Books on Psychological Astrology 1900-1960

The chronological shortlist displayed immediately below, which was compiled in August 2024 from our full library catalogue, is limited to books that specifically reference in their titles the term psychology, its derivatives such as psychological, or their equivalents in other major European languages, and / or the similar-in-meaning term typocosmie, which itself implicitly links the cosmos to the classification of humanity into psychological types.

As such, it should not be considered exhaustive, excluding as it does various works that reference in their titles, for example, Charakter or Personality, rather than specifically psychology; and it can be argued that psychological character delineations were already within the orbit of esoteric astrology in the late 19th century; but it does help to demonstrate the extent to which the modern concept of psychology was already being integrated into astrologers’ mindsets long before Jungian psychological astrology became widely popular. A separate list of titles referencing character from the period is now found under a subheading further down the page, together with a brief explanation of the relevance of these titles.

By way of background, I should point out that it been my observation from collecting and studying astrological texts of the early 20th century in different languages since the 1990s, and especially strongly since the 2000s, that psychological astrology was not a sudden invention by either Dane Rudhyar in 1936 or Liz Greene in 1976, although simplified historical narratives on the modern history of astrology can sometimes generate such an impression.

Nor was the development of psychological astrology historically dependent on or wholly inspired by the ideas and works of Carl Jung. It was in fact a movement with much deeper roots, one that emerged from the intellectual climate of the 19th century, and especially the mid-to-late 19th century, when interest in human psychology and in the analysis of character from celestial and other signs grew among the population at large, including astrologers.

Jung was merely one of several influential 20th-century psychologists who weighed in on the topic of psychology with his vast body of written work. He was not the only one whose ideas interested or influenced early psychological astrologers; and it can be demonstrated that astrologers were interested in modern psychology and its integration into astrology before Jung’s relevant works had even been published, let alone popularised among astrologers or the public at large.

It should be noted for example that discussion of the desirability of the integration of psychology into modern astrology was already underway in astrological and occult periodicals at the very start of the 20th century and perhaps in one or two cases even slightly before 1900, although it took longer to filter through widely to book titles. For instance, French astrologer Paul Choisnard was arguing for the integration of the modern study of psychology into astrology in his magazine articles around 1900, which was well before any of Jung’s relevant psychological works appeared.

Further, it is clear from some of the early 20th-century books on astrology referencing psychology in their titles that they were not specifically taking their ideas or source material from Jung. The concept of psychology was generic and widely understood; and Jung’s ideas, first published in German, took quite a long time to filter widely through to astrologers speaking other languages, but astrological titles referencing psychology appear in French in the first two decades of the 20th century and in English very early in the third. There is no reason to believe that any of these titles were influenced by Jung, but they were symptomatic of a pre-existing interest among modern astrologers in modern psychology before Jung became popular.

Another tangible example of this is found on the title page to American astrologer W. H. Chaney’s 1902 book ‘The Astrologer’s Vade Mecum’. Chaney was in the last year of his life when it was published, and the book was edited by a student of his named J. Lawson Hall, who is billed as a Graduate of the Chicago School of Psychology. This example alone illustrates both the established currency of the word psychology in the education system and more specifically the permeation of modern psychological doctrine among some astrologers at this very early stage in the 20th century, and certainly well before any of them had read anything by Carl Jung.

A more nuanced and complex case is that of the Swiss sociologist Adolphe Ferrière, to which I previously referred in my 2023 lecture on the history of the modern scientific astrology movement for the Fifth European Conference on Astrology. It bears reiterating here.

Before he became an astrologer, Ferrière had conducted his own research into psychological types entirely independently of Jung, first proposing three distinct types in 1905 and expanding that to four in 1912.
By the time that Ferrière much later became involved in working with fellow-Swiss astrologer and statistician Karl-Ernst Krafft in the mid-to-late 1920s, he had become aware that Jung had set out his own, different system of psychological types in the interlude; but even then, Jung was not his only external influence. Ferrière also took ideas from three others he cites in the early 1930s: René Allendy (1889-1942), French doctor Paul Carton (1875-1947), and German psychiatrist Ernst Kretschmer (1888-1964).
Ferrière’s case alone disproves the idea that psychological astrologers all took their inspiration only from Jung. His own research into psychological types predated Jung’s published studies on the subject, and even after Jung’s research was published and became known to him, Jung was just one of several voices in contemporary psychology that he saw fit to take into consideration. Jung had not yet achieved any kind of singularly deific status among other psychologists or sociologists, let alone astrologers.
It also disproves the idea that Rudhyar was the first western astrologer to propose integrating Jung’s psychology into modern astrology – Ferrière was proposing integrating not only Jung’s but also those of the three other psychologists named above by 1932, which is before Rudhyar’s first magazine articles in American Astrology magazine towards his eventual 1936 book ‘The Astrology of Personality’ were published.


Flambart, Paul, Ancien Élève de l’École Polytechnique ‘Preuves et Bases de l’Astrologie Scientifique: Méthodes, Applications, Conséquences Psychologiques, Discussions Diverses’ Bibliothèque Chacornac, 11, Quai Saint-Michel, Paris, 1908

Moricand, Conrad; intr. Jacob, Max ‘Les Interprètes: Essai de Classement Psychologique d’Après les Correspondances Planétaires[1]’ Éditions de la Sirène, 12, rue la Boetie, Paris, 1919

Miller, Laurel ‘Astro-Psychology’ Metaphysical Publishing Company, 2525 Broadway, New York, N. Y., 1922

Carter, Charles E. O., B.A. Lond., Barrister-At-Law, President of the Astrological Lodge, T.S. ‘A Concise Encyclopaedia of Psychological Astrology[,] Together with Observations on the Astrological Characteristics of about Fifty Diseases, and an Introductory Essay on the Zodiacal Signs from the Standpoint of Biology and Psychology’ W. Foulsham & Co. Ltd., 10 & 11 Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, E.C. 4, London, 1924

Choisnard, Paul, Ancien Élève de l’École Polytechnique ‘Essai de Psychologie Astrale, Accompagné d’un Dictionnaire de Psychologie Astrale Destiné à l’Interprétation[2]’ Librairie Félix Alcan, 108, Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris, 1925

