Astrolearn Vintage Astrology CD 2:
John Gadbury
Contents of CD 2:
This particular CD contains the scans of three original antiquarian volumes from Astrolearn’s private collection, as detailed below:
- Gadbury, John ‘Genethlialogia, or, the Doctrine of Nativities, Containing the Whole Art of Directions, and Annual Revolutions: Whereby, any man (even of an Ordinary Capacity) may be enabled to discover the most Remarkable and Occult Accidents of his Life, as they shall occur unto him in the whole Course thereof, either for Good or Evil. Also, Tables For Calculating the Planets Places for any time, either Past, Present, or To come. Together with The Doctrine of Horarie Questions; Which (in the absence of a Nativity) is sufficient to inform any one of all manner of Contingencies necessary to be known’ Printed by Ja: Cottrel, for Giles Calvert, at the black Spread-Eagle neer the West-end of Pauls; William Larner, at the Blackmoor neer Fleet-bridge, and Daniel White, at the seven Stars in S. Paul’s Church-yard, 1658[1]. Scans sourced in two copies. Copy A: Half-cloth with paper-covered boards (binding breaking after title leaf). [8 leaves] + 251 + [pp. 254 (1) -255 (1)] + [pp. 254 (2) – 255 (2)] + pp. 256-267] + [pp. 269-270 (1)] + [pp. 270 (2) – 276] + [pp. 213-218][2] + [1 leaf] (= title to second part) + 36 + [p. 45] + [p. 38] + [4] + [p. 41] + [1] + [pp. 42-45] + [pp. 230-231] + [pp. 48-87] + [1] + [pp. 90-125] + [pp. 226-7] + [pp. 128-156 (1)] + [p. 156 (2)] + [pp. 158-187] + [p. 198] + [pp. 189-192] + [p. 183] + [pp. 194-204] + [p. 502] + [pp. 206-232] + [1 leaf] (= title to third part) + [pp. 235-246] + [p. 237] + [p. 248] + [p. 245 (2)] + [pp. 250-294] + [10] pp. Copy B: Vellum (boards bowed and separating at top and bottom of spine). [Frontis.] + [9 leaves] + otherwise as Copy A except lacks the additional pp. 213-218 at end of first part.
- Gadbury, John ‘Collectio Geniturarum: Or, a Collection of Nativities, in CL Genitures; Viz. Princely, Prelatical, Causidical, Physical, Mercatorial, Mathematical, Of Short Life, Of Twins, & c. With Many Useful Observations on them, Both Historical and Astrological. Being of Practical Concernment unto Philosophers, Physitians, Astronomers, Astrologers, And others that are Friends unto Urania[3]’ Printed by James Cottrel, London, 1662. Half-leather (edge-worn) with paper-covered boards. [2 leaves] + [11] + 110 + [18 pages whose page-numbers have been cut out by a previous owner] + [pp. 129-196] + [p. 193 (2)] + [pp. 198-199] + [p. 196 (2)] + [pp. 201-219]
- Gadbury, John ‘Cardines Coeli: Or, an Appeal to the Learned and Experienced Observers of Sublunars and their Vicissitudes, whether the Cardinal Signs of Heaven are not most Influential upon Men and Things: Proved by X. Remarkable Genitures, &c., in a Reply to the Learned Author of Cometomantia: Wherein the Character of Gassendus is Defended; And Sundry other Starry Truths are Justified’ No Publisher Stated, London, 1684. Leather (bound with a non-astrological work from 1689: Comber, Thomas ‘Roman Forgeries in the Councils During the First Four Centuries’, not included in the scan). [1 leaf] + [12] + 9 + [p. 11] + [p. 10] + [pp. 12-72]
[1] With added title page to second part: ‘Primum Mobile: or, Astronomical Tables shewing the Declinations, Right Ascensions, Ascensional Differences, and Oblique Ascensions of All the Points of the Ecliptique, From One Degree, to Sixty, of Latitude. Together with Tables of The Circle of Position, serving for Nativities, In all parts of the world, where the Pole is elevated not above 60 Degrees. As Also, Tables for Calculating the Planets places, for any time, either Past, Present, or To come. Serving as a Second Part to The Doctrine of Nativities’ Printed by J. C. for William Larnar and Daniel White, London, 1658. With added title page to third part: ‘The Doctrine of Horary Questions, Astrologically Handled: Wherein are Propounded and Answered All necessary Questions Contingent to the Life of Man. Added by way of Apendix to the Treatise of Nativities Before going’ Printed by J. C. for William Larner, at the Blackmoors head neer Fleet bridge; and Daniel White, at the seven Stars in Paul’s Church-yard, 1658.
[2] NB: pp. 213-218 at the end of the first work, headed ‘A Century of choice Rules or Aphorisms, fit to be considered by those that practice the Genethliacal Part of Astrologie’, are not headed with the title of the book, unlike all other pages, but are in a compatible type face and on matching paper, suggesting they were the contemporaneous work of Gadbury. It is unclear whether they are taken from another published work of his or whether they were included only in some early printings of this work. The paginations for the present work in library records do not allow for their inclusion.
[3] With added title page to first part: “Collectio Geniturarum: The First Part, In Fifty Illustrious Radixes: Being of eminent Use to the industrious Students In the Genethliacal Part of Astrologie. Together With something touching the Worlds Nativity” (same imprimatur). With added title page to [p. 73]: “Collectio Geniturarum: Or, A Collection of Nativities. The Second Part, In Fifty eminent Genitures; viz. Prelatical, Causidical, Physical: Being of Practical Concernment unto Philosophers, Physitians, & c. and all other Learned and Ingenious Persons” (same imprimatur). With added title page to [p. 157]: “Collectio Geniturarum: The Third Part, In Fifty Select Nativities. Viz. Of Genthemen, Merchants, Mathematicians, Short Life, Twins, & c. Being of Practical Concernment to the Sons of Art” (same imprimatur)