Bibliography of Astrology Page 200:
Vrabl – Waldstein

Vrabl, Ine; ed. Richter, Alexandra ‘Ine Vrabl’s Kosmobiologie Ist Anders: Verhaltensforschung in Theorie und Praxis[1]‘ Eigenverlag / Alleinvertrieb durch die Kosmobiologische Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2201 Kappellerfeld, Nö, undated[2]. Photocopied table entitled “Tagesmond 1980”, credited to Alexandra Richter, laid in. Textured card covers. (Heavy separation between lower and middle parts of pp. 64-5.) [6] + 112

Vrabl, Ine; ed. Wanieczek, Dipl. Ing. Ernst, and Richter, Alexandra ‘Ine Vrabls Kosmobiologie: Verhaltensforschung und Lehre in Theorie und Praxis – 2. Teil: Auswertung: Grundlagen[;] Monats- und Tageswerte Durch Mond, Sonne, Merkur, Venus, Mars’  [Self-Published], no place or date stated[3]; bound with ‘Ine Vrabls Kosmobiologie: Verhaltensforschung und Lehre in Theorie und Praxis – 3. Teil: Auswertung: Lebensstadien durch Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptun, Pluto[4]‘  [Self-Published], no place or date stated[5]. Table credited to Alexandra Richter entitled “Tagesmond 1980” laid in. A4 card covers in clear plastic dj. Printed on single-sided leaves throughout. 2. Teil: Most text contents in facsimile typescript. (Former owner’s colourings to several planetary glyphs on leaf 1.) [4 leaves] + [leaves 1-47]. 3. Teil: Some text contents in facsimile typescript. [Paper front cover] + [1 leaf] + [leaves 1-46]

Vrabl, Ine; ed. Vrabl, Alexandra ‘Ine Vrabls Kosmobiologie: Verhaltensforschung und Lehre in Theorie und Praxis – 4. Teil: Partnerschaftsvergleich’ [Self-Published], no place or date stated[6]. Large-format binder with vinyl rear cover, clear plastic front cover (4-inch tear up outer margin from bottom edge; 1 cm tear to top edge) and textured vinyl spine and inner margins. Looseleaf sheets bound by metal clasp anchored to rear cover through holes punched through inner margins. Main contents printed on single-sided A4 leaves. Text in facsimile typescript. [Title page on card, backed with publication credits] + [leaves 1-29]

Vrabl, Ine; ed. Vrabl, Alexandra and Dvorak, Christine ‘Ine Vrabls Kosmobiologie: Verhaltensforschung und Lehre in Theorie und Praxis – 5. Teil: Auswertung der Aspekte’ [Self-Published], no place stated, foreword dated October 1974. A4 card covers in clear plastic dj. Contents printed on single-sided leaves throughout. (First inner leaf loosening from binding but still held in at top third.) [1 leaf] + [leaves 1-50]

Vrabl, Ine; ed. Vrabl, Alexandra and Dvorak, Christine ‘Ine Vrabls Kosmobiologie: Verhaltensforschung und Lehre in Theorie und Praxis – 6. Teil: Erkennen Sie sich? Charakterprägung durch [Mond]-Transite’ [Self-Published], no place or date stated[7]. A4 card covers in clear plastic dj (2 cm hole in rear dj cover). [2 leaves] + 223

Vrabl, Ine; ed. Vrabl, Alexandra ‘Ine Vrabls Kosmobiologie: Verhaltensforschung und Lehre in Theorie und Praxis – 7. Teil: Transite’ [Self-Published], no place stated, undated[8]. A4 card covers in clear plastic dj. Contents printed on single-sided leaves throughout. [2 leaves] + [leaves 1-76]

Vrabl, Ine ‘Ine Vrabls Kosmobiologie: Verhaltensforschung und Lehre in Theorie und Praxis – 8. Teil: Tabellen’  [Self-Published], no place or date stated[9]. With separate singly staple-bound A4 document entitled “Satzungen – Kapellerfeld 30. November 1973”, on Kosmobiologische Forschungsgemeinschaft-headed paper,  laid in document sleeve at rear. Large-format metal ring-binder under vinyl covers. Contents spread across multiple separate clear plastic document sleeves bound by holes punched in inner margins. Main contents: [1 leaf] + [1] + [4 pages of tables] + [11 further pages of tables] + [1 leaf of tables] + [2 pages of tables] + [3 leaves of tables] + [6] + [1 leaf of diagrams on thin card] + [table] + [6 leaves of diagrams and charts] + [1 leaf] + [2 leaves of diagrams]. Satzungen: [8 leaves]