Carter, Charles E. O. , B.A. Lond., Barrister-At-Law, President of the Astrological Lodge, T.S.  ‘An Encyclopaedia of Psychological Astrology[,] Together with Observations on the Astrological Characteristics of about Fifty Diseases, and an Introductory Essay on the Zodiacal Signs from the Standpoint of Biology and Psychology’ Second Edition (Revised and Enlarged) – W. Foulsham & Co. Ltd., 10 & 11 Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, E.C. 4, London, 1926

Fankhauser, Dr. Alfred ‘Astrologie als Kosmische Psychologie’ Verlag Pestalozzi-Fellenberg-Haus, Bern, 1927

Friyges, Kitzinger ‘Astrologie: Grundsätzlicher Aufbau des Weltalls’ (inner title) / ‘ “Atlantis”: die Psychologie des Weltalls – Die Naturgesetze – Der Genaue Kreislauf der Planeten, Unser Werden – Die Genaue Entfernung der Planeten, Unser Vergehen – Oder der Sinn des Daseins, Unser Wahrer Gott’ (cover title) – Eigenverlag Detmold, 1928

Sampson, Walter H. ‘The Zodiac: a Life Epitome[,] being A Comparison of the Zodiacal Elements with Life-Principles: Cosmic, Anthropologic and Psychologic’ The Blackfriars Press, Ltd., 32 Furnival St., London, E.C.4 and Smith-Dorrien Road, Leicester, foreword dated 1928

Von Klöckler, H. Frhr. ‘Berufsbegabung und Berufsschicksal: Astropsychologie der Berufsbegabung – Mit 27 Abbildungen im Text und 130 erläuterten Beispielen’ Astra-Verlag, H. Timm, Leipzig, 1928

Emley, Alan M., LL.B. ‘Solar Psychology’ William H. Andre, Publisher, Denver, Colorado, 1929

Carter, Charles E. O.; tr. Brüll-Neuda, Lory ’Astro-Psychologisches Lexikon’ Otto Wilhelm Barth-Verlag, G. M. B. H., München-Planegg, 1930

Ferrière, Ad. et Krafft, K. E. ‘Caractérologie Typocosmique: Cadre Synthétique pour l’étude des types psychologiques, la compréhension de l’individualité et l’éducation des enfants et des adultes’ publié par la Commission permanente de psychologie individuelle et de typologie[3], Au Bureau de la Ligue Internationale pour l’Éducation Nouvelle, Avenue Peschier, 10, Genève, 1932

Krafft, Karl Ernst ‘Typokosmie Über Urbilder und Sinnzeichen und ihre Einordnung zum Lebenskreis – Kosmologische Symbole im Wandel der Zeiten – Vom Walten des Sprachgeistes’ Verlag des Zenit (Dr. H. Korsch), Düsseldorf, 1934

Bretéché, Dr., Ancient Interne des Hôpitaux; Ancien chef de Clinique chirurgicale ‘Astrologie Psychologique et médicale Fascicule 1: Étude Statique’ Martin & Ternet, Imprimeurs, 14, Quai Jean-Jaurès, Vienne, 1935

Tucker, William J. (Editor of Science and Astrology) ‘The ‘How’ of the Human Mind: a Text-Book of Analytic and Applied Psychology’ Science and Astrology, Ltd., 80 / 86 Regent St., W.1 / L. N. Fowler & Co., Ludgate Circus, E.C.4, London, 1935

[NB: The above work is a purely psychological text-book but written by a widely-published modern astrologer with the intention of bringing psychological principles within the orbit of astrologers]

Candiani, Henri; tr. Anonymous ‘Astrological Aphorisms and Divination – Materialistic Conception of Astrology[;] Astro-Psychological Determinism[;] The Fated Engrams[;] The Unconscious and Astrology[;] The Complex of Cassandra[;] Astro-Human Radiation. Universal Telepathy[;] Attraction of Individuals Having Complementary Fates[;] Presentiments[;] Mechanism of the So-Called Supernormal Faculties: Cryptaesthesia, Metagnosis, etc.’ L. N. Fowler & Co., 7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.C.4, London, prelude dated 1935 but translation believed published 1936

Rudhyar, Dane ‘The Astrology of Personality: A Re-formation of Astrological Concepts and Ideals, in Terms of Contemporary Psychology and Philosophy’ Lucis Publishing Company, New York, 1936

Zain, C. C. ‘[V:][4] Esoteric Psychology’ Church of Light, Los Angeles, California, unclearly dated.

NB: Another work of general psychology with only some specifically astrological contents, but written by one of the foremost influential teachers of astrology in the USA at the time, thus speaking to an astrological student body and teaching them an esoteric psychological doctrine. Internally comprises the following Serial Nos., each of which bears its own separate title page:

  • Doctrine of Esoteric Psychology – undated (copyrighted 1936). [4] + [pp. 5-31]
  • Reason and Intuition – undated (copyrighted 1936). [4] + [pp. 37-64]
  • Language and the Value of Dreams – undated (copyrighted 1936). [4] + [pp. 69-96]
  • Desire and How to Use It – undated (copyrighted 1937). [4] + [pp. 101-127]
  • Why Repression Is Not Morality – undated (copyrighted 1937). [4] + [pp. 133-159]
  • How to Rule the Stars – undated (copyrighted 1936). [4] + [pp. 165-191]
  • How to Apply Suggestion – undated (copyrighted 1937). [4] + [pp. 197-223]
  • The Correct Use of Affirmations – undated (copyrighted 1937). [4] + [pp. 229-255]
  • How to Think Constructively – undated (copyrighted 1937). [4] + [pp. 261-287]
  • How to Cultivate Subliminal Thinking – undated (copyrighted 1937). [4] + [pp. 293-320]
  • How to Develop Creative Imagination – undated (copyrighted 1937). [4] + [pp. 325-351]
  • How to Demonstrate Success – undated (copyrighted 1937). [4] + [pp. 357-384]

Carter, Charles E. O. ‘An Encyclopaedia of Psychological Astrology, Together with Observations on the Astrological Characteristics of about Fifty Diseases, and an Introductory Essay on the Zodiacal Signs’ Third Edition (Revised and Enlarged)[5] – The Theosophical Publishing House, London, 68 Gt. Russell Street, London W. C. 1, 1937

