title pages in the original edition, while the prefatory section has been trimmed by a couple of pages

[16] After the original American edition of the same year

[17] DNB gives 1948. This copy includes advertisements for slightly later issues in the series and must have been bound up in the early-mid 1950s

[18] The exact address of this publisher is not given. The imprimatur refers to “Les presses d’Albert Kundig”.

[19] A printing of the transcript of another audio recording made in 1963

[20] The full title on the inner title page. On the front cover, it is reduced and re-ordered to ‘The Hand of God On the Wall: Spiritual Astrology’

[21] In advertising for early editions, this was billed as ‘Astrology and Health No. 7’

[22] COPAC records 1938

[23] Clearly a late work, presumed from internal references to earlier completed publications to be 1950s, though might possibly be 1940s

[24] An English translation (not in this collection), “Cosmic Aspects of Birth and Death”, was published by Paul Platt and Susan Riley (Golden Stone Press) in or around the late 1980s

[25] In this instance, as has been an increasing trend since No. 60 in the Astrologische Universal-Harmonien series, the series title is omitted, but “Sonderdruck” is specified and the number is listed

[26] Publication records indicate 1996 for the first printing

[27] Dated 1982,  but clearly a later reprint

[28] Internal reference to Meyer’s ‘A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer’ places the date no earlier than 1974. The other books (and records) referred to in the text range in date from 1970-1973

[29] This prefix to the title appears to the front cover but not the internal title page

[30] The DNB gives 1986 for the first edition only. One source accessed via the Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog estimates 1988 for this printing.

[31] This prefix to the title apears to the front cover only, not to the internal title page

[32] Misspelt ‘übearbeitete’ to copyright page

[33] The original copyright date is given as 1989

[34] The date of the first is given as April 1977.

[35] A series of books edited at this time by Howard Sasportas

[36] After the original edition copyrighted 1988

[37] After the original printing of September 1990 by the same publisher

[38] First UK edition, after the original Weiser edition of 1982. The cover design is entirely different from that of the Weiser edition, q. v.

[39] There is no internal reference on the title pages to identify the volume number in each case, but it is apparent from the print on the dust jacket spines

[40] Dated 1988; but this refers to the first printing of the first combined edition; the actual date of this printing may be closer to my date of purchasing it, which was 1996

[41] Swiss library records record two printings entitled thus. In addition to the present undated edition, which they presume to have been published not later than 1982, there was another one dated 1983 and credited to the Astrosophy Research Centre, which is recorded as the third edition

[42] Believed from advertisements to be 1986 or 1985

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