Bibliography of Astrology Page 117:
Lucentini – Maaz
Lucentini, Paolo; Parri, Ilaria and Compagni, Vittoria Perrone, eds. ‘[Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia – Research on the Inheritance of Early and Medieval Christianity[1]:] Hermetism from Late Antiquity to Humanism: La Tradizione Ermetica dal Mondo Tardo-Antico All’Umanesimo – Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Napilo, 20-24 novembre 2001[2]’ Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium, 2003. Lightly textured paper-covered boards. [4] + [colour plate] + [2] + [2 leaves] + [pp. 5-23] + [pp. 25-79] + [pp. 81-97] + [pp. 99-135] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 139-155] + [pp. 157-221] + [pp. 223-243] + [pp. 245-260] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 263-283] + [pp. 285-293] + [pp. 295-313] + [pp. 315-353] + [pp. 355-367] + [pp. 369-445] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 449-475] + [pp. 477-503] + [pp. 505-533] + [pp. 535-611] + [pp. 613-649] + [pp. 651-679] + [pp. 681-711] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 715-745] + [pp. 747-760] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 763-7] + [pp. 769-775] + [pp. 777-793] + [pp. 795-7]
Lucentini, Paolo – see also under Hermetis Trismegisti, above
Lucht, Georg[3]; ed. Jung, Karl Wilhelm ‘Der Typokosmische Test: eine Untersuchung des gesistigen und moralischen Standortes des Menschen’ [Karl Wilhelm Jung], 6101 Modautal 3, Odenwaldstrl 81, Ortsteil Brandau, Sommer 1981[4]. No covers. Loose clear plastic sheath housing bundle of looseleaf single-sided sheets of facsimile typescript. [3 leaves] + [leaves 2-32] + [1 leaf] + [leaf A2 (1)] + [leaves A1-5] + [leaves B1-2] + [tables C-E] + [leaves F1-F2] + [leaf G]
Luck, Georg, ed.; Tartaglini, Claudio, tr. / ed. “[Scrittori Greci e Latini:] Arcana Mundi: Magia e occulto nel mondo greco e romano – Volume I: Magia, Miracoli, Demonologia[5]” II edizione aggiornata – Fondazione Lorenzo Valla / Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1998[6]. Cloth in dj, held together with Volume II (q. v. below) in publisher’s outwardly paper-covered card slipcase (small patch of light wear to top of slipcase spine). [1 leaf] + [2] + [pp. vii-x] + [1 leaf] + [pp. xiii-xxxv] + [1 leaf] + [xxxix-li] + [2 leaves] + [pp. 5-76] + [2] + [pp. 80-243] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 247-255] + [2] + [pp. 258-291] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 295-312] + [2] + [pp. 316-431] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 435-602] + [8 pages of advertisements] + [imprimatur]
Luck, Georg, ed.; Tartaglini, Claudio, tr. / ed. “[Scrittori Greci e Latini:] Arcana Mundi: Magia e occulto nel mondo greco e romano – Volume II: Divinazione, Astrologia[7], Alchimia” I edizione – Fondazione Lorenzo Valla / Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1999. Cloth in dj, held together with Volume I (q. v. above) in publisher’s outwardly paper-covered card slipcase (small patch of light wear to top of slipcase spine). [1 leaf] + [2] + [pp.vii-x] + [1 leaf] + [pp. xiii-xxv] + [2 leaves] + [pp. 5-43] + [2] + [pp. 46-135] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 139-160] + [2] + [pp. 164-243] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 247-256] + [2] + [pp. 260-279] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 283-380] + [2] + [pp. 383-423] + [pp. 425-462] + [8 pages of advertisements] + [imprimatur]
Luck, Georg[8]; tr. / ed. ‘Arcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds – A Collection of Ancient Texts Translated, Annotated and Introduced[8a]’ The Johns Hopkins University Press, 701 West 40th Street, Baltimore, Maryland / The Johns Hopkins Press Limited, London, 1985. Cloth. [5] + [1 leaf] + [pp. ix-xv] + [2 leaves] + [pp. 3-131] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 135-159] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 163-225] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 229-305] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 309-358] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 361-383] + [pp. 385-395] + [1]