Vrabl, Ine ‘Ine Vrabls Kosmobiologie: Verhaltensforschung und Lehre in Theorie und Praxis –  9. Teil: Astromedizin’ [Self-Published], no place stated, unclearly dated[10]. Clear plastic document sleeve containing two single-sided A4 leaves of typescript on astrological topics, stamped “Eigentum der Schule Hiersau”, laid in. Also laid-in, typescript single-sided A4 leaf entitled “Die Planeten in der astrologischen Medizin”, and separate untitled double-sided A4 leaf printed with different text on medical astrological indications of the planets. A4 card covers in clear plastic dj. Contents printed on single-sided leaves throughout. [2 leaves] + [leaves 1-68]

Vrabl, Ine; ed. Vrabl, Alexandra ‘Ine Vrabls Kosmobiologie: Verhaltensforschung und Lehre in Theorie und Praxis –  10. Teil: Sonne-Merkur-Relationen’ [Self-Published], no place stated, undated[11]. A4 card covers. Text contents in facsimile typescript. [2] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 3-161] + [1 leaf]

Wachsmuth, Dr. Guenther ‘Kosmische Aspekte von Geburt und Tod: Beiträge zur Karma-Forschung’ Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach (Schweiz), 1956[12]. Four double-sided 4-panel fold-out charts retained in rear pocket, as issued. A few former owner’s pencilled chart calculations laid in. Original woven cloth in dj. Contents printed on glossy paper throughout [1] + [1 page of advertisements] + [2] + [pp. 5-184].

Wade, Elbert; ill. Calvillo, Daniel ‘All Signs Rising’ Stated First Printing – American Federation of Astrologers, Inc., 6535 South Rural Road, Tempe, Arizona, 1984. Card covers

Wade, Elbert ‘Astrology Dial-A-Scope – Cast your own horoscope – instantly, accurately – with a simple spin of the dials’ Arco Publishing Company, Inc., 219 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y., 1970. Two-disc volvelle-based ‘Dial-a-Scope’ device laid in, as issued. Card covers

Wade, Elbert ‘Money Signs: A Cosmic Guide to Personal Riches’ Second Printing – American Federation of Astrologers, Inc., 6535 South Rural Road, Tempe, Arizona, 1988[12a]. Glossy card covers (later booksellers’ barcode labels adhered to both covers)

Wade, Elbert ‘Your Man in the Moon – Love and Sex: the Lunar Connection’ Stated First Edition – Cutler Publications, Dallas, Texas, 1983. Glossy card covers (pale black-inked notes to top of spine and part of rear cover; barcode label adhered over lower part of spine)

Wade, Paul ‘Be Your Own Astrologer: Step by Step to Creating and Interpreting Your Birth Chart’ Godsfield Press, Octopus Publishing Group Ltd., London E14, 2006

Wadsworth, William ’Cosmic Images’ Xlibris LLC, no place stated, 2014. Large-format outwardly glossy card covers. [1] + [pp. 2-40] + [imprimatur]

Wadsworth, William ’Heaven, Earth, & Humankind: Three Spheres, Three Light Cycles, Three Modes – Volume I: Days and Seasons’ Xlibris LLC, no place stated, 2014[12b]. Cloth in outwardly glossy dj. [6] + [pp. 7-32] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 35-165] + [pp. 167-8] + [imprimatur]

Wadsworth, William M. ’Heaven, Earth, & Humankind: Three Spheres, Three Light Cycles, Three Modes – Volume II and III: The Moon and Phase Relationships’ Xlibris LLC, no place stated, 2015[12c]. Cloth in outwardly glossy dj. [4] + 70 + [2] + [pp. 73-124] + [imprimatur]

Wadsworth, William M. ’Heaven, Earth, & Humankind: Three Spheres, Three Light Cycles, Three Modes – Volume IV: The Three Modes’ Xlibris LLC, no place stated, 2015[12d]. Cloth in outwardly glossy dj. [5] + 11 + [2 pages of illustrations] + [pp. 14-191] + [imprimatur]

Wagner, Edward A., ed. ‘The Best of the Illustrated National Astrological Journal’ [Self-Published], no place stated, 1978

