Süddeutsche Monatshefte
Editor: Anonymous (sole issue held)
Publication credits:
- Verlag der Süddeutschen Monatshefte München, Amalienstraße 6, München (sole issue held)
- 24. Jahrgang Heft 9, Juni 1927: Astrologie[1] (2. Auflage). (1 cm chip lost from top of spine). [Front cover backed with table of contents] + [pp.149-242] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]
[1] This special issue on astrology in a journal not normally dedicated to the subject features three academic submissions on the history of astrology, by Dr. Wilhelm Gundel, Dr. Arthur Drews and Dr. Max Caspar; seven articles by supporters of astrology, four of whom are academics; and thirteen by its opponents, all academics