Ahl, Peter, Ing. ’Astro-Psychologische Erkenntniswelt als Experimentale Forschung: Ein aktuelles Naturphilosophisches Problem zur Beweisfrage der Kosmobiologie’ 1. Auflage, 1 bis 3000 – Peter Ahl, Zeilhard (Hessen), 1938

Kühr, Erich Carl ‘Psychologische Horoskopdeutung – Analyse und Synthese – Band 1’ Regulus-Verlag, Görlitz, Bohneberg & Co., KG, 1938

Meier-Parm, Heinrich Christian ‘[Kosmische Formen und Lebensgesetze[6] 3. Teil:] Spannungsherrscher und Schicksalstypus: Eine neue Beurteilung der gesicherten psychologischen Elemente der Astrologie’ Uranus-Verlag, Memmingen (Bayern), 1939

Strauss, A. S. ‘Psychologie der Götter: Formende Kräfte des Lebens in ihrer Psychologischen Bedeutung’ L. C. Wittich Verlag, Darmstadt, 1939

Gilher, Miss, Personal Counselor ‘Golden Gems of Psychological Astrology[7]’ No Publisher Stated, Beverly Hills, California, 1940

Ferrière, Ad. ’Symboles Graphiques de la Typocosmie’ Éditions de la Forge, La Sallaz sur Lausanne, 1940

Hall, Manly Palmer ‘[Psychology under stress…] Your Life in a Wartime Year: a Guiding Analysis of the Reactions of Individuals Born Under Each of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac’ Stated First Edition – Philosophical Research Society,3341 Griffith Park Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal., 1942

Tanner, André, intr. De Surany, G.-B. ‘Le Sepher de Moïse et la Typocosmie, précédé d’une introduction sur Fabre D’Olivet’ Éditions des Cahiers Astrologiques, 15, Rue Rouget-de-l’Isle, Nice, 1942

Ferrière, Ad., Dr., Docteur en Sociologie ‘Vers une Classification Naturelle des Types Psychologiques’ Éditions des “Cahiers Astrologiques”, 15, Rue Rouget-de-l’Isle, Nice, 1943

Jones, Marc Edmund ‘Problem Solving by Horary Astrology: a complete analysis and demonstration comprising a clarification and modernization of an interestingly effective seventeenth-century psychology’ David McKay, Washington Square, Philadelphia,  1943

Alvarez, Madeline[8] ‘Gold and the Stars[9]: A psychological study of the twelve types of humanity as explained by astrology, with a guide to their business abilities and financial talents’ Libra Publications Limited, 70-88 Avenue Chambers, Southampton Row, London, W.C. 1, [1946]

Sementowsky-Kurilo, Nicolaus ‘Mensch und Gestirn: Wege, Erfahrung und Richtlinien der Kosmopsychologie – Mit 36 Illustrationen, 40 Horoskopschemen und 19 Gestirntabellen’ Artemis-Verlags AG., Zürich, 1946

Ferrière, Ad., Docteur en Sociologie ‘Tome I de “Typocosmie”: L’Influence des Astres:’ Éditions des Cahiers Astrologiques, 15, Rue Rouget-de-l’Isle, Nice, 1946

Hall, Manly P. ‘Psychoanalyzing the Twelve Zodiacal Types’ Fourth Edition – Philosophical Research Society, 3341 Griffith Park Boulevard, Los Angeles 27, Calif., 1946 [first published in 1937]

Ruperti, Alexander ‘Cours d’Astrologie Psychologique selon les oeuvres de Dane Rudhyar et de Marc Edmund Jones – Donné à Lausanne du 28 janvier au 15 avril 1946’ [Self-published], no place stated, 1946

Ruperti, Alexander ‘Cours d’Astrologie Psychologique Première Partie[10] – L’Astrologie en rapport avec la psychologie de C. G. Jung et la science et philosophie du XXe siècle – Traduction française d’extraits tirés des oeuvres de Dane Rudhyar et Marc Edmund Jones, et donnés dans un cours à Lausanne du 28 janvier au 15 avril 1946 par Alexander Ruperti’ (inner title) / ‘Cours sur l’Astrologie Psychologique de Rudhyar, Première Partie’ (front cover title) – publié sous les auspices de: “The Foundation for Human Integration”, California, U.S.A., [c. 1947]

Ruperti, Alexander ‘Les Douze Signes du Zodiaque: Une Interprétation originale de Dane Rudhyar, présentée par Alexander Ruperti – Traduction française d’extraits tirés de The Pulse of Life (McKay) et Gifts of the Spirit (American Astrology 1945-1946) et donnés dans un cours à Lausanne du 25 septembre au 11 décembre 1946’ (inner title) / ‘Cours sur l’Astrologie Psychologique de Rudhyar, Deuxième Partie’ (front cover title) – publié sous les auspices de: “The Foundation for Human Integration”, California, U.S.A., [c. 1947]

Hone, Margaret E. ’[Guild Lecture No. 48:] Astrology in Relation to Pastoral Psychology’ The Guild of Pastoral Psychology, 1947

Kühr, Erich Carl ‘Psychologische Horoskopdeutung – Analyse und Synthese – Mit 17 Abbildungen – Band 1′ 2 Auflage, Verlag Rudolf Cerny, Wien, 1948

Senard, M. ‘Le Zodiaque: Clef de l’Ontologie[,] Appliqué à la Psychologie’ Éditions de la Colonne Vendôme, Rue de l’Université, 57, Paris / F. Roth & Cie, Éditeurs, Pépinet, 5, Lausanne, 1948

Hablitz, J. J. ‘Die Charakter-Analyse auf psychologischer und kosmobiologischer Grundlage’ Carl Posen Verlag Zürich, 1949

Reich, Heinrich, Dr. med. ‘Das Geheimnis des Tierkreises: Eine Tiefenpsychologische Begründung der Astrologie’ Otto Wilhelm Barth-Verlag GmbH, München-Planegg, 1949

Ferrière, Ad. ‘Le Mystère Cosmique de la Préscience par la Science de la Conscience: Tome II de “Typocosmie”’ Éditions des Cahiers Astrologiques, 1949

Ebertin, Reinhold ‘Kosmo-Psychologie’[11] No publisher or place stated, [1949]