Waite, Arthur Edward ‘[The Secret Tradition in Goëtia:] The Book of Ceremonial Magic – Including the Rites and Mysteries of Goëtic Theurgy, Sorcery and Infernal Necromancy – With Illustrations’ Rider & Co. Ltd., an imprint of Century Hutchinson Ltd., Brookmount House, 62-65 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London WC2N, 1987[13]. Cloth in dj (light wear to top of spine; front flap heavily creased, and chipped at bottom edge). (Patch of red staining to bottom edge of page block. Trace of damp-rippling to lower margins of pp. 25-40.) [1 leaf] + [Frontis.] + [1 leaf] + [pp. vii-xiii] + [illustration] + [pp. xv-xxxv] + [3] + [pp. 3-36] + [1 leaf of illustration] + [pp. 39-49] + [pp. 51-54] + [1 leaf of illustration] + [pp. 57-84] + [1 leaf of illustration] + [pp. 87-133] + [2 pages of illustrations] + [1] + [illustration] + [pp. 139-156] + [1 leaf of illustration] + [pp. 159-222] + [1 leaf of illustration] + [pp. 225-258] + [1 leaf of illustration] + [pp. 261-336] + [2]

Waite, Arthur Edward ‘The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross, Being Records of the House of the Holy Spirit In Its Onward and Outward History’ University Books, New Hyde Park, New York, undated[14]. Quarter-cloth (moderate wear to extremities of spine and lower outer corners of boards; light wear to upper outer corners) in dj. [1 leaf] + [1] + [29 pages of plates] + [2] + [pp. iii-xviii] + [1 leaf] + 649 + [3 pages of advertisements]

Waite, Arthur Edward, P.M., P.Z., Past Senior Grand Warden of Iowa, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies (Bucks.), Past Grand Inner Guard (English Grand Mark), Past Great Captain of the Guards, Past Grand Historiographer ‘A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Ars Magna Latomorum) and of Cognate Instituted Mysteries: their Rites, Literature and History – With Sixteen Full-Page Plates and Other Illustrations – New And Revised Edition – Volume the First’ William Rider and Son, Limited, Cathedral House, Paternoster Row, London, 1923. Quarter false-leather (moderately worn at extremities of hinges) with cloth-covered boards (moderately worn at most outer corners). [2] + [Frontis.] + [2] + [pp. v-xxxii] + 26 + [plate] + [pp. 27-110] + [plate] + [pp. 111-182] + [plate] + [pp. 183-220] + [plate] + [pp. 221-330] + [plate] + [pp. 331-382] + [plate] + [pp. 383-442] + [plate] + [pp. 443-458]

Waite, Arthur Edward, P.M., P.Z., Past Senior Grand Warden of Iowa, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies (Bucks.), Past Grand Inner Guard (English Grand Mark), Past Great Captain of the Guards, Past Grand Historiographer, Etc. etc. ‘A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Ars Magna Latomorum) and of Cognate Instituted Mysteries: their Rites, Literature and History – With Sixteen Full-Page Plates and Other Illustrations – New And Revised Edition – Volume the Second’ William Rider and Son, Limited, Cathedral House, Paternoster Row, London, 1923. Quarter false-leather (moderately worn at extremities of hinges) with cloth-covered boards (outer corners lightly worn). [2] + [Frontis.] + [2] + 26 + [plate] + [pp. 27-112] + [plate] + [pp. 113-210] + [plate] + [pp. 211-280] + [plate] + [pp. 281-346] + [plate] + [pp. 347-384] + [plate] + [pp. 385-454] + [plate] + [pp. 455-488]

Waite, Arthur Edward ‘The Occult Sciences: A Compendium of Transcendental Doctrine and Experiment – Embracing An Account of Magical Practices; of Secret Sciences in Connection with Magic; of the Professors of Magical Arts; and of Modern Spiritualism, Mesmerism and Theosophy’ Second Impression – Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd., Broadway House, 68-74 Carter Lane, E.C., London, undated[15]. Cloth (wear to extremities of spine and outer corners of boards; moderate wear to parts of rear hinge of spine; light wear to front hinge). (Light separation between pp. 192-3.) [1 leaf] + [2] + [pp. v-viii] + 33 + [pp. 35-49] + [pp. 51-69] + [pp. 71-187] + [pp. 189-197] + [pp. 199-211] + [pp. 213-225] + [pp. 227-267] + [pp. 269-287] + [pp. 289-292]

