Popular Astrology and Astrological Bulletin[1]
- Clancy, Paul G.
Publication credits:
- 1445 Hotel Tuller Building, Cherry, Detroit, Michigan (sole issue held)
- Volume 2 No. 1, June 1932
[1] The precursor to American Astrology Magazine, q. v. above, into which the ‘Popular Astrology’ theme was absorbed as a regular component part of each issue. “Popular Astrology” commenced publishing under that name in February 1932 and ceased publication following the issue of September 1932, according to a note in “American Astrology”, January 1934, which indicates that there was a five-month lapse from October 1932 to February 1933 during which no publication edited by Clancy appeared. Thus, “Popular Astrology” ran for just eight months. It was itself the direct successor to another magazine thus far lacking from this collection that was published from May 20th 1931
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