Demain / Revue Belge d’Astrologie
Full title:
- La Revue Belge d’Astrologie Moderne – Organe Officiel de l’Institut Astrologique de Belgique (Dec. 1926 – Sep. 1930)
- Demain? Revue Belge d’Astrologie Moderne – Organe Officiel de l’Institut Astrologique de Belgique (front cover designation) / La Revue Belge d’Astrologie Moderne (title page designation) – Oct. 1930
- Demain? Revue Belge d’Astro-Dynamique (Ancienne Astrologie) – Organe Officiel de l’Institut Astrologique de Belgique (front cover designation) / Demain? Revue Belge d’Astro-Dynamique (title page designation) (Nov. 1930 – Dec. 1930)
- Demain: Revue Belge d’Astro-Dynamique – Organe Officiel de l’Institut Astrologique de Belgique (front cover designation) / Demain? Revue Belge d’Astro-Dynamique (title page designation) (Janv. 1931)
- Demain: Revue Belge d’Astro-Dynamique (Sept. 1931 – Mai 1934
- Demain: Revue Belge d’Astro-Dynamique (Astrologie Scientifique) (Juin 1934 – 21 Avril 1935: Juin 1935)
- Demain, Revue d’Astrologie Scientifique, d’Idées Nouvelles et d’Anticipations (21 Mai 1935: Juillet 1935 – 21 Janv. 1943)
- Demain, Revue Internationale d’Astrologie (Janv. – Oct. 1949)
- Demain: Revue internationale d’astrologie scientifique, d’idées nouvelles et de Culture humaine (Fév. 1953 – Avr. 1956)
- Demain: Revue d’Astrologie Scientifique, d’Idées Nouvelles et de Culture Humaine (Janvier-Avril 1959)
- Demain: Revue de Culture Sociale et Humaine pour l’Éveil d’une Conscience Nouvelle (Mai – Octobre 1959)
- Demain: Revue d’Idées Nouvelles et de Culture Humaine pour l’Éveil d’une Conscience Nouvelle (Janvier – Juin 1960)
- Les Cahiers de la Revue Demain (Juillet- Décembre 1960)
- Brahy, Gustave Lambert (Dec. 1926 – Sept. 1933)
- Brahy, Gustave Lambert (Directeur) / De Herbais de Thun, Charles (Rédacteur-en-Chef) (Oct. 1933 – Jan. 1943)
- Rayet, Paul-Edouard (Jan. – Oct. 1949)
- Paque, Boris (Fév. 1953 – Avr. 1959)
- Brahy, G.-L- et Paque, Boris (Mai 1959 – Décembre 1960)
Publication credits:
- L’Institut Astrologique de Belgique, 107 Avenue Albert, Bruxelles (Dec. 1926 – Août 1928; Sep. 1930 – Jan. 1931)
- L’Institut Astrologique de Belgique, 107 Avenue Albert, Bruxelles (Direction et Rédaction) / 255, rue Jean-François De Becker, Woluwe-St-Lambert (Administration) (Sep. 1928 – Août 1930)
- L’Institut Central Belge de Recherches Astro-dynamiques, Rue de l’Ecuyer 22, Bruxelles (21 Sep. 1931 – Jan. 1932)
- L’Institut Central Belge de Recherches Astro-dynamiques, Avenue Albert 107, Bruxelles (Fév. – Avr. 1932; Mai 1933 – 21 Mai 1936: Juil. 1936)
- Avenue Albert 107, Bruxelles (Dec. 1932)
- L’Institut Central Belge de Recherches Astro-dynamiques, Avenue de Sumatra, 6, Bruxelles (21 Juin 1936: Août 1936 – Nov. 1937: Janv. 1938)
- L’Institut Central Belge de Recherches Astro-dynamiques, Avenue de Sumatra, 4, Bruxelles (Déc. 1937: Fév. 1938 – 21 Avr. 1940)
- Avenue de Sumatra, 6, Bruxelles (Mai – Août 1941)
- Rue Hotel des Monnaies, 117, Bruxelles (Sept. 1941 – Janv. 1943)
- Rue Vielle du Temple, 11, Paris / Avenue Albert 107, Bruxelles (Jan. – Oct. 1949)
- 30, avenue des Lucioles, Bruxelles (Fév. 1953 – Avr. 1959)
- Avenue des Lucioles, 30, [Paris] / Avenue Albert, 107, Bruxelles (Mai 1959 – Février 1960)
- Avenue Albert, 107, Bruxelles (Mars – Décembre 1960)
- 1re Année Numéro Unique (front cover designation) / No. 1 (title page designation), Décembre 1926. Two copies. Copy A: (Final lines of first internal page shaved off by binder’s trim.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [1] + [pp. 2-15] + [1 page of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 15pp + [1 page of advertisements]
- 2me Année, Numéro 2, 1e Trimestre 1927. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [1] + [pp. 2-15] + [1] + [1 page of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: [1] + [pp. 2-15] + [1]
- 2me Année, Numéro 3, 2e Trimestre 1927. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 24 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 24pp
- 2me Année, Numéro 4, 3e Trimestre 1927. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 16 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 16pp
- 2me Année, Numéro 5, 4e Trimestre 1927. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 15 + [1] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 15 + [1] pp
- 3me Année, Numéro 6 (front cover designation) / No. 1 (title page designation), Janvier – Février 1928. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 32 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 32pp
- 3me Année, Numéro 7 (front cover designation) / No. 2 (title page designation), Mars – Avril 1928. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 32 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 32pp
- 3me Année, Numéro 8 (front cover designation) / No. 3 (title page designation), Mai – Juin 1928. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 32 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 32pp
- 3me Année, Numéro 9 (front cover designation) / No. 4 (title page designation), Juillet – Août 1928. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 32 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 32pp
- 3me Année, Numéro 10, Septembre – Octobre 1928. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 32 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 32pp