Waite, Arthur Edward ‘The Pictorial Key to the Tarot: Being Fragments of a Secret Tradition under the Veil of Divination. With 78 Plates, illustrating the Greater and Lesser Arcana, from designs by Pamela Colman Smith’ William Rider & Son Limited, London, 1922[16]. Cloth (wear to extremities of spine; moderate wear to outer corners of boards). Printed on glossy paper throughout. (Light separation between pp. 48-9; and pp. 64-5. Small tear to outer edge of leaf comprising pp. 307-8.) [2] + [pp. v-ix] + [pp. xi-xii] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 3-56] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 59-73] + [pp. 75-7] + [pp. 79-81] + [pp. 83-5] + [pp. 87-9] + [pp. 91-3] + [pp. 95-7] + [pp. 99-101] + [pp. 103-5] + [pp. 107-9] + [pp. 111-3] + [pp. 115-7] + [pp. 119-21] + [pp. 123-5] + [pp. 127-9] + [pp. 131-3] + [pp. 135-7] + [pp. 139-141] + [pp. 143-5] + [pp. 147-9] + [pp. 151-3] + [pp. 155-7] + [pp. 159-61] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 165-316] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 319-340]

Waite, Arthur Edward ‘The Pictorial Key to the Tarot: Being Fragments of a Secret Tradition under the Veil of Divination. With 78 Plates, illustrating the Greater and Lesser Arcana, from designs by Pamela Colman Smith’ Rider & Company, An imprint of Century Hutchinson Ltd., Brookmount House, 62-65 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London WC2N 4NW – Stated Second Edition[17], Reprinted, 1986. Cloth (light wear to extremities of spine and outer corners of boards) in dj (light wear to extremities of rear flap-fold). [1 leaf] + [2] + [pp. v-ix] + [pp. xi-xii] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 3-56] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 59-73] + [pp. 75-7] + [pp. 79-81] + [pp. 83-5] + [pp. 87-9] + [pp. 91-3] + [pp. 95-7] + [pp. 99-101] + [pp. 103-5] + [pp. 107-9] + [pp. 111-3] + [pp. 115-7] + [pp. 119-21] + [pp. 123-5] + [pp. 127-9] + [pp. 131-3] + [pp. 135-7] + [pp. 139-141] + [pp. 143-5] + [pp. 147-9] + [pp. 151-3] + [pp. 155-7] + [pp. 159-61] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 165-316] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 319-340]

Waite, Arthur Edward ‘Raymund Lully: Illuminated Doctor, Alchemist, and Christian Mystic’ William Rider & Son, Ltd., 8-11 Paternoster Row, E.C., London, 1922. Original outwardly cloth-finished card covers. [2 leaves] + [p. 7] + [pp. 9-75] + [2 pages of advertisements]

Waite, Arthur Edward – see also under Grand Orient; and Lévi, Eliphas, above

Waite, Herbert T. ‘Compendium of Natal Astrology and Universal Ephemeris – A simple and practical Handbook containing everything necessary to enable ALL to put to the test the astounding truths of the most ancient science known to mankind, by casting their own horoscopes and reading their characters and prospects’ Second Impression – Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Company, Limited, London / E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, undated[18]. Original gilt-stamped textured cloth (moderate wear to extremities of spine; light wear to outer corners of boards). (Old wax seal of Boekhandel Synthese ‘s-Gravenhage to front paste-down.) [2] + [pp. iii-xi] + 61 + [p. 63] + [pp. 65-91 of tables] + [p. 93] + [pp. 94-160 of tables] + [p. 161] + [pp. 162-195 of tables] + [p. 196] + [pp. 197-204 of tables] + [p. 205] + [pp. 206-11 blank, headed ‘Notes’] + [p. 212]

Waite, Herbert T. – see also under Evans, Colin, above, for a much later revision of his work

Wakefield, June ‘Cosmic Astrology: the Religion of the Stars’ CSA Press, Publisher, Lakemont, Georgia 30552, 1968. Card covers. [1 leaf] + [3] + [pp. 9-23] + [pp. 25-49] + [pp. 51-61] + [pp. 63-77] + [pp. 79-129] + [pp. 131-143] + [pp. 145-9]