Ludendorff, Dr. Med. Mathilde ’Der Trug der Astrologie’[9] Ludendorffs Vollswarte-Verlag, München, 1932. Original paper covers (moderate wear to extremities of spine). Staplebound pamphlet. Contents printed in gothic script throughout. [Front cover backed with copyright page] + [pp. 3-18] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
Luijendijk, Annemarie; Klingshirn, William E. ’[Religions in the Greco-Roman World[9a], Volume 188:] My Lots are in Thy Hands: Sortilege and its Practitioners in Late Antiquity’[9b] Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, the Netherlands, 2019. Printed paper-covered boards (light wear to upper outer corners of boards and to lower outer corner of front board). [4] + [1 leaf] + [pp. vii-viii] + [2]+ [pp. xi-xvii] + 329 + [pp. 331-392]
Lull, Ramon; tr. Shapar, Kris; ed. Hand, Robert ‘Treatise on Astronomy Book I [Project Hindsight Latin Track Volume V]’ The Golden Hind Press, Berkeley Springs, WV, 1994. Card covers. Staplebound pamphlet. [4] + x + 77
Lull, Ramon; tr. Shapar, Kristina M.; ed. Hand, Robert ‘Treatise on Astronomy Books II-V [Project Hindsight Latin Track Volume VI]’ The Golden Hind Press, Berkeley Springs, WV, 1994. Card covers. Staplebound pamphlet. [7] + ii + [duplicates of pp. i-ii] + [pp. iii-vii] + 64 + [duplicates of pp. 63-4] + [pp. 65-71]
Lull, Ramon – see also under Waite, Arthur Edward, below
Luna, Jade Sol[9c]; Santangelo, Michael ’27 Stars: Discovering Your True Self with Asterian Astrology’ Jade Sol Luna Inc Publishing, no place stated, foreword dated 2013[9d]. Matt card covers
Lundsted, Betty ‘Astrological Insights Into Personality’ Ninth Printing – ACS Publications, San Diego, CA, 1995
Lundsted, Betty ‘Planetary Cycles: Astrological Indicators of Crises & Change’ Samuel Weiser Inc., York Beach, Maine, 1984
Lundsted, Betty ‘Transits: the Time of Your Life’ [8th Impression] – Samuel Weiser Inc., York Beach, Maine, 1995
Luntz, Charles E., Chief Instructor, Theosophical School of Astrology, St. Louis, Mo. ‘The Unit System of Judging Planetary Influences’ David McKay Company, Washington Square, Philadelphia, 1934. Original small-format textured card covers. Staplebound pamphlet. [2] + [pp. 3-21]
Luntz, Charles E., Editor of “Ancient Wisdom” ‘Vocational Guidance By Astrology’ David McKay Company, Washington Square, Philadelphia, 1942. Original textured cloth (light wear to extremities of spine; moderate wear to upper outer corners of boards and lower outer corner of rear board; wear to lower outer corner of front board). [1 leaf] + [3] + [pp. vii-xi] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 15-153] + [2 pages of figures] + [pp. 156-195] + [pp. 197-204]
Luntz, Charles E., Editor of “Ancient Wisdom” ‘Vocational Guidance By Astrology’ Revised Edition – Llewellyn Publications, 100 South Wabasha Street, Saint Paul 7, Minnesota, U. S. A., 1962[10]. Cloth (light wear to extremities of spine and lower outer corners of boards) in dj (light wear to extremities of spine; 1 cm tear to top of front flap-fold; minimal chipping to some extremities of flap-folds). [1 leaf] + [3] + [pp. vii-xiii] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 15-153] + [2 pages of figures] + [pp. 156-213]
Lupieri, Edmondo[11]; tr. Anonymous ‘[Italian Texts and Studies on Religion and Society[12]:] The Mandaeans: the Last Gnostics’ Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 255 Jefferson Ave. S.E.,Grand Rapids, Michigan / Cambridge CB3, U.K., 2002[13]. Lightly textured paper-covered boards, in dj. [5] + [pp. vii-xix] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 3-172] + [8 pages of illustrations] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 175-273]
Lustiger, Rachel S. ‘To the Great Scandal of the Heaven Born Science: Astrology Confronts the New Science 1640-1740 – A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree Doctor of Philosophy, Arizona University, May 2000’ University Microfilms International, unclearly dated[14]. No covers. A4 looseleaf sheets[15]
Lustrup, Karen ‘Pluto: Transforming the New You’ American Federation of Astrologers, Inc., Tempe, AZ, 1995
Luthra, J. C. ‘Practical Mundane Astrology: How to Judge a Mundane Chart’ Reprint – Sagar Publications, New Delhi, 2000