- 3me Année, Numéro 11, Novembre – Décembre 1928. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 32 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 32pp
- 3me Année, Numéro 12, Janvier – Février 1929. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 3-32] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 3-31] + [1]
- 4me Année, Numéro 13, Mars – Avril 1929. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 3-32 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 3-32]
- 4me Année, Numéro 14 (front cover designation) / ‘No. 13’ (misprinted title page designation), Mai – Juin 1929 (front cover designation) / ‘Mars – Avril 1929’ (misprinted title page designation). Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 3-32] + [rear cover featuring advertisements, backed with p. 33 of advertisements]. Copy B: [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 3-32]
- 4me Année, Numéro 15, Juillet – Août 1929. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 3-32 + [rear cover featuring advertisements, backed with p. 33 of advertisements]. Copy B: [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 3-32]
- 4me Année, Numéro 16, Septembre – Octobre 1929. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 3-32] + [rear cover featuring advertisements, backed with p. 33 of advertisements]. Copy B: [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 3-32]
- 4me Année, Numéro 17, Novembre – Décembre 1929. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 3-40] + [rear cover featuring advertisements, backed with p. 41 of advertisements]. Copy B: [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 3-40]
- 5me Année (No 1) / No 18 (front cover designation) / No. 1 (title page designation), 21 Mars, 1930. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 16 + [4 (‘Supplément à la Revue Belge d’Astrologie Moderne’)] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 10 + [4 (‘Supplément à la Revue Belge d’Astrologie Moderne’)] + [pp. 11-16]
- 5me Année, No 2, 21 Avril 1930. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 16 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 16pp
- 5me Année, No 3, 21 Mai 1930. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 16 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 16pp
- 5me Année, No 4, 21 Juin 1930. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 16 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 16pp
- 5me Année, Nos 5-6, 21 Juillet-Août, 1930. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 16 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 16pp
- 5me Année, No 7, 21 Septembre, 1930. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 20 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 20pp
- 5me Année, No 8, 21 Octobre 1930. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 16 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 16pp
- 5me Année No 9, 21 Novembre 1930. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 16 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 16pp
- 5me Année, No 10, 21 Decembre 1930. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 16 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 16pp
- 5me Année, Nos 11-12, 21 Janvier 1931. Two copies. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 20 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: 20pp
- 6e Année, No. 1, 21 Septembre 1931. 32pp
- 6e Année, No. 2, 21 Octobre 1931. [pp. 33-52]
- 6e Année, No. 3, 21 Novembre 1931. [pp. 53-68]
- 6e Année, No. 4, 21 Decembre 1931. [pp. 69-100]
- 6e Année, No. 5, 21 Janvier 1932. [pp. 101-116]
- 6e Année, No. 6, 21 Février 1932. [pp. 117-132]
- 7e Année, No. 1, 21 Mars 1932. 16pp
- 7e Année, No. 2, 21 Avril 1932. [pp. 17-32]
- 7e Année, No. 3, 21 Décembre 1932. 23 + [1] pp
- 8e Année, No. 1, Mai 1933. [2 pages of plates] + [pp. 3-20]
- 8e Année, No. 2, Juillet 1933. [pp. 21-36]
- 8e Année, No. 3 et 4, Août-Septembre 1933. [pp. 37-52]
- 8e Année, No. 5, Octobre 1933. [pp. 53-72]
- 8e Année, No. 6, Novembre 1933. [pp. 73-88]
- 8e Année, No. 7, Décembre 1933. [pp. 89-104]
- 8e Année, No. 8, Janvier 1934. [pp. 105-128]
- 8e Année, No. 9, Février 1934. [pp. 129-144]
- 8e Année, No. 10, Mars 1934. [pp. 145-160]
- 8e Année, No. 11, Avril 1934. [pp. 161-184]
- 8e Année, No. 12, Mai 1934. [pp. 187-206]
- 9e Année – No. 1, Juin-Juillet 1934. 32pp
- 9e Année – No. 2, Juillet-Août 1934. [pp. 33-56]
- 9e Année – Nos. 3-4, 21 Juillet 1934: Septembre-Octobre 1934[2]. [pp. 57-88]
- 9e Année – No. 5, 21 Septembre 1934: Octobre-Novembre 1934. [pp. 89-112]
- 9e Année – No. 6, 21 Octobre 1934: Novembre-Decembre 1934. [pp. 113-176]
- 9e Année – No. 7, 21 Novembre 1934: Janvier 1935. Two copies. Copy A (as standalone issue): [Front cover backed with publication credits] + [Plate] + [pp. 177-200] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Plate] + [pp. 177-200]
- 9e Année – No. 8, Noël 1934: Février 1935. Two copies. Copy A (as standalone issue): [Front cover backed with publication credits] + [pp. 201-240] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [pp. 201-240]
- 9e Année, – No. 9, 21 Janvier 1935: Mars 1935. [pp. 241-272]
- 9e Année, – No. 10, 21 Février 1935: Avril 1935. [pp. 273-304]
- 9e Année No. 11, 21 Mars 1935: Mai 1935. [pp. 305-320][3] + [pp. 325-339] + [p. 340 of advertisements]