Ebertin, Reinhold ’Kosmopsychologie’ Ebertin-Verlag, (14a) Aalen / Württ., 1950

Carteret, Jean et Barbault, André “Analogies de la Dialectique Uranus-Neptune: Leurs Correspondances en Mythologie, Poésie, Psychologie, Sexualité, Morphologie, Sociologie, Science, – Art -, Philosophie” Section Psychologique du Centre International d’Astrologie, Paris, 1950

Dax, Robert[12] ‘Psychologie Zodiacale: Définition et Classification des Douzes Types fondamentaux de Tempéraments et des Cent quarante-quatre Types de Caractères généraux’ [Presumed self-published] (‘Aux dépens de l’auteur’), Imprimerie Vallon, Vichy, 1950

Kühr, Erich Carl ‘Psychologische Horoskopdeutung – Analyse une Synthese – Mit 37 Abbildungen – II. Band’ Verlag Rudolf Cerny, Wien, 1951

Gärtner, Fritz ‘Kosmische Psychologie: Das Kosmogramm als Charakter-Test’ Saeculum-Verlag / Prof. Hellmut Wolff, Memmingen-Benningen, [1951]

Löhlein, A. “Die Gezeiten des Schicksals: Die moderne kosmo-psychologische Prognostik – Auswertung des Individual-Horoskops auf empirisch-statistisch gewonnenen Grundlagen – Die zeitliche Vorhersage“ Schweizer Druck- und Verlagshaus AG., Klausstrasse 33-35, Zürich, [1951]

Furze Morrish ‘Outline of Astro-Psychology’ Rider and Company, Hutchinson House, Stratford Place, London, W.C.1 / New York / Sydney / Melbourne / Cape Town, 1952

Centre International d’Astrologie, Section Psychologique du[13] ‘Typologie Astrologique: Jupiter & Saturne’ Andre Barbault, 77 rue Mouffetard, Paris (5ème), [1953]

[NB: In the above case, as in the one listed below, the mention of ‘psychologique’ is a part of the publication details although not directly in the title itself. The fact that the Centre International d’Astrologie had been organised by 1950 with its own dedicated psychological section that was credited collectively with the editing and / or publication of these research papers is reason enough to include them here, because the psychological astrological focus is explicit and in no doubt. You will also note that the paper on Uranus and Neptune published by the same section in 1950, listed above, does specifically refer to psychological correspondences in its extended title; the same focus can implicitly be presumed of those dealing with other planets that were published three years later; and even the word ‘typologie’ in this one implies ‘psychological types’.]

“Centre International d’Astrologie”, Section Psychologique du[14] ‘Soleil & Lune en Astrologie’ André Barbault, 77, Rue Mouffetard, Paris – 5e[15], 1953

Strauss, H. A. ‘Psychologie und astrologische Symbolik: Eine Einführung – Mit 7 Tafeln’ 1.-3. Tausend – Rascher Verlag, Zürich, 1953

Carter, Charles E. O.[16] ’An Encyclopaedia of Psychological Astrology, Together with Observations on the Astrological Characteristics of about Fifty Diseases, and an Introductory Essay on the Zodiacal Signs’ Fourth Edition – The Theosophical Publishing House, 68 Gt. Russell Street, London, W.C.1, 1954

Santagostini, Claire, avec la collaboration de André Barbault, Vice-Président du Centre International d’Astrologie[;] Maurice Munzinger, Professeur du dessin de la Ville de Paris ‘Cours d’Astrologie Psychologique 1re Partie: Symbolismes planétaires et zodiacaux – Enseignement par la méthode synthétique ou globale et l’observation de dessins d’enfants’ No publisher stated, [1954]

Ferrière, Ad. ‘Tome III de “Typocosmie”: Le Mystère de la Personne:’ Éditions Rigois, Turin, 1955

Ferrière, Ad. ‘Tome IV de “Typocosmie: Le Cosmos et L’Homme:’ Éditions Rigois, Turin, 1955

Barbault, André et Santagostini, Claire, avec la collaboration de Munzinger, Maurice, professeur de dessin des écoles de la Ville de Paris ‘L’Astrologie en Liaison avec les Typologies[17]’ Édition de la Section Psychologique du Centre International d’Astrologie, Paris, 1957

Dressler, Johannes ‘Astrologie und Partnerwahl: Eine tiefenpsychologische Studie für Astrologen’ Lebensweiser Verlag, Büdingen-Gettenbach, 1958

Von Xylander, Dr. Ernst ‘Psychologie und Kosmobiologie [Vollständige Wiedergabe des Vortrages “Kosmobiologische Grundgedenken um  der Psychologie” auf der 9. “Arbeitstagung für kosmobiologische Foschung” Aalen 1957 – III[18]]’ Herausgegeben in Verbindung mit der Kosmobiologischen Akademie Aalen Arbeitsgemeinschaft E.V. – Ebertin-Verlag, Reinhold Ebertin, (14a) Aalen / Württ., 1958

Maximilian, Erasmus ‘Kosmischer Frauen-Spiegel: Astrologische Frauen-Typen-Psychologie’ Baumgartner-Verlag, (20a) Warpke-Billerbeck / Hann., undated [estimated between 1948 and 1959]

Moore, Marcia; intr. Jayne, Charles A., Jr. ‘Astrology Today: a Socio-Psychological Survey [Research Bulletin[19] No. 2]’ Lucis Publishing Company, 11 West 42 Street, New York, N.Y., September 1960

[NB: The above book is academic in tone and may be looking more at the psychology behind the practice of and belief in astrology, but it was written by an astrologer and introduced by another one, for an astrological readership; and again the specifically spelt-out consciousness of psychology among astrologers at this time is relevant to the modern movement to integrate astrology with psychology]

Sementowski-Kurilo, Nicolaus ’[Angewandte Psychologie[20]:] Astrologie und Psychologie: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der horoskopischen Deutung’ Werner Classen Verlag, Zürich, 1960



Astrological Books referencing character in their titles, 1842-1960

If we expand our search strictly from words derivative of psychology or typocosmie to include the term character and its equivalent forms in in other major European languages, such as charakter and caractère, a considerably fuller appearance of the prevalence of astrologers’ interest in psychological delineation from astrology emerges, with roots clearly already established in the 19th century.

Expressed interest in the astrological delineation of human psychology is arguably merely a more formalised and modernised extension of expressed interest in the astrological delineation of human character, so the existence of all these works specifically referencing character in their titles is highly relevant background to the emergence of ones referring instead to psychology.