Lutin, Michael ‘Childhood Rising: the Astrology of Your Mother, Your Father and You’ Delacorte Press, Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York, 1991. Quarter-cloth with paper-covered boards (light staining to bottom edge of front board) in dj (moderate wear to top of spine; light wear to tops of flap-folds). [1 leaf] + [3] + [2 leaves] + 110 + [78] + [pp. 189-229] + [1] + [pp. 231-4] + [1] + [pp. 236-9] + [1] + [pp. 241-4] + [1] + [pp. 246-9] + [1] + [pp. 251-4] + [1] + [pp. 256-9] + [1] + [pp. 261-4] + [1] + [pp. 266-70] + [1] + [pp. 272-5] + [1] + [pp. 277-80] + [1] + [pp. 283-293] + [1]
Lutin, Michael ‘Made in Heaven: the Astrology of Relationships: Ideal and Real’ Ballatine Books, New York, 1987
Lutin, Michael ‘Saturn Signs: the New Astrological Aproach to Turning Your Fears and Anxieties into Success’ First Dell Printing – Dell Publishing Co., Inc., New York, New York, 1980
Lutin, Michael ‘SunShines: the Astrology of Being Happy’ Fireside, Simon & Schuster, New York, N.Y., 2007
Luxton, Leonora ‘Astrology: Key to Self Understanding: Your Guide to Esoteric Astrology, Reincarnation and Karma’ Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1978
[Lydus], ed. Wachsmuth, Curtius ‘Ionnnis Laurentii Lydi Liber de Ostentis Ex Codicibus Italicis Auctus et Calendaria Graeca Omnia. Accedunt Anecdota Duo de Cometis et de Terrae Motibus’[15a] In Aedibus B. G. Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1863. Small-format marbled paper-covered boards (heavy wear to most outer corners; wear to extremities of spine; moderate wear to spine hinges and parts of bottom edges of boards) with old hand-inked title label adhered to spine (unmarked circular paper label adhered around lower part of spine). [2] + [2 leaves] + [pp. vii-xxxix] + [1 leaf] + [pp. xliii-lx] + [2] + [pp. 3-158] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 161-170] + [1 leaf] + [2] + [pp. 175-187] + [2] + [pp. 191-260] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 263-280]
Lyle, Jane ‘Secrets of the Zodiac’ HarperSanFrancisco, HarperCollins, 1995
Lyndoe, Edward ‘Complete Practical Astrology’ David McCay Company, Washington Square, Philadelphia, 1938. Cloth. (Binding internally cracked after ffep but holding beneath.) [1 leaf + [3] + [1 leaf] + [pp. xi-xiii] + [1 leaf] + 432pp + [fold-out map] + [pp. 433-9]
Lyndoe, Edward ‘Everybody’s Book of Fate and Fortune’ Odhams Press Ltd., Long Acre, London, W.C.2, undated[16]. Pebbled cloth (light wear to extremities of spine hinges and some outer corners of boards) in original Daily Herald stiff card carriage box (heavily worn at some corners and edges, but strong). [1 leaf] + [3] + [pp. 7-128] + [8 pages of plates] + [pp. 129-576]
Lyndoe, Edward ‘Everyman’s Astrology’ [3rd Impression] – Neville Spearman Limited, 112 Whitfield Street, London, W.1, Autumn, 1967[16a]. Cloth (heavy wear to upper outer corner of front board). [1 leaf] + [2] + [1 leaf] + [pp. vii-xi] + [1] + [pp. 2-28] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 31-66] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 69-82] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 85-100] + [2] + [pp. 103-143 of tables] + [blank page headed ‘NOTES’] + [pp. 145-155] + [blank page headed ‘NOTES’] + [pp. 157-167 of tables] + [blank page headed ‘NOTES’] + [pp. 169-179 of tables] + [blank page headed ‘NOTES’] + [pp. 181-191 of tables] + [blank page headed ‘NOTES’] + [pp. 193-6 of tables]
Lyndoe, Edward ‘Plan with the Planets’ Herbert Jenkins Limited, 3 Duke of York Street, St. James’s London S.W.1, 1949. Original cloth (lightly worn at extremities of spine and outer corners of boards) with silver titling to spine, in dj (1 cm tear to foot of rear hinge; 1 cm chip lost from bottom of front cover; 1 cm tear to top of rear flap-fold connected to slight chipping at upper outer corner of rear cover; two further 1 cm tears to bottom edge of rear cover; 1 cm tear to top of front flap; minor chipping to foot of front hinge; scattered light edgewear elsewhere). [4] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 7-10] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 13-81] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 85-157] + [1] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 161-3] + [pp. 164-172 of tables] + [3 pages of advertisements.] [Further advertisements to rear dj cover and flap.]