- 9e Année, No. 12, 21 Avril 1935: Juin 1935. Two copies. Copy A (as original separate issue): [Front cover backed with publication credits] + [pp. 341-376] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of a bound vol.): (Leaves comprising [pp. 357-360] loose from binding but present.) [pp. 341-376]
- 10e Année – No. 1, 21 Mai 1935: Juillet 1935. [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 3-38] + [pp. 39-40 of advertisements]
- 10e Année – No. 2, 21 Juin 1935: Août 1935. [pp. 41-2 of advertisements] + [pp. 43-78] + [pp. 79-80 of advertisements]
- 10 e Année – Numéro Spécial consacré au Congrès d’Astrologie Scientifique de Bruxelles (15-19 juillet 1935) – 25 Juin 1935. [8 pp inc. covers] [4]
- 10e Année – No. 3, 21 Juillet 1935: Septembre 1935. Two copies. Copy A (as original separate issue): [Front cover backed with publication credits] + [pp. 81-2 of advertisements] + [pp. 83-118] + [pp. 119-120 of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of a bound vol.): [pp. 81-2 of advertisements] + [pp. 83-118] + [pp. 119-120 of advertisements]
- 10 e Année – Numéro Spécial consacré au IIe Congrès Scientifique de Bruxelles, 15-20 juillet 1935 – Août 1935. [8 pp inc. front cover] + [6 pages of advertisements]
- 10e Année – No. 4, 21 Août 1935: Octobre 1935. Two copies (one as part of a bound vol.; the other as original separate issue). Both copies: [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 121-2 of advertisements] + [pp. 123-166] + [pp. 167-8 of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 10e Année – No. 5, 21 Septembre 1935: Novembre 1935. [pp. 169-170 of advertisements] + [pp. 171-230] + [pp. 231-2 of advertisements]
- 10e Année – No. 6, 21 Octobre 1935: Décembre 1935. [pp. 233-4 of advertisements] + [pp. 235-278] + [pp. 279-280 of advertisements]
- 10e Année – No. 7, 21 Novembre 1935: Janvier 1936. [pp. 281-2 of advertisements] + [pp. 283-318] + [pp. 319-20 of advertisements]
- 10e Année – No. 8, 21 Décembre 1935: Février 1936. [pp. 321-2 of advertisements] + [pp. 323-358] + [pp. 359-360 of advertisements]
- 10e Année – No. 9, 21 Janvier 1936: Mars 1936. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 363-398]
- 10e Année – No. 10, 21 Février 1936: Avril 1936. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 403-438]
- 10e Année – No. 11, 21 Mars 1936: Mai 1936. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 443-477] + [p. 478 of advertisements]
- 10e Année, No. 12, 21 Avril 1936: Juin 1936. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 483-518]
- 11e Année, No. 1, 21 Mai 1936: Juillet 1936. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 1-2 of advertisements] + [pp. 3-39] + [p. 40 of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 3-38]
- 11e Année, No. 2, 21 Juin 1936: Août 1936. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 41-2 of advertisements] + [pp. 43-86] + [pp. 87-8 of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 43-86]
- 11e Année, No. 3, 21 Juillet 1936: Septembre 1936. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 89-90 of advertisements] + [pp. 91-126] + [pp. 127-8 of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 91-126]
- 11e Année, No. 4, 21 Août 1936: Octobre 1936. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 129-130 of advertisements] + [pp. 131-174] + [pp. 175-6 of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 131-174]
- 11e Année, No. 5, 21 Septembre 1936: Novembre 1936. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 179-204] + [Folding monochrome photographic plate] + [pp. 205-230]
- 11e Année, No. 6, 21 Octobre 1936: Decembre 1936. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 233-4 of advertisements] + [pp. 235-286] + [pp. 287-8 of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 235-286]
- 11e Année, 7, 21 Novembre 1936: Janvier 1937. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 289-290 of advertisements] + [pp. 291-326] + [pp. 327-8 of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 291-326]
- 11e Année, No. 8, 21 Décembre 1936: Février 1937. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 329-330 of advertisements] + [pp. 331-374] + [pp. 375-6 of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 331-374]
- 11e Année, No. 9, 21 Janvier 1937: Mars 1937. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 377-8 of advertisements] + [pp. 379-414] + [pp. 415-6 of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 379-414]
- 11e Année, No. 10, 21 Février 1937: Avril 1937. Contemporaneous document (a single-sided A4 sheet by design) by the Comité National de la Défense contre la Tuberculose laid in to Copy A, in triplicate, all three leaves being backed with a former owner’s manuscript astrological notes; also laid in to Copy A, a separate smaller sheet featuring a hand-inked birth chart dated 27 Oct. 1894. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 417-8 of advertisements] + [pp. 419-462] + [pp. 463-4 of advertisements] + [rear cover backed with advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 419-462]