I have disallowed words derived from characteristic(s) as that is too general a concept, as well as some contextually clearly irrelevant mentions of character.


Zadkiel ‘Zadkiel’s Legacy; Containing a Full and Particular Judgment on the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, on the 26th of January, 1842, Being their Most Important Conjunction Since the Days of King Alfred the Great: Foreshewing the History of the World for 200 Years to come!!! Also, Essays on Hindu Astrology, and the Nativity of H. R. H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales &c, His Character and Future Destiny, &c. &c.’ Sherwood and Co., Paternoster Row, London, 1842

Zadkiel Tao Sze ‘The Hand-book of Astrology, Containing the Doctrine of Nativities, in a form Free of All Mystery; by which Every Man May Calculate His Own Nativity and learn his own Natural Character and Proper Destiny – Vol. II’ G. Berger, Holywell Street, Strand, London, preface dated 1863

Raphael, the Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century ‘The Guide to Astrology; Containing the Complete Rudimental Part of Genethliacal Astrology, By Which Every Person May Calculate Their Own Nativity, And Learn Their Own Natural Character and Proper Destiny, With Rules and Information Never Before Published – Vol. I’ Catty and Co., 12 Ave Maria Lane, Paternoster Row, London, 1877

Butler, Hiram E. ‘Solar Biology: a Scientific Method of Delineating Character, Diagnosing Disease; Determining Mental, Physical and Business Qualifications, Conjugal Adaptability, etc., etc., from Date of Birth’ Stated Second Edition[21] – Esoteric Publishing Company, 478 Shawmut Avenue, Boston, [Mass.], 1887

Kirk, Eleanor ‘The Influence of the Zodiac upon Human Life – with Character Readings of Persons Born Upon the Cusp’[22] Eleanor Kirk, 59 West 89th Street, New York, unclearly dated [c. early 1900s – an expansion of the original edition of 1894 which did not mention Character Readings in its title but nonetheless gave extensive psychological portraits of the 12 signs of the zodiac]

Phelps, Dr. J. R. ‘Our Astrological Birthday Book: Character Readings’ Goldthwaite Publishing House, Chicago, Ill., 1903

MacGregor, M. M. ‘Astrology: the Influence of the Stars on Character, and on Success in Friendship, Business, and Matrimony’ The Penn Publishing Company, [923 Arch Street,] Philadelphia, 1905

Leo, Alan; Däath, Heinrch ‘(“Astrology for All” Series, Vol. IV.) The Progressed Horoscope by Alan Leo – A Sequel to How to Judge a Nativity Wherein the Progression of the Horoscope Is Exhaustively Considered, Both in Principle and in Practice[;] including also A Full Delineation of Each and Every Possible Progressed Aspect, With Its Influence on Character and Destiny, the Effect of Transits, etc.[;] To which is added “The Art and Practice of Directing,” a Complete Treatise on Primary Directions, by Heinrich Däath’ Published by L. N. Fowler & Co., 7, Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Hill, E.C. / Modern Astrology Office, West Hampstead, London, N.W.[23], 1906 [and 2nd edition of 1913, and 3rd edition of 1923, also worded alike]

Pagan, Isabelle M. ‘Astrological Key to Character: the Twelve Zodiacal Types Interpreted’ Theosophical Publishing Society, 161 New Bond Street, London, 1907

Phelps, Dr. J. R., ‘Birthday Horoscopes: Character Readings by Dr. J. R. Phelps’ Barse & Hopkins Publishers, New York, copyrighted 1908

Anonymous (26) ‘Were You Born in April? The Character – The Talents – The Strong Points – The Weak Points – Of Those Born in April’ Great Aim Society, 223 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, PA, 1909 [+ 11 matching pamphlets for the other 11 months]

Towne, Elizabeth; Tring, Catherine Struble ‘How to Read Character[24]’ – The Elizabeth Towne Co., Holyoke, Mass., November 1, 1909

Wilson, F. W. ‘Were You Born Between December 21st and January 20th? An Amusing and Scientifically True Astro-Intuitive Chart of “Your Blessings as God has Blessed You” ’ (cover title) / ‘Influence of Zodiac on Persons Born Between Dec. 21st and Jan. 20th: Character Delineations’ (internal title) – The Astrological Society, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1910 [and 11 matching pamphlets for the other 11 signs]

Cheiro ‘When Were You Born? A Book That Will Bring Success. Your Character Told[;] Your Tendencies Explained[;] Your Future Indicated[.] With engravings illustrating Life’s Mysterious Triangles’ Rand, McNally & Company, Chicago / New York, copyrighted 1912.

Wiedenmann, Bapt. ’Die wichtigsten Geheimnisse der Astrologie. Zugleich eine Anleitung, um Charakter, Temperament, Weigungen, Fähigkeiten, Schicksal u. Von sich und anderen kennen zu lernen und daraus wahrzusagen. – Mit Tabellen und Abbildungen. – Ein Buch zur Erlangung der Selbst-, Menschen-, Natur- und Gottestkenntnis’ Verlag von Max Spohr (Ferd. Spohr.), Leipzig, [1913]

Sepharial ‘Phrenoscopy: Being a Synthetic System of Astro-Phrenology – the Key to Human Character’ W. Foulsham & Co., 5, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, E.C., London, 1914

Bernart, Leo ‘Ogilvie’s Astrological Birthday Book: Is Your Birthday To-Day? A Character Reading for Every Day in the Year Compiled from Observations of the Effect upon Character-Making, of the Aspect of the Heavenly Bodies at the Moment of Birth’ J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Company, 57 Rose Street, New York, 1915

Waite, Herbert T. ‘Compendium of Natal Astrology and Universal Ephemeris – A simple and practical Handbook containing everything necessary to enable ALL to put to the test the astounding truths of the most ancient science known to mankind, by casting their own horoscopes and reading their characters and prospects’ Second Impression – Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Company, Limited, London / E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, undated [after 1st of 1917]

Ebertin, Elsbeth ‘Historische und zeitgenössische Charakterbilder nach Handschrift, Nativität und Lebenswerken bedeutender Denker und Dichter’ 1. – 3. Tausend – Verlag: Fr. Paul Lorenz, Freiburg (Baden), 1921