Lynes, Barry ‘Astroeconomics: the Union of Astrology and Economics’ [Self-Published], Springfield, Mass., 1983. Large-format card covers. Bound by plastic comb threaded through holes punched in inner margins. Text contents printed in typescript throughout. 154 + [pp. 155-6 of advertisements]
Lynes, Barry ‘Astrology & America – A Revolutionary Science[;] A Revolutionary Blueprint[;] A Revolutionary Future’ [Self-Published], no place stated, 1978. This copy signed by author to title page: “May the heavens no longer be a mystery to you, but rather a guide to fulfillment. Barry Lynes”. Large-format card covers overlain with clear plastic sheets. No spine. Bound by pins driven between plastic edgings crimped across inner margins. Contents printed in typescript throughout. [2] + [1 leaf] + 31 + [pp. 33-155] + [pp. 157-270]
Lynes, Barry ‘Astroscience: the No. 1 Taboo in America’ [Self-Published] / AstroScience, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1983. Card covers. [2] + 32 + [pp. 33-8 of advertisements]
Lynes, Barry ‘The Next 20 Years’ 4th Edition – AstroScience, Springfield, MA, 1984[17]. This copy signed by author to inside of front cover: “For Kathy, Whose combining of astrology, disciplined learning, and social concern are for a purpose which will become clear as she walks her path – Best, Barry”. Large-format card covers. Text contents in facsimile typescript throughout. [2] + [1 leaf] + 196 + [p. 197-8 of advertisements] + [1 leaf of advertisements]
Lynes, Barry ‘Secret Astrology: Russia’s Past & Future’ AstroScience, Springfield, MA, 1983. Large-format card covers (7mm tear to middle of front spine hinge; light wear to foot of front cover). Text contents in facsimile typescript throughout. (Former owner’s red underlining and occasional marginal notes to pp. 9-10, 25, 27, 41, and 49-52.) [2] + 155 + [pp. 156-8 of advertisements]
Lyons, Tim ‘Astrology Beyond Ego’ Quest Book, The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, Ill., 1986
Lyons, Tim ‘The Machine Stops: the Mayan Long Count Through a Western Lens: History, 2012, and the End of (Some) Things’ American Federation of Astrologers, Inc. 6535 S. Rural Road, Tempe, AZ, 2011. Card covers. xxviii + 210pp
Lyons, Tim ‘Your Hidden Face: Projection in the Horoscope’ American Federation of Astrologers, Inc., 6535 S. Rural Road, Tempe, AZ, 2014. Medium-format matt card covers
Lucas, John Scott – see under Anonymous (12, above)
Maag, Dr. Georg Wilhelm ‘Planeteneinflüsse[18]‘ West-Ost-Verlag, Konstanz, 1928. Original pictorially gilt-stamped large-format cloth (spine faded; moderate wear to top of rear spine hinge; moderate wear to lower outer corner of rear board; light wear to upper outer corner of same; 1-inch tear towards top of rear inner paper hinge). (Light separation following frontis. leaf, but cords beneath strong.) [1] + [Frontis.] + [1 leaf] + [6] + [pp. 1-2] + [plate] + [pp. 3-6] + [plate] + [pp. 7-24] + [leaf 24 1 of tables] + [pp. 25-6] + [leaves 26 1 – 26 3 of tables] + [pp. 27-30] + [leaf 30 1 of tables] + [pp. 31-2] + [3-panel wide fold-out leaves 32 1 – 32 2 of tables] + [pp. 33-40] + [leaf 40 1 of tables] + [pp. 41-2] + [leaf 42 1 of tables] + [pp. 43-4] + [leaves 44 1 – 44 2 of tables] + [pp. 45-60] + [leaf 60 1 of tables] + [pp. 61-2] + [leaf 62 1 of tables] + [pp. 63-4] + [2-panel fold-out leaf 64 1 of tables] + [pp. 65-74] + [leaf 74 1 of tables] + [pp. 75-94] + [leaf 94 1 of tables] + [pp. 95-118] + [plate] + [pp. 119-126] + [leaf 126 1 of tables] + [pp. 127-130] + [plate] + [pp. 131-152] + [partly colour-printed plate] + [blank leaf] + [1] + [pp. 156-160] + [1] + [pp. 162-177 of tables] + [1] + [pp. 180-191 of tables] + [1] + [pp. 194-7 of tables] + [1] + [pp. 200-214 of tables] + [p. 215]
Maaz, Hans-Joachim ‘Der Lilith Komplex: die dunklen Seiten der Mütterlichkeit’ 5. Auflage – Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag Gm bH & Co. KG, München, 2008
[1] A series of publications founded by the late Dom Eligius Dekkers and edited by a team of ten scholars at the time of this printing