- 11e Année, No. 11, 21 Mars 1937: Mai 1937. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 465-6 of advertisements] + [pp. 467-502] + [pp. 503-4 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): (Leaves comprising pp. 483-6 had worked loose from binding but have been amateurishly taped back into place.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 467-502]
- 11e Année, No. 12, 21 Avril 1937: Juin 1937. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): (Small chip lost from upper outer corner of rear cover.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 505-542] + [pp. 543-4 of advertisements] + [2 further pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 505-542] + [pp. 543-4 of advertisements]
- 12e Année, No. 1, 21 Mai 1937: Juillet 1937. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + 46 + [pp. 47-8 of advertisements] + [2 further pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 46 + [pp. 47-8 of advertisements]
- 12e Année, No. 2, Juin 1937: Août 1937. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 49-94] + [pp. 95-6 of advertisements]
- 12e Année, No. 3 (mis-labelled No. 2 on internal title page), Juillet 1937: Septembre 1937. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 97-104] + [1 leaf of advertisements on blue paper] + [pp. 105-120] + [4 pages of plates] + [pp. 121-143] + [p. 144 of advertisements]
- 12e Année, No. 4, Août 1937: Octobre 1937. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 145-183] + [p. 184 of advertisements]
- 12e Année, No. 5, Septembre 1937: Novembre 1937. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): (Wear to spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 185-200] + [2 pages of plates] + [pp. 201-231] + [p. 232 of advertisements] + [2 further pages of advertisements (2-inch tear from top edge of leaf), of which a central section has been cut out by a former owner] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 185-200] + [2 pages of plates] + [pp. 201-231] + [p. 232 of advertisements]
- 12e Année, No. 6, Octobre 1937: Décembre 1937. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): (Tear to outer edge of rear cover, with creased 1 cm section close to chipping away.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [1 leaf of plates] + [pp. 233-287] + [p. 288 of advertisements] + [2 further pages of advertisements (1 cm separation to lower inner corner of leaf)] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [1 leaf of plates] + [pp. 233-287] + [p. 288 of advertisements]
- 12e Année, No. 7, Novembre 1937: Janvier 1938. Two copies. Copy A (as original issue): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 289-335] + [p. 336 of advertisements] + [2 further pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B (as part of bound vol.): [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 289-335] + [p. 336 of advertisements]
- 12e Année, No. 8, Décembre 1937: Février 1938. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 337-352] + [2 pages of plates] + [pp. 353-383] + [p. 384 of advertisements]
- 12e Année, No. 9, [Janvier 1938: Mars 1938[5]]. (1cm tear to spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 385-427] + [p. 428 of advertisements] + [2 further pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 12e Année, No. 10, Février 1938: Avril 1938. (Former owner’s pale blue pencil underlining to pp. 473-4.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 429-476] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 12e Année, No. 11, Mars 1938: Mai 1938. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 477-524] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 12e Année, No. 12, Avril 1938: Juin 1938. (Slight wear to top of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 525-572] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 13me Année – No. 1, Mai 1938: Juillet 1938. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + 48 + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 13me Année – No. 2, Juin 1938: Août 1938. (Spine somewhat worn; small chip lost from lower inner corner of rear cover; liquid splash stain to upper outer corners of covers. Previous owner’s blue pencilled marginal line to p. 61.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 49-96 + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 13me Année – No. 3, Juillet 1938: Septembre 1938. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 97-144] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 13me Année – No. 4, Août 1938: Octobre 1938. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 145-192] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 13me Année – No. 5, Septembre 1938: Novembre 1938. (Tiny chip lost from lower inner corner of front cover.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 193-240] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 13me Année – No. 6, Octobre 1938: Décembre 1938. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 241-296] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 13me Année – No. 7, Novembre 1938: Janvier 1939. (Lower outer corner of front cover slightly chipped; slight wear to top of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 297-352] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 13me Année – No. [8][6], Décembre 1938: Février 1939. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 353-395] + [p. 397[7]] + [p. 396] + [pp. 398-400] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 13me Année – No. 9, Janvier 1939: Mars 1939. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 401-448] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 13me Année – No. 10, Février 1939: Avril 1939. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 449-496] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 13me Année – No. 11, Mars 1939: Mai 1939. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 497-544] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 13me Année – No. 12, Avril 1939: Juin 1939. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 545-592] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 14me Année – No. 1, Mai 1939: Juillet 1939. (Former owner’s pale blue pencil underlining, marginal line and marginal word to p. 34.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + 48pp + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 14me Année – No. 2, Juin 1939: Août 1939. (Light wear to foot of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 49-72] + [8 pages of advertisements on thin orange paper] + [pp. 73-96] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 14me Année – No. 3, Juillet 1939: Septembre 1939. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 97-144] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 14me Année – No. 4, Août 1939: Octobre 1939. (Light wear to extremities of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 145-192] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 14me Année – No. 5, Septembre 1939: Novembre 1939. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 193-240] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 14me Année – No. 6, Octobre 1939: Decembre 1939 – Numéro Spécial 1940. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 241-288] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- Édition Spéciale: Coup d’Oeil Astrologique sur les Années 1940 à 1950. (Light wear to extremities of spine. Leaf comprising [pp. 31-4] loosened from staples and almost detached. Former owner’s blue pencil marginal lines to p. 15-19 and small underlinings to p. 19.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2] + [pp. 3-64] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 14me Année – No. 7, Novembre 1939: Janvier 1940 – 2me Numéro Spécial 1940. (Light tearing to extremities of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 289-336] + [bound-in half-page-height subscription form on blackcurrant paper] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 14me Année – No. 8, Décembre 1939: Février 1940 – 3me Numéro Spécial 1940. (Moderate wear to top of spine; light wear along surface of same.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 337-368] + [2 pages of advertisements on narrower thin yellow paper] + [pp. 369-384] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 14me Année – No. 9, 21 [Janvier] 1940[8]. (Former owner’s inked birth data for a baby born 25 Jan. 1940 to foot of p. 400.) [pp. 385-432]
- 14me Année – No. 10, 21 Février 1940. [pp. 433-480]
- 14me Année – No. 11, 21 Mars 1940. (Moderate wear to foot of spine. Slight tear to outer edge of front cover, with 1cm tear to outer edge of following leaf.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 481-528] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 14me Année – No. 12, 21 Avril 1940[9]. (Light wear to extremities of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 529-576] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 15me Année No. 1, 21 Mars 1941. (Slight tearing to top of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 32 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 15me Année No. 2, 21 Avril 1941. (Moderate tearing to extremities of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 33-64] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 15me Année No. 3, 21 Mai 1941. (Heavy wear and separation to parts of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 65-96] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 15me Année No. 4, 21 Juin 1941. (1cm tear to upper inner corner of front cover. A few former owner’s inked marginal marks to pp. 100-1. Two names ringed in ink on front cover.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 97-120] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 15e Année No. 5, 21 Juillet 1941. (Moderate wear to top of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 121-144] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 15e Année No. 6, 21 Août 1941. (Light wear to surface of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 145-168] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 15e Année No. 7, 21 [Septembre][10] 1941. (Small patch of wear to surface of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 169-192] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 15me Année – No. 8, 21 Octobre 1941. (Light chipping to extremities of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 193-216] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 15me Année – No. 9, 21 Novembre 1941. (Front cover close to detaching; separation along most of the length of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 217-240] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 15me Année – No. 10, 21 Décembre 1941 (inner title page legend) / Noël 1941 (front cover legend). (Separation to bottom 3cm and top 2 cm of spine, with 1cm further tearing to upper inner margin of rear cover; remainder of spine surface rubbed. A few small scratch marks have punctured several tiny parts of the surface of the rear cover.