Waldron, E. S. ‘The Pre-Natal Casting of the Horoscope, Together with the Rules and the Work in Detail of a Number of Sample Horoscopes Carefully Chosen to Cover All the Varied Phases that Present Themselves When Making Such Calculations’ No Publisher Stated[19], Printed by Unwin Brothers Ltd., London and Woking, 1934. Original textured card covers. [1 leaf] + [2] + [pp. 5-6] + [1] + [pp. 9-49] + [1] + [pp. 51-2] + [4]

Waldstein, Arnold[20] ‘[Les Grands Livres du Zodiaque[21]:] Le Grand Livre du Bélier’ S. E. Tchou, Éditeur / Les Éditions Sand, no place stated, 1986[22]. Large-format printed paper-covered boards (moderate wear to feet of spine hinges, patches on surface of spine hinges, lower outer corners of boards, and parts of top and bottom edges of rear board; wear to tops of spine hinges and upper outer corners). [8] + [pp. 11-281] + [3]


[1] Chiefly a retrospective first-person discussion of the author’s personal history of working with and teaching her method of cosmobiology. Thus, quite distinctive from her previously published ten-volume series “Ine Vrabls Kosmobiologie”, which directly teaches the methods. Vol. 1 of that series is lacking from this collection; but the other nine volumes are present. She refers to those volumes on pp. 62-3 of this one, describing the missing Vol. 1 variously as “Astronomische Berechnung mit 20 Tafeln”, or “Grundlagen und Berechnungen eines Kosmobiogramms”. (The titles she lists for the various volumes are imprecise.)

[2] 1977 or later, as is evident from references to books published in 1976 and 1977 in the bibliography at the end.

[3] Presumed early-mid 1970s originally, although this printing may possibly be later in view of the binding with two volumes in one

[4] The author and editor credits for the 3. Teil are identical to those for the 2. Teil, so I have not repeated them

[5] Presumed early-mid 1970s originally, although this printing may possibly be later in view of the binding with two volumes in one

[6] Presumed early-mid 1970s

[7] Ibid.

[8] Ibid.

[9] Ibid. The dating of the concluding internal document to 1973, if indicative of the dating of this volume as a whole, would seem to imply that  the earlier volumes in the series were first published not later than that year, although there is no proof of this

[10] The foreword is dated 25 Februar, 1974. Presumed published in 1974 or soon after. (Also held, a second copy of the same volume without a proper cover, appearing to be just a roughly-bound photocopy of the original, and containing some red marginal bullet points by former owner.)

[11] Presumed mid-late 1970s

[12] An English translation (not in this collection), “Cosmic Aspects of Birth and Death”, was published by Paul Platt and Susan Riley (Golden Stone Press) in or around the late 1980s

[12a] After the original printing of 1982

[12b] A print-on-demand publication; this copy printed August 2021

[12c] A print-on-demand publication; this copy printed August 2021

[12d] A print-on-demand publication; this copy printed August 2021

[13] A facsimile reprint of the original published in 1911 by Rider & Company

[14] Library records give 1961 for this edition. The original printing appears to have been from 1924.

[15] Library records give 1923

[16] First published 1910. Not specifically astrological, but Waite was a towering influence in occult circles generally and his work on the tarot is therefore relevant as cultural background material to the world of 20th century astrologers and complements a number of other classic books on the tarot in this collection

[17] This edition is said to have been first published in 1971. But ‘second edition’ appears to me a misnomer in respect of that printing date, because the 1910 edition was first; and I have reasons to believe that the 1922 edition, q. v. above, was more than just a second impression of the 1910 edition, but rather a considerable expansion of it. What’s more, the present edition appears to be a direct facsimile of the 1922 edition, suggesting that the 1971 edition was a mere facsimile reprint of it.

[18] Presumed 1917 like the first printing, or soon after. The ephemerides only run to the end of 1916, and there is no variant-dated content such as advertisements to indicate a later date

[19] The author’s foreword is signed from Honolulu, Hawaii. She is referred to as ‘Mrs. Waldron’ in the preface by another writer, also based at Honolulu.

[20] “Avec la participation technique de Robert Malzac”

[21] A series of publications collectively edited by Joanne Esner. The books in this series have erratically printed pagination, with many unnumbered pages at the end of chapters and where illustrations are present. The range of pages between the earliest printed and the latest printed numbered page has been shown, but there are many between that have no page number printed, and I have not attempted to show these details

[22] The date of this printing. Copyrighted 1981

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