[2] A collection of 37 papers by different scholars, including Jean-Pierre Mahé, Paolo Lucentini, Charles Burnett, Paul Kunitzsch, Sophie Page and Nicolas Weill-Parot, together with two bibliographical appendices
[3] The author’s dates are given as 1903-1968. Thus he was 13 years deceased by the time of the printing of this information edition of his work in 1981. Lucht is said by Jung to have further developed the ideas of Karl-Ersnst Krafft on “Typokosmie” during his lifetime
[4] The date of publication as shown in the covering letter introducing the main text. Jung’s edition itself, however, is dated Sommer 1970, and comes with its own earlier introductory letter bearing that date. For some reason he would appear to have issued it more widely eleven years later
[5] The first volume in a two-volume set, said to have been “expanded” by the Fondazine Lorenzo Valle from the original English-language Johns Hopkins edition of 1985, q. v. below. It is really a vastly more ambitious production than the original edition, in that it features the original Latin and Greek source texts with facing Italian translations; and the combined page count of approx. 1050 pages reflects this.
[6] The date of the original (I) edition thus is given as 1997.
[7] The section within this volume that is entitled “Astrologia” comprises pp. [137]-243, and features extensive excerpts from Manilius together with briefer ones from Seneca, Ptolemy, Vettius Valens and Plotinus, and one referred to as “Papiro Tebtunis”.
[8] Described here as “professor of classics at the Johns Hopkins University”
[8a] The texts in this volume are typically selected fragments of much longer works, and are presented in English only. They are grouped by subject thus: Magic; Miracles; Daemonology; Divination; Astrology; Alchemy. In all, 122 numbered fragments are featured. The Astrology section spans pp. 309-358 (not counting its title page). The sources appear comparable to those in the Italian edition, as described a couple of footnotes above
[9] An anti-astrological pamphlet by the second wife of a notorious nationalist German general, Erich Ludendorff (1865-1937). The contents are thought to include racist sentiments and should be approached with extreme caution
[9a] A series of publications edited at this time by David Frankfurter, Johannes Hahn, Frits G. Naerebout and Miguel John Versluys
[9b] A collection of 14 essays by 13 different scholars including the editors on a fairly wide range of ancient divinatory practices, including lot divination, bibliomancy and oracles
[9c] The professional name of an unidentified male astrologer
[9d] No copyright date is given. A print-on-demand publication, this copy purchased new in 2021
[10] The date of the original edition is given as 1942
[11] Professor of the History of Christianity at the University of Udine, Italy
[12] A series of publications edited by the present author
[13] A translation from the Italian original “I Mandei. Gli ultimi gnostici”, published by Paideia Editrice, 1993
[14] A print-on-demand facsimile-based reprint, issued March 2009, of the original dissertation
[15] I have not yet been able to paginate this because it remains shrink-wrapped within temporary card end-supports awaiting binding
[15a] The main part of this volume (pp. [1]-158) is a critical edition of Johannes Lydus’ ‘On Signs’, presented in the original ancient Greek with footnotes in Latin. It is followed by a small collection of four ancient texts and extracts on comets by different writers (two in Greek, two in Latin) (pp. [159]-166), another short text (‘De Terrae Motibus’) (pp. 167-170), some brief texts on ancient Greek calendars (pp. 171-187), Ptolemy’s treatise on the appearance of the fixed stars (pp. [189]-260), and four other short texts, three of which are related to calendars (pp. 261-275)
[16] Library records give 1935
[16a] After original printing of 1959 and second impression of Spring, 1963
[17] After the first edition of March 20th, 1981
[18] Dedicated to the memory of Rudolf Steiner, who passed away in 1925, and whose works are said to have been a source of deep revelations to the author. The frontis. is a fine large illustration of Steiner
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