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 241-272] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 15me Année – No. 11, 21 Janvier 1942. (Separation to top 3cm and bottom 2 cm of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 273-296] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 15me Année – No. 12, 21 Février 1942. (Heavy separation down most of length of spine, but covers holding.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 297-320] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 16me Année No. 1, 21 Mars 1942. (Moderate wear to extremities of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 24pp + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 16me Année No. 2, 21 Avril 1942. (Light wear to top of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 25-48] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 16me Année No. 3, 21 Mai 1942. (Light wear to extremities of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 49-64] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 16me Année No. 4, 21 Juin 1942. (Light wear to foot of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 65-80] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 16me Année No. 5, 21 Juillet 1942. (Light wear to top of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 81-96] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- XVIme Année[11] No. 6, 21 Août 1942. (Some wear to surface of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 97-112] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- XVIme Année[12] No. 7, 21 Septembre 1942. (Light wear to extremities of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 113-128] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- XVIme Année No. 8, 21 Octobre 1942. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 129-144] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- XVIme Année No. 9, 21 November 1942. (Light wear to foot of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 145-160] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- XVIme Année No. 10, 21 Décembre 1942 (inner title page legend) / Noël 1942 (front cover legend). [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 161-176] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- XVIme Année No. 11, 21 Janvier 1943. (Light separation to extremities of spine; wear to parts of spine surface.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 177-192] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 17e Année – No. 4, Janvier 1949. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 32pp + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 17e Année – No. 6, Mars 1949. (Small tear to top of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 65-96] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 17e Année – No. 7, Avril 1949. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 97-128] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 17e Année – No. 8, Mai 1949. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 129-160] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 17e Année – Nos. 9 et 10[13], Juin et Juillet 1949. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [pp. 161-208] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 17e Année – Nos. 11 et 12[14], Août, Septembre, Octobre 1949. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [4] + [pp. 213-256] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 26ème Année – No. 8, Septembre 1952. [Front cover backed with editorial details and advertisement] + 24 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 26ème Année – No. 11, Décembre 1952. [Front cover backed with editorial details and advertisement] + 24 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 27e Année – No. 1, Février 1953[15]. (Light surface wear to spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [4] + 32pp + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 27e Année – No. 3, Avril 1953. 4-page flyer for a book ‘Les Gathas de Zoroastre’, dated 1934, laid in, together with what appears to be an unrelated 4-page advertising flyer for the publications of Éditions Aryana and others, dated 1949. (Light wear to extremities and parts of surface of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 32pp + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 27e Année – No. 4, Mai 1953. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 32pp + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 27e Année – No. 5, Juin 1953. (Light rubbing to spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 32pp + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 27e Année – No. 9, Octobre 1953. (Moderate surface wear to spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + 24pp + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 28ème Année – No. 1, Janvier et Février 1954. (Slight tearing to top of spine.