Voss, Wilhelm ‘Was Sagt Dir Deine Geburts-Zahl: 27. Januar 1920 oder 91348? Zahlenmystik – Fähigkeiten und Charakter-Eigenschaften aus den Zahlen zu erkennen[25]‘ “Martis-Verlag” (Franz Betz), München C2[26], 1923

Paulus, B. ’Astrologie: die angewandte Sternkunde oder den Charakter und das Schicksal eines Menschen aus den Sternen gelesen – Mit 5 Abbildungen’ Astrologischer Verlag Paulus, München, Ismaningerstr. 30, 1925

Von Klöckler, Herbert Frhr. ‘Horoskop, Handschrift und Charakter’ Astra-Verlag, Dresden, 1925

Mental Specialist, A (K., L.[27]) ‘Astrology in Relation to Mind & Character’ W. Foulsham & Co., Ltd., 10 & 11 Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, E.C. 4, London, [1925]

Kellner, Dr. Otto ‘Charakterkunde und Astrologie (Die astrologische Typenlehre) – Mit vielen Abbildungen und Handschriftproben’ Astra-Verlag, Leipzig-Dresden, 1927

Patterson, Polly ‘Starlit Paths to Happiness: Character Notes that Compose Mortalkind’s Medley’[28] Feminine Lore Publishing Company, 41 Union Square, New York, N. Y., 1927

Heimsoth, Dr. Med. K.-G. ‘Charakter Konstellation – mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gleichgeschlechtlichkeit’ Otto Wilhelm Barth-Verlag G. M. B. H., München-Planegg, 1928

Stein, Hans ‘Charakter-Typen: Eine Einführung in die astrologisch-physiognomische Betrachtungsweise, mit 23 Bildtafeln, 3 Ubersichts-Tabellen und einer Textabbildung – Carl Marhold Verlagsbychhandlung, Halle (Salle), 1930

Stock, Dr. X ’Die 12 astrologischen Typen’ (cover titles on individual pamphlets) / ‘Die 12 Typen: Eine astrologische Charakterlehre – 12 Brief und 1 Mondschlüssel in Kassette’ (title to slipcase front board) – Bernhard Funck Verlag, München, [1930][29]. Complete set of twelve pamphlets and separate lunar ephemeris pamphlet in original printed slipcase, as issued.

George, Llewellyn ‘You and I and the Stars – The Zodiac: Its Influences; Your Possibilities – Lessons on what is indicated for you and for others by the 12 Celestial Signs – A Personal and Vocational Guide [-] The Vibratory Dynamics Of Life’s reactions to Solar Radiations as affecting character, health, psychic urges, mental tendencies, abilities, latent talent, personal magnetism, vocation, location, friends, unions, finances, etc. – Also an outline of the latest findings by various scientists confirming the Moon’s influence upon all life according to Astrology’ Llewellyn George, Los Angeles, California, 1930

Seward, Prof. A. F., World’s Foremost Astrologer ‘Character Reading At a Glance’ A. F. Seward & Co. Publishers, Chicago, Ill., 1930

Johnson, Louise ‘Character Creates Destiny. – Mail Order Course of Lessons in Astrology’ First Astrological School of the Air, Radio K.N.X., Hollywood, Calif., undated [c. early 1930s]

Brahy, Gustave-Lambert, Administrateur-Fondateur de l’Institut Central Belge de Recherches Astro-dynamiques ‘Contribution à l’Étude de l’Astrodynamique: Cours Synthétique d’Astrologie Scientifique: Exposé d’une Méthode Naturelle d’Étude et d’Interprétation – Des relations qui existent entre un ciel de naissance, le caractère d’un individu et le déroulement de sa destinée’[30] Éditions de L’Institut Central Belge de Recherche Astro-dynamiques, 107, Avenue Albert, Bruxelles, 1932

Bott-Bodenhausen, Dr. M.; Herrmann, Dr. S.B., eds.[31]; Meyer, Dr. A., intr. ’Sterne Schriften Hände: Charakter- und Schicksalsdeutung bekannter Frauen und Männer – Mit 67 Abbildungen’ 3. Auflage – Prismen-Verlag, Berlin W 35, undated [after first of 1933]

Anonymous (78) ‘Sterne und Liebesleben: Eine Charakterkunde der Geschlecter’[32] 2. Auflage, 11. – 25. Tausend – Neues Deutschland Verlagsgesellschaft m. b. H., Dresden – W. H., 1934

Ebertin, Elsbeth “Des Menschen Gesicht: Ueber hundert Bildnisse aus meiner Arbeitsstätte für Studienzwecte, Charakterbeurteilung und Rassenforschung[33]” [Self-published], Bahnhofstrasse 7, Weinsberg bei Heilbronn a. Neckar, 1936

Frickler, Franz ‘Ausklänge – Symbole: Astrologisches Neuland – Tierkreis- und Charaktertypen’ 2. Auflage – Ebertin-Verlag, Reinhold Ebertin, Erfurt, dated 1937

Ghosh, Kamal, M.A. and Ghosh, Kisor, M.Sc. ‘The Cosmos and Human Destiny: Being a Rational Exposition of the Problem of Human Experience and Showing its Correspondence with Stellar Ideas[;] Also Containing Judgement of Many Notable Nativities As Verifications of the Principles Enunciated and wherewith one may, without the aid of Mathematics or Technical Knowledge, Divine from the Cosmos, the Character, History and Future, Both of One’s Self and his Fellow-Beings, With Much Pleasure, By Mere Synthesis of the Stellar Ideas’ Rider & Co., Paternoster House, E.C., London, preface dated 1938

Huter, H. ‘Sterne und Liebesleben: Eine kosmophysiognomische Charakterkunde’ 3. Auflage / 26. – 35. Tausend – C. H. Huter, Verlag, Dresden A 24, 1939

Naylor, R. H. ‘The R. H. Naylor Omnibus[34]: A Comprehensive Work, Based on Modern Astrological Science, By the Leading Astrologer of To-Day. A Complete Guide to Your Character – Your Fortunes in Business, Love and Marriage – Character Delineation for your Friends and Relatives – Signs and Omens – Dream Interpretations, etc. etc.’ C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta Street, W.C.2, London / by arrangement with thePublishers Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., undated [presumed late 1930s or early 1940s]