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [2 single-sided leaves] + [single-sided leaves 3-13] + [single-sided leaf of figures] + [single-sided leaves 15-29] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 30e Année, unnumbered issue: Mars-Avril (1956). (2 cm separation to top of spine; 1 cm to foot of same; some other surface tearing to parts of spine. Rear cover and single-sided leaves 28 and 29 have broken loose from the upper staple.) [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [single-sided leaves 1-16] + [single-sided leaf of figures] + [single-sided leaves 18-29] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 33ème Année, [No. 1], Janvier-Février 1959. [Front cover backed with editorial details] + [single-sided leaves 1-28] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 33ème Année, [No. 2], Mars-Avril 1959. [Front cover backed with editorial details] + [single-sided leaves 1-28] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 33e Année, No. 3, Mai-Juin 1959. Two copies. Main copy: [Front cover backed with address to readers] + [bound-in subscription card] + [1 leaf on orange paper (‘Supplément à la Revue “Demain” de Mai-Juin 1959’)] + 32pp + [rear cover featuring advertisements, backed with book reviews]. Secondary copy: [Front cover backed with publisher’s address] + 32 + [rear cover featuring editorial details, backed with book reviews]
- 33ème Année – No. 4, Juillet – Août 1959. [Front cover backed with editorial details] + 32 + [rear cover featuring 2 further pages of content]
- 33ème Année – No. 5, Septembre – Octobre 1959. [Front cover backed with editorial details] + 32 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of journal summaries]
- 34e Année – No 1, Janvier – Février 1960. [Front cover backed with editorial details] + 32 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
- 34e Année – No 2, Mars – Avril 1960. [Front cover backed with editorial details] + 32 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of book and journal reviews]
- 34e Année – No 3, Mai – Juin 1960. [Front cover backed with editorial details] + 32 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of book reviews]
- 34e Année – No 4, Juillet-Août 1960. [Front cover] + [2] + 10 + 12 + [rear cover backed with book reviews]
- 34e Année – No 5, Septembre-Octobre 1960. [Front cover backed with publisher’s notice] + 12 + 12 + [rear cover backed with book reviews]
- 34e Année – No 6, Novembre – Décembre 1960. [Front cover backed with publisher’s notice] + 8 + 14 + [rear cover featuring book reviews, backed with completion of publisher’s notice]
- 1ère Année – Numéro 2, Janvier – Février 1977
- 1ère Année – Numéro 3, Mars – Avril 1977
- 1ère Année – Numéro 4, Mai – Juin 1977
- 1ère Année – Numéro 6, Septembre Octobre 1977
- 2e Année – Numéro 7, Premier Trimestre 1978
- 2e Année – Numéro 8, Second Trimestre 1978
- 2e Année – Numéro 9, Troisième Trimestre 1978
- 2e Année – Numéro 10, Quatrième Trimestre 1978
- 2e Année – Numéro 11, Premier Trimestre 1979
- 2e Année – Numéro 12, Deuxième Trimestre 1979
- Numéro 13, Troisième Trimestre 1979
- Numéro 14, Quatrième Trimestre 1979 – 53ème Année
- No 15, 1er Trimestre 1980 – 54e Année
- No 16, 2ième Trimestre 1980 – 54ième Année
- No 17, 3ème Trimestre 1980 – 54ème Année
- No 18, 4ème Trimestre 1980 – 54e Année
- No 19, 1er Trimestre 1981 – 54e Année
- 2ème et 3ème Trimestres 1981 – No 20/21: Numéro Commemoratif, 55ème anniversaire de la fondation du CéBESIA
Binding format and presentation notes:
- All from Dec. 1926 to Jan. 1931 bound together. Two volumes thus. Copy A with original separate issue covers bound in, in half cloth (light wear to extremities of spine hinges and outer corners of boards) with gilt titling to spine, and marbled paper-covered boards. Copy B without original separate issue covers, in a green cloth vol. (lightly rubbed at hinges and lightly worn at outer corners of boards)
- All from Sep. 1931 to Dec. 1933 bound together without original separate issue covers in a second green cloth vol. matching the first one in style but somewhat larger in physical format (lightly rubbed at hinges and slightly worn at outer corners of boards). Slip of paper headed with the address of the periodical “Destins”, q.v. below, and hand-inked with the name and address of M. (i.e. Monsieur) M. Faure[16], 1 rue du Bèguinage, Lille, Nord, laid in.
- All from Jan. 1934 to Noël 1934: Février 1935 bound together without original separate issue covers in a third green cloth vol. matching the second one in both style and size format (lightly rubbed at hinges; slight wear to outer corners of boards and parts of outer and bottom edges of same).
- 21 Nov. 1934: Jan. 1935 and Noël 1934: Février 1935 issues also held as individual separate staplebound issues in original paper covers
- All from 21 Jan. 1935: Mars 1935 to 21 Dec. 1935: Fév 1936, including the two brief special issues on the 2nd international astrological congress, bound together without original separate issue covers (except 21 Août 1935: Octobre 1935 issue, bound with them but trimmed by binder, and the two special issues, bound with at least front covers which are integral with text on their reverse sides) in a green cloth vol. matching the second and third ones in both style and size format (moderate wear to extremities of spine; very minor wear to hinges and to outer corners of boards).
- 21 Avr. 1935: Juin 1935; 21 Juill. 1935 : Sept. 1935; and 21 Août 1935 : Oct. 1935 issues also held as separate staplebound issues in original covers
- All from 21 Jan. 1936: Mars 1936 to 21 Dec. 1936: Fév 1937 bound together with original separate issue front covers (trimmed by binder) but not rear covers, in a green cloth vol. matching the second, third and fourth ones in both style and size format (moderate wear to extremities of spine; generally light wear to outer corners of boards and spine hinges)
- 21 Mai 1936: Juillet 1936; 21 Juin 1936: Août 1936; 21 Juillet 1936: Septembre 1936; 21 Août 1936: Octobre 1936; 21 Novembre 1936: Janvier 1937; and 21 Décembre 1936: Février 1937 issues also held as separate staplebound issues in original paper covers
- All from 21 Jan. 1937: Mar. 1937 to Déc 1937: Fév. 1938 bound together with original separate issue front covers (trimmed by binder) but not rear covers, in a green cloth vol. matching the second, third, fourth and fifth ones in both style and size format (moderate wear to foot of spine and lower outer corners of boards; light wear along spine hinges and to upper outer corners of boards and top of spine). Folded 2-page article by F. Pagnier of 53, rue Mailbran, Bruxelles, ‘Les Astres et Leurs Influences sur l’être Humain’, together with a separate 2-page Dutch edition of the same article, laid in. Also laid in, a four-page advertising flyer for ‘Ephémérides Astronomiques du Dr. E. Williamson pour 1935; our 1936; pour 1937’, said to be available from Librairie van de Graaf-Dopéré, at the same address as Pagnier, and also from Librairie Frans Maufras, Boulevard Maurice Lemonnier, 195, Bruxelles
- 21 Jan. 1937: Mars 1937; 21 Fév 1937: Avr. 1937; 21 Mars 1937: Mai 1937; 21 Avr. 1937: Juin 1937; 25 Mai 1937: Juill. 1937; Sep. 1937: Nov. 1937; Oct. 1937: Dec. 1937; and Nov. 1937: Jan. 1938 issues also held as separate staplebound issues in original paper covers
- All from Jan. 1938: Mar. 1938 to Jan. 1943 (except 21 Janvier 1940 and 21 Février 1940, held only as part of a bound vol.) held primarily or only as separate staplebound issues in original B5-sized paper covers (except. Jan. 1949 and Avr. 1949 issues, in original card covers)
- 21 Janvier 1940 and 21 Février 1940 held without original issue covers in a quarter-cloth vol. with paper-covered boards (worn at outer corners), together with duplicates of all from Mai 1939: Juillet 1939 to 21 Avril 1940 (likewise bound without original issue covers)
- All issues from Jan. 1949 to Oct. 1953, and Mai – Juin 1959, held only as staplebound issues in original card covers of varying degrees of thickness (mostly thin; occasionally relatively solid)
- Jan. – Feb. 1954 and Mar. – Avr. 1956 issues in very large-format paper or thin card covers, bound by staples driven through inner margins, and internally printed in typescript throughout
- All issues of the relaunched magazine from No. 2, Jan. 1977 – No. 19, 1981 as A5 staplebound pamphlets
- No. 20-21 as A5 paperback
[2] The dual dating system introduced in this month and maintained thereafter until the end of 1939 can be a source of considerable confusion when one is hunting for pre-owned copies of this journal which may be selectively listed by one or the other date without it being made apparent which. But the purpose it appears to have served at the time of publication was to show the date or month in which the current issue is released on the left, and the month to which the monthly predictions featured in it are supposed to apply on the right.
[3] The four centremost pages of this issue would appear to have been lost before or at the time of rebinding
[4] This special issue is printed on glossy paper and has been trimmed for binding, resulting in the removal of the last figure of the date on the front cover and all internal page numbers
[5] The internal title page is erroneously printed ’12e Année No. 8, Décembre 1937: Février 1938′, carried over from the previous issue
[6] Misprinted No. 7 on the inner title page
[7] Pages 396 and 397 have been printed out of order. The pagination is correct according to their respective contents, but the order of printing and binding is not.
[8] NB: The dating system by which each issue is identified was changed again at the start of 1940 so that only the date of publication was shown thereafter; by the old system, XIV Année No. 9 would have been dated Janvier 1940: Mars 1940. However, here it is misprinted ’21 Février 1940′ on the internal title page, when clearly it should read ’21 Janvier 1940′.
[9] NB: From the jump in dates relative to issue numbers since 14me Année No. 12, it would appear that the magazine fell temporarily out of print during 1940-1941 before resuming tentatively again.
[10] Misprinted as ‘Octobre’ on both title page and front cover. A former owner has attemptedly inked over this and written ‘SEPT’ in both places.
[11] For the first time, the inner title page uses the Roman numeral form, previously found only on front covers. In this case, the front cover is misprinted ‘XIVme Année’.
[12] Again, the front cover legend is misprinted ‘XIVme Année’
[13] Internal title page legend. On the front cover, this issue is instead represented as ‘No. 9’
[14] Internal title page legend. On the front cover, this issue is instead represented as ‘No. 10’
[15] The editorial in this issue appears to suggest that the journal renewed publishing in 1952 after a break, but exactly when is not clear.
[16] It is not clear if this is the same M. Faure who went on to edit the Revue de Cosmobiologie from Nice in the mid-1930s, but this would seem a possibility in the absence of evidence to the contrary
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