Barrett, Gloria ‘Astrological Physiognomy: A Key to the Ascending Sign and Decanate: The Physiognomic Types of the Various Parts of the Human Body As Related to Character Types and to the Zodiacal Signs, Decanates, and Planets of Astrology…. With Twenty-Four Full Page Plates Giving Full-Face and Profiles of the Various Planetary and Sign Types and Tables Describing the Correspondence’ The Aries Press, Chicago, Ill., 1941

Jones, Marc Edmund; ill. Houston J. Denton ‘Astrology: How and Why It Works: a Complete Introductory Textbook in an Ancient Science of Character Delineation, Showing how the Mind may Organize its Experience and Capitalize upon the Potentials of Self and Society’ David McKay, Washington Square, Philadelphia, 1945

Kühr, Erich Carl ‘Dein Sternbild – Dein Charakter! Eine astrologische Charakterkunde für jedermann – Erstmalig! Typenbescrheibung nach Geburtsmonat und Geburtsstunde! Nicht nur 12, sondern 144 Charaktertypen! Wesensschilderungen von erstaunlicher Treffisicherheit!’ Ried-Verlag, Salzburg, 1946

De Socoa, Michel; ill. Koscher, Marius ‘Bases de l’Astrologie Individuelle: Typologie et Caractères’ Chacornac Frères, 11, Quai Saint-Michel, Paris, 1947

Hirsig, W.-H. ‘Astrologie Moderne: Traité Pratique d’Astrologie Scientifique: Méthode permettant à chacun d’établir son thème de naissance pour l’étude du Caractère et du Destin’ Éditions Santoza, Montreux-Clarens, 1950

Ebertin, Reinhold ‘Charakter und Schicksal im Kosmogramm 1’ 2. Auflage – Ebertin-Verlag, Aalen-Württemberg, 1950

Ebertin, Reinhold ‘Charakter und Schicksal im Kosmogramm 2’ Ebertin-Verlag, Aalen-Württ., [1950]

Ebertin, Reinhold ‘Charakter und Schicksal im Kosmogramm 3’ Ebertin-Verlag, Aalen-Württ., [1951]

Erber, Othmar Th. ‘Entschleierte Astrologie und das Rätsel: der kosmischen Charaktertypen’ Im Selbstverlag des Verfassers, Graz, 1951

Knappich,  Wilhelm ‘Der Mensch im Horoskop: Versuch Einer Charakter- und Lebenslaufdeutung auf Grund der symbolischen Astrologie – Mit 4 Tabellen und 30 Beispielhoroskopen’ Verlag Moritz Stadler, Villach, 1951

Anonymous (42) ‘[Welches Schicksal haben Ihnen die Sterne bezüglich Charakter, Erfolgsaussichten, Beruf, Liebesleben und Gesundheit bestimmt?[35]] Der Einfluß der 12 Tierkreiszeichen auf das Wesen des Menschen’ Verlag Hans Baumgartner, (20a) Warpke (Post Billerbeck / Hann.), [c. early 1950s]

Kühr, Erich Carl ‘Dein Sternbild – Dein Charakter! Eine astrologische Charakterkunde für jedermann – 144 Charaktertypen nach Geburtsmonat und Geburtsstunde’ Verlag Rudolf Cerny, Wien / Freilassing, 1952

Kühr, Erich Carl ‘Dein Sternbild – Dein Charakter und Schicksal! 144 Typenbeschreibungen nach Geburtsmonat und Geburtsstunde’ Verlag Rudolf Cerny, Wien / Freilassing, 1952

Frickler, Franz ‘Ausklänge – Symbole: Astrologisches Neuland – Tierkreis- und Charaktertypen’ 3. Auflage[36] – Baumgartner-Verlag, 20a Warke-Billerbeck (Hann.), 1953

Reich, Heinrich, Dr. ‘Die Kosmische Prägung des Charakters: Leitfaden einer neuen Kosmographie für alle ernsthaften Forscher und Praktiker zugleich eine Antwort an den Kosmosophen Aramus und an Dr. Ludwig Reiners “Steht es in den Sternen?” – 12 Abbildungen – Ein Original-Kosmometer als Beilage’ TUANIMA Verlag München, 1953.

Glahn, Frank ‘Das Mutterschafts-Mysterium Enthüllt[:] Das Naturgesetz von den kritischen Tagen der Frau. Empfängnismöglichkeit an monatlich 10 Tagen. Natürliche Verhütung der Empfängnis ohne Vorbeugemittel. Vorherbestimmung des Charakters der Veranlagung und des Schicksals der Kinder. Geschlechtsbestimmung’ 4. vermehrte Auflage, 24.-30. Tausend – Virgo-Verlag, Leipzig, Kreuzstrasse 20, [1926] (after 1st edition of 1922 and 2nd of 1923)

Spohrer, Th. Emanuel ‘Was Dein Planet Sagt: Dein und anderer Wasen, Charakter, Zukunftsbeurteilung nach älteren und neuen Quellen astrologischer Werke bearbeitet und in seinen Hauptzügen verständlich dargestellt – I. Teil: Geschichtliche und zeitgeschichtliche Abhandlungen im Lichte des harmonischen Weltgesetzes und unsere Wege – II. Teil: Planeten und Horoskop Besprechung mit Abbildungen’ Selbstverlag Spöhrer, München, undated (print style suggests probably before 1945 although exact date unclear as not listed in Worldcat)

Strampfer, Anton ‘Charakteroskopie: Neue Wege der Persönlichkeitswertung’ No publisher, place or date given (estimated mid-1950s from early owner’s signature dated 1957)



[1] A concise exploration of keywords and key-phrases for the twelve Sun signs, chiefly psychologically oriented, but also with sections on their medical associations, and with briefer separate descriptions of each decan of each sign

[2] To the title page, but not the front cover, is added a box reading: ‘Du caractère et de la destinée. – Établissement et vérification de l’influence astrale. – Objections diverses: similtudes astrales et dissemblances de caractères. La loi des composants et du composé dans les événements humains. Les accidents collectifs. Nécessité et difficulté d’application des probabilités en psychologie astrale. Diversité d’attributions à donner à un même facteur astral. – De l’interprétation. – Exemples divers. – Dictionnaire de psychologie astrale destiné à l’interprétation des ciels de naissance.’

[3] The title page goes on to note that the President of this organisation is Ad. Ferrière, Docteur en Sociologie, Genève, while its Secrétaire is K. E. Krafft, caractérologue, Zurich

[4] This particular volume appears to be an early issue as marked by the rounded corners to the boards and all paper within, and the lack of Roman numeral identifier to the spine, a later introduction alongside the loss of the rounded corners on later issues. But it is still not clear exactly when it was bound up

[5] The author notes in his foreword that for this third edition he has carefully revised the whole text “with a good number of minor additions and corrections”, added “over forty fresh sections dealing with diseases”, and “inserted several additional horoscopic diagrams”. Although the present edition is only eleven pages longer than the second, the text has also been reset, with fractionally more words per line on each page

[6] A multi-part work completed in manuscript in February 1936, according to the author’s foreword dated July 1938

[7] A basic, Sun-sign-level publication

[8] The author’s real name was Madeline Sylvia Royals (1910-1982). She also later wrote as Madeline Montalban, under which name she was a columnist for Prediction magazine starting in the 1950s; and she was the co-founder of an esoteric order called the Order of the Morning Star

[9] Presents brief Sun sign interpretations followed by separate interpretations of work aptitudes for every date of the year

[10] For the Deuxième Partie, see under revised title “Les Douze Signes du Zodiaque” below

[11] This undated edition seems sure to predate the 1950 edition widely recorded in German libraries, which runs to 112 pages. The cover is professionally printed in a standard Ebertin style, but the contents have not been typeset for print and there is no title page or copyright page, in addition to which it should be noted that the final pages of content of the 1950 edition, after the conclusion of the treatment of the planets and angles in the zodiacal signs, are not present in this edition. Reinhardt Stiehle has shared evidence of a 93-page edition in his possession with a different (artistic) cover design but matching binding format, which he says includes a dedication to Walter Koch dated 1948. It may be that they are both pre-press working editions that were shared with a small number of Ebertin’s circle before the official edition was launched in 1950. In his autobiographical ‘Das Schicksal in Meiner Hand’, Ebertin states 1949 as the first publication date of Kosmopsychologie, although the standard cloth edition is dated in print to 1950. This may hint at the limited circulation of the present early pre-press edition in 1949, although to judge from Stiehle’s evidence, the text must have been ready in 1948

[12] Pseud. for Maurice Enkin, according to Jacques Halbronn (‘La Vie Astrologique il y a cent ans’, p. 111)

[13] Some of the individual chapters of this work are signed by their respective authors: Guy Fradin; Maurice Muntzinger; [“d’après”] Jean Carteret; Docteur Henri Hunwald; Docteur Pierre Mabille, Professeur à l’École d’Anthropologie; Armand Barbault; Gustave-Lambert Brahy; Claire Santaogistini; Henri Fortin; and Pierre Roulland. The remainder is unsigned; but the title page additionally credits as contributors André Barbault; Guy de Beaumont; Paul Colombet; Marie-Louise Guesny; Louis Millat; W. Perret-Gentil; and Edouard Symours

[14] A list of contributing authors features at the foot of the title page and front cover: ‘André Barbault – Armand Barbault [-] Gustave-Lambert Brahy – Henri Fortin [-] Guy Fradin – A.-M. Grimm – Dr Henri Hunwald [-] Roger Knabe – Wilhelm Knappich – Henri Labbé [-] Jean-Pierre Nicola – Maurice Munzinger [-] Georges Moinard-la-Villedieu – D. Rudhyar [-] Alexander Ruperti – Edouard Symours [-] Léo Simha – Zoë Wassilko-Serecki’

[15] A previous owner has attempted to update this in red ink to ‘112, rue de la Tombe-Issoire’

[16] Here credited as President Emeritus of the Astrological Lodge of London’; First Principal of the Faculty of Astrological Studies

[17] With separate title page following p. 76: Barbault, André et Santagostini, Claire “L’Astrologie en liaison avec les Typologies 2º Partie: Typologie de Jung – Caractérologie de Le Senne – La Psychanalyse” (same publication details)

[18] The third in a series of publications originating from the named series of seemingly annually held workshops, though not all were taken from that of 1957

[19] A series of publications credited to Astrological Research Associates, 444 Sixth Avenue, New York 11, New York, a group part-founded by Jayne, who remained the President at the time of publication. It had later been joined by Moore, according to Jayne’s foreword

[20] A series of books on applied psychology published by the same publisher

[21] This is stated on the spine; yet internally there is no evidence of it being so, suggesting that it may be an unaltered second printing or binding from the original sheets

[22] An undeclared expanded second edition. The titling is in red

[23] A shortlist of American and Indian dealers follows

[24] This title appears on the front cover only. No overall internal title page is present, but there is an internal page serving as a title page by providing publication details, albeit without the proper title, only indicating the first of the Sun signs to be covered, namely Capricorn, in its place. The book is a Sun sign guide but makes a feature of including quotations from representative famous individuals

[25] A work of numerology-based birth date interpretation

[26] Over the top of the original printed publisher’s details has been pasted an old label of a bookseller: “P. Weinkopff, Brandenburg, Havel, Bäckerstr. 33”

[27] A printed note to the reverse of the title page reads ‘Several of the features appearing in this book have been published from time to time in “Modern Astrology,” and I take this opportunity for thanking Mrs. Leo for the kind permission to reprint them. L. K.’

[28] A reproduction in a single volume of a series of twelve articles by the author, one on each sign of the zodiac, that were originally published in Feminine Lore: The Magazine for the Youthful Woman

[29] German library records indicate 1930

[30] This is the full title as it appears on the original front covers of the two copies that have them; there is no full inner title page and so the copy rebound without the front cover lacks the full title and the publication details

[31] ‘Unter Mitwirkung von E. Issberner-Haldane, Dr. M. von Kreusch, A. Mendelssohn, Dr. G. Rüger, Madame Sylvia’

[32] An early Sun sign synastry guide, briefly exploring all possible combinations along male-female lines.

[33] A book of photographs and illustrations of numerous famous individuals together with their known birth data and potted biographical sketches.

[34] A compendium consisting of a reprint of ‘Home Astrology’ (q. v., above) followed by a book of natal delineations by birthday, ‘What Your Birthday Stars Foretell’

[35] This part of the title appears only on the front cover, and not on the internal title page

[36] This designation alludes to the two earlier editions that were published by Ebertin-Verlag in 1932 